King of Black Mist

Chapter 112 There are enemies


Where Li Changzhou stood, the branches, fallen leaves, and vines were all swept away, and it was as clean as the black soil ready for planting rice.

The training at the bottom of the Great Lakes made his horn spiral strength even further.

"Where is the enemy? What happened?" Li Qianxia couldn't help but ask him.

Because of the gas mask, Li Changzhou's expression could not be clearly seen, but the brother and sister had been together before they were born. Just by looking at each other's figures, they could guess the other's thoughts.

She saw that Li Changzhou was deep in thought at this time.

"It's a long-distance attack, and the opponent is gone." Li Changzhou replied, "The ability is similar to a turn-based game. The opponent punches me, and I punch the opponent again, but there seem to be other rules."

"Academician Lu is the bait!" Yang Qinglan thought of something else.

Li Changzhou nodded.

Just in case, after being on guard for another three minutes, the nine people and one dog lowered their guard and gathered together. Li Changzhou told them what he had discovered.

"Even if it's a bait, we have no choice but to take it." There was no emotion in Zheng Qing's voice.

"Damn it!" Poison cursed in a low voice.

The scholar wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Tank and Thigh said nothing, and Yangliu clenched the dagger in his hand.

"Everyone, look at each other." Zheng Qing said, then looked at everyone again, "Let's go!"

The nine people and one dog continued to run towards Academician Lu's location, their bodies and minds tense, like a bow string straining to be stretched, and even trembling slightly because of the exertion.

But even so, instead of slowing down, their speed was actually faster.

Deep in the dense forest, there is an abandoned hunter's cabin occupied by vines.

The hunter's cabin has two floors, but it is hidden by branches and vines. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it.

In a small office with only wooden benches, wooden tables, and spider webs, four people were having a meeting.

It was already dark, and there was only a little bit of some kind of resin lit on the table. The flame was weak and small, stubbornly resisting the heavy darkness around it.

"Academician Lu, what do you want from us?" asked a man wearing dark green camouflage uniforms and oil paint on his face.

Academician Lu of the State Administration of Pharmacy, 52 years old, wears glasses and his hair, which is usually dyed black, has become black at the top and white at the bottom.

Hesitation and confusion flashed across his face, and he said, "Comrade Xiao Zhang, could you please help me find some anti-inflammatory drugs for Xiaohan?"

"Anti-inflammatories?!" Another man in camouflage uniform asked subconsciously, his voice loud and full of accusations.

"Xiao He!" Xiao Zhang raised his voice.

The man in camouflage clothing named Xiao He shut up.

"Academician Lu," Xiao Zhang looked at him, "We have checked Zhou Xiaohan's injury and it is very dangerous. But in the current situation, we cannot take risks for her alone."

Academician Lu smiled bitterly and raised his glasses.

"Comrade Xiao Zhang," he said in embarrassment, "I understand your approach, and I absolutely support your approach from an intellectual point of view, but this child Xiaohan has been my student since he was a college student, a graduate student, and a Ph.D. Over the years, I ——”

At this point, his voice choked up and he couldn't continue.

Xiao Zhang, Xiao He, and a silent Xiao Yun across from each other all understood how Academician Lu felt - Xiaohan was injured just to save Academician Lu!

"Xiao Zhang, Xiao He and I are going to the hospital on the commercial street on the island. There should be medicine, and we can bring back food." Xiao Yun said.

"Go and fight!" Xiao He said angrily.

"Xiao He."

"Shut up!" Xiao He angrily scolded Xiao Yun, "Look at your arms, and then look at my face!"

Xiao Yun's left arm is missing, and Xiao He has a big scar on his face. This is the price of the journey.

If the two of them were not players, with such injuries and in such an environment, they would have been infected and died earlier than Zhou Xiaohan.

He is not afraid of death, but he is here to complete the task, not to die.

"Xiao Zhang!" Xiao He turned to look at Xiao Zhang, "I don't agree with going out to search."

"I understand." Xiao Zhang nodded, "But what should we do? Watch Zhou Xiaohan die in front of us?"

His tone was gentle but full of strength, and he looked directly at Xiao He.

Xiao He opened his mouth and wanted to say kill him and die, but after taking a few rough breaths, he fell silent.

Academician Lu was also silent. After a while, he changed his mind and said with a tired and old voice: "Forget it, wait a little longer, maybe rescue will come soon."

Silence filled the room.

The candles cast the shadows of the four people on the wall, like a circle of monsters gathering together, watching them with their eyes.

"Xiao He, Xiao Yun." Xiao Zhang spoke with difficulty.

"Understood!" Xiaoyun nodded.

"Understood!" Xiao He gritted his teeth and looked like a wolf.

Xiao Zhang looked at his two teammates. He wanted to go with them, but he couldn't. His instincts and skills were not suitable for fighting, and he also shouldered the responsibility of protecting Academician Lu.

Xiao Yun and Xiao He wrapped their camouflage uniforms with canes and branches to disguise themselves as tree men.

The two pushed open the branches outside the hunter's hut and dived into the green forest sea.

