King of Black Mist

Chapter 176 Imperial Mecha

Li Changzhou reached out and grabbed the smoothbore cannon.

The spine where the thunder and lightning resided shone slightly, the arms exerted force, the muscles tensed, and the hands changed from flesh and blood to steel and iron bones.

With a kick of his feet and a pull of his hand, the smoothbore cannon was torn off and the Scorpion mecha was kicked off.

With gentle exertion on his waist and abdomen, Li Changzhou stood up.

As far as the eye can see, there are mechanical wreckage everywhere, the flames left after the explosion, and the earth washed by the shells is black and still has warmth.

The traces of the battle extend from the plain where Li Changzhou is located into the forest in the northwest.

{Platoon leader of the first battalion, third company and second platoon of the sixth regiment of the third division of the Principality of Lustein.Zhi Weiss}


Sparks flew from the gun mount on the back of the Scorpion mecha, and its eyes flashed with warning red light as it tried to stand up.

Li Changzhou waved his arm and threw out the smoothbore cannon like trash.


The smoothbore cannon pressed against the back of the scorpion mecha again, completely crushing the six legs that were about to stand up.

Engine oil flowed out of the Scorpion mecha and formed characters on the ground.

[Time: 1678, early summer]

[Location: The borderline between the ‘Principality of Lustein’ and the ‘Isolde Empire’]

[Background: The war between the empire and the principality is coming to an end. The princess of the principality is getting married to the heir to the empire. Because of your heroic performance on the battlefield, you were selected as one of the marriage escorts. However, you were ambushed by an unknown mecha force on the border. , you are the only one who survived in the army]

[Main mission: Revenge! 】

[Mission content: Destroy the three imperial mechas of ‘Judgment’, ‘Burning’ and ‘Red Lotus’]

[Note: No one can survive after provoking you! Unless you die (cross out)]

Li Chang Zhouping raised his left hand and spread his five fingers toward the void.


The void did not open its eyes.

On the identity card, the colors of "Gemini·Bond Summon" and "Photo Transmission" are the same as in the "Honeypot World" in 1928, which have become gray.

Concentrate your consciousness and get a reminder - teleportation and space skills are prohibited in this world.

"Contract·King Cobra".

The golden crown, which was four meters long and covered in black gold, swam out of the void while hissing and spitting out snake messages.

"Doesn't the summoning category belong to teleportation and space?"

Li Changzhou raised his head and his eyes fell on the remains of the Scorpion mecha whose red light went out.

"It doesn't look like a world with ideas."

At this time, the "Snow Mountain Kettle" in his backpack was taken away, and he breathed a sigh of relief. This meant that Li Qianxia was safe and was with Yang Qinglan.

Li Changzhou opened his hand, took out the blood-colored steel gun, and returned it.

After confirming that each other was safe, Li Changzhou opened his palms and the Emerald Bee Sword slid into his palms.


The blade of the sword, which was so thin that it could fit between the fingertips, struck the remains of a piece of machinery at his feet, making a hard impact sound.

Li Changzhou frowned slightly. If he couldn't even cut down this kind of roadside mecha, how could he deal with the imperial mecha that sounded like a trump card?

He changed to another one. It was a bit difficult to cut in, but he still managed to get in.

Go back and chop the first one, the tip of the sword goes in a little.

According to this method, Li Changzhou turned into a swordsmith and used the remains to continuously improve the hardness and sharpness of the Green Bee Sword on the battlefield.

If it is not "one weapon", it can only improve the hardness and sharpness of the weapon itself, otherwise the "Desert Eagle", which cannot be damaged, is more suitable for this skill than the Emerald Bee Sword - "Desert Eagle" itself also has flaws, it is too short. .

By the time Li Changzhou left this small battlefield with the guarding King Cobra, the Green Bee Sword could easily cut down all the mechas behind him.

Although these things are "roadside mechas", they are very strong in themselves. On one side they are the princess's escorts, and on the other they dare to ambush the princess's escorts. If they are not top-notch, they are at least first-rate or second-rate.

The direction Li Changzhou walked was the forest in the northwest.

According to the game prompts, it can be easily deduced that when "she" was the guardian princess, she was attacked by three imperial mechas: "Judgment", "Burning", and "Red Lotus".

In this case, as long as you continue to follow the princess and use her as bait, you will naturally see the three mechas again.

The princess is also a key character and may trigger side quests.

"Alas." Li Changzhou, who was shooting like cannonballs in the forest, couldn't help but sigh.

No matter how many tasks you have to do, what can this world give you? Give him an Imperial mecha?

Seems pretty good too.

