King of Black Mist

Chapter 173 Early morning on the 29th

The departure date for 1928 was October 28, which was a Saturday, and October 29, which was a Sunday.

There was no need to go to class, so the three of them came together in the morning and enjoyed the morning of the "honeypot world" for a "long time".

Because I followed Li Changzhou back to the past, even though I couldn't open it, more than a month still passed in the "honeypot world".

The eggs, duck eggs, and goose eggs that were not picked up in time have hatched into chicks, ducks, and goslings. These little things can already chatter and run to the vegetable fields to find food. Before setting off, Yang Qinglan opened the fence and let Livestock can freely enter and leave the vegetable garden.

The vegetables in the vegetable garden are basically "trees", which are very strong and there is no need to worry about being eaten by cattle, sheep and pigs.

Moreover, the food was plentiful and delicious, and they seemed to have no intention of destroying it.

The rabbits have given birth to another litter. Since entering the "honeypot world", they have reproduced twice, but the number has a vague tendency to overrun. How can they breed?

Because they eat well, sleep well, have good air, and have no natural enemies, none of these animals died young. They are all very healthy and growing rapidly.

Not only that, the cow, which was supposed to be pregnant for more than half a year, gave birth to a calf in just one month.

"Alas." Li Changzhou sighed, "Thankfully, I took the initiative to watch "Domestic Cow" and prepared to be a temporary doctor."

Yang Qinglan and Li Qianxia couldn't put down the calf. The newly born calf's head looked a bit like a deer's.

Speaking of which, the real deer in the "woods" are about to give birth, as are the goats, and so are the pigs. Questions and pressures arise... When will it be humans' turn?

Li Changzhou has never been weaker than others since he was a child, and has even competed with dogs in swimming, so he never wants to admit defeat when it comes to having children!

"Are you guys up?" Little Carrot rode a butterfly and rushed down from the shade of the tree.

"Good morning, little carrot, little butterfly," Li Qianxia greeted, "Do you like it here?"

"I like it here!" Little Carrot opened his arms and said very happily, "A lot of delicious food! The tree sap is also delicious! And it's so safe! So safe! Safer than the train!"

"Woo~" Butterfly also sounded very happy.

"It's fine if you like it, but I don't want you to live here in vain." Li Changzhou said.

"Did you see that?" He pointed at the chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cows, sheep, rabbits and deer that occupied the vegetable garden. "Drive them back to the fence, and then pick the right amount of food for them every day. This is your job, it's very simple."

Little Carrot tilted his head: "Everyone is fine as they are now, why should they be locked up?"

Li Changzhou stepped forward and stepped out, grabbing a "little pig" in his hand.

The average piglet can grow about 20-45 pounds in a month, but in the "Honey Pot World", this guy has almost 90 pounds in a month, completely missing the opportunity to eat roast suckling pig.

Li Changzhou swiped the Green Bee Sword in his hand, and pig blood shot out.

"Ugh!!!" The pig kicked its legs, twitched twice, and died.

"Do you understand?" Li Changzhou asked Xiaoluobo.

"Ming, I understand."

"Well -" When the sow saw that the piglet was dead, she charged towards Li Chang with full of anger.

"No! Big pig! You will die!" Little Carrot jumped off Butterfly's back and pushed the sow back with her small and thin arms. "Run, run, don't get eaten!"

The sow's huge body was like a balloon in her hands.

Pig blood is quickly absorbed by the tree trunk, and the useless internal organs buried in the tree trunk will also be absorbed.

"Why kill a pig?" Li Qianxia left the calf and walked over.

"To prevent developing feelings for these guys, treat them as food from the beginning and kill pigs to show the monkeys." Li Changzhou said.

Li Qianxia frowned and nodded reluctantly after two seconds: "Okay, I'll get some honey and bake it later."

It seems there is no need to worry about her.

They also picked tomatoes, potatoes, onions, corn, and bell peppers and roasted them with the pigs.

We also picked cucumbers, lettuce, peas and other vegetables that can be eaten directly for salad.

Eating the golden and crispy pork ribs smeared with honey and sprinkled with chopped green onions, Li Qianxia licked her fingers and said:

"Brother, I think we should eat chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, sheep, deer, etc. as soon as possible, otherwise we will get old."

"Do you all want to eat it?" Little Carrot pitifully took a small bite of a pig ear as big as herself, "Everyone is so pitiful."

It could be seen that she was really sad, she was drooling and crying at the same time.

"Woo~" The butterfly is sucking honey.

"Why do you need to eat these in the morning?" Yang Qinglan only ate a few slices of pork belly and mainly vegetables.

"Forget these three, cows, ewes, and hens. The others must be treated as food from the beginning. Otherwise, they will become cats and dogs, and how will they be able to do it in the future." Li Changzhou explained again. .

