King of Black Mist

Chapter 142 Breaking the Boundaries

On the way back.

"Wang Donghua's skills were too miserable in the past." Li Qianxia was partly sympathetic and partly watching the excitement.

"Maybe I can use my hands to rub the Internet." Li Changzhou was partly sympathetic and partly watching the excitement.

"The spider web is pretty much the same." Miss Yang was emotionless.

"Spider Web" Li Qianxia laughed so hard in the back row that her stomach ached. The line of her waistcoat could make women shout "Sister", "Tie Tie", "First of all, I don't like girls, but sister, can I sleep with you?"

At the red light, Li Changzhou slowly stepped on the brakes and glanced at Yang Qinglan, the co-pilot.

Yang Qinglan looked back at him doubtfully - what are you looking at?

Li Changzhou raised his eyebrows. He didn't mean anything specific. It probably meant various meanings surrounding the central meaning of 'look at my wife'.

Yang Qinglan pursed her petal-like lips and turned to look out the window.

——I don’t believe in fate.

It's the "Compact Pleated Mushroom Style - Auditory Hallucination". If the intelligence is high enough, you can weave the content of the auditory hallucination.

What does it mean not to believe in fate? Rejecting marriage with him?

Li Changzhou looked at the red light ahead and thought about the meaning of this sentence.

Li Qianxia's smile was clearly behind her, but it seemed like she was separated by layers of glass.

——I hope we can discuss our matters slowly among ourselves.

He nodded slowly, he had the same thought.

He only takes the words of the Goddess as a reference. If it is good for him, it is a prophecy. If it is not good for him, it is feudal superstition and nonsense.

Of course he was very happy about his marriage to Yang Qinglan, but he hoped that the future between the two of them would be created by themselves.

However, Yang Qinglan said that he didn't believe in fate, which was tantamount to rejection, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Li Changzhou was silent, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, but the red light never passed.

——I don’t like you that much.

Li Changzhou stared ahead, with red lights flashing, reminiscent of a hospital emergency room.

——I look at you and Qian Xia now, and I think you have a good relationship, and I’m happy to see you, but I’m worried that after I get together with you, I will feel that your relationship is too close, and I will have conflicts with you, affecting your brother-sister relationship, and even The feelings of the three of us.

——I like Qian Xia very much, and I don’t want to make her unhappy because of this matter.

——I don’t like you so much that I don’t care about anything, or in other words, I can’t accept my less-than-perfect self.

——I have no confidence in myself. I am very controlling, very jealous, and have an awkward temper.

——One day, maybe you didn’t do anything, but I suddenly remembered that you and Mu Rong were joking as soon as we met. I would be cold-faced for several days because of this, and I wouldn’t tell you the reason. It was very inexplicable.

"Who is Mu Rong?" Li Changzhou asked.

The red light disappeared and the green light came on. Li Changzhou stepped on the accelerator slowly. The rental car on the roadside was not good, but it drove forward steadily and unstoppably.

"Gusu Murong!" Li Qianxia replied immediately, with a 'spider web' smile left in her voice, "I really like her role as 'Spring Emperor'. All her appearances are very beautiful, and her acting and singing have kept me entertained for a while. Gave up pop music!”

Li Changzhou didn't listen at all. He turned to Yang Qinglan and said, "If you don't want to tell me something in the future, just tell me in this way."

"Huh?!" Li Qianxia poked her head out from between the two of them, her eyes darting around them like gun barrels.

"You two are hiding something from me?" she asked word for word.

Yang Qinglan glanced at her.

"Ouch!" Li Qianxia was pulled back into the back seat by gravity.

Returning to Yanhe Road, I returned the car on the side of the road, entered the yard, and hid in the "honeypot world".

The three are ready to push boundaries.

"I'll come first!" Li Qianxia said positively.

"Yeah." Yang Qinglan nodded.

Li Qianxia sat cross-legged on the grass and closed her eyes.


A ball of blue flame surged out from between her eyebrows and enveloped her like a cocoon.

According to "Master Huang's Value Game Experience", the purer the blue flame, the longer it burns, and the higher the origin.

Li Qianxia's flames had almost no variegation, and were all blue. When the wind blew, the flames looked like a cluster of blooming blue onions.

Half an hour later, the flames flooded back into her brows like sheep returning to their fold.

Li Qianxia opened her eyes, clenched her fists, and felt for a while: "It doesn't seem like she has become stronger."

"The skills have changed." Li Changzhou looked at the "Gemini" instinct in his identity card.

Li Qianxia hurriedly took out her identity card and studied it with the two of them.

[Nickname: "Mosquito\

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