King of Black Mist

Chapter 128 Harvest during settlement

"I want to go alone!" Li Changzhou turned to Li Qianxia and said to Li Qianxia amid the sky full of fireballs.

The snowy owl flew over, its wings blowing directly into his face, much like the goose in "Honeypot World".

"You are a grown man who cares about women!" Snow Owl cursed.

"I am equal to both men and women." Li Changzhou waved her away and drew the Green Bee Sword from the bus fuel tank.

"You are my brother!"

"Now you know that I am your brother? Go pick up the ID card and don't stay with me."

"Hmph!" The snow owl gave him another wing before flying to the Devil's City.

"Don't forget your equipment!"

"I know--" Li Qianxia pretended to be dissatisfied with her long voice.

Li Changzhou laughed and walked towards Yang Qinglan. Yang Qinglan was also holding the Emerald Bee Sword. Her long hair was loose and the tips of her hair reached her slender waist.

There were corpses on the ground, and the surrounding fire was not extinguished. The two were facing each other. It looked like a scene in a martial arts drama where the hero and heroine were dueling.

"Okay?" Li Changzhou asked her with a smile.

"You have killed all the players, when will I level up?" Yang Qinglan raised her hands, pulled up her satin-like black hair, and inserted the Emerald Bee Sword back into her hair.

"Next time, I'll give it all to you next time." Li Changzhou also put the Emerald Bee Sword back into his sleeve.

The three of them collected all the ID cards, made sure that nothing was missing, and quickly drove to the platform with more props and equipment than the backpack columns could fit.

This game has additional restrictions for bus players. If something goes wrong on the bus midway, the invincible Li Changzhou has already tortured himself before he starved to death in the Devil City (the copy abandons the "honeypot world") die.

After arriving at the bus stop and confirming that they could return, the three of them began to settle the identity cards.

Yang Qinglan has nothing to say, only the assists from the kimono girl, the weird man, and the samurai.

The same is true for Li Qianxia, ​​but she has "Twins", sharing her brother's valuable experience and game currency. It is like a carriage hanging on the locomotive, doing nothing, hanging two iron pulleys, and the pig can be carried away.

[Li Changzhou Settlement Report]

[Survival, evaluation +1]

[With the assistance of others, kill the living beings 'Batou Hashimoto', 'X-sound motion capture', and 'Black-haired Rakshasa', and the rating will be +1.5]

[Kill ‘Zebra’, ‘Fierce Monkey’, ‘Vampire Sparrow’, ‘Big Wood Spider’. Rating +21]


[Li Changzhou Settlement Report 2]

[Kill 24 strugglers, rating +24]

[Special permissions detected, evaluation doubled, evaluation +48]

[Summary: Li Changzhou’s evaluation +71.5, final evaluation ‘S+’]

[Acquire all purchase rights for this arena competition]

[A lot of evaluations are exceeded, and extra rewards are obtained, A-level or above items*1, B-level or above skills*1, game currency*2000]

[A total of 200 points were obtained. Two identity cards were detected, please distribute——]

[A total of 2300 (300+2000) game coins were obtained. Two identity cards were detected, please distribute——]

[Bus ticket*4, subway ticket*2, ferry ticket*1]

"Remember to allocate all the value and game currency to the white card." Yang Qinglan reminded him.

Li Qianxia pouted pitifully. She couldn't get any of the things assigned to the white card. The locomotive was decoupled from her.

No, she became a locomotive!

The pitiful little experience she got must be shared with Li Changzhou's black card!

(Distribution of game coins - black: 0 coins: white: 2300 coins)

(Assigned value points - black: 0 points; white: 200 points)

Two hundred points worth of experience are just enough to upgrade the white card to one level and gain two attributes.

Li Changzhou tried it, and sure enough he couldn't assign it to the full attributes of 'strength', but only to 'perception'.

‘Perception’ has been raised to 9 points, only 1 point away from reaching the full value of the four items.

Taking into account Li Qianxia's experience this time, Li Changzhou's black card only needs 154 points to upgrade to level 4, and he can get 2 more attribute points.

