King of Black Mist

Chapter 191 Can I still give birth?

[The main mission "Knight's Mission" completed]

[Countdown to return: 00:00:30]

"Little Carrot, come here. I have something I want you to tell Li Changzhou."

With ten minutes left in the countdown to return, Yang Qinglan, Li Qianxia, ​​and Yaochi came out of the confinement suite.

This is both safe and allows you to experience a different kind of experience and increase your life experience.

Eight minutes later, they met Little Carrot and Butterfly. After a brief chat about what each other had done in this world, the time seemed to only have 30 seconds left and it was about to end.

At this time, Yang Qinglan suddenly said this.

"What?" Little Carrot raised his head and opened his big eyes like a comic character.

"Tell Li Changzhou to pay attention to himself."


Seeing Yang Qinglan's serious look and his cover-up, Li Qianxia snickered.

Then, she had an idea and blurted out: "Little Carrot, you must call him daddy when you meet him!"

With a daughter, other women will pay attention, and Li Changzhou himself will also be alert.

"Oh." Little Carrot didn't ask why. It was great to call daddy without suffering any disadvantages and to be safe.

Of course, it must be paired with Yang Qinglan's mother, and no one else can. This is Xiaoluobo's experience after being taught a lesson when she called Li Qianxia's mother.

"That's not what I meant." Yang Qinglan said with a natural expression and a calm tone.

"I know, I know, am I just making generalizations, right?" Li Qianxia didn't smile and was serious, but everyone could see the smile.

"Go to hell with all the couples. I'm going to break up one of them."

As soon as Yaochi finished speaking, the three people's eyes went dark, and they each woke up in their suites on the ship.

Li Qianxia and Yang Qinglan slept on the same bed, which was the position they took when they set out.

Li Qianxia sat up and immediately looked at the white chair next to the coffee table in the corner, where Li Changzhou sat on it when he set out.

"Qinglan, tell me how long it will take for my brother to come back?" she asked.

"Let's go. He should come back as soon as the main task is completed." Yang Qinglan lay on the bed without opening his eyes.

She was seizing the time to recall her experiences during this period, the battle with the mecha, being deceived by Win Caroline, the unruled competition, and being imprisoned.

Going through a game, relying on the {ability} increased by experience, she does not think that the game is based on quantitative or random distribution.

Rather, it is based on quantified specific data based on how much each person has really gained and grown in the game.

In this case, whether you are careful during the game, whether you remember it after the game, and whether you reflect on it will all affect the quantitative results.

"I'm back." Just as she finished speaking, Li Changzhou's voice reached her ears.

"Don't make any noise." She was not so polite to him.

The next second, she opened her eyes and took a look at the smiling Li Changzhou. After confirming that he was not disfigured and had no missing arms, she closed her eyes again and meditated, reviewing the experiences of the past few days.

"Brother!" Li Qianxia rushed forward and hugged her brother.

The time between coming back and forth may not even be five seconds, but she still seems to have not seen him for a long time, and Li Changzhou is as worried about him as he is going to the front line to join the army.

Li Changzhou patted his sister on the back.

"Well -" Little Carrot stretched out a lot.

Her mission was to abduct Margaret III from the imperial capital. Unfortunately, the palace's detection technology was too powerful and she was discovered as soon as she flew in.

It didn't matter if she was discovered. Before she came, she had a premonition of danger, both high and low.

Sure enough, when Margaret III saw her, she regarded her as a blessing from the sky and asked her if she came from outside the sky. Little Carrot thought about it and nodded.

Then she ate and drank in the palace.

Like Yang Qinglan and Li Qianxia's main mission, Li Changzhou deliberately asked Xiaoluobo to take Margaret III to the front so that the system could determine that they had completed the mission first - because {No Taboo} had the authority to grab the mission, the decision was very precise. ization, the degree of racing against time.

"Brother, how long did you stay in that world after we left? How is Beiya?" Li Qianxia let go of her brother and sat back on the edge of the bed.

"About half an hour later, Beya returned home. I took back the Protector of the Kingdom for her, and also snatched {Ran Mie}, {Red Lotus}, and Margaret III."

"How did you do it in such a short time?" Yang Qinglan opened his eyes.

Li Changzhou looked over, a smile appeared on his lips. As he looked at him, Yang Qinglan's left ring finger hooked the hair that had strayed onto his face.

Li Changzhou explained to them one by one about the authority of the Sky Fragments.

"It's so amazing!" Li Qianxia sighed, "The universe is really amazing. There is a sky that can sign a contract with humans."

