King of Black Mist

Chapter 121 Listening to Thunder in Silence

The hall with thousands of people was all staring at him. Faced with this situation, most people would either lower their heads, speed up their pace, or simply forget how to swing their arms to walk.

Li Changzhou walked with his head held high.

Because of his excellent academic performance, he has had the experience of speaking in front of teachers and students in the school since he was a child. Most importantly, he has the confidence.

In the past, it was about my grades. I was number one in the school and the city; and I was handsome. I was afraid that others would notice my handsomeness?

Now it's about strength. As long as Yang Qinglan and Li Qianxia stand up, no one here can beat them. And they are handsome. Are you afraid that others will notice your handsomeness?

He didn't look around, but his surroundings were all in sight, but not in sight.

Looking at the unhurried Li Changzhou in front of them, his walking posture was not very special or exaggerated, but for a moment, everyone thought of the words "dragon walking and tiger walking".

What is the tiger anxious about? The whole forest belongs to him.

Many people couldn't help but stand up and look at him, but as if they had made an appointment, no one made a sound.

"Master." Li Changzhou came to the stage.

"Have you ever practiced "Book of Thunder" before?" Master Huang wanted to grab his arm.

"No. But if you have practiced a boxing technique, whether it is to clear your mind, or to accumulate momentum and exert force, it will have some shadow."

Everyone suddenly realized that they had practiced before.

Thinking about it this way, I feel that the brightness of Li Changzhou's halo has become much smaller, allowing people to see his appearance clearly. Some girls murmured that this man is so handsome, his legs are so long, his waist is so thin, and his shoulders are so broad. , The body proportions are very good, I really want to have sex with him.

"Impossible!" Master Huang shouted, suppressing all movement in the Mingen Hall.

He took a step closer and said:

"It's difficult to let go of thoughts! It's difficult to accumulate strength and exert force! But what's even more difficult is the thunder at the last moment!

"When thunder breaks out, it means real thunder is falling on you. If there is even a little bit of 'this is fake' or 'this is what I imagined', the visualization will fail! No one can be struck by lightning for the first time. You can still keep your face straight! Not even the little Martial Saint can do that!"

Everyone in the audience almost screamed in shock.

Some players who originally imagined thunderclouds thought they were only one step away from success, but now they realize that the hardest part is yet to come.

According to Master Huang, it is not just a habit. Every time you visualize, you must think from the bottom of your heart that it is a real lightning striking you.

No wonder even the Little Martial Saint couldn't learn it in one go.

Except for fools, no one would see lightning striking them without fear or avoidance, let alone thunder.

Some people are not usually afraid of thunder, but when they are sitting at home and suddenly hear thunder, their whole body will tremble with fear.

This is not a matter of talent, it is human nature.

"I don't know!" Li Qianxia smiled proudly and whispered proudly, "If you see my brother roasting himself on the fire every day and acting as if nothing has happened, I won't scare you to death!"

She laughed at these people, but deep down she felt extremely happy. Her eyes were filled with stars, and she wished she could make the most beautiful PPT and tell everyone about her brother's deeds!

At this time, Yang Qinglan opened her eyes and let out a soft breath. She failed and was defeated by the last thunder.

To truly cause thunder, you must forget about the thunder and concentrate on visualizing the thunder clouds.

Thunder is spontaneous, sudden, and unpredictable. Only in this way can we think it is real thunder, can it really penetrate the spine, and use the sound of thunder to stir up the human potential.

Precisely because it is spontaneous, sudden, and unpredictable, people are caught off guard and have no time to guide them.

She looked at Li Changzhou on the stage and knew that his ability to stand up was not only due to his talent, but also his previous hard work and obsession.

Li Changzhou has talent, but he is not the type that can be seen at a glance. This can be seen from his instinct.

"Physical strengthening" has no effect at first and relies entirely on one's own efforts;

"Mysterious Black Mist" started from scratch, and also relied on itself to plunder the weak and the strong.

But once you work hard, these two talents are terrifyingly strong. Just like now, he can do things that even the little Martial Saint can't do!

Facing Master Huang's question, which could be said to be a 'question', Li Changzhou just smiled: "I have been brave since I was a child."

Master Huang doesn't believe this kind of nonsense at all, but he also knows that every player has his own secrets. It is impolite to ask other people's secrets. In serious cases, it may even lead to enmity.

