King of Black Mist

Chapter 184 Unregulated Mecha Racing Competition

This is what he cares about most.

Judging from the current intelligence, the only way to complete the main mission is to pilot an imperial mecha.

Wen Caroline turned her head and looked directly at Li Changzhou.

"The Queen's appointment." She said, "This is how the Imperial Mecha is certified."


Fingerprints, retinas?

Or some system permissions and other messy things?

It would be great if Wang Donghua was here, Li Changzhou thought.

"Is that so?" he confirmed to Beatrice.

Beatrice was in a state of panic, her whole body was cold, as if there was a snake crawling on her body.

"Ya, Beja."

Li Qianxia shouted twice, and Bea Tris came back to her senses as if she was frightened.

Her lips were purple and she looked very pitiful.

"Caroline said that the certification method for the Imperial Mecha is the Queen's appointment. I want to know if that's the case?" Li Changzhou asked as if nothing had happened.

The survival of the principality really has nothing to do with him.

It seemed that it took a while for the voice to reach Beatrice's ears, and she answered slowly: "I don't know, this is top secret."

Li Changzhou was not disappointed, it was only natural that he didn't know.

Just like the major countries on earth, even if the successor is clear, it is impossible to tell the other party the password of nuclear weapons in advance.

Imperial mechas and national-protecting divine machines are more precious than nuclear weapons, and naturally only the ruler knows the secret.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Li Changzhou asked the other four people.

Li Qianxia and Yaochi did not.

Yang Qinglan said: "We must leave here quickly. She may have used some means to send out the news of her exposure——"

"What will happen to my parents?" Beja Tris suddenly asked Wan Caroline as if she had just heard Li Changzhou's words.

Wan Caroline looked directly into her eyes and said like hammering nails:

"Your father will definitely die, but your mother may live. If you want to save your citizens and soldiers and reduce their casualties, you must also let yourself live, go to the imperial capital obediently, and become Di En's wife."

Beatrice seemed to be crucified.

Her whole body was weak and her face was pale, but she still sat there with her back straight, like a specimen, dead as alive and alive as dead.

Li Qianxia stretched out her hand and gently hugged her shoulders.

"Do you still have any questions?" Li Changzhou spoke again.

After waiting for three seconds, he said: "Get out of the car."

Five people got out of the car.

"It's okay to like driving, but don't do bad things next time." Before leaving, Li Changzhou finally said to Wen Caroline.

"Are you really going to let me go?" Caroline Wen seemed a little unbelievable.

She told everything straightforwardly, not because she believed his promise, but because she was ready to die, and in the face of absolute strength, it didn't matter if the secret was known.

"The fundamental reason is that I am a person who keeps my promises; the secondary reason is that there is no harm or benefit in killing you or not."

Li Changzhou turned around and prepared to leave.

"You can consider coming with me," Caroline Wen sat in the driver's seat and spoke to them. "At least no one will hurt you on the road."

"no thank you."

"Are you planning to return to the principality? To die?"

Li Changzhou didn't answer.

"Zhi Weiss! I remember you. If I catch you, I will let you go!"


"Finally! Let me give you a piece of advice - your mecha is terrible, give up the mission as soon as possible and go back to driving the excavator!"

"Hey, did you hear that? She said I'm suitable for driving an excavator!"

"Shut up."

Walking into the darkness, the five people moved quickly.

The cold three-wheeled moon hangs in the sky, like the eyes of three people. No matter how fast they run or how hidden they go, when they look up, the three people's eyes are always on them.

"Did you really let her go? Didn't you secretly poison her?" Yaochi suddenly said.

"Otherwise?" Li Changzhou said.

Yaochi snorted coldly: "If I had known this, I would have killed her with one palm before I left. How dare you lie to me!"

"Please be more direct next time. I said let others go, but you don't have to let them go."

Yaochi glared at him: "How could I not give you face in front of outsiders?"

".If you really think that we are on the same team, don't say these things that will affect internal unity, right, Miss Yang?"

"Find a place to take off your clothes." Yang Qinglan kept paying attention to her surroundings.

"Is this too fast? Three, no, five, that's not right, four people together."

Before Yaochi could figure out the number of people, Li Changzhou said, "Do you suspect there is something wrong with the clothes she gave us?"

Yang Qinglan nodded: "We disappeared for six hours yesterday. If it were me, I would definitely find a way to find out the reason and install a new locator at the same time - Caroline's deception is a countermeasure to monitor us around us. .”

"But," Li Changzhou hesitated, "What will we wear if we take off our clothes?"

"You go ahead."

"Agree!" Yaochi laughed immediately, as if he could hear the sound of someone trying to eat someone's saliva.

"No, this, I would be shy if someone looked at my butt."

