King of Black Mist

Chapter 157 Taking out your anger on your sister’s behalf

The man in the iron gallbladder gown roared again, took off his two swords, rolled them into two iron gallbladders, and smashed them towards the "eyes".

The two iron galls moved one behind the other, tearing the air apart, and with a whooshing sound, they passed through the trees in the garden, directly "evaporating" all the tree trunks, leaves, and petals blocking the road, leaving behind iron gall holes that looked like moth-eaten ones. Eye.

Li Qianxia raised her spear and was about to throw it to stop Tie Dan.

The Beggar Clan leader's muscles tensed up and he punched him like a giant spirit.

The strong wind blew against her face, and Li Qianxia had to put away her gun.

The bloody figure dodged the punch, turned around and handed over the steel gun, poking a hole in the arm of the leader of the Beggar Clan.

The blood has not yet spurted out of the hole.


Hearing the voice of the brave man in long gown, the two subconsciously turned their heads to look.

Opposite the "eyes", the blurry figure's right hand was blocking his eyes. Two iron galls were tightly grasped in his hand. Blood was dripping down his palm like a door curtain.

The man in Tie Dan's gown roared again. Tie Dan shook his head and was about to fly back.

The right hand of the blurry figure suddenly pinched, and the five fingers were like steel bars and iron bones, pinching the iron gall so that it would not move at all.

"Kill that woman!" A player who can assess risks shouted, with unspeakable panic in his voice.

A Western player who jumped downstairs shook his Western sword. The sword snapped into four pieces and stabbed Li Qianxia like a blade.

Li Qianxia didn't dodge, and wrapped her right hand around the gun barrel like a python, swishing, swishing, and connecting in all directions.

"Ding ding ding ding!"

The blades were all blown away.

Without waiting for the gun to be retracted and recharged, willow sticks, bullets, and the fists of the leader of the Beggar Clan came at him at the same time.

Li Qianxia dwarfed and transformed into a snowy owl wearing red armor, sprinting close to the ground.

Just like escaping from the bottom of a huge rolling wave, he flew out from willow sticks, bullets, and fists.

The Western player hit the hilt of the sword with a wave of his hand, and the four blades whirled around in the air, chasing the bloody snow owl.


A player in the room shouted angrily, his eyes seemed to burst.

There were two more willow trees in the courtyard. They pulled out their legs from the ground and connected the willow branches of the three willow trees with the first one. With a clatter, they woven into a giant net and covered it towards the snowy owl.

The woman in the cheongsam blew into her cupped hands, causing peach-colored pollen to fly all over the sky, making it inevitable to avoid it.

Li Qianxia held her breath, but her eyes were still fascinated by the peach-colored pollen, and she ran into the willow net.

The willow net closed instantly and tightened.

"Ah!" The snowy owl thundered.

The willow tree trembled all over, the willow net loosened, and the snowy owl flapped its wings and was about to fly out.


The four blades gleamed with cold light and were already in front of her eyes.

A dark shadow flashed!

The Western player made a "bang" sound and exploded into a shower of blood.

Without the player's control, the four blades instantly changed from shooting rockets to ejected cotton ropes. With their final inertia, they weakly hit the snowy owl's bloody armor.

It jingled four times and fell to the ground like falling apart.

"Crack!" In the rain of blood exploded by the Western players, a still intact arm fell on something.

"Kill them all." A cold and deep command.


A king cobra screamed and raised its neck.

The Western player's arm landed on top of its head, and then rolled down. Red blood raindrops fell on the black snake. The scene was ferocious, terrifying, and strange.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. The "eyes" were still only as thick as an adult's thigh and were slowly getting bigger.

Bang bang bang!

One bullet after another, the bullets penetrated the rain of blood that was still falling, and hit the King Cobra with strong kinetic energy.

The King Cobra narrowed its eyes, twisted its four-meter-long body, and dodged all the bullets.

"Damn it!" the player who fired the gun yelled, "Where did there come from so many monsters that can dodge bullets!"

