King of beasts

Chapter 161: Let the villain be the villain

Source-changing novels

"I'm convinced!"

Everyone was confused, and Lu Ran was also confused, because this breakthrough into the secret realm was another very partial breakthrough into the secret realm.

It involves the derivative profession of the beast master: the necromancer.

The cursed witch is gone, but the power of the undead is also very special. However, compared to the power of curses, various countries still have some research on the power of the undead.

After all, the transnational criminal organization "The Other Side" made its fortune by mastering the power of the dead. Therefore, as long as there is a certain knowledge of beast masters, they can more or less know what the necromancy system and necromancers are.

Of course, with the revival of spiritual energy, the other shore rarely hunts beast masters anymore. He is probably out hunting extraordinary creatures to upgrade, which can be regarded as downplaying his presence a little when all countries are busiest.

"Does Infinite City have warehouse inspection?"

At this time, Lu Ran disappeared

He remembered the "Death Resurrection" skill book in his backpack and doubted that Infinite City had tested his backpack.

"No matter what happens, this breakthrough to the secret realm comes at a good time!"

Lu Ran's original idea was to encounter a normal breakthrough secret realm. Now, although he encountered another one that didn't look normal, Lu Ran felt surprisingly able to accept it and made the starting point.

Lu Ran felt that the source of the undead power was probably related to the Dragon of Death. Entering this secret realm will make it easier for him to investigate the relevant information about the Death Dragon.

In addition, Lu Ran intends to cultivate undead pet beasts, but even Xia Guo does not have much experience in this aspect.

Just like when he broke through the secret realm to increase his cooking skills, this secret realm might allow him to gain some knowledge about the necromantic system. Now, the most important issue is the choice of this camp's identity. A private beast master who participated in the subjugation of Ming'an City. A private beast master who was seduced by the power of the dead.

The corners of Lu Ran's mouth twitched.

For normal beast masters, they will definitely choose

The evil image of the Necromancer has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people because of the existence of the Beyond Organization. Moreover, even in the Star-Moon Continent, necromancers don't seem to be very popular.

This is not because the necromancy system is inherently discriminated against, but because the growth of necromancers is too unstable. Absorbing soul power for a long time will cause necromancers to become more and more disoriented and crazy, and thus do some extreme things. things.

This is also the reason why the Beast Controlling Empire regards necromancers as an unstable factor and does not allow private beast control masters to have private access to this power. ♤

Just imagine, if a normal beast master encounters such a secret realm of breakthrough, who would want to work with a group of lunatics who "will go crazy at some point"?

In addition, the empire looks like a "thigh" no matter how you look at it. It may be easier to pass through the secret realm by hugging the thighs of the beast control army.

Lu Ran

However, he quickly hesitated, because since it was a "camp confrontation mode", the other camp couldn't be completely a big trap. There was no way Infinite City would trap the trialists like this.

If the folk beast masters who are seduced and corrupted by the power of the undead choose this camp, will they get some "special identities" and "extra buffs"?

[Most people will definitely choose the side of justice. Maybe all the testers will choose camp 1. 】

[If I choose camp 2 at this time, regardless of NPC factors, I will fight against all the trialists on my own. If I succeed, will the score rewards I get be richer? 】

[In addition, since he was seduced by the power of the dead and fell, it means that there is some exciting source of power in Ming'an City. There is a high probability that this is a special branch that only Camp 2 can access. 】

[Perhaps, if you choose camp 2, you can get some extra gains. 】

Lu Ran gritted his teeth and wanted to see how Infinite City would arrange his identity as Camp 2.

"I choose 2!"

At the same time, the nine trialists who entered the same secret realm as Lu Ran also selected their camps.


After everyone made their choice, the voice of Infinite City sounded again.

[Faction selection completed. 】

[Breakthrough Mission: Faction Victory! 】

[Tip 1: The condition for determining the victory of the camp is that Ming'an City will belong to it after 14 days. 】

[Tip 2: This secret realm is a historical projection, and the life inside cannot be brought out or contracted. 】

[Tip 3:]

In addition to the novice secret realm benefit "Eye of Data", other tips and everyone

When all the sounds disappeared, everyone felt like the world was spinning, and they finally came to a new world.

"Where is this?"

After entering the secret realm of breakthrough, the nine people who chose camp 1 opened their eyes and found themselves in a huge martial arts field.

Opposite them, a middle-aged man in armor walked slowly and said, "Thank you very much for lending a helping hand to the Beast Control Legion."

"Currently, the strength of the Beast Control Corps is seriously insufficient, but the military order is here. In order to maintain the stability of the empire, the undead forces in Ming'an City must be eradicated."

"The next task for you is very simple. It is to assist our beast control army and station outside Ming'an City to prevent the internal undead power from spreading out. Our reinforcements should arrive in a month."

"Huh???" After the middle-aged beast master said, an Asian man who also wore armor and entered the secret realm opened his eyes wide and said: "You mean, within a month, the beast master will not launch an attack on Ming'an City ???”

After hearing what the other party said, the group of beastmasters who chose camp 1 fell silent.

"It's like this. At present, we are just a remnant army. We don't even have a third-level beast master. According to the intelligence, the beast control power of Ming'an City is not weaker than ours."

"In addition, other places are also fighting, so manpower is quite scarce. It will take at least a month before reinforcements arrive."

After a while. Hand-made starting station.

The beastmasters who chose camp 1 all felt stomachaches and felt like they had stepped into a big hole.