If Yang Qinglan had not redeemed his attributes in the Prague event, he would have been far behind the brothers and sisters, but without her, Li Changzhou would not have become stronger so fast, and Li Qianxia would not even survive the first game.

"Did Heiwu react?" The two female college students stared at him closely.

As long as Li Changzhou can impart skills to others without side effects, the strength of the three of them will immediately improve by leaps and bounds, and their skill set will be able to catch up with the national team.

"I don't feel anything, but there should be changes in the upgrade. Which of you will give it a try?" Li Changzhou asked the two of them.

Li Qianxia shook her head, her ponytail swaying back and forth like a cat's tail.

"Stop playing," Yang Qinglan said helplessly, "Hurry up and try it."

The three of them had already discussed this experiment.

Li Changzhou took out an identity card—an identity card confiscated in Prague—and chose an animal one.

Black Mist stretched out his hand, grabbed the skill on a deceased identity card, and placed it on the selected identity card, reducing the skill level by one.

The three of them watched intently. Three minutes later, the identity card still had not turned into a worthless identity card of the deceased.

"You-" Li Changzhou looked at them, "Who is coming?"

According to the plan, it was their turn.

Li Qianxia pursed her lips and said nothing, but she still didn't dare.

"I'll do it." Yang Qinglan said.

"Qinglan!" Li Qianxia grabbed her, "Let's find another player and try it on the spot!"

Yang Qinglan smiled comfortingly at her and handed her identity card to Li Changzhou.

"Forget it." Li Changzhou didn't answer.

"We agreed." Yang Qinglan looked at him.

"I regretted it." Li Changzhou said calmly, "I'm afraid that if something happens, I'll never see you again."

Yang Qinglan tucked her hair behind her ears and said calmly: "Two votes to one, let's practice with other players first."

"Yes, this is the safest way!" Li Qianxia actively agreed, "It's really scary!"

"Okay, that's it for now. Let's see what skills you want to exchange for. I'll give you the extra identity cards to increase your purchase rights." Li Changzhou felt a little ashamed at this time, hoping not to be discovered.

Why never look at you again? What kind of shameless person can say this? It’s not like acting in a TV series!

Fortunately, Li Qianxia's attention was immediately diverted and she happily started browsing the mall.

Yang Qinglan also carefully selected.

Li Changzhou breathed a sigh of relief, and took the ID card to study it, gaining knowledge even if he didn't buy it.

Players who can enter this level of game without exception have strong instincts or skills, and the things in the mall can be said to be a gluttonous feast.

"Newt-type regeneration" means that even if only one part of the body is left, a new individual can still be reborn.

[Note: This is scary, in every sense of the word (PS: Let me tell you secretly, the nematonite here is not the one that got the identity card. Unfortunately, it was burned out. I want to see how many generations it can last) 】

"Poyndi Beauty Gray Winged Sea Slug Style·Symbiosis with Children" absorbs the symbiotic algae in the coral and gains the ability to photosynthesize.

[Note: For some people, appetite is enjoyment; for others, eating is trouble]

"Big Wood Spider Style·Human Spider Transformation", transform into a human, or turn into a Big Wood Spider.

[Note: Either the body is a spider and the face is a human, or. In short, you are free to play with yourself how you want, but if you are a male, it is best not to marry a spider as your wife (this is by no means species discrimination)]

"Sparrow Style·Blood-sucking" uses teeth or weapons to suck blood, with the added effect of "severe pain".

[Note: Hiss——, the severe pain is really painful! (Source of reflections: non-existent skill tester) (When sucking the blood from the butt, the effect will be improved a little. This is the habit of the ground sparrow)]

"Bestbug Hunting Style·Carrying a Corpse", you put the skin of the corpse on your body and become that living thing.

[Note: Human beings have something called movies, and there is something called "Painted Skin" in the movie. "Painted Skin" needs you, but it is a bit laborious as an actor. What is an actor? You don’t even know what a human is? (Add strikethrough above) Scrape the flesh on the skin cleanly, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to wear. 】

"Bellbird: Bell Ringing" emits bell-ringing ripples, shaking the enemy's body and mind, and has the effects of "intimidation" and "paralysis".

