King of Black Mist

Chapter 161 Moonlight in the Liyuan

"Let's go, little carrot." Li Qianxia greeted.

"Alas." Xiaoluobo and Li Changzhou sighed at the same time.

Little Carrot thought that he had found a backer, but it turned out that the backer was not a mountain, but a yacht that liked to ride the wind and waves, and would go wherever there was danger.

And Li Changzhou's thoughts are now filled with Xiao Qing's thoughts: "I'll tell the unfaithful people in the world to eat my sword!"

The three of them left the house and came to the peony garden where the dance had been suspended and had lost its meaning.

Little Carrot pinched the tips of his thumb and index finger together, put it in his mouth, took a deep breath, and blew hard: "Huh-puff-puff-puff!"

There was no whistle and a lot of saliva was sprayed.

The two siblings looked at her. She wiped her saliva-covered hands on her knees (the clothes at her knees), and the two siblings looked at each other.

The moonlight is like water, and a peony fanns the water waves and turns into a butterfly.

"Big!" Little Carrot leaned back and opened his arms.

The butterfly's wings fluttered and fluttered, turning into a big butterfly, big enough to carry two people.

"Oh!" Li Qianxia's eyes lit up.

Li Changzhou recalled the "Detailed Explanation of Controlling Beasts - Beetles" that Xiaoyue had seen during the championship live broadcast after the Battle of Prague. Although he had not seen all of it, he had pieced it together, and there were several techniques for conquering beetles.

Since then, I have been thinking that if I can encounter those kinds of beetles, I must try them and adopt them as mounts.

The three of them rode butterflies and flew towards the pear garden in the moonlight.

"Little Carrot." Li Qianxia asked Little Carrot kneeling on Butterfly's back.


"How did you tame it?" Li Qianxia pointed at the butterfly.

"It's very simple. You'll be safe if you follow me, right?" Little Carrot patted Butterfly on the back.

The butterfly raised its round head and made an affirmative sound of "woo~".

Li Changzhou understood that no matter what skills he had to control the beast, it could not compare to attacking its heart and giving it what it wanted.


"Little Carrot, Butterfly," he said, "Do you know about the Battle of Prague?"

"I know."

"I am the champion. "Honeypot World" is in my hands. Do you want to follow me? You can always stay in the honeypot world without any danger. There are the best trees in the world and all kinds of flowers. , various foods. "




‘My goal is the Animal Player Master! ’ If not, ‘Let the unfaithful people in the world eat my sword! ’, Li Changzhou will be in a very good mood.

"That's great, Little Carrot, sleep with me from now on!" Li Qianxia immediately hugged Little Carrot in her arms.

Then he suddenly remembered the saliva on her body and put her down calmly.

"But we agreed that we won't do anything dangerous, right?" Xiaoluobo asked Butterfly, not paying attention to Li Qianxia's subtle emotional changes.


"What is the butterfly saying?" Li Qianxia asked curiously.

"I don't know." Xiaoluobo shook his head.

"No, don't know?"

"I'm not a butterfly, how do I know? Humans call all animals animals, but animals are actually different from each other, right?"



"But it can understand human speech, but I can't understand what it says."

The butterfly does not fly very fast, but even if it is not still, its body can still be in a semi-mimicry state. Even Li Changzhou, Li Qianxia, ​​and Xiaoluobo who are sitting on it can enter semi-mimicry state.

Plus it was late at night, so the road was very safe.

Half an hour later, the vast pear orchard was already in sight.

Under Li Qianxia's guidance, they landed in the courtyard where the Sun Family Troupe was located - there were many troupes in the Liyuan, and these troupes traveled all over the country and performed all over the country.

Yang Qinglan came out from behind the banana tree like a moonlight, glanced at Li Changzhou first, and scratched the corner of his left eye with his right hand.

Then, she looked at the butterfly, which was slowly getting smaller.

