King of Black Mist

Chapter 116 Bible Singing

Except Li Changzhou and Yang Qinglan.

Li Qianxia, ​​who was with the two of them every day, was also a little exception.

Li Changzhou looked at Zheng Qing out of the corner of his eye. Deep down in his heart, he didn't want to make any decisions in this mission.

He is an ordinary college student with no experience, no relevant professional knowledge, no desire to take responsibility, and no credit to compete for. He just needs to collect money and work honestly.

But now Zheng Qing's obsessed look forced him to stand up temporarily.

"You are strong," he said to the attractive nun, "but I am not weak either. In this case, why don't we each take a step back? I don't care about what happened before, and you leave immediately?"

"Are all Xia people so easy-going?" The nun has a beautiful face, seductive lips, but a very elegant voice.

"With 1.4 billion people united as one, things will change forever, but if they quarrel, things will also turn upside down. If we don't learn to be easy-going, we can't do it."

Li Changzhou smiled and added: "Although most of the time it is out of necessity."

The nun looked at him with her golden eyes for a moment and said, "I can feel your strength, but we all have our mission."

"What is your mission? Let's talk some more, maybe we can accommodate each other."

"Kill Lu; use Lu as bait to kill the national team players who come to the rescue."

Li Changzhou raised his right hand and scratched the corner of his left eye near the temple. He missed the scratch and was blocked by the mask.

"It's difficult," he put down his hand, "I can't agree to any of them."

The nun nodded: "In that case, let's get started. The Lord said, I charge you: Do not disturb or wake my beloved until he is willing."

Bang, bang, bang.

Everyone who was bewitched by the nun fell to the ground and snored.

In the blink of an eye, there were only three people left on our side.

Li Changzhou's expression remained unchanged, he kicked the ground with both feet and rushed towards the nun on the moose.

The wine man poured wine into his mouth, and at the same time, he stepped forward and his body expanded rapidly. By the time he stood in front of the moose, he had become a three-meter-tall iron tower giant.

He threw away the empty wine bottle and looked at Li Changzhou with a grin.

Behind him, the cigarette man on the forklift blew out a puff of smoke, and the smoke turned into a white mist skeleton, screaming towards Li Qianxia.

Next to the rag doll-like Xiaoyun, four tentacles composed of water surged out of the water girl's back, and shot towards Yang Qinglan like a sharp sword piercing the air.

Li Qianxia raised her neck and roared, activated "Wolf Howl", quickly drew it to full capacity, and used the bloody steel spear to kill the tentacles.

Yang Qinglan's black hair was flying, her feet were off the ground, and her hands were facing the smoking man.

"Call the wind and rain"

A circle with a diameter of ten meters wraps the cigarette man.

The strong wind disperses the smoke, the heavy rain wets the cigarette butts, and the low-temperature virus erodes the opponent's body like a virus.

"Damn it!" The cigarette man cursed and threw away the wet cigarette on his fingertips.

He put down his legs on the steering wheel and quickly escaped from the storm circle.

But as soon as he left the forklift, the forklift was like a magnet, exerting a gravitational pull on him.

"Bang!" He hit the side of the forklift and was firmly sucked to it.

Yang Qinglan's eyes were like two sapphires.



Under the premise of using two skills at the same time, only a thorn popped up from the ground, and the smoke man rubbed his body to avoid it.

The clothes were pierced by thorns. As the cigarette man rolled, there was a piercing sound, and the two holes connected into a line and became a seam.

The water girl caught a glimpse, raised her arms, and the water tentacles behind her instantly turned into eight. Four of them continued to entangle Li Qianxia, ​​and four of them rushed towards Yang Qinglan, who was suspended in place.

Li Qianxia did not retreat or fear, and did not care about the water tentacles rushing towards Yang Qinglan. Facing the four tentacles rushing towards her, she transformed into a snow owl.

The snowy owl spread its wings and passed through the densely packed tentacles at a speed faster than its tentacles, heading straight towards the water girl.

In the water girl's frightened eyes, the snowy owl opened its beak.


Face the "Thunder Roar"!

"Buzzing——" The water girl was paralyzed, the world in her eyes was blurred, and she couldn't hear anything in her ears. It was like going from 4K to Chaplin's black and white silence.

The snow owl opened its sharp claws and clasped at the opponent's neck.

"Billiards bitch! What are you doing!" Yan Man roared.

With a sound of "Bang!", the snow owl hit the factory building like a cannonball, smashing out a big package of iron sheets.

Three needle-like blood spots appeared on the water girl's neck, and it was only a thousandth of a second before the snow owl could pierce her throat.

The snow owl landed and turned into Li Qianxia.

"Cough!" Li Qianxia felt stuffy and uncomfortable in the gas mask. She couldn't help but cough. The smell of blood flowed into her mouth along with her coughing breath.

Vaguely, she had a feeling that she had entered a turn-based game. The opponent had already taken action and now it was her turn.

Li Qianxia stood up slowly while holding the steel gun. The bloody costume spread over her body and turned into bloody armor in an instant.

The fingertips of the armor were different from before. They were not round like human fingers, but sharp claw-shaped. The scarlet beauty contained a breathtaking danger.

