King of Black Mist

Chapter 138 The favored Yang Qinglan

"Do not misunderstand."

Before the monk could curse, Li Changzhou spoke again.

"My 'Lord' is not your 'Lord'. I am a person with freedom of religious belief. I have no preference or discrimination against any religion. It's just that... it's difficult to choose a name. So, you should understand my troubles." Already?"

Li Changzhou was very calm.

He does not need to establish the image of "Lord" in front of Yaferona, Hurd and others.

Whatever the "Lord" rewards them, he can also give them; whatever the "Lord" punishes them, he can also give them the same punishment.

He can be their master without the identity and reputation of "lord".

"Are you the invincible in the game notification?" The red archbishop is a thin, middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance and an unsmiling temperament.

"It's me." Li Changzhou nodded, "So, I hope you can leave Sicily and Naples, which is my territory."

"Invincible at the first stage." The red archbishop walked down the main altar and stood under the huge gate of heaven.

The huge icon of the Almighty Lord was behind him, looking at Li Changzhou with him.

"Sinners who blaspheme the name of the Lord, you should not come to church."

The church bells rang, gentle at first, then gradually louder.

The gold foil, paintings, and marbles in the church are all glowing slightly, like a huge treasure box filled with jewelry.

The pairs of opposite columns, mosaics and carvings, the flowers, birds, fish, insects, and religious figures all came to life, blooming, swimming, singing, and obeying the Lord's teachings.

The golden light became more and more dazzling, accompanied by the sound of bells, making the church look like heaven, solemn and majestic.

“I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart,” the Cardinal sang solemnly, “and I will proclaim all your wonderful deeds.”

“I looked at the heavens, which your fingers had made, and the moon and the stars, which you had set in place, and I said, Who is man, that you care for him?”

“Who is this world, that you care for him?”

“You made him a little lower than the angels, and crowned him with glory and honour.”

The glory and light belonging to the Lord entered his body and enveloped him in a layer of white light.

In the eyes of everyone, he was like a messenger of God standing at the bottom of the ladder and about to enter the human world.

Yaferona, Hurd and others felt their whole bodies numb, and their faces were very ugly. As Italians who believed in the church, their hearts were trembling at this time.

If it weren't for Li Changzhou, they would have knelt down and confessed their sins to the Lord.

Before this, although the red archbishop was powerful, he did not have such a sense of holiness that made people worship him. He was the blessing of the church!

The monks also sang in unison:

"I will enter your dwellings by the abundance of your steadfast love; I will bow down to your temple in reverence for you."

There were only six people, but the sound was overwhelming. Paired with the church bells, it seemed like thousands of people were shouting.

Their bodies lit up with a white light that was fainter than the red archbishop.

"I'll give you one last chance," the red archbishop said with calm eyes. "Hand over your identity card, kneel before the Lord, and kiss my right boot. I can make you continue to be invincible."

Li Changzhou looked at Yang Qinglan and Li Qianxia: "Do you still want to practice? Something is wrong."

"Try it first, or you'll run away." Yang Qinglan didn't care at all.

Li Qianxia opened her hand, and a bloody steel gun appeared in her palm.

She held a gun on her arm: "Xiaoqing, I'll take the lead, you cover me."

As soon as she finished speaking, she tapped her toes and shot out like a sharp arrow.

The horned coat quickly spread over the slender and graceful body, turning into blood-colored armor.

The hundred-meter-long church was dimly lit with white light, and she burst into it like a blood line.

The steel gun roared sharply, and the tip of the gun was pointed directly at the red archbishop standing on the lowest step of the ladder.

"Judgment!" A monk stood up and spread his arms.

The church bells rang loudly, and the murals, religious figures, flowers, birds, fish and insects in the church all looked at Li Qianxia and spoke in unison.


The wooden seats in the lecture hall soared up and were wrapped in white light, forming a huge cross.

The cross was inserted into the ground like a giant sword, and the white light formed chains. The chains formed a large net, catching Li Qianxia who was rushing forward, and fixing her to the cross.

The bloody steel gun fell to the ground, like a small cross, inserted diagonally into the ground.

Fifteen gray fogs holding sickles, like evil ghosts leaving their nest, flew towards the monks.

Two monks stood up and held the "Bible" Cardinal Cardinal: "He will be like a tree planted by the stream, which bears fruit in season and its leaves will not wither. Everything he does will be successful. .”

The Gospel flew out and became a seed of light.

The seeds turned into saplings, and the saplings grew up rapidly and turned into lush fig trees in an instant. The giant trees spread white light and blocked out all the gray fog.

"Interrogation!" The fourth monk stood up.

"Interrogation." The religious figure, flower, bird, fish and insect said.

The fifth monk came out holding a book.

“A mosquito, at the age of nine, feasting on food purchased through stolen property, is guilty, says the Lord!”


The last monk spoke: "Burning at the stake!"

"Burning at the stake!" The voices of religious figures, flowers, birds, fish and insects became louder.

The church bells that had stopped ringing at some point suddenly rang with a "dong" sound.


The flames rose from the bottom of the cross, wrapped around the cross, and licked up like a devil's tongue, instantly drowning the figure on the cross.


Li Qianxia fell to the ground like a meteorite, bringing with her a sea of ​​fire that separated her path.

She pulled out the bloody steel gun and stood up.