"It seems that your ability to grow will be greater than ours." Yang Qinglan put her hand on her chin and muttered.

"Do we still care about these things?" Li Changzhou smiled.

"He also piloted an imperial mecha." Yang Qinglan added.

"Hmph, that's awesome." Li Changzhou put his hands on the armrests of the chair.

"Is the cockpit of the Imperial Mecha big?"

"Even though it's an imperial mecha, the cockpit is quite big." Li Changzhou put his hands down from the armrests of the chair.

He finally looked away from Yang Qinglan and saw Li Qianxia with a look of contempt, contempt and ridicule.

"Ahem." He put his fist to his lips and coughed lightly, "Don't waste time, let's start settling."

[Main mission: Revenge! 】

[Status: All completed]

[Rating: S-]

[Comment: I didn’t expect you to be able to complete this mission. You have to thank your team. They helped you change Beatrice and made you become the pilot of {Knight} in the end. 】

Is this ‘S-’?

Is it necessary to defeat three imperial mechas without any external force in order to reach 'S' or 'S+'?

[Reward: 200 value, 3000 game coins, three usage rights of {日} ({日}, the original protector of the country {Knight}, changed name to Beatrice)]

The experience account with a speed of more than 30,000 kilometers per hour and the ability to destroy mountains with one blow is free to use three times. For the "S-" rating, it is quite satisfactory.

But what about visualization? There is no idea of ​​contemplation! !

[Side mission: Princess Knight]

[Status: All completed]

[Rating: S+]

[Comment: No longer worship the sky, but become the sky yourself! Don’t look forward to spring, but be spring! 】

[Reward: 200 value, 2500 game coins, a complete set of mecha forging technology (Celestial World)]

[Tip: Side mission rewards are halved; the evaluation is based on the value of the mission world]

Knowledge was pouring into his mind continuously, just like the 'identity card', it seemed that he had already remembered it, but then suddenly remembered it.

However, the complete set of technologies for mecha forging, well——

Is this reward worthy of half of the ‘S+’? It might be worthy of it in the world of heaven.

Even if it was worthy, what would he use it for? Sold to the Special Operations Bureau? Or should Yaferona form a mecha army to prepare for conquering the world in the future?

He has no interest at all. His dream is to become the owner of Yanhe Road Bookstore.

"Qian Xia, what is the reward for your side mission?" Li Changzhou asked.

Both of them have the mission of [Princess Knight].

"'Beat the Myth' failed, and the 'Princess Rider' rating was 'S', but the reward was halved and I was given the latest Storm Chaser motorcycle, which I chose in red."

"that's all?"

Just one mecha, which is half of the value of ‘S’?

Is the sky world so low-level?

"The motorcycle has a self-healing function, unlimited energy, and only 150 value and 2,000 game coins, nothing else."

"Don't look like you're at a loss." Yang Qinglan looked at the two brothers and sister.

"Hehe." Li Qianxia hugged her, "Qinglan, you don't care enough about Beiya, so you didn't trigger the mission."

"You were lucky this time, but if you fail next time, what will you do?"

"If you fail, you fail. There is no penalty for side tasks."

"If Beiya is not saved, can you still think like this? If you fail, you will fail?" Yang Qinglan asked her softly.

Li Qianxia's happy expression dimmed a little and she remained silent.

"Qian Xia," Yang Qinglan held her hand, "I'm not saying that what you did is wrong, I'm worried about you. Don't let yourself bear too much. You have no obligation to be responsible for other people's lives and make yourself feel guilty."

"Yeah." Li Qianxia pursed her lips and nodded.

She knew Yang Qinglan was doing it for her own good.

If she could change it, she would also like to be more indifferent to others, because "Twins" and "Golden Branches and Jade Leaves" can share tasks that are not repeated, and she does not want to harm her brother.

He doesn't care about other people's lives, but whether his sister is happy is definitely more important than other people's lives.

During the racing competition, he suddenly said so much to Beatrice. Wasn't it because she triggered the [Princess's Knight] mission? Did he know that she was worried about Beatrice?

"We'll talk about next time," Li Changzhou said, "Since we succeeded this time, just be happy."

"That's right!" Li Qianxia became excited, "We succeeded, we should be happy!"

Yang Qinglan sighed helplessly. Once she was happy, she would be lucky and help others again next time.

She glared at Li Changzhou and kept in mind that Li Changzhou was not suitable for educating children.

Li Changzhou scratched the corner of his left eye with his right hand and continued to check the settlement rewards.

