King: I Am Invincible After Destroying Man And Machine!

Chapter 81 Hit Two Hundred Consecutive Victories!

Chapter 81 Hit two hundred consecutive victories!

The tradition of Qingmu University is really scary sometimes!

Anyway, Chen Ye felt the horror from military training.

Because in the early hours of that night, the whistle was actually blown to assemble.

Everyone participating in the military training is required to hike or backpack for 20 kilometers!!!

When Chen Ye heard this order, although he was mentally prepared, he was instantly confused!

Damn it, twenty kilometers!

on foot!


Early morning!

Although the military training ended early this afternoon, giving everyone time to rest, but how many of them actually took a rest?

Even if everyone recharges their batteries, how many strong boys will be able to walk these 20 kilometers?

Chen Ye was completely speechless about this military training!

Is this training them?

Chen Ye felt that this was killing them!

Therefore, even if they were forced to integrate and arrived on the playground, almost all the students had reluctance written on their faces because they were embarrassed.

Liu Feng, the roommate next to Chen Ye, complained directly: "I feel like they are evil."

Chen Ye said nothing.

Liu Feng continued: "Since last time, I felt that they were doing something wrong."

"You know, I wore my hat crookedly today. It should be a regimental badge or something. He looked very kind. He came over and asked me to straighten it."

"I said yes quickly."

"As a result, after the regiment leader left, our instructor came over and said to me very seriously: How can I say that I have studied for so many years in vain and talked to the leader?

What about 'OK'? I should say 'Yes, sir!'. I felt at that time that this military training was a waste of time.

Chen Ye showed an aunt's smile with deep approval.

Sometimes, he really feels that the instructors in this military training are very dogmatic, they speak and do things in a rigid manner, and they don't know how to adapt at all. Chen Ye is really worried, how will they join the society if they are not in the army in the future?

Saying this, all the students soon arrived. Everyone was carrying a big backpack and started walking. Because the route had been planned and coordinated by the school leaders, there were no dangers or anything like that. does not exist.

The whole team is ready to go.

At this moment, Chen Ye suddenly discovered that there was a small target next to them.

And this square...

They are actually the leaders.

This new team has been set up according to some of the corps' systems from the beginning. For example, the biggest commander of this new team is the regimental chapter, followed by the political Wei, and then the deputy regimental chapter, and these are all It is held by cadres from the army.

Subsequent deputy regimental chapters and deputy political positions were all held by leaders of Qingmu University.

A complete formation formed!

But those regimental insignia, deputy regimental insignia, and political officers... are all gathering.

"Are you going to go hiking with us?" Liu Feng was also stunned at this time and couldn't help but ask.

Chen Ye was even more stunned than he was, and said: "I think so. Look, each of them has a backpack. It looks like they are all marching items, no less than us."

"Fuck...fuck...!" Liu Feng was confused.

Many people at the scene were confused.

Unexpectedly, the military training in Qingmu Dawei was so cruel, not only to them, but also to the leaders.

At this time, the disharmony and unrest within the team quickly subsided.

Although everyone comes from all over the world, no matter how talented they are, no one dares to look down on the leaders. If these leaders really want to participate in the 20-kilometer backpacking hike that starts in the early morning, then they still have Is it easy to complain about a hammer?

However, many people still don't quite believe it.

"It must be just for show!"

"They must have a car to ride in."

"I bet you, they will definitely take a detour."

There were still some whispers in the team.

Soon, the team set off.

Twenty kilometers is not a small number. Generally speaking, for an adult to walk at a normal speed, one kilometer takes about fifteen minutes. Twenty kilometers, if there is no stop in the middle, will take five hours.

That is to say,

At normal speed, it would take five o'clock in the morning to complete this stretch of road.

Everyone has some idea in mind, so basically no one is conserving their physical strength.

Of course, not counting some sports students, they are as happy as dogs

one kilometer.

Two kilometers.

Three kilometers.

At five kilometers, the team's speed slowed down significantly.

There were loud gasps in the team.

However, none of the leaders who are at the forefront are left behind.

Especially the instructors, they are the hardest working.

Because they need to look after the entire team.

Normally for students like Chen Ye, the distance is actually 20 kilometers, but the instructors are running back and forth, and the distance they walk along is definitely more than 20 kilometers. It is very possible for the mileage to be slightly doubled.

At ten kilometers.

There are already too many people to keep up with the team.


Those leaders, whether they are school leaders or corps leaders, have also begun to join the process of maintaining the team.

In fact, their condition was not easy, but they still stood up at this time.

Now, no one in the group had any complaints.

Outstanding students from all over the world are bursting with heart-warming resilience at this time.

Go, keep going!

Some girls were obviously confused, but they still refused to let boys carry their packages.

gritted his teeth and persisted.