Waiting to take the subway, go back in time, imperial mecha + unlimited ammunition heavy machine gun, one person can destroy a country?

The momentum slowed down, and Li Changzhou's legs slightly bent and straightened.

The ground looked like it had been hit by a meteorite, dented, cracked, and burst open!


With the explosion of powerful muscles, the speed picked up instantly, and the surrounding trees became an afterimage.

Even at such a high speed, Li Changzhou could still easily avoid the nearby trees.

Can a mecha do this?

Just toys.

Cut off all the chickens and dogs.

The next moment, almost relying on instinct, Li Changzhou twisted his body violently to release all his momentum, and then lay down on the ground as if he was squeezing himself into the soil.



A red high-temperature light wave swept over the head, and thousands of trees flew together. With a rumbling sound, the tree trunks fell to the ground like rain.

Li Changzhou stood up from the leaves. In front of him, half of the forest had been cut down, leaving only tree trunks and stumps on the ground.

He caught a figure in his peripheral vision and turned to look.

[You discovered the mission target: Red Lotus]

You call this a mecha? Are you sure it's not Ultraman or a monster?

A thousand meters away, a bright red mecha stood quietly, like a ball of flame falling from the sky!

Even though it is a thousand meters away, the humanoid steel giant that is more than fifty meters tall still uses an indescribable force to grab people's hearts and squeeze their breath.

Gorgeous, hot and majestic.


The mecha's eyes glowed red, like a scarlet demon.

Just coming to another world is like just waking up from sleep.

"Lan! Lan! Lan Estelle!"

The sense of crisis stung her body, as if someone had grabbed her collar and pulled her hard, and Yang Qinglan woke up suddenly.

A beautiful blond girl knelt beside her.

Fierce gunshots and explosions were heard in her ears, the storm caused by the shock wave ruffled her and the blonde girl's hair, the smell of gunpowder stimulated the nasal cavity, and the red flames sent waves of heat.

She turned around and saw a red mecha and a white mecha fighting a dozen mechanical monsters.

{The Queen's Knights have developed mechas that are different from ordinary standard mechas and use the most advanced neural connection technology. }

{With this technology, the 26-meter mecha has almost become another body of the driver. It has changed from driving to "wearing". }

{The people driving these two mechas are Xia Gloria and Yao Steinem respectively. }

She also has one, Yang Qinglan suddenly "thought" and looked somewhere involuntarily. There was a blue mecha. Corpses were stacked on the edge of the forest. Most of the gunpowder smell and heat wave came from this mecha.

Already obsolete.

In order to stop the imperial mecha, he was almost destroyed and was later targeted by the 'reconnaissance type' mechanical creature in front of him. As a result, "himself" fell into a coma and was rescued by the princess.


The mecha key on his wrist suddenly received a message from the apparently "dead" mecha.

Yang Qinglan looked down.

[Time: 1678, early summer]

[Location: Frontier of ‘Isolde Empire’]

[Background: The war between the empire and the principality is coming to an end. You are ordered to protect the princess and the heir to the empire to get married. On the border, you are ambushed by an unknown mecha force. Relying on the rear-cutting force, you and two other queen knights take the princess with you. He barely escaped and was soon discovered by the reconnaissance mecha]

[Main mission: Knight’s mission]

[Task content: Deliver Princess Beatrice to the capital of Isolde Empire safely]

[Note: For the knight’s mission, sacrifice! 】

{Lan Estelle. Knight of the Queen's Knights of the Principality of Lustine. Princess of the Guardian Heading to the Isolde Empire} Looking at the message, she "remembered" who she was at the same time.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

A new heat wave hit. The red and white mechas eliminated the 'reconnaissance type' mechanical creatures. Their huge bodies walked towards this side with light steps.

"Qinglan, this thing is amazing! It can perfectly reproduce my movements! It's a pity that I can't use the visual method!" the red mecha shouted.

"Qinglan? Contemplation method?" Princess Beatrice asked doubtfully.

"This is the secret of the Queen's Knights." Yang Qinglan explained casually.

"Stop chatting here, come up!" The hatch on the white mecha's chest opened, and Yaochi, who looked heroic in a women's military uniform, sat inside.

At the same time as the hatch opened, the right hand of the white mecha spread out beside the two of them.

Yang Qinglan also quickly entered the state. She said to the princess: "Princess, you ride on Yao's mecha, and I'll ride on Xia's."

Princess Beatrice did not move. She shook her head feebly: "It's useless. The empire sent three imperial mechas to attack us. No matter what we do, we will be found and killed."

Yang Qinglan had no time to comfort her, so he stood up and left her in the hands of the white mecha.