[Remarks: Wave~~~~~ (I’m numb, are you numb?)]

"Tiger Armor Style·Speed" can move 170 times the body length per second.

[Note: Run quickly! ! ! ! (I can handle it, what about you?)]

"Monkey King Style·Tail Upright", in a group of monkeys, only the monkey king can raise his tail! When the tail is raised, the strength is +3, with the effect of "General's Flag", and the strength of the subordinates is -3.

[Note: It’s not the tail that grabs your little tail, nor the tail that’s a fun tail, but the tail]

It seems that as the game progresses, this 'note' becomes more and more close to "life". Has enough data been collected?

These skills are all good, and Li Qianxia especially wants to use "Sparrow Style·Blood-sucking" to let Li Changzhou feel her severe pain!

But after thinking about it, she didn't exchange anything. She left all the identity cards to Li Changzhou, asking him to exchange them for game currency to upgrade the skills on the white card, or to unlock the gospel skills of "Bible Knight" for Yang Qinglan.

She planned to wait for Li Changzhou to master the black mist and take advantage of those players' instincts.

If the skill in the shopping mall is a feast, then the instinct is the big bowl of Lanzhou Ramen, plus a serving of beef!

Player 1——

Male Brown Elephant Shrew, Instinct: Fast Track (Establish three coordinates, and you can travel between coordinates instantly)

Unfortunately, it is not teleportation, it is similar to a fixed-position teleportation array.

Player 2——

Flat-headed Clay Wasp, instinct: powerful neurotoxin (after being injected with toxin, it will obey the orders of the skill holder. The lower the enemy's health, the better the effect)

Are you sure this isn't tailor-made for Li Vampire Queen Qian Xia?

Wait, there are many more magical instincts.

Even if the instinct level will be lowered by one level, Li Qianxia admits it. Anyway, you can't buy skills above C level in the game currently, and many instincts are mostly at B level. Downgrading one level is only C level. It doesn't cost money and the effect is still good. good.

Yang Qinglan didn't redeem her skills either. Her idea was that it wasn't worth wasting game currency on these C-level skills that were destined to be eliminated.

Neither of them exchanged it, so Li Changzhou directly sold all the useless identity cards he had on him, including the identity card used to experiment with the 'Black Mist Granting Skill', destroying all the evidence.

A total of 11,200 game coins were obtained from selling cards.

The three of them selected the props of the players who died in this game and sold all the useless ones to the game.

Selling to other players will cost you more, or even make huge profits, but there is a risk of exposing your identity.

A total of three hundred and fifty game coins were obtained from selling props, which was ridiculously low.

The samurai's sword was chopped off by Li Changzhou with the Green Bee Sword.

Because of the skill effect of "One Weapon", the Emerald Bee Sword must have become stronger, although its appearance has not changed.

After doing all this, the three of them soon stayed and returned directly to reality.

Mingcheng, nine twenty-three at night.

Outside the window, the crowd was surging and the lights were bright. Couples were sitting on outdoor tables and chairs in the snack street, a family of three was taking a walk, a group of elderly people were dancing, and a high school student rode a bicycle and passed through these people alone.

(‘Tianshun Entertainment City’ has arrived at the station, please be careful when the door opens, and please walk away when you get off.)

Instead of going to remote corners, Li Changzhou and the others go to crowded places.

This is treating ordinary people as human beings. No, it is standing with ordinary people. Anyone who dares to attack them is going against the people!

After winning a battle and having money in their pockets (game currency, Yang Qinglan mainly had the real money), the three of them naturally went to the entertainment city to spend some money.

I found a Japanese restaurant and ordered saury, salmon, lemon juice prawns, red wine-fried beef tongue, rib-eye steak, garlic-baked abalone, etc.

When checking out, the two brothers and sisters stood behind.

Looking at Yang Qinglan's back as he paid the bill - it was beautiful. The feeling of eating soft rice emerged from the bottom of Li Changzhou's heart. It was really good.

Afterwards, they bought autumn clothes and wandered around for more than two hours before the three of them returned to the yard along the river road and entered the "honeypot world".