[Side mission: Speedster]

[Status: First place]

[Evaluation: B]

[Comment: Why don’t you open the mecha yourself? Do you think it makes sense to sit in the first place car and win first place? 】

[Reward: 20 value, 250 game coins, 890th Unruled Competition championship ring*1 (when driving the Sky World mecha, the speed increases by 1%, cannot be superimposed)]

[Tip: Side mission rewards are halved; the evaluation is based on the value of the mission world]

Just as Li Changzhou was about to speak, Yang Qinglan suddenly asked: "What is your reward for speedsters?"

"It looks like a ring," he replied.

"Ring?" Li Qianxia repeated doubtfully, "Mine is the 'Champion Wedding Dress', but there is no real thing. As long as you wear the same wedding dress as Beiya wore at that time, when you drive the Cangqiong World Mecha, the speed will increase by 1%, just right. I have the 'corner coat' and it's perfect!"

"Is that a sexy wedding dress? There are also obscene garters." Li Changzhou couldn't help but say.

"What's so obscene about the garter stockings? It's you who are obscene, brother!"

Ignoring the two obscene brothers and sisters, Yang Qinglan said:

"Mine is a skill, "Friends in the Car". When riding on the Sky World mecha, it can increase the mecha's speed by 1%. I first changed the "Thorns" I learned. "

"Hi~, little girl, do you want to get in my car?" Li Qianxia hugged Yang Qinglan's waist, "My brother is very handsome, do you want to go for a ride?"

"When did you buy Jay Chou's album?" Li Changzhou asked.

"What does it matter? It's not my own money. You don't need to read it. I'll delete the deduction record for you."

Seeing Li Changzhou's speechless expression, Yang Qinglan smiled and took away Li Qianxia's hand on her waist.

"Give the ring to Qianxia, ​​she happens to have a motorcycle." She said.

In the sky world, motorcycles are also considered mechas.

"Here." Li Changzhou threw the ring over.

"Brother gave my sister a ring, huh." Li Qianxia caught the ring, "Which finger should I wear it on because I don't have time for love? The little finger of my right hand? Hmm, it doesn't look good, so it should be the ring finger."

"The ring finger means getting married." Yang Qinglan said subconsciously.

"Sister-in-law, this thing is really troublesome. Wearing a ring now just looks good. Who cares what the meaning is." Li Qianxia complained and put the ring on her little finger.

She compared it and found that the little finger of her left hand looked better, so she put it on her left hand.

She couldn't remember what it symbolized, but since Yang Qinglan didn't speak, it proved that there was nothing wrong.

Li Changzhou checked his last side mission.

[Side mission: Invincible]

[Status: Complete]

[Evaluation: C]

[Comment: The movements are crisp and neat, but there is no arrogance or domineering at all. If you add the sentence "It's just gravel, not half as good as me" when leaving {Guren}'s body, it will be at least an A! 】

[Reward: 15 game coins]

[Tip: Simple tasks, rewards are greatly reduced]


At this point, Li Changzhou's mission has been completed, and he has received a total of 420 values, 5765 game coins, and an increase in knowledge and 'ability' of 2 points.

"What are the rewards for your main mission?" he asked curiously.

"The evaluation is only B, the value is 40 points, and the 500 game coins are gone." Li Qianxia replied.

"Me too." Yang Qinglan said.

Li Qianxia received a total of 210 value, 950 game currency, and gained 1 ‘ability’ point from knowledge.

Yang Qinglan is the least, with a value of 60, 750 game coins, and an increase in knowledge of 'ability' of 3 points.

"Why did my ability only increase by 1 point! I don't accept it!"

"You two can share the value and game currency, and I didn't say anything." Yang Qinglan said.

"No, no," Li Changzhou shook his head, "My value is also used to increase the white card. The game currency is shared by the three of us."

"Wow!" Little Carrot, who was sitting on the bed with the soles of his feet facing each other, suddenly shouted.

"Woo~" became smaller, and the butterfly that landed on Little Carrot's head also cried out together.

Seeing how excited Little Luobo was, Li Qianxia was curious and couldn't help but ask: "Little Luobo, how much value and game currency did you get?"

"20 points worth! 300 game coins! So awesome! I'm so awesome!" Little Carrot jumped excitedly on the bed, as happy as a child treading water.

"Woo~" Butterfly was also very happy.

Three people: "."

"You two allocate the value points." Yang Qinglan said to the two of them, "Chang Zhou, set aside 400 of your value points and give them all to white cards to make Black Mist stronger."


In the game of Ship World, there is no exchange of skills. The game currency can only be used for gambling, watching movies and other consumption on the ship, or it can be kept to exchange for skills when settling the subway game.

[Nickname: "King of Black Mist\

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