"You cooperate with Lao Liu to catch that bird! I'll deal with this snake!" The giant-spirited leader of the Beggar Clan strode forward.

The thumping footsteps shook the yard.

The terrifying Qi gradually rises and punches out!

The snake head dodged easily and bit him, injecting venom.

The leader of the Beggar Clan laughed loudly: "I, the leader of the Beggar Clan, have never eaten poisonous snakes and centipedes!"

The bitten arm turned over, lifted up the snake's body, and grasped it in the palm of his hand. At the same time, he stretched out his other arm to grab the snake's tail and tear it into two pieces.

The moment the snake's body was lifted up, the King Cobra let go of its mouth and snaked up the body of the leader of the Beggar Clan.

The four-meter-long snake body is wrapped around the leader of the Beggar Clan who looks like a giant spirit.

"You're fucking seeking death!" The leader of the Beggar Clan looked up to the sky and roared. He tensed up and struggled to get out.

There was no snake body torn apart as he imagined.

‘This snake is so strong! ’ His heart sank.

The snake's body became tighter and tighter, the snake's teeth aimed at the neck, and bit it down, causing a bloody storm!

The leader of the Beggar Clan raised his movable arms and firmly pressed against the open snake's head to prevent it from falling.

Thick saliva dripped from the snake's mouth and onto the beggar gang leader's face.

The snake's body shrank slowly but surely, and all the bones in its body were moaning, as if it was locked in a burning room and could only wait to die.


Taking advantage of this pain, the leader of the Beggar Clan pulled hard with both hands, trying to tear the King Cobra in half, starting from its mouth!

"Hiss!" the King Cobra roared, and the snake's head suddenly pressed down ten centimeters.

"Ah!!!" The leader of the Beggar Clan was full of blood and roared back, refusing to admit defeat.

But this beast's strength was unimaginable, and his body was shrunk by the stranglehold.

The venom, which he thought was useless, slowly began to paralyze his body.

Just when he was dizzy, his arms were weak, and he was about to take a bite from the King Cobra, a strong wind blew and a small tornado swept past.

King Cobra and the Beggar Gang leader were blown away by the wind.

The tornado wrapped the leader of the Beggar Clan and flew to the side.

The leader of the Beggar Clan knelt on one knee, gasping for air. The cheongsam girl spat a mouthful of white pollen on his face.

The leader of the Beggar Clan shook his head like a cow. The paralysis caused by the snake venom weakened a little. He raised his head and saw Li Qianxia, ​​who had been shot in the leg, standing with the King Cobra.

His fist-sized eyes were staring at the King Cobra, and he took the opportunity to take a few breaths.

"I can delay it for a while longer, you go and kill that woman!" The leader of the Beggar Clan stood up on his knees and was about to go up and continue fighting with the King Cobra.

"Lao Wan, wait a moment!" The cheongsam woman stretched out her hand to stop him.


The leader of the Beggar Clan, named Lao Wan, turned to look at the cheongsam girl. Seeing her staring away, he subconsciously followed her gaze.

The "eye" is already half a person's height, like a door, with a vague figure holding the "door frame"...

Coming over!

Lao Wan felt goosebumps all over his body. Faced with the King Cobra's fearless "wildness", he went crazy and tried to escape from him.

"Xiao Hu, danger level!" He couldn't help shouting.

No one answered.

"Xiao Hu!"

I shouted again, but still no one answered.

Lao Wan turned his head and glanced quickly.

Xiao Hu was nowhere to be seen, and the barrier was removed at some point, and those two bastards ran away!

Seeing that something was not going well, Li Bichang was quietly preparing to leave.

Lao Wan was furious and kicked his toes, causing a piece of glass to fly out and cut off Li Bichang's head from the back of his neck.

His head rolled in the air, and before he could fly out, he was pressed by his own body.

"What are you doing?!" Tornado widened his eyes and looked at Lao Wan in confusion.