He praised:

"Whether it is your first time or several times, if you can learn "Book of Thunder" before your breakthrough, you are a genius who is one in a million, no, one in a billion!"

"It's a pity," he changed the topic, "without this thunder picture, no matter how powerful you are, you can't continue to visualize, just like a fetus can miraculously hum along with the tune, but his brain can't Allow him to memorize something so complex that he won’t be able to sing without accompaniment.”

Finally, he said seriously: "Would you like to join my team? As long as you agree, I will lend you this Jing Lei on the spot!"

Li Changzhou did not answer immediately. He glanced at the hanging scroll suspended in the air, which occasionally struck with thunder.

"Without this, is it really impossible to learn?" he asked.

"No." Master Huang affirmed, "Even if there is a visualization map, players who have not made breakthroughs can only practice the 'practice method' to develop their potential and improve their attributes; as for the 'combat method', once they leave the visualization Pictures are of no use at all.

“But don’t underestimate this.

"You may not know that human strength, agility, and physique can only reach a maximum of 7 points. Above 7 points, they cannot be improved through ordinary training. They can only rely on attributes that increase the value level reward.

"But the visualization diagram is different. This is a new idea. Xiao Wusheng and the woman relied on the visualization diagram to improve a lot of attributes. They don't have to go to the dungeon to upgrade their levels."

Li Changzhou's attitude towards joining a force is still the same: Yes, but he has to be the boss.

"Forget it." He thought for a moment and said.

Maybe when he breaks through the boundaries, the other team will let him be the boss, but that's clearly not the case now.

What else did Master Huang want to say, and considering that this was a stage, he could only find another way - let Li Changzhou experience the benefits of "Thunder Picture" more.

He turned to everyone in the audience and said: "There happened to be a player who learned it. Now I will teach him and use him as a teaching material. Everyone can follow and learn. Don't miss any opportunity."

There is certainly no objection to this proposal.

Master Huang started teaching on the spot. Everyone adjusted their breathing, looked at the thunder map, and followed the visualization together.

"Thunder clouds cover the top, gathering but not emitting."

Most people are unable to meditate and have too many distracting thoughts.

A few people try hard to abandon their emotions and slowly build thunderclouds in their minds.

Li Changzhou took a long breath and stared at the thunder picture with his eyes, as if he was looking at the thunder clouds in the picture.

In his mind, there was an identical thundercloud. It looked like a black mass, but it contained terrifying power.

"Once you take action, it will be thunder!"


In Li Changzhou's vision, without any warning, a purple lightning struck down.

His whole body trembled, and thunder ran down his spine. He was stimulated, and his whole body, including every toe, was swarming with infinite strength.

My whole body feels warm, numb and refreshing. One session is worth training at the bottom of the lake hundreds of times!

In the entire Min'en Hall, only his body still made a thunderous sound.

"Good!" Master Huang praised loudly, "You can actually tell a person's origin from the state of practicing visualization. You have at least two full values, and the other ones are not low!"

"Oh!" The next person exclaimed the loudest this time.

Everything about Xiao Wusheng is too far away, just like watching the world's richest man or politician on TV.

But the person in front of me really has two full values.

What is the concept of two full values?

One month after the game started, 80% of the players had only participated in one game, and their attributes had not increased at all.

Those who can get tickets and attend the lectures are either players that are favored by the official, or are the main players of major groups and organizations, but even these people, most are only level 1, a few are level 2, and level 3 is rare.

Even if it is level 3, a total of 4 attribute points will be rewarded.

According to the starting point of attributes, which is 5 points, it is all used to point out one attribute, and it is still a little short of full value.

"Don't worry, everyone." Master Huang smiled at the amazed people.

He stroked his goatee and said: "The matching mechanism of the game is always to pit the strong against the strong and the weak against the weak. Even if we take the subway back, everyone's tasks will be different.

"In the future, when we try our best to send money to Van Gogh, he may be worrying about how to help the Spanish Armada turn defeat into victory and defeat the British with some people."

Everyone laughed at this joke.

Some people felt sad, realizing the cruelty of this joke.

That's a copy, what about the real world? Does it also mean that they are just painters holding paintbrushes, and the opponent is an invincible fleet spanning the four oceans?

"Next, let's try the fighting method." Master Huang turned to Li Changzhou, "You are a beginner, and there are many people here, so don't release them out of thin air. I will fight you."

"Okay!" Li Changzhou nodded, he had wanted to try it for a long time.