"Brother, what skills do you plan to upgrade?" Li Qianxia asked.

They sat on the bird's nest plain and drank vegetable juice.

There are stars dotted between the leaves of the giant trees, and the night breeze is warm and comfortable.

The key is that there will be no mosquitoes in the "honeypot world"!

"What do you think?" Li Changzhou asked.

"Take out your white card and take a look." Li Qianxia said.

Li Changzhou threw the white card on the table, and Li Qianxia immediately took it in his hand and started studying it.

Yang Qinglan didn't need to look. She memorized all the skills of the three people. She also relied on her memories to write down all the skills that had appeared in the mall in her notebook.

Li Changzhou’s current white card skills include——

"Concentration" (Level D), "Dracaena Style·Kirin Blood Drainage" (Level C), "Photo Transmission" (Level B), "The Coming of Black Death" (Level B+), "One Weapon" (Level B) Level), "Attribute Mask" (C level).

There is no need to consider the "attribute mask", and the "one device" can also wait.

"Focus can improve intelligence. Although it cannot be used to make breakthroughs, it can improve comprehension." Yang Qinglan said.

"What about "Kirin Blood Drainage"? Li Qianxia asked, "Now this skill can only treat injuries, and the recovery speed is still relatively slow. It cannot repair broken limbs, beautify hair, beautify skin, or remove dark circles." "

"It makes sense." Li Changzhou nodded and drank the vegetable juice.

Li Qianxia punched him, how dare he not cooperate with her complaints.

"'Black Death Comes' and 'Photo Transfer'." Yang Qinglan thought, "These two skills are very useful, but I don't know how much the effect will be improved after upgrading to B+ and A levels. "

When the skill is at B level, it has B+, when it reaches A level, it has A+, and when it reaches S level, there will be an extra S-.

"Otherwise, why don't I draw the rewarded items and skills first? Maybe I can get some good stuff. Don't waste game currency on upgrading. As a result, I got an S-level focus." Li Changzhou put down his cup.

"You drew a kettle last time, how lucky are you?" Li Qianxia expressed disdain.

"This time the items are guaranteed to be A-level! The skills are guaranteed to be B-level!"

"Then we can only guarantee the bottom line." At this point, Li Qianxia suddenly said as if remembering, "Qinglan, if you lend him your hand, you will definitely be lucky!"

I see! Li Changzhou was overjoyed and wished he could kiss his sister's cheeks.

I see. Yang Qinglan's heart was calm, but she wanted to pinch Li Qianxia's face twice.

"Well -" Li Changzhou admitted reluctantly, "I'm not very lucky."

Yang Qinglan looked at him.

Li Changzhou scratched the corner of his left eye with his right hand and looked away.

A bit honest and cute. Yang Qinglan handed over his hand.

Li Qianxia suddenly covered her mouth, her eyes full of emotion and anticipation, as if she was about to see her brother put a wedding ring on her sister-in-law.

Li Changzhou's throat suddenly felt dry, and he gently held Yang Qinglan's hand.

Slender and white, smaller than it looks, like jade, but smooth and delicate to the touch, ice cold and very comfortable.

Yang Qinglan felt that Li Changzhou's hands were big, the fingers were long, and the palms were dry and hot, very comfortable.

The hearts of the two of them trembled, and the leaves above their heads rustled.

"Ahem." Li Qianxia cleared her throat.

"Cough." Li Changzhou came back to his senses and instinctively cleared his throat to ease his mood.

".Cough." Yang Qinglan coughed at the same time.

The leaves stopped ringing, and everything seemed to be anticipating the next plot.

"Hahahaha!" Li Qianxia burst into laughter of course and slapped the table crazily.

Li Changzhou pursed his lips with an open smile, a little helpless, a little funny, a little shy and proud.

Yang Qinglan covered her mouth as if kissing the back of her hand, looking away and her ears turned red.

"When will you get married?" Li Qianxia asked directly in the affirmative.

"Wait until your brother catches up with me." Before Li Changzhou could open his mouth to speak, Yang Qinglan ordered him, "Draw a lottery."


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