She ignored the turn-based game. Unlike Li Changzhou, who always wanted to take revenge and was extremely confident in his own game level, she wanted to run away whenever she saw someone playing the game.

Since it's a turn-based game, why don't we just leave it alone?

Turning into a blood shadow, Li Qianxia rushed towards the smoke man in the storm, preparing to kill one of them first.

At the same time, the water girl woke up, raised her hand, and the water tentacles struck Yang Qinglan overwhelmingly. Li Qianxia had to withdraw to protect Yang Qinglan.

The battle here fell into a stalemate for a while——

Li Qianxia wants to protect Yang Qinglan;

The Water Girl has wrapped her ears in water;

Yan Nan was locked by "Attraction" and couldn't even use the forklift as a ground to walk on - the ground turned back to the ground at that time. His physique was average. In the wind, rain and low temperature, he had to dodge an occasional thorn, and his body became more and more difficult. Getting stiffer.

The other side.

Li Changzhou jumped within five meters of the drunkard in an instant, and the Black Death floated behind him, raising a huge bone sickle.

The pale scythe was so fast that it slashed towards the drunkard like a ball of moonlight.

The drunk man was furious and fearless like a drunk man. He raised his arms that could stand a horse, took the sickle with his left hand, and punched Li Changzhou with his right hand.


Among the roars, wind, rain, and punches, this burning sound was insignificant.

Like a sickle cutting across the water, it drew out from the drunkard's left arm.

The wine man's left arm fell like a noodle, hitting his side with a crisp "snap" sound.

The drunkard didn't feel anything, his whole body was filled with the smell of alcohol, and he punched Li Changzhou with his right fist, his huge fist strangled the air.

Li Changzhou stood short and waved his right arm.

The Green Bee Sword was like a green dragon coming out of its sleeve, it swelled when it saw the light, and it hummed as it gently rubbed against the root of the wine man's right arm.

"Plop", there was another crisp sound, and the entire right arm fell to the ground like dead flesh, and blood spurted out from the drunk man's shoulder.


On the wine man's neck, which was as thick as a cow's neck, veins bulged one by one, and he felt pain.

But alcohol had numbed all his perceptions, turning his fear, fear of death, and panic into excitement, anger, and strength.

His eyes were blood red, his breath was like an ox, he raised his head to gain momentum, and then he crashed into Li Changzhou.

Sickle Moonlight turned its head and placed it in front of the head the drunkard hit. The two slipped past each other without disturbing each other.

The wine man's eyes slowly turned white, and he hit the ground hard like a mountain collapsing, making a loud "thud!" and his teeth hit the concrete floor hard.

Li Changzhou glanced at the shrinking wine man and the white ID card on the ground, then raised his eyes to glance at the nun.


The moose snorted. Li Changzhou was stunned and turned his eyes to the stag.

"Mating Competition"

As long as you compete with it, as long as you win it, you can mate with the female on its back.

In Hormones , the nun’s red lips are dazzling;

In the fantasy, the nun's white teeth gently bit his earlobe, and then sucked gently.

As long as you win this moose, you can hold the nun in your arms and mate with her to your heart's content.

The moose stared eagerly, its breath was hot, and with the desire for mating, its huge horns were pointed at Li Changzhou.

At the same time, the nun chanted: "The Lord says that in life you will encounter trouble -"

The sound sounded like moaning.

"—Like sparks soaring."

It was like he was chuckling in his ears, and the air was spraying into the base of his ears. It was very itchy, but also seemed to be very comfortable.

Little sparks fell from the sky.

One of them floated quickly and landed on Li Changzhou, burning through his military uniform and burning a black hole in his body.

His eyes were red with pain, but also the excitement and rage of competing with a moose.

The Black Death roared silently, and slashed with the bone-white sickle. The tip of the knife was like a cold star, retrograde in the rain of red sparks, and fell towards the moose's eyebrows.


The moose roared, its intricate antlers trying to strangle the bone sickle like iron chains.

The sparks all over the sky have fallen one after another and are about to drown Li Changzhou.

Li Changzhou's scarlet eyes only stared at the moose.

At this moment, the nun's whole body was numb, and a strong sense of crisis came over her.

The sickle fell like an axe, suddenly swung sideways, and moved towards the nun like cutting straw.

"A voice came from heaven!" The nun's voice was majestic but could not conceal her urgency, "Don't reach out and kill her!"

The sickle rested on the nun's waist, the wind blew gently, and the hood of the nun's uniform penetrated the sickle from time to time.

Li Changzhou slowly clenched his fist, and the sparks in the sky rolled back and gathered on his fist.

One punch.


Flame wave!

The horns are spiraling!

The sparks formed a drill that penetrated the moose's body and carved into the ground, leaving charred holes.

A large, smoking hole penetrated the moose from head to tail. The inner wall of the hole was filled with cooked meat and charred bones.

The nun jumped lightly and landed on the ground. The next moment, the moose's huge body collapsed, like a bonfire, or like the bones and skin left by cannibals.

There is no ID card, it should be in someone else's hand.

"Good skills." Li Changzhou sighed.