"I'm not saying you killed it wrong, I mean - why don't you marinate it and eat it at noon or dinner?"

"Oh, I misunderstood you."

This breakfast was a bit time-consuming, but while waiting, they took a good tour of the "Honeypot World" and taught Xiaoluobo all the tasks she would need to be responsible for in the future, so it was not a waste.

After eating, we started practicing the "Divine Fire Diagram".

The three of them were sitting on the Bird's Nest Plain.

The late October sun shines down, the light and shadow are mottled, the leaves are still as green as midsummer, but there is already the smell of autumn in the air.

"Before learning, you two can experience it in advance." Li Changzhou suggested.

"Feel it in advance?" Li Qianxia didn't quite understand what he meant.

"I can learn it in one minute, thanks to Zhu Xiongjie fighting me with all his strength, allowing me to feel the secret of "The Divine Fire Picture". From now on, he will be my master, and I will be his successor."

"Learned the "Picture of Divine Fire" in one minute?" Li Qianxia cared more about this than any master or successor.

"It's not just Zhu Xiongjie's fault, it may also be because of my experience with "Fire Wave". "

After saying that, Li Changzhou thought for a while and added another reason: "'Concentration' is also very important. It is a specific improvement in intelligence based on what I was focusing on at the time. "

"There are so many reasons, so is it useful to feel it in advance? If it is, how useful is it?" Li Qianxia doesn't like to listen to nonsense, and the hot girl wants to be straightforward.

"Won't you know after just one fight?" Yang Qinglan said, "Would you come first or should I come first?"

"Me first!" Li Qianxia jumped onto the grass.

Li Changzhou drank up the vegetable juice in his hand before slowly walking over.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Come here!" Li Qianxia clenched her hands into fists, using her body to directly feel the power of "Sacred Fire Picture" without using weapons.

Li Changzhou smiled. As the sky fire descended, his muscles tightened and compressed instantly. Wisps of heat squeezed out from the gaps, as hot as lava.

The first level of "Divine Fire Diagram" cannot interfere with reality, but in addition to causing the power to explode instantly, it can also make the power become scorching.

He tightened his right leg, turned his waist, and whipped his leg out with a snap.

Dark clouds rolled in, thunder and lightning flashed, and his spine was numb. Li Qianxia raised her strong and slender legs and kicked him.


The air rippled visibly.

Li Changzhou took a step back, feeling numbness in his legs. Li Qianxia took three steps back before taking a breath and standing firm.

Her legs were burning and painful, as if they had been licked by flames or exploded by a dynamite barrel.

When she was fighting Li Changzhou just now, she really felt like she had kicked off a powder keg.

She took a short breath and put the discomfort in her legs behind. Based on her long-term sparring with her brother, she knew that Li Changzhou liked to "take advantage of others' danger."


Just when she was mentally prepared, Li Changzhou's feet were like crushing a poisonous snake, and the person exploded like a barrel of flames, and he rushed over instantly.

Another kick like a fire whip.

Li Qianxia's month in 1928 was not all about organizing the women's movement. She had already practiced "Thunder Picture" proficiently.

She instantly imagined dark clouds, lightning striking, potential surging, and her whole body seemed to swell slightly.


Another whip kick.

Li Qianxia only shook slightly this time and stabilized her body.

what's the situation? Brother, did you keep it? Isn’t this looking down on oneself? !

Before Li Qianxia could curse...

Li Changzhou volleyed in the air for a moment, bang bang, kicked nine times in a row!

The feet are spinning, destroying the ancients and destroying everything, like a violent storm!

Every kick can crack a stone, every kick is like a cannonball!

"Picture of Divine Fire"! Nine-ringed mandarin duck legs!

Li Qianxia felt like she was being kicked like a football by countless bombs. The last bomb had just "bombed" her to the left, and the next bomb had "blowed" her to the right.

One moment she was blown away, and the next moment she was magically blown back.

She felt as if she was being thrown into a volcanic crater and stir-fried. She was tossed and turned over and over, and the heat was rolling in, trying to cook her.

what's the situation? Is there such a brother? He actually didn’t leave his sister alone!

"Qinglan, save me!" Li Qianxia called for help!

Yang Qinglan jumped towards Li Qianxia like a fairy and glanced at her at the same time.

The two girls stood together and looked at Li Changzhou.

Li Changzhou, who had lost gravity on the ground, grabbed his toes and remained standing on the ground as if nothing had happened.

Seeing that he was about to pounce again, Li Qianxia quickly said: "Wait! How did you do that?"

She took the opportunity to secretly relieve the pain in her body.

Fortunately, I don't know if it was because Li Changzhou was new to "Pictures of Divine Fire" or if he deliberately held back. Although the situation was critical just now, as if the flower bones were destroyed by the strong wind and heavy rain, he was not injured.