After the middle-aged beastmaster left, the nine beastmasters from various countries looked at each other. Among them, the British Princess of Light and the Knights of Light immediately attracted the attention of the other five.

"You are the princess of the golden generation!" A neon talent noticed the princess and said in surprise.

The princess was very happy to see that she was matched with three companions. After all, these three people came in to help her complete the breakthrough. However, she frowned when she saw the other four people.

"Hello, are you all fourth-generation beast masters?"

"No, I am a third-generation beast master and a professional doctor." Neon Beast Master said: "Because I don't care much about the level, I only recently thought about entering the first-level breakthrough secret realm."

"Me too." A black girl said: "I am a historian. This era is really lucky. This is an era with quite vague historical records. There may be great discoveries."

"How lucky you are." A tall man wearing golden armor said: "Didn't you hear that the people from the Beast Control Corps said that it would be possible after 30 days?

Launch an attack on Ming'an City. "

"By that time, it will be too late, and our mission will have already failed."

After communication, the Knights of Light, who came from the golden generation in England, found out in despair that the five teammates were all third-generation beastmasters, not fourth-generation beastmasters. They were super transparent among the third-generation beasts and had no fighting power at all.

They don't have much idea about the breakthrough mission. It's the kind of breakthrough that's best. It doesn't matter if they don't, as long as they can return safely.

Of course, they are now in the same camp as the Golden Generation, and they plan to fully listen to the instructions of the Golden Generation in the same camp. If they can win and get higher points, who is willing to lose.

"I knew that it would not be so easy to rely on the power of the beast control army." The princess said with a headache: "But it doesn't matter. According to the description of the beast control master of the army, the undead power in Ming'an City is not very large."

"The strongest necromancer may be at the second level. It's just as difficult as normal level one to break through the secret realm. Don't worry too much."

"As long as we can convince the remaining troops of this beast-controlling army to cooperate with us in launching an attack, there is still a great hope of taking Ming'an City."

The id Glory Knight pondered: "Their mission is to station outside Ming'an City to prevent the power of the dead from spreading out. It shouldn't be easy for them to take the initiative to attack, even if we show the normal power beyond the first-level beastmaster."

"The only possible way for them to launch an attack first is with Ming'an City. As long as the undead power of Ming'an City spreads out, they have to launch an attack in advance to stop it for the sake of their mission."

Neon Beast Controller said: "It makes sense, so should we send an undercover agent into Ming'an City and send the information that the Beast Master Empire intends to destroy them, so as to induce a fight between the two forces?"

"Then, we will help the beast control army to occupy Ming'an City, so that the task can be completed quickly."

id Moonlight Knight said: "Speaking of which, there are several trialists this time, so we must all choose camp 2. If that's the case, there may be some more variables in this camp confrontation."

"That shouldn't be the case, right?" the black girl said, "Who would choose camp 2 if you are a serious person? It hurts when you are so idle."

In Ming'an City, at this moment, Lu Ran, who was wearing a black robe that he didn't know where he came from, was really in pain. Around him now, there are more than a dozen beastmasters also wearing black robes. It is not known whether they are aboriginals or fellow trialists.

At this time, Lu Ran was following the group of black-robed beast masters, listening to the brainwashing of a lifeless young man.

"You have made the most correct choice in your life!"

"The flesh is bitter and weak, but the soul is immortal! The way of the dead is immortal."

"In this chaotic era, becoming a necromancer will be the only hope for survival."

"I, Gao Li, will teach you the techniques to awaken the power of the dead."

"If your qualifications are good enough, you will have a great chance to get rid of the limitations of flesh and blood and live in the world forever in the form of a spirit body!"

"In one month, the Divine Envoy of the Divine Religion will arrive in Ming'an City. Those of you who are the most outstanding in practicing necromancy will have a chance to be taken to the place chosen by God by the Divine Envoy to receive God's blessing."

Good guy, he sounds like a villain at first glance! This is a necromantic cult! Lu Ran muttered in his heart.

"The soul, like the spirit, is the original power possessed by every life. The corrupt empire calls such a great power evil, but is only afraid of powerful forces that will replace their power."

"However, the practice of necromancy is indeed dangerous. Not every pet beast is suitable for developing soul power. If the pet beast does not have enough soul talent, the beast master will rashly learn necromancy. The same is true for the beast master. Very dangerous.”

"Before teaching you necromancy, I will first test the soul talents of your pet beasts. If you don't have the talent, then unfortunately for your safety, I will not teach you necromancy. I may have to wait until you find a suitable one. My new favorite, let’s practice further.”

"Ah?" Lu Ran was stunned. Damn, he still thinks about the believers. This missionary is pretty good.

As he spoke, the missionary took out a pitch-black stone and said, "This is a soul-suppressing stone. It can briefly smash the soul of life out of the body. If the pet's soul talent is good enough, it can be in the form of a soul." If you stay in the outside world for a longer period of time, you can even have strong combat capabilities just by relying on your soul."

"So, experience the undead form in advance."

"But if the soul's talent is very poor, after the soul leaves the body, it will be like a fish out of water, quickly forced back into the body." "Next, I will use this to test the necromantic talent of everyone's pet beasts. "

[Name]: Soul-Calming Stone

[Level]: Rare

[Introduction]: A strange stone containing special power that can briefly smash the soul of a living body out of the body without damaging the soul or body itself. Lu Ran glanced at the soul-soothing stone with the eye of data, and found that the other party was not lying. This stone is great! I wonder if there is one on the other side! But Xia State does not have such resources at all, so it must find an opportunity to grab a few pieces back!

Source-changing novels

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