The training methods are so magical. If this power is unleashed, how powerful it will be!

"Remember, the fighting method is different from the training method. The general outline of the fighting method of Thunder Map is 'Listen to the thunder in the silent place'. Thunder is no longer a medium that causes physical strength, but a real force." Master Huang gave instructions again.

Listening to the thunder in the silent place, Li Changzhou pondered these words.

The people below also quickly came to their senses and listened without missing a word.

"When fighting someone, visualize the thunder. As soon as the thunder falls, you will use all your strength to hit the opponent."

"What is struck is not only the power, but also the shock of thunder. Therefore, even if the strength of both parties is the same, the player who masters "Thunder Map" can still destroy the opponent's internal organs, blood vessels, muscles, etc. with the power of thunder and lightning shock." Shattered.”

"When you have the 'ability', you will be able to convert the 'ability' into real lightning power. In the world where I got the "Thunder Map", this is called thunder attribute Qi."

"Okay, you try it now." Master Huang said to Li Changzhou.

He did not tell the people in the audience to be careful not to use the 'combat method' on others. These people had not even entered the door and it was impossible to use it.

Li Changzhou once again turned his attention to the "Thunder Picture" suspended in the air and imagined the thunder clouds in his mind.

In his eyes, the thundercloud was no longer a pitch-black cloud, with countless lightning sparks flashing inside.


The lightning sparks flashed faster and brighter, and suddenly at a certain moment, they all disappeared, and the dark clouds became silent.


The dark clouds were illuminated as if they were transparent.

Thunder struck into his body, crawling along his spine like a dragon. Infinite power was stimulated and surged out from every part of his body.

At the moment when the power is stimulated to the maximum, the thoughts flow, and the power and thunder are merged into the right arm with great momentum.

There was an instant feeling of swelling in my right arm.

The heat surged, and he felt like he had turned into a thunder.

Li Changzhou couldn't help but roar, the roar filling his ears like thunder, and the people sitting in the front row covered their ears in pain.

One punch was as powerful as thunder.

Master Huang's expression changed, and lightning struck into his mind. It was also a move of "silence is better than thunder."

What he used was the real "silent place", and no thunderous sound was leaked out.


Fist bump.

"Stab it!"

In addition to the fierce and powerful collision, there was a faint sound of lightning crawling and thunder.

This is just visualization, no matter how you think it is true, the essence is ultimately false.

It's like the Mantis Boxing. No matter how amazing it is, it's just an illusion, but now I can actually hear the sparks!

The stage floor cracked, tables and chairs were blown away by the air waves, and the huge and heavy curtain swayed like seaweed.

Thump thump thump, Li Changzhou took three steps back in a row. After three steps, he still couldn't steady his body and took another step back. Only then did he ease his momentum.


He couldn't help but sigh.

Using his fist as a weapon, his strength was 10 points. Coupled with the power of thunder and the spiral power of the horns, for a moment he even felt that he could blow up a tall building with one punch.

Unexpectedly, it was easily resolved by Master Huang.

The master who broke through the boundaries in Prague last time is probably a fake who hasn’t learned new ideas yet!

"Amazing!" Master Huang also admired, stroking his goatee excitedly, "You can display such a powerful power for the first time. I look forward to your future fights with Xiao Wu Sheng! What do you think, do you want to reconsider? Join my team?"

Li Changzhou rubbed his numb right arm: "Thank you, Master, for your kindness. Please let me think about it again."

"Okay, then you should seriously consider it. By the way, I'll give you this book."

Master Huang waved his hand, and the table that had been pushed to the edge flew back. He picked up the book on the table.

"This book has my signature on it." He joked and handed the book to Li Changzhou.

Not only does it have a signature, it also has a contact number.

"Thank you, Master Huang." Li Changzhou took it gratefully.

Having been intrigued by Master Huang for so long, he had already made up his mind to buy a copy after the lecture.

"You're welcome. You can go back. I have some final news to tell everyone."

Li Changzhou thanked him again and returned to the corner with the book. Everyone's eyes were like a spider web, being pulled away by him.

Master Huang turned his back on the stage and picked up the water glass on the table.

His body trembled slightly, his breath trembled, and a mouthful of blood instantly poured into his mouth.

He opened the lid of the cup, took a few big sips calmly, and swallowed all the blood.

'Good guy' he sighed in his mind.

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