King of Black Mist

Chapter 155 Beloved Concubine

Li Changzhou returned to the Marshal's Mansion and asked Liu De.

"Have you seen a monster?"

"No." Liu De shook his head, "Although there are records of these in martial arts schools, they are just ghosts and ghosts. Now there are people all over the world. There are rumors of monsters everywhere, but no one has really seen them so far. Er Ye Don’t listen to the nonsense of those servants.”

Li Changzhou nodded: "Go and prepare the peony. I won't go out in the afternoon, so you don't have to follow me."


"That's right." Li Changzhou, who had been thinking, remembered another thing.

Liu De stopped and waited for his instructions.

"Go and invite five doctors to come over, pay enough, and let them treat people at the door for free."


Li Changzhou did not go to the backyard because it was too dangerous. Marshal Li took his hot third concubine and his sixteen or seventeen-year-old seventh concubine to the military camp, but there were still a bunch of wives left in the handsome man's house, including the dancer.

Li Biwei, the younger sister, went to school.

Li Changzhou first sent someone to call his future father-in-law Lin Ziwen, and then he went to the treasure house of the Marshal's Mansion and inspected the treasures that Marshal Li had collected one by one. He also looked at the medicinal materials, including ginseng, musk, toad fennel, benzoin, etc.

Send it to Miss Yang in the evening, he thought.

Before I finished reading half of it, a servant came to report that Lin Ziwen was here.

Entering the living room, Lin Ziwen quickly stood up.

"Sit down." Li Changzhou waved his hand and walked towards the boss, "Uncle Lin, I came to you this time because I have business to do with you."

"Business?" Lin Ziwen was stunned for a moment.

"Well, originally I didn't plan to enter the financial world in the short term, but I found that I couldn't do anything without money." Li Changzhou said.

"Chang Zhou, do you want to borrow money from me?"

Loan Li Changzhou pondered this word - why would he use his own money to pay wages and build dormitories? You can definitely find a loan from various banks, and then rely on the profits from renting out houses and canteens to slowly pay back the money.

The key is whether these banks are willing to lend.

If you have military power, it's no problem. The key is that you don't have it. Your backer - Marshal Li - does, but there is a layer between them, and the meaning is much different.

Let it go first.

"It's not a loan." Li Changzhou replied, "I want to find jobs for the workers. If they have money, they must save it. Although these savers are small, they are very important."

Lin Ziwen understood what was going on and quickly weighed the pros and cons and determined that this was a good thing.

He immediately said: "Don't worry, Chang Zhou, just let these people deposit their money in Lin's Bank, and I will give them the highest interest rate."

"Uncle, you misunderstood me," Li Changzhou waved his hand, "I'll invest in the shares of Lin's Bank. It doesn't need to be much, I just need to be able to make the decision. From now on, Lin's Bank will be renamed 'Workers' Bank', and I will endorse the profits and losses." .”

Lin Ziwen frowned suddenly, lowered his head and said nothing.

"I won't force my uncle," Li Changzhou said. "If you don't want to, I can just open a bank myself. It's just more troublesome. I have to start from scratch in terms of manpower and address."

Li Changzhou gave him time to think.

After a while, Lin Ziwen said: "My dear nephew, Lin's Bank is my life's work, I'm afraid I can't agree to it."

"It's okay, it's okay." Li Changzhou stood up with a smile, and Lin Ziwen also stood up.

"Uncle, you don't have to take this matter to heart. By the way, I'm going to hold a Peony Charity Ball on May 3rd. I beg your uncle to come."

"Okay, sure! Then I'll leave first."

Li Changzhou made a gesture of invitation.

After Lin Ziwen left, Li Changzhou rang the bell and called a footman named Wang Dehai to come in.

"Second Master." Wang Dehai saluted.

"You drive my car, pick out the most people, go to Lin's Bank and withdraw the one million I have deposited, then find a newspaper, report the matter, and say - I have prepared one million Cash is used to pay workers and open banks.”

"Yes!" Wang Dehai took the order and went out.

Li Changzhou didn't have time to slowly mess with a bank, so he had to do something less benevolent. He didn't know what the ending of Lin's Bank would be in history.