Lao Wan licked his chapped lips: "If we don't kill him now, let Heika protect him, or should we let him hide in the military camp?"

"Tornado, it doesn't matter," the cheongsam woman said solemnly, "It's Zhao's hand, but it can be disguised as Song's method, but..."

She looked at the blurry figure that had walked over and straightened up, and swallowed.

".The premise is that you can survive."

"Brother, it's them who teased me and beat me!" Li Qianxia pointed at the group of people and shouted to Li Changzhou.

Li Changzhou didn't talk nonsense.

He took two steps out. After two steps, he was as fast as a ghost and rushed straight towards the remaining six people!

"Drink!" Liu Nan clasped his hands together, and three willow trees swept towards him in anger.


A flash of blue light flashed, and Liu Nan's body flew out and was nailed to the wall of the bungalow by the Green Bee Sword.

The willow tree died like a lifeless rubber ball.

Bang bang bang!

"Give me back my iron courage!" The man in the iron courage gown, who still didn't know Liu Nan was dead, grabbed Li Changzhou with his five fingers like eagle talons under the cover of a pistol.

The void shattered, and the bone sickle stood on his way.


The man in the iron-clad gown fell to the ground, his eyes burning, his pupils disappearing, leaving only the whites of his eyes.

At this time, Lao Wan had just looked away from Liu Nan's body. When he turned his head, Li Changzhou had already dodged the bullet and landed on his face.

Surprise, panic, and fear flashed through his mind.

Li Changzhou punched down with his left fist, and at the same time grabbed the lean man with his right hand who was twisting to turn into a tornado.

"Uh-huh." The lean man lifted his legs off the ground, his face turned red quickly, and his tongue slowly stuck out.

He tried to grapple.


Li Changzhou threw his body out. The gunman looked frightened and was about to escape. As if he had been hit by a cannonball, his whole body dented like a shrimp.

The cheongsam woman sprayed out a mouthful of purple mist towards her cupped hands.

Regardless of friend or foe, she will kill Lao Wan as well!

Li Changzhou did not gather any strength, and exhaled a strong breath from his chest.


When the wind blew, purple mist flowed through, and the cheongsam girl fell backwards, shaking up dust and glass fragments.

The flesh and blood on her face quickly blurred and dissolved, revealing the white bones.

Li Changzhou withdrew his gaze and looked at Lao Wan on his left hand.

"Ah!!!" Between life and death, Lao Wan, who was almost kneeling on the ground, burst out "wild" again and resisted Li Changzhou's push.

Li Changzhou was a little surprised, no wonder he could last so long under the entanglement of the King Cobra.

But then, a trace of violence flashed in his eyes.

Hit my sister, I will kill you, and you dare to fight back!

The five fingers of his right hand slowly clenched into a fist, lightning struck into his cervical spine, his potential surged, and he struck like the earth was shattering.

Lao Wan felt like the sky was falling.


Lao Wan's head was like a watermelon crushed by a truck. Blood and brains shot to the left and right sides, and the heavenly spirit covered his neck like a lid.

Withdrawing his hand, Li Changzhou walked towards the gunman.

The gunman's waist was broken and he lost consciousness in the lower half of his body.

Looking at the blurry figure walking from the sea of ​​blood, he raised his pistol and fired while murmuring in horror.



Li Changzhou tilted his head slightly, and the bullet flew past his right ear.


Li Changzhou lowered his head as bullets flew over his head.


Li Changzhou did not dodge, and the bullet slid past the left side of his face.

There was no fourth shot. He had already walked up to the gunman and gently took the gun from the gunman's hand.

"Desert Eagle" has no recoil, unlimited bullets, and will never be damaged.

The silver gun body is very attractive.

Li Changzhou weighed it. It felt heavy and easy to hold.


Sure enough, there was no recoil.

The fact that it could injure Li Qianxia, ​​who was wearing a corner jacket, showed how powerful this gun was - the gun man's head was blown to pieces even more than Lao Wan's.

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