In the unbelievable panic, the monks raised their steel spears, pointing at them with the tip of the spear shining like a cold star in the firelight.

"Guilty," she said.


The flames roared wildly, hitting the six monks like waves.

The red archbishop raised his hand and wiped it, and the fig tree spread white rain and dew, and the infinite flame fell asleep like a lion and disappeared completely.

"Ah!!!" the monks roared ferociously.

They rolled on the ground, they slapped their bodies, they struggled and tore off their monastic clothes.

The red archbishop frowned slightly and looked at Yang Qinglan, whose whole body was shrouded in strange light.

At this time, Yang Qinglan also happened to look at him.

The two people looked at each other, and the ground instantly lost its gravity on the red archbishop, and a pulling force appeared out of thin air in the direction behind them.

"We will break off their bonds and cast off their ropes, says the Lord!" the Cardinal chanted quickly.

The ground turned back to "ground", and he stabilized his body, feeling afraid of taking out chestnuts from the fire pit.

"Xiao Qing, don't kill him, there is no one to test my skills with anymore!"

The red archbishop turned around and saw that a woman in blood-colored armor was pulling out a steel spear from the neck of the last monk, and blood was spraying out like water jets.

The red archbishop's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Lucas, watch the top of your head." The nun suddenly said.

The red archbishop looked up and saw a huge white spider web, like a tiger ambushing a herd of deer, approaching quietly.

As if noticing his gaze, the speed of the spider web falling suddenly became faster.

Facing the gray fog, the fig tree freed up a green branch and spread it gently, spreading white light.

Like water splashed with salt, the cobwebs melt away quickly.

After cleaning up the trash, the red archbishop glanced at Li Qianxia again.

The "trial procedure" is almost invincible. Anyone will be tied up. Once put on the cross, no one can resist or use any skills.

But the flames were out of control.

His eyes looked across from the fig tree. Inside, someone must have manipulated the holy fire.

"You don't seem to be as strong as you thought." The 'Lord' rubbed his chin and looked at him.

"No," the woman with the strange light said, "auditory hallucinations, hallucinations, and gravity no longer have any effect on him."

"Aferona and the others are of no use, do you need me to take action?" Li Changzhou put down his hand, "Although I don't know if I can break through this tree."

"No need." Yang Qinglan took a few steps forward.

Her jade-like hands spread out, and five seconds later, in the gradually dilated pupils of Cardinal Lucas, "Bible Knight" appeared in her hand.

The white light of the church descended and enveloped her, making her look like a saint.

She took another step forward, and in everyone's mental perception, she passed away from this world, climbed to the lowest step of the ladder, and stood on the same level as the red archbishop.

"Laona!" Lucas turned his shoulder, his thin and quiet face staring at the nun like a ghost.

"It's you!" Laona was equally shocked.

She looked at Yang Qinglan in the white light, and then cast her eyes on Li Changzhou, whose figure was blurry.

"You actually gave the gospel to sinners who blasphemed "the Lord"!"

Laona withdrew her gaze and looked at the roaring Lucas: "Don't be excited, Lucas, the holders of the gospel cannot hurt each other. No matter how angry you are, you can't punish me, and no matter how scared, she can't hurt you."

"Shut up! I'll tell the Inquisition about this!"

"It's best for you to look in front of you now." Laona said nonchalantly.

The red archbishop squared his shoulders and looked at Li Qianxia, ​​who was approaching cautiously. Blood was dripping from the tip of her spear.

"Holy tree—" He took a deep breath and prayed loudly.

Li Qianxia rushed forward like a catapult, and the fig tree branches swayed with a white light, sweeping her away.

"--Follow the instructions of the Lord, and the wicked will be wiped out from the earth, and those who work treacherously will be uprooted from the earth! Destroy these unbelieving sinners!"

Endless white light converges on the fig tree, and the huge church gradually turns into a white space.

Looking at the soles of my feet, I couldn't tell up, down, left, and right for a while, and I felt like I was stepping on the void.

Li Changzhou's heart was pounding, as if a disaster was imminent, and a chilling feeling of something bad was blowing in his ears.

Li Qianxia quickly retreated and rushed towards him.

The "honeypot world" is about to open.

Yang Qinglan did not retreat, and also sang: "Holy tree, follow the instructions of the Lord, the wicked will be eradicated from the earth, the treacherous will be uprooted from the earth, and Lucas will be eradicated!"

The church turned into a white space, so quiet that only the sound of the blood flowing from the six monks was left.

Yaferona, Hurd, the cigarette man, the water girl, the darts man, and the billiards girl all swallowed their saliva.

The fig tree, with all its glory and splendor, was silent.

Li Qianxia breathed a sigh of relief.

"How, how is it possible!" The cardinal archbishop looked at the fig tree in disbelief.

The Holy Tree is conjured by His Gospel!

He served “the Lord” for forty years!

The Holy Tree actually hesitated between himself and the woman who had just received the Gospel and hadn't had it for half a month!

"Laona!" Lucas yelled.

As long as the nuns are included, the Holy Tree will still be on their side!

"help me!"

"But, Lucas," said the nun, "you are going to take me to the Inquisition."

"Do you think you can survive alone?! You have already lost to them once! Now only we can survive together!" Lucas roared.

Laona's eyes fell on Yang Qinglan who was bathed in the holy light.

"She and I are also us."

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