"Then stop talking nonsense and quickly find a place to change clothes." Perhaps this is what Yang Qinglan wanted to say from the beginning.

The three of them were chatting in an undercurrent while discussing how to get rid of the pursuers.

Li Qianxia carried Bea Tris on her back and comforted her softly.

When Yaochi was repairing it just now, she had memorized the nearby map and knew where there was a place to change clothes.

A place like a racing track.

Unexpectedly, at this time, there was a sea of ​​people here, shouting, shouting, and excitement, filling every space.

"Let us welcome, Empire, Speed, Sylvia!"

"Oh oh oh!"

It's obviously in the wilderness, but I don't know where so many people came from.

The spaceship mecha hung high in the night sky, and the huge searchlight rotated to illuminate the mountains and fields.

Mechas of various shapes crowded both sides of the track, and drones flew over at low altitudes, spraying streamers and fireworks.

"Sylvia! Sylvia! Sylvia!"

Amidst the uniform slogans, a mecha fell from the sky and crashed into the ground with a loud bang.

The humanoid mecha instantly deformed when it landed. Amidst the squeaking mechanical sound, the mecha turned into a black motorcycle with green energy light strips. A woman wearing slim-fitting power armor sat on the motorcycle.

The virtual projection magnified her to the size of a mountain.

She raised her right hand.

"Ah!!!" A female audience member next to Li Changzhou screamed as if she wanted to tear her chest into pieces.

"Sylvia!" "Sylvia!" "Sylvia!"

Thunderous cheers.

Not to mention the four country bumpkins from the global village, even Beatrice was attracted by the scene in front of her.

"Sylvia, Empire Speed, has won the championship three times in a row in the Mecha Racing World Competition." Beatrice murmured.

"Do you know her?" Li Qianxia asked softly.

"Well," Beatrice looked at Sylvia's virtual projection, "I used to watch racing competitions. I like these more than war mechas. On my birthday last year, my father... gave him a gift. Got me a Sylvia signed version of the Speedster.”

As she spoke, the excitement of meeting her idol gradually faded away, Beatrice's expression became dim again, and her voice became weaker and weaker.

"Second, {Ranming}'s younger brother! The fastest man in the empire! A.Z.N.Wur~!"

{Ran Ming}'s younger brother?

Five people looked at the virtual projection at the same time.

An eight-meter mecha rushed from the top of another hill with a violent attitude.

With a wave of his arms, the trees were swept down like straw; his legs jumped up, and there were huge pits everywhere.

A drone came close to take pictures, and was grabbed by the mecha, stuffed into its "mouth" and eaten.

"Hahahaha!" There was a burst of wild laughter, and the mecha rose into the sky and landed on the track.

The forelimbs of the mecha landed on the ground and transformed into a wild and domineering off-road vehicle.

The cockpit turned into a seat. In addition to Aznavour, there was also a woman with a figure that could be used as a young model.

"Fuck, remember this for me!" Aznavour stepped on the off-road vehicle and raised his middle finger to everyone, "One day, when I want {Ranni} to appear on the stage, the host's lines are - —Sister of Aznavour.”

"Go!" The audience burst into loud boos.

Obviously, this is not the first time Aznavour has said this in public.

"Is this person powerful?" Li Qianxia asked again.

She was curious about the world herself, and also to distract Beatrice.

""Mach 10 Per Second" says that Aznavour's talent in racing mechas is equivalent to his sister's talent in fighting mechas."

"So powerful? Then why is he not Sylvia's opponent?"

"He just made his debut last year. He had been competing with his sister for the driving qualification of "Burning". When he lost, the last world competition was over, but in this spring's "Moonlight" speed competition, he only took half a second. He lost to Sylvia by a huge margin, and many authoritative media, including Mach 10 Per Second, said that he might win this year’s competition.”

This was the first time Li Qianxia heard Bea Tris say so many words.

Beatrice turned to look at her, her face half illuminated by the light and half in dark shadow.

"Xia, I want to be willful for the last time and let me watch this game, is that okay?"

"Of course." Li Qianxia pursed her lips mid-sentence.

This is not something she can decide.

If the imperial mecha catch up, their lives will be in danger. Yaochi will definitely kill Beatrice and fail the mission.

"No." Li Changzhou and three others came over.

Beatrice looked at them, with more shadows on her face.

She nodded slowly: "Yes, I understand, let's go."

"What's the point of just watching?" Li Changzhou smiled, "We want to participate."

"W-what?" Beatrice was stunned at the same time, raised her head, and the light on her face became brighter and brighter.

Yang Qinglan took out a leaflet: "The end point of this race is Lake Ranke on the outskirts of the imperial capital."