"Just hold on to the energy in your body." Li Changzhou replied.

"Catch that breath? Can you speak human language?" Li Qianxia continued to delay!

"You'd better have some respect for your brother. I'm not a human being and you're not a human being - seize the strength in your body. It sounds high-end, but in fact it's very simple in nature. Understand and master it. {Strength is not something you can only hit with your hands and legs. Just go out and say this."

"You mean, don't develop the habit of using only your hands and feet?" Li Qianxia thought for a moment.

"In other words, you are as accustomed to your body as you are to your hands and feet?" Yang Qinglan also put forward his own opinion.

"Qinglan's understanding is relatively high." Li Changzhou commented.

"So what if you have high understanding? I have a good brother, but she doesn't."

"Full marks! My good brother will make up for your understanding now!"

When the sky fire came, the muscles in his legs compressed and flames spewed out, Li Changzhou rushed towards the two of them like stepping on a barrel of explosives.

In fact, I can no longer hold on to the ground. If I continue like this, my grace will be gone.

Considering that there were two people, he did not use the nine-ringed mandarin duck legs this time, and his hands were like swimming dragons.

The five energies unite, and the buttons form a circle, Baguazhang!

Yang Qinglan and Li Qianxia's eyes were dazzled, and for a moment they saw a blazing Bagua millstone pressing towards them.

The power of the Bagua millstone is astonishing, as if if you dare to reach out to pick it up, your hand will either be ground into mud by the millstone, or burned into coke by the flames.

Yang Qinglan threw out the thorn arrow with his hand, and the Bagua Millstone broke it instantly, but the intimidating momentum was slightly paused.

The two of them finally saw the palm shadow clearly!

"Hey, I promised to practice visualization..."

Before Li Changzhou finished speaking, the two girls pounced on him.


Two bolts of lightning struck their minds at the same time. Li Qianxia took the lead and blocked Li Changzhou's hands.

As soon as the Bagua millstone stopped, Yang Qinglan flicked his arm and struck Li Changzhou's neck like a sword.

Li Changzhou quickly shook the energy in his body and slid to the left to avoid the lightning-fast sword.

Li Qianxia didn't have time to gather her strength, tightened her leg muscles and kicked Li Changzhou in the crotch.

Li Changzhou quickly bent his legs and used a variation of the nine-ringed mandarin duck legs to suppress this righteous kick.

After these three rounds, he was sweating slightly.

Yang Qinglan took another step forward, her posture as graceful as the mist in the mountains, but Li Changzhou squeezed his muscle fascia and struck with a flame, but she calmly caught it.

"Drink!" Li Qianxia took the opportunity to take action, with "Thunder Roar" secretly in her voice!

Li Changzhou's head was slightly dizzy, and he could only rely on instinct to take the move, and he was at a disadvantage in an instant.

The two girls go back and forth, and sometimes they are like sisters. Li Qianxia is even more despicable, secretly using skills such as "Super Speed" and "Double Stab".

"Boom!" Thunder trembled.

Li Changzhou knocked them back with one move.

"What a shame!" Li Qianxia immediately refused, "We agreed to only use the "Picture of the God of Fire"!"

"Who was the first to cheat? Don't think I don't know how fast you are!" Li Changzhou had no shame, but stood proudly on the moral high ground.


A flash of green light, black hair like a waterfall, Yang Qinglan's Cuifeng sword slashed across the side of Li Changzhou's face, and the sharp blade almost left a gash in his sword.

The number of visualizations is limited.

The first is energy. Concentrating on visualization requires a high level of concentration, which will consume energy rapidly every time.

The second is physical endurance. If you keep exerting force, your muscles will become sore, let alone squeezing the water out of a sponge to stimulate your potential.

Finally, there is "ability".

Taking the three items together, the combined number of visualizations by the two of them was not as many as that of Li Changzhou alone.

So she started using weapons!

The moment Li Qianxia said, 'You're cheating', she had already secretly opened her hand and summoned the blood-colored steel spear.

The sparring between the three of them was so unpredictable - I never knew who was using the excuse "this will make it look like real combat" to begin with.

"Miss Yang, don't slap me in the face! What if you can't get a wife if you are disfigured?" Li Changzhou said while avoiding the sword light.

"I'll marry you."

"Wait, truce, let me think seriously for two minutes!"

"Silly." Yang Qinglan struck again, "If I really marry you, how can I disfigure you? Isn't it me who will suffer the loss?"

"Qinglan, okay, let's come together!" Li Qianxia rushed forward with a steel gun in her left hand and a Desert Eagle in her right hand.

Li Changzhou and Yang Qinglan, who were chatting and sparring slowly, instantly became serious.

Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month.

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