The white mecha closed its right hand, and the five mechanical fingers imprisoned the princess like a prison. With a lift of the wrist, the princess was sent into the chest cockpit.

The air was squeezed, the hatch was closed, and while the white mecha stood up, Yang Qinglan also entered the red mecha.

The cockpit is very narrow, which is one of the reasons why Yang Qinglan was separated from the princess.

Li Qianxia was sitting in the driver's seat, wearing a military vest and shorts, revealing her strong and slender arms and legs.

Her hands reached into the groove of the neural connection device, and she stepped on a pedal with her right foot, which could control the output power of the power furnace. There was also a pedal on her left foot, which was the cockpit ejection device - once ejected, the body would self-destruct according to the pre-entered program.

"Where is your brother?" Yang Qinglan asked immediately.

"He's fine." Li Qianxia replied while controlling the mecha to keep up with the white mecha in front, "I don't know why in this world, the use of teleportation skills is prohibited, so I can't call him over."

The two mechas weighed hundreds of tons and ran like giants through the mountains, but they only made a slight driving sound, not as good as the rustling sound of the machine body brushing against the leaves.

Yang Qinglan thought for a while and said:

"Maybe it has something to do with our mission. If you can use teleportation, you can call your brother over and find a way to find photos of the imperial capital. The mission can be completed easily."

Li Qianxia was about to nod in agreement when the princess's voice came from the teammate channel.

"You three, run away. The empire's target is me. As long as you are separated from me, they will not harm you."

"What you should do now is shut up and wait to be your bride." Yaochi lectured unceremoniously.

Princess Beatrice was not angry because of her attitude, but continued to persuade in a worried tone: "Yao, Lan, Xia, you are the elite of the Queen's Knights, and you have also fought against the Imperial Knights head-on. There is no need to settle for the impossible. Sacrifice yourself."

Contrary to what the princess thought, the three of them had no memory of the Imperial Knights.

Yang Qinglan asked Li Qianxia to open the communicator and said: "Princess, it is precisely because we have fought against the Imperial Knights that we cannot escape. We have been remembered by the enemy. In order to silence them, even if you sacrifice yourself, they will not let us go."

There was silence on the other side.

a long time.

"...I'm sorry." The voice was soft, making people feel that the other person had curled up in the corner of the cockpit.

"It's okay!" Li Qianxia quickly comforted, "As long as we work together, we will reach the capital safely!"

The princess made no answer.

Li Qianxia turned off the communicator and said sympathetically: "It's so pitiful that someone as old as us has to marry to another country for the sake of the country and be assassinated on the way."

"Are you sure you can deal with the imperial mecha?" Yang Qinglan asked her.

"If it's the same as my mecha, it won't be a problem at all. But according to the princess, it will definitely be stronger than mine. It won't be able to compete with the performance, but we still have skills."

Yang Qinglan thought about it carefully for a while and felt that the situation was not as optimistic as Li Qianxia imagined. Many skills were useless against mechas.

She has "Repulsion" and the other party has Flying;

Auditory hallucinations require seeing the driver, who is unlikely to emerge from the cockpit.

But if you choose to take the initiative and find the driver's time to eat and rest, it will be easy to kill them.

"Enemy aircraft found"

A warning window popped up on the optical display. The two looked at the radar screen at the same time. There was a red dot above their heads following them at the same speed.

Li Qianxia "raised his head" and the enemy plane appeared on the monitor.

The green body has a height of nearly sixty meters. It flies very fast, but it gives people the feeling that it is pacing slowly. A mecha has a proud and calm temperament.

"Judgment!" the princess's voice came from the communicator, "Run!"

"Is this the imperial mecha?" Li Qianxia was eager to give it a try.

You have to try it to know how strong it is. Yang Qinglan also agreed to fight.




A ray of blue light roared across the earth, and air waves flew into the sky, forming an air wall visible to the naked eye.

The huge energy beam seemed to take away all the light in the world, darkening the surrounding area.

Between the mountains, birds and wild animals were running away, it was like the end of the world.

When all the commotion stopped, a grand canyon appeared on the ground that was thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters deep.

Li Qianxia's red mecha and Yaochi's white mecha collapsed on the edge of the canyon in horror.

The legs of the red mecha moved unconsciously, and it took a long time before a dull landing sound could be heard from the gravel being kicked down.

Almost, almost, both humans and mechas were evaporated!

Is this the Imperial Mecha?

No wonder the mission is only to escort the princess to the capital, not to eliminate the assassins!

Is this something that humans can do? !


The blue imperial mecha, like God descending, slowly lowered its height, suspended above the Grand Canyon with the blue sky as the background, looking down at the two bugs that had managed to escape.

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