After talking about these things, some workers have already begun to pick peonies one by one to the Marshal's Mansion. Liu De worked very carefully. They were all peonies that were about to bloom. They waited until May 3rd to be in full bloom.

Li Changzhou's heart moved and he asked his servants to cut all the peonies that were already blooming in the house and send them to the guests together with the invitations.

He specially found Xiaoling, a thirteen-year-old girl, so that she could take the family car to the Liyuan to deliver the letter instead of having to work.

Needless to say, the recipients of the letter are Sun Xiaoyun, Chunhuang and others.

"Xiao Ling, listen, when you get to the pear garden, you secretly find a lady named Yang Qinglan and give her the best peony and this baggage. Don't let others know, do you understand?"

"I understand, Master."

"Okay, go ahead. If you do well, I will give you 20 yuan when you come back."

"Really?" Xiaoling's eyes lit up immediately.

Li Changzhou took out five yuan from his pocket, put it in her little hand, and said with a smile: "When I come back, I'll give you the remaining fifteen yuan."

Xiaoling immediately laughed so hard that her eyes rolled.

20 yuan is a lot in itself, and 20 oceans is even more - this is silver, which is worth more than random banknotes.

"Master, just watch it!" Xiaoling jumped out with her legs crossed.

Lin Mansion.

After Lin Ziwen came back, he didn't mention Li Changzhou's intention to invest in the bank. His family didn't need to know about these concerns.

Now everyone in the Lin Mansion is immersed in the atmosphere of a bright future in which Lin's bank is saved and the lady is about to marry Mr. Li.

The whole family is having dinner together in the evening.

"Ayin, Mr. Li is busy and doesn't come to see you. You can go to his house to play. Aren't you a classmate with the third lady of the Marshal's house? Don't be embarrassed."

"Well, school is closed tomorrow, so I'll go take a look."

While eating, a footman suddenly ran in and walked quickly to Lin Ziwen.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Li's people are withdrawing money from the bank! They want to take away the one million!"

"What?!" Lin Ziwen stood up.

He doesn't care about the one million, he cares about credibility!

Mr. Li saved money for two days and then suddenly withdrew it. What did other savers who followed the trend think? Is there really something wrong with Lin's Bank? Otherwise, why wouldn’t even Mr. Li save any money?

The dinner table that had been enjoying so much just now turned to ice in an instant because of this news.

"What's going on?" Lin Ziwen stared at the waiter.

"Back to the master, he said that Mr. Li wants to pay wages to the workers and open a bank. Now many people have heard the news and are waiting to withdraw money at the door of the bank! I also heard people say that they want to wait for Mr. Li to open the bank. Put the money in his bank!"

Lin Ziwen's expression changed again and again.

Li Changzhou only has this million? Just short of this million? Do you have to use this million?

This is forcing him!

"Ziwen." Mrs. Lin looked at her husband worriedly.

"Dad." Lin Yin also stood up.

Lin Ziwen had a gloomy face and suddenly said: "Get the car ready, I'm going to the Marshal's Mansion!"

He didn't explain anything, picked up a napkin, wiped his mouth, and walked out of the living room quickly.

Just as Lin Ziwen left, another servant came in to deliver invitations.

"Invitation?" Mrs. Lin took the invitation and the red peony.

After reading the letter, it was said that a peony charity ball would be held at the Marshal's Mansion on May 3rd. The first was to appreciate the peony, the second was to make donations, and the third was that I was new to the party and wanted to get acquainted with everyone.

"Isn't his foot bad and can't dance?" Lin Yin took the letter and read it, frowning and said, "Is his foot good?"

"That's right!" Mrs. Lin suddenly said as if remembering, "Ayin, on the 3rd, dress nicer and dance with Mr. Li. During the dance, ask him to help your father."

Lin Yin nodded absently.

She has been thinking about a question: Can women really only be used to calm anger or please people?


Xiaoling was led to the Spring Emperor's room by the actress who was both an apprentice and a handyman.

There was only Chunhuang in the room. She was preparing for the charity performance in the evening. She was wearing a costume and no makeup. She was reading the script carefully. The light shone on the side of her face. Xiaoling didn't dare to step forward for a while.