She handed the flyer to Beatrice and continued to explain: "We are going to find a few people and ask them to borrow clothes and identities, but you must drive the mecha - can you drive a racing mecha? "

".Thank you." Beatrice lowered her head, and her blond hair was so dazzling that it was almost transparent under the fierce searchlight.

"This is not for you. Whether you like racing or not, we will choose this method and arrive at the Imperial Capital before noon tomorrow." Yang Qinglan said.

"I know." Beatrice raised her head, she smiled and said sheepishly, "I am very happy to be with you in the end."

"Beiya." Li Qianxia looked at the corners of her eyes that were shining with water.

"Okay, okay, take your pick," Li Changzhou pointed at everyone present who was caught up in the carnival, "Just pick what you like and I'll borrow it."


This is a long and professional process.

Some celebrity contestants were being introduced on the stage, and the atmosphere was warm. The four of them followed Beatrice and chose among the crowd.

"This is a racing competition with no rules. As long as it is not equipped with weapons, any type of mecha can participate."

"Look at that one, Violent III. It's a mecha from a fighting competition. Its fists are replaced by suction machines, which can suck in others."

"Huh? Is that a Hunter M12? How can such an antique be driven? The power has not been changed, and it still uses a steam furnace. Is this the one who shows off his wealth as mentioned in "Mach 10 Per Second"?"

"Black Hawk Plus, the latest model in the Black Hawk series, is quite fast and can reach 5 kilometers per second."

"Would you choose this one?" Li Qianxia pointed at the eagle-shaped mecha.

Beatrice hesitated for a while, then shook her head: "No, if you keep looking, you might meet a speedster."

"If there were speedsters, would you be able to win the championship?"

Beatrice blushed a little: "She should be in the top 100."

"Only the first hundred?"

".I haven't competed against anyone else."

"Generally, people who say this kind of thing will definitely win the championship in the end! Believe me, this is my experience from reading animations and novels for many years!"

The two were chatting happily, and the three of them followed behind.

"It's pitiful." Li Changzhou sighed.

The more Beatrice became involved, the clearer her inner despair became. To them, the smile on that gorgeous and delicate face looked like a photo.

No matter how bright your smile is, it is still fake after all.

It reminded him of an emoticon in which a girl covered her face with a board with a bright smile. Behind the board, her face was full of tears from crying.

"We just send her to the imperial capital. Whether she is happy or desperate is her business." Yaochi said, while coldly glancing at the man who was trying to strike up a conversation.

The man stepped back sheepishly.

When the game was about to begin, Beatrice finally made her choice.

Peripheral machine for the Storm Chaser series {Yue Mang} Spring Competition.

According to her, this mecha has been secretly modified a lot, and it has three power furnaces!

They are {Burning} series RM-1050, {Judgment} series CJ-68XT, and {Red Lotus} series HL-A38.

They are all high-end models in the series, commonly known as explosive machines-either speed explosion or physical explosion.

"The most important thing is that it can seat five people." Beatrice finished her reasons.

"It won't really explode, right?" Li Changzhou expressed doubts.

"{Yuemang}'s peripherals don't have {Yuemang} series power furnaces?" Yang Qinglan didn't appreciate this behavior very much.

Knock out the owner of this Storm Chaser series {Yuemang} Spring Competition peripheral machine and change into clothes - this rich man brought six beauties with different figures.

There are also things like lubricants, family planning supplies, whips, etc. on the mecha to make the game more interesting.

It is truly a contest without rules.

Beatrice changed her clothes, and as soon as she sat in the driver's seat, she skillfully began to change the keys and set the mecha to her own operating habits.

"Beiya, don't you know how to fly a mecha?" Li Qianxia, ​​who was sitting in the co-pilot, asked curiously.

"Racing mechas are different from fighting mechas," Beatrice said as she changed the keys. "I have never piloted a fighting mech, nor have I ever fired bombs or wielded a high-frequency knife to engage in close combat with others."

"10, 9"

A huge digital projection appears in front of the road.

As the countdown dwindled, the mountains became quieter and quieter, but everyone became crazier.

[Trigger side mission: Speedster]

[Task content: Get in the top ten in this no-rules competition. The higher the ranking, the richer the rewards]

[Note: This is a premeditated competition specially prepared for certain people. Have certain people noticed it? But it doesn't matter, speed is everything on the track! 】

Li Qianxia turned around and the four players looked at each other.

".3, 2, 1——"


Everyone's emotions were aroused. Beatrice, who was wearing a sexy white wedding dress, held the steering wheel with her hands in lace gloves, and stepped on the pedal with her feet in white garters.

The three power furnaces of the Storm Chaser are like three lions, roaring in unison.


Countless mechas rushed out, and their tail flames pulled out strips of light, forming the most gorgeous, charming, and short-lived aurora in the night.

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