"Damn it!" In the forest where insects were chirping, Xiao He angrily smashed the tree trunk next to him.

Xiaoyun pushed aside the branches blocking the way with one hand and turned around with a smile: "As long as you can go back alive, my arm and your face can be cured."

"I'm so angry that I'm that Zhou Xiaohan!" Xiao He exhaled, "I'm here to complete the task, and you asked me to find some anti-inflammatory medicine! Think I'm your mother!"

Upon hearing this, outsiders may misunderstand that Xiao He is greedy for life and afraid of death, but Xiao Yun is his teammate and understands him very well.

In countless missions, Xiao He was able to risk his own life in every mission. To him, no one's life, including his own, was as important as the mission.

But the scar on his face was left to save Xiaoyun who was attacked by the killer vine.

"You are not their mother, but you are their father." Xiaoyun smiled.

Xiao He was stunned for a moment, angry and laughing.

The two were silent for a while and moved forward cautiously. It was very dark in the forest. Xiaoyun was walking in front. She had night vision skills - half of her arms were missing.

"Even if the two of us get the medicine back, if we don't have support," Xiao He's voice lost the anger, only fatigue, "it's all in vain."

After a moment of silence, Xiaoyun said: "Do what we can."

The two of them walked out of the forest, slipped into the town, and came to the hospital. After closing the door, they breathed a sigh of relief.

It is not one of those high-end hospitals in China. It can only be regarded as a small clinic, but the medicines are quite complete. The medicines are piled on the shelves like express boxes, in a messy manner.

The trash can in the corner contains used needles and IV tubes;

There were clothes hanging on the IV pole, which were rusty and had been used for an unknown number of years.

Xiao Yun walked behind Xiao He, putting her intact right hand on his shoulder.

Xiao He activated his ability, and the two of them turned into the surrounding colors. Xiao Yun also activated his ability, and their heartbeats, breaths, and footsteps all disappeared.

Walking quietly in the government office like two thieves, searching shelf after shelf to find all the needed medicines.

After leaving the hospital, my heart was in my throat again until I walked into a supermarket.

It was pitch black, and through night vision, Xiaoyun saw the shelves falling to the ground, with food all over the floor.

Rice, flour, cheap cans, sausages, and instant noodles cover the supermarket floor.

She grabbed the hand on Xiao He's shoulder and applied a little force, meaning: start moving.

The two were careful, always maintaining their ability, and collected food bit by bit.

Xiao Yun wanted to grab Xiao He's shoulder with his right hand, but he could only use his half-broken left hand to hook the plastic bag, and then bite a large bag with his teeth.

"That's almost it. Let's go." Xiao He weighed the bag.

As long as you be careful when you go back, this mission can be successfully completed.

They were very careful. According to previous outings for reconnaissance, ordinary armed elements from unknown forces would come here from time to time to raid and pick up bargains.

While walking, Xiao He suddenly felt that Xiao Yun grabbed his shoulder tightly.

There are enemies!

The two remained motionless, sticking to a small shop that had been looted, standing there as if they no longer existed.

With the cooperation between him and Xiaoyun, basically no one can detect them. The special operations bureau believes that they can achieve true stealth.

But this time in the jungle, being disabled and disfigured, they no longer had that confidence.

Soon, someone rushed over from behind, very fast, and there were many people.

It's a player!

Xiao He's heart was beating like a drum. If it weren't for Xiao Yun's ability, even ordinary people might be able to hear it.

As they got closer, several figures passed by the two of them.

Didn't find them!

Xiao He breathed a sigh of relief.

The figure flashed by, and the two did not dare to observe each other. Their sight was their only weakness.

Some people with extremely high perception can easily capture any "sight", including cameras, infrared rays, sights, etc.

In no time to take a breath, the group of people had already passed by the two of them.

Just when they stopped worrying about themselves and prayed that the pickup truck parked outside the town would never be discovered.


The person at the back of the group of players suddenly turned his head.

The harsh sound of wind is coming!

Xiao He turned his head and looked around, only to see a big hand with five fingers spread out, so fast that even the airflow passing between the fingers seemed to materialize.



This thought flashed past, and the next moment Xiao He heard a cry of pain, which was his own.


Too fast, why, why so fast!

Even though I had 8 points of agility, there was no reaction at all!

Xiao Yun, who was behind Xiao He, kicked out, but as soon as her feet left the ground, a huge force hit her lower abdomen.


She was kicked out and crashed into the small shop, breaking two thick wooden boards.

Xiaoyun felt severe pain all over his body, as if all his flesh and blood had collapsed into his lower abdomen, curling up like a shrimp, breaking out in cold sweat.

When Xiao He heard Xiao Yun's moan, he roared in his heart and summoned all his strength to fight back.

But with just a slight exertion of the five fingers on his face, he felt as if his head was about to be crushed, and his whole body was as weak as paralysis.

No, no, the other party really planned to crush his head while he was alive!

"Stop!" At this time, a female voice shouted, "The pigeon is one of our own!"

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