After looking at it, she said: "Citrus swallowtail butterfly." (It was then that Li Changzhou realized what kind of butterfly it was)

She looked at Li Changzhou again.

Before she could speak, Li Changzhou hurriedly said: "Miss Yang, don't rush to use the sword yet. I will die and I will understand. Tell me what I have done to regret you?"

Yang Qinglan blinked - huh?

"I confess, because I was bewitched by Li Biwei, I tasted a little of her tears and slept with Xiaoluobo again. For about an hour? But I definitely didn't do anything to feel sorry for you!"

Ben Lai - Yang Qinglan just shared the lines in the script with Li Changzhou in such a mood when she heard the songs she liked to listen to and saw the books she liked to read.


"What's the matter with the poison?" she asked, deliberately not asking, "What's the matter with tasting a little tears?"

Li Changzhou told the story exactly, emphasizing that the reason for severing the relationship was because he had someone he liked. In the end, he didn't kill Li Biwei because of someone's teachings.

After speaking, Li Changzhou also asked the witness to come forward: "You asked Xiaoluobo, right? She was hiding under the bed at the time."

"I was almost scared to death and didn't listen." Xiaoluobo said in an innocent tone.

Yang Qinglan's eyes were meaningful, and Li Qianxia couldn't see it anymore, so it was time for him to appear.

"Qinglan," she walked up to Yang Qinglan, covering her hands with her hands and whispering, "what you said, 'Don't do evil for small things', my brother's understanding is - don't do it just because the people here are from the past. Treat human life as human life.”

Yang Qinglan smiled brightly and glanced at Li Changzhou.

Then, she said: "It's quite obedient. Forget it, I'll let you go this time."

"Huh——?" Li Qianxia was confused.

This reaction was different from what she had imagined. Shouldn't she laugh at her brother for his low emotional intelligence? !

"Okay." Yang Qinglan's smile faded, her expression as calm as the Moonlight Fairy, "Let's deal with Chunhuang first, but be careful, those two people ran away to find her, proving that she is stronger than the few people you killed. Be strong.”

"Don't take risks!" Xiaoluobo couldn't wait to go back immediately.

"Waiting for others to take action, why not take the initiative and attack?" Yang Qinglan glanced at Li Qianxia, ​​"How can we let go of those who dare to hurt Qianxia."

"Lan Lan~" Li Qianxia opened her hands to hug Yang Qinglan.

Yang Qinglan glanced at her and pushed her away.

"Let's go." She took out "Bible Knight".

Li Changzhou's figure became blurry, and with a flip of his wrist, the Emerald Bee Sword slipped out of his sleeve.

JK shirts filled the air, turning into JK shirts, JK pleated skirts, and JK black stockings, with Li Qianxia holding the "Desert Eagle".

Yang Qinglan looked at her - where is your gun?

Li Qianxia patted the "Desert Eagle" - this is also a gun.

Li Changzhou looked at her - What happened to your clothes?

Li Qianxia hehe - Heisi, are you excited? This is the result of my secret practice recently when I was pricking the soles of my shoes!

"Hey." Little Carrot sighed.

"You don't have to go." Yang Qinglan said.


When Little Carrot looked up, the three of them were already on the eaves of the cloister. They landed silently. They almost dragged their afterimages and disappeared on the eaves in an instant.

In the dead of night, in the attic, the Spring Emperor was meditating.

She turned into a mist -

The wind blows over the coast of Toyosu in Tokyo Bay and passes by a fisherman who is fishing;

In India, milling around a merchant selling roasted corn, rubbing spices on it;

whizzing through the streets of São Paulo, drying the sweat off the tourists;

Roaring across the Mongolian steppes and across the vast, fertile lands of Russia;

Suddenly passing over the valleys and high steppes of Austria, flying over the fjords of Norway;

Blowing rubbish into the sky in the Pigalle district of Paris.