His horn spiral power is not that powerful at all. The sparks burning people and objects are as easy as burning a plastic bag with mosquito repellent incense.

The nun glanced at the several holes in Li Changzhou's body that were burned by sparks.

She was deceived by this, thinking that Li Changzhou had fallen into the moose's "mating competition."

"Mating competition" has a drawback. If there is someone who wants to mate more than the nun, this skill will become ineffective.

This shortcoming is not a shortcoming at first.

Sister Laona, a great beauty who combines the beauty of the East and the West.

Her long, jet-black hair is spread around her head, falling to the center of her back;

The golden almond eyes are seductive and charming;

Her plump breasts hold up the plain nun's uniform, and her waist is as thin as a flower branch:

The hem of the skirt hugs the lower body and vividly outlines the slender lines and fullness of the legs.

With a devilish figure and a nun's holy temperament, no one can resist Laona's charm, not even women.


Li Changzhou wiped the wounds on his body with his fingers, subconsciously wanting to rub the blood into blood beads, but then thought of hiding his identity, and finally gave it up.

"Impossible!" Smoke Man, who was covered in arrow holes, wailed miserably, "Myers predicted a winning rate of 80%! Impossible! We can't lose!"

The water girl's tentacles have been reduced to only three.

All the water that filled the swimming pool was killed by Li Qianxia and wetted the cement floor of the wood processing factory.

The dart man Miles was a little faster in the end. When he threw the dart for the second time, he happened to be before Li Changzhou's "Death Comes" mutation.

If there is no mutation, Jiu Nan can hold the death sickle, even if he will die by Li Changzhou's sword in the end, he can delay more time.

The nun raised her slender right hand, and countless pieces of wood flew out to form a cross and a bonfire.

Those who were asleep hung themselves on the cross with their heads bowed.

"Hand over your identity cards, or I'll kill them!" the nun shouted, Jiao Didi seemed to be coquettish, threatening the other party to ignore him for half an hour if he didn't let go of her.

Li Changzhou smiled.

"If you want to threaten me, you shouldn't let these people sleep."

The Emerald Bee Sword in his hand pointed diagonally, and he stepped forward, the black god of death following suit in the air.

Raana's whole body trembled.

After taking two steps out, Li Changzhou stopped again - green smoke was rising from the bonfires under the crosses, and they were about to catch fire.

He sighed, glanced at the blade of the Emerald Bee Sword in his right hand, and thought: Give it a try.

He raised his head and asked, "Am I handsome?"

No one paid any attention to him.

Li Changzhou touched the gas mask on his face with his left hand, considering whether to take it off.

He wasn't afraid that the bonfire would actually burn, it was just to send him spellcasting materials, but if possible, he tried to avoid using fire control skills - Mars was more like a fist or something like that.

It's easy to kill the three people in front of you. The problem is the one or two people hiding behind you.

If the third party is allowed to leave alive and publicize which person from this operation is the first in the full moon event, Xia Guo can easily guess who it is.

The Xia Kingdom is made up of people one after another. As long as the secret spreads internally, it is only a matter of time before some people from other countries know about it.

Li Changzhou didn't want his sister, himself, and Yang Qinglan's daily lives to be ruined because of what happened in the "Honeypot World", and he didn't want to live a life of hiding and fighting.

You only have one youth in your life, if you miss it, you will never have it again.

It doesn't matter to me, but not to my sister. She must live happily.

Besides, if the fight continues, there is no guarantee that Zheng Qing and the others will not be harmed.

"Go away." Li Changzhou put away the Green Bee Sword.

Li Qianxia stopped and retreated to Yang Qinglan, who also put down her hand.

Yan Man was soaked and covered in blood, huddled beside the forklift.

The water girl, who had lost weight from 180 pounds to 80 pounds, rolled up the cigarette man with her tentacles, rushed to the nuns, and looked at Li Changzhou and the others warily.

The nun looked at Li Changzhou with her golden eyes for a long time, then suddenly spread her hand, took out a book from her backpack, and threw it over.

Li Changzhou raised his hand, and the Emerald Bee Sword came out of his sleeve again and clicked on the book.

The tip of the sword collided with the writing, and they were at peace with each other.

The book was suspended in mid-air, surrounded by a halo-like ball of light.

This is the first thing that can't even be damaged by the Green Bee Sword.

"What?" Li Changzhou asked with a frown.

The nun faced the moose's body, spread out the book in her left hand, and held the moose's ID card in her right hand. She closed her eyes and chanted: "The Lord said that the dew of resurrection fell on it, and it came to life again."

A drop of dew fell and fell on the moose carcass.

The moose shook its huge horns, walked up to the nun, and slowly leaned down.

The nun sat on it, just as she had come out of the warehouse.

She closed the book in her hand and stood it up. The binding was almost identical to the one given to Li Changzhou, except for the words on it.

A "Bible Sister" and a "Bible Knight".

"You can open it when you want more, but you have to have the Lord's approval."

There are only 4,300 words today. I broke the promise I made to everyone of 6,000 words per day this month. I want to say sorry to everyone.

Next month, I will continue to write two chapters a day, one chapter of 3,000 words.

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