It's so beautiful, just like the people in the painting.

"What's wrong, little sister?" Chun Huang was stared at, raised his head and looked at her.

Xiaoling looks pretty and wears old clothes given to her by Li Biwei. Although they are seven or eight years out of date, they are still far ahead of most people.

"Hello Chunhuang, I am Xiaoling, the second master's girl." Xiaoling said hello.

Chunhuang put down the script, smiled and held her hand, pulled her to a chair and sat down.

"What did the Second Master ask you to do?" Chunhuang asked with a low smile, his hot breath blowing on Xiaoling's ears.

"Second, the second master asked me to send you an invitation." Xiaoling said in a daze.

"Are you just sending invitations?" Chunhuang lifted Xiaoling's chin and put her beautiful face into Xiaoling's eyes.

"Yes." Xiaoling looked at Chunhuang infatuatedly, "Second Master also told me to inquire about a lady named Yang Qinglan and secretly give her the baggage."

Chunhuang narrowed his eyes slightly, a flash of red light flashing in his eyes.

"What's in the baggage?"

"No, I don't know." Xiaoling swallowed and looked blankly at Chunhuang's delicate and charming face, "Can I touch your face?"

Chunhuang frowned, calmly let go of his hand, and looked away.

Xiaoling woke up from her dream and jumped up in panic.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean that, I was, I was."

"It doesn't matter." Chunhuang smiled sweetly, "Thank you Second Master for me."

"Okay, let's go first." Xiaoling just wanted to leave here quickly. What did she just say?

"Wait a minute." Chunhuang searched on the dressing table and took out three big pieces, "Take them to buy candies."

After Xiaoling left, Chunhuang thought for a moment and breathed out gently in front of the mirror. The mirror became foggy and she wrote a line on it.

As soon as she finished writing, the fog quickly dissipated.

Chunhuang picked up the script, looked at it, and murmured in a playful manner: "Li Changzhou, who are you? Even the "Beloved Concubine" cannot charm you. "

Beautiful eyebrows, seductive eyes, bright red lips, slender neck, slender waist as soft as willow, under the light, her temperament is alluring and luxurious.

Xiaoling left Chunhuang's room, her little heart pounding in her chest, as if she was about to jump out.

She swallowed hard and took several deep breaths before slowly letting her body temperature drop.

After wasting a little time, she finally asked where Yang Qinglan was, and she walked towards it.

Behind a banana tree in the corridor, on the white wall with black tiles, a shadow like running water dances, like a white snake or a fairy dancing in the heavenly palace.

Xiaoling held her breath, the shadow alone captured her soul.

"Who?" came the elegant voice, and the shadow fell to the ground like a swan, gathering its dancing posture.

"Yes, it's me." Xiaoling said subconsciously, and then quickly explained, "I am Xiaoling, Second Master Li's girl. Second Master asked me to deliver something to Miss Yang Qinglan."

A figure came out from behind Basho.

Xiaoling forgot to breathe.


She is graceful and graceful, her skin is as white as the fresh snow in winter, her face is beautiful and refined, and her temperament is elegant and otherworldly. When she wears ordinary clothes, she is so beautiful that people think they are neon clothes and feathers, like a fairy in a painting.

Seeing the other party slowly approaching, Xiaoling's breathing became more and more difficult. She suddenly put the bundle on the corridor and ran away like the wind.

Yang Qinglan glanced at Xiaoling's back strangely and picked up the baggage.

First he glanced at Peony, then unpacked the bag, which revealed a box and a letter.

Open the letter.

It's Li Changzhou's notes, with flying dragons and phoenixes, and the "wood" in the word "Li", which looks like a person meditating.

"Dear Miss Yang:"

"I found some medicinal materials at home to replenish your body."

"Also, on May 3rd, I will hold a Peony Charity Ball at the Marshal's Mansion. Please be sure to come. Please reply with your dress size when you reply, and I will send you clothes suitable for the ball."

"Li Changzhou"

In order to deceive others and write a plain letter, Yang Qinglan saw that it was written between the lines - I want to see Miss Yang cosplay as a 1928 lady, and I want to dance with Miss Yang's waist.

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