One moment it's a whirlwind sweeping across Texas, and another moment it's a gentle breeze caressing the hair of a girl in Ohio who's waiting for her date.

Experience every emotion, hear every cry of pain, every roar of laughter.

Finally, she came to the rock and looked around, surrounded by undulating grass and proud green pines.

Chunhuang's figure suddenly blurred.


With a thunderous sound, the Desert Eagle's bullet passed between her eyebrows, blasting holes in the wall.

Her clothes were fluttering, Chunhuang flicked his sleeves, and there was a bang, as if the heavy fog from the sky was thrown out by her, blurring Li Changzhou's face.

In the rapidly spreading fog, Li Changzhou's movements remained unchanged. There was a flash of green light in the white fog and the feeling of tearing his clothes.

“Ask me, says the Lord, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, and the ends of the earth as your inheritance.”

A holy and awe-inspiring voice, a drop of light as thick as water, fell at Yang Qinglan's feet, and the "sacred realm" unfolded.

Li Changzhou, Yang Qinglan, and Li Qianxia stood back to back in the center of the "Sacred Area", with the Black Death's scythe protecting them around them.

Little Carrot and Butterfly were lying on the eaves of the building opposite, only daring to show their eyes to the battlefield.

The fog was thick.

"It's midnight, what are you doing in my room?" A seductive female voice with a smile came from all directions.

"What skill is this?" Li Changzhou asked curiously.

The king cobra snakes along the ground, quietly moving toward the human-shaped red light in its eyes.

"Don't you know how to view things?" Emperor Chun said with a smile.

"Yes, but not as advanced as you." Li Changzhou smiled.

"Advanced? Oh, I understand. Did you learn "Thunder Picture" from that liar Master Huang? Do you regard simple punches as a fighting method?" Chunhuang said with a smile.

The voice is seductive, as if there is a beauty in red, half-drunk, lying in the arms of the listener, breathing warmly into your ears with her slightly alcoholic breath, and her slender waist makes people infinitely pampered.

"This Master Huang, I even bought his book." Li Changzhou really didn't expect it.

The king cobra snake's head suddenly raised up, as fast as lightning, and bit into the red figure's thigh.

The mist suddenly shrank, followed by bursts of soft laughter like silver bells.

"I hate it, I'm changing my clothes!"

The king cobra bit an empty person, and the triangular snake's head was lightly stepped on.

The mist dissipated, and Chunhuang was wearing a cheongsam. His long, straight, white legs stretched out from the slits of the cheongsam, giving people the impression of being endlessly long.

Her white hair was flying, the mist condensed into a shawl between her arms, and she was suspended in mid-air, like a concubine coming into the world.

"You really like sneak attacks." Chunhuang said coquettishly with a hint of dissatisfaction.

She has a beautiful appearance, captivating eyes, and breathtaking white hair. She is as awe-inspiring as a myth.

"Beloved Concubine" was fully opened, and Li Qianxia swallowed her saliva.

"Oh? So you are so beautiful." Li Changzhou said in surprise.

"Did you just find out? You are Li Changzhou, we have met before." Chunhuang was suspended in the air, supporting his right hand with his left hand, and stroking his cheek with the slender fingers of his right hand as if he felt how beautiful he was.

Li Changzhou sighed: "She is almost as good as Miss Yang. Damn it, how can there be such a woman in the world?"

Chunhuang's smile stopped, and his eyes fell on Yang Qinglan, looking her up and down with a hint of provocation: "Are you Miss Yang?"

Yang Qinglan smiled.

A piece of the silk piece exploded with a bang!

The expressions of the two stunning beauties changed at the same time.

Auditory hallucinations and hallucinations are blocked!

I was attacked silently!

A blue light flashed in Yang Qinglan's eyes, and Chunhuang staggered. Her body, which was originally floating, suddenly lost the gravity of the ground, and the ceiling above her head suddenly gained gravity, and she flew upwards.

Yang Qinglan waved his hand again, and a spider web fell down on his head.