No one is left behind along the way!

No one gives up!


Keep going!

When he was nearing the finish line, although Chen Ye was as tired as a dog, he was almost moved to tears by the atmosphere. There was already a ray of sunshine in the sky, burning the entire mountaintop redly, symbolizing new life and light, a ray of sunshine. Although most of the team members were shaking as they walked, they persisted.

Chen Ye simply wished for a heavy rain at this time.

Then this memory is really enough for a lifetime!

It's a pity that the weather is not good. It's sunny, not to mention rain, not even a dark cloud.

Let Chen Ye just sigh.

After completing this 20-kilometer hike, Chen Ye could clearly feel that everyone was deeply dependent on the instructor. This is a very interesting phenomenon. They obviously torture you, but you still like them!

Of course, Chen Ye also fell in love with these instructors.

What a man!

I fell in love with this university even more.

In his eyes, this Qingmu University is not only what it looks like on the surface, it has countless honors and auras. His inner nature, his heritage, and the spirit he exudes make Chen Ye never regret his choice to come here.

And when I think about this,

Chen Ye was inexplicably flustered!

"Qingmu University is so good, the roommates are so stupid, the seniors are so cool, the instructors are so cute, and the leaders lead by example... He is a little interested in playing professionally, so he should be struck by lightning!"

After this hike, today's military training must have been suspended.

Everyone goes back to rest.

It stands to reason that after a long night of tossing, one should fall down and go to bed early.

But the group of sand sculpture roommates were all excited.

There is no longer any complaint against the instructors, and everyone is extremely yearning for military life.

There was endless discussion.

Chen Ye was so noisy that he couldn't sleep, so he chatted with a group of idiot roommates.

I also opened a few ranked games casually.

Now his winning streak has reached 181 games.

Originally, Chen Ye didn't have much thought about the winning streak.

When he plays games, he only pursues the outcome of a single game, winning streaks, etc. He doesn't care.

But now I suddenly discovered that I actually had a winning streak of 181 games. Something called a sense of accomplishment arose spontaneously, and Chen Ye even had greater hope inexplicably.

Do you want to have a 200-game winning streak?

Do it!

Chen Ye made a decision quickly.

Let’s get a two hundred-game winning streak first, then quickly kill everyone in the game.

"Hey, Brother Ye, I rarely see you playing games." "

"What are you playing with? Pesticides? I heard Kai's lines."

Liu Feng, this silly roommate, is also a loyal fan of Honor of Kings.

According to his own bragging, when he was in high school, he played for the King for five consecutive seasons and won five King Marks, but later he had to give up temporarily in order to enter college.

After coming to university, the relatively relaxed learning environment allowed him to pick up the game of Glory of Kings again. He usually asked his classmates to play black games, but Chen Ye mostly played games in Professor Liu's laboratory, and he was used to playing solo queue, so he didn't play together. Go play.

"Yes." Chen Ye agreed casually.

"What rank? Do you want me to guide you?" Liu Feng said sarcastically.

"It's almost a hundred stars." Chen Ye said.

"Fuck you, if you can get 100 stars, I will be number one in the peak competition." Liu Feng didn't believe it at all.

Chen Ye didn’t explain much.

After entering the game, he was actually very focused.

This is the critical moment, where is the time to have fun?

I continue to play without feeling sleepy.

I continued beating until noon before I stopped.

After lunch, I took a nap. (Li Qianhao)

Sleep until evening.

Then he quickly got up, packed up, and rushed to Professor Liu's laboratory.

However, he was too tired last night. Professor Liu didn't give him any homework after he went there. He fell asleep on the table. Professor Liu came to see Chen Ye several times, but he didn't wake Chen Ye up.

Professor Liu naturally knew what kind of devil training Chen Ye went through last night, so he understood very well that Chen Ye was sleepy now. In fact, he was very kind to Chen Ye and several of his proud disciples in the laboratory. .

It's the scholar's attitude that makes him too serious and rigid.

Let Xue Shi be a little afraid of him.

Chen Ye lay down on the table and slept very well.

In the dream, he was still killing everyone among the kings.

At ten o'clock, Professor Liu gave lectures and answered questions on time, and Chen Ye finally woke up from his dream.

After listening carefully, everyone left Fang.

Chen Ye habitually took out his mobile phone and opened the seat.

Continue to rank.

this time,

He wants to have a 200-game winning streak!

Chen Ye was having so much fun that he didn't notice that outside the laboratory window, Professor Liu returned at some point, so he stood watching from the window.

Chen Ye hit him three times in one breath this time. It took almost an hour. Professor Liu stood outside the door for more than forty minutes, watching Chen Ye get up and leave before he gave in.

However, the hatred in his eyes was rich and strong!

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