"Presumptuous!" Emperor Chun shouted.


"Repulsion", "Spider Web", Black Death, Desert Eagle's bullets, and King Cobra's poisonous mist were all pushed away.

The ground trembled, sand flew and rocks flew away, the whole building exploded, screams of surprise spread across the theater, and the lights tied to the wires swayed like crazy.

The air was moaning, and the air waves were rolling wildly, forming a wall of air visible to the naked eye.

Li Changzhou, Yang Qinglan, Li Qianxia, ​​and King Cobra were ejected from the impact like fragments of a grenade exploding.

The slender and graceful figures of Yang Qinglan and Li Qianxia twisted in the air, landed on the ground, and took a few steps back before they were relieved of all the impact.


Before they could stabilize their bodies, Li Changzhou was already kicking off the ground and flying towards the empty white-haired concubine like a cannonball.

The strong wind blew, and the black robe of the Black Death made a hunting sound. The white bone sickle was about to blend into the white hair, and it was cutting towards Chunhuang's head, trying to split her head into two halves.

The mist rolled up like a silk snake and passed by the sickle. Black Death could only touch the soul, and could only be touched by the soul.

But just now, he was pushed away by Chunhuang's voice!

Chunhuang's eyes flashed and he lowered his head to avoid the bone sickle.

Still five meters away.

With a flash of green light, Li Changzhou threw the Emerald Bee Sword.

The mist that had not caught the sickle was wrapped in silk, and as if it was angry and angry, it rolled towards the blue light, and the two were entangled.

Four meters.

Li Changzhou clenched his fists, his mind filled with dark clouds.

Chunhuang slowly raised his head, his charming face was stern.

Three meters.

Lightning struck my spine, and my potential surged like an ocean.

Chunhuang's white hair trembled, and every hair tip was raising its head.

Two meters.

The majestic force twisted into a spiral and poured into the right arm.

The tips of his hair neighed, and his head was covered with arrows.

one meter.

Yang Qinglan's eyes were dyed blue, and it was too late to aim at the white hair with inertia. His eyes flickered, and he suddenly pulled Chunhuang to the left again.

Li Changzhou and Chun Huang passed by each other.

Shiro used all his strength and his right arm with all his strength, but neither of them had time to retract it.

At the same time, twist your waist and stretch out your legs.


With a click, Chunhuang's straight long legs sank as softly as if they were boneless, and then twisted again, as if they were spliced ​​together.


The air wave was emptied, Chunhuang fell to the ground like a meteorite, and Li Changzhou was pushed into the night sky.

The moment he was about to land, Chunhuang pressed his palms to the ground and floated up again.

Bang bang bang!

The Desert Eagle poured bullets, one after another, creating a vacuum tunnel.

Chunhuang's body transformed, and the bullets passed through like mist.

"Useless thing!" Li Qianxia let go, the Desert Eagle slid down, and began to summon the bloody steel gun.

Yang Qinglan's eyes gave Li Changzhou a gravitational force to pull him forward, stopping his upward momentum - in the air, no matter how powerful Li Changzhou was, he couldn't move forward and could only follow the inertia.

With Yang Qinglan constantly adjusting gravity, Li Changzhou finally returned to the ground.

The blood-colored steel gun appeared in Li Qianxia's long-awaited hand. JK's clothes melted and turned into blood-colored armor, and his fingertips were as sharp as claws.

Gold thread outlines the whole body, Yang Qinglan takes off the hairpin, gold holy armor, red cloak, the Emerald Bee Sword is dyed with golden light, and the black hair is flying like silk.

The king cobra crawled out from the pile of rubble like water, propped up its neck, and swallowed the snake's message.

The electric light kept shaking, lengthening and shortening the figures of four people and one snake, and cries for help were heard everywhere in the opera garden.

Thank you to the leader of [There is a lot of grass in Lili Grassland], thank you for your support.

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