King of Black Mist

Chapter 198 Boy! !

".Thinking that by diluting their blood, they can create something more advanced, but those are just hybrids.

"Okay, I admit that these hybrids are less resistant to light, can go out in less bright weather, and have a long lifespan.

"But hybrids are hybrids. They still have to suck blood, and they are too weak. And for species that are weak and picky about food, even those so-called scientists believe that these species will be eliminated naturally.

"Another point is that the hybrids born from the mating of these vampire monsters and humans are infertile. Xia, do you know what this is? A mule! It's a mule! Hahaha!"

Li Qianxia sighed, feeling that her heart, as young as a sixteen-year-old girl, was so tired.

Are all witchers this chattering guy?

Lifting his head from his cloak, the bright moonlight shone on the road, and the morning light of the next day was already dimly visible on the horizon.

A gloomy path, walking on it is the expedition team - Li Qianxia privately calls herself "Assassin" (she is also a member of the expedition team, so she calls herself).

The Assassins are composed of the Church and the Demon Hunters. The difference between the two is very simple. The ones on horseback are Demon Hunters, and the ones riding in carriages are the Church.

According to the demon hunter named Bridger next to him, this is because the church members are "noble" and have never done heavy work. Their bodies are fragile and cannot withstand long journeys.

Damn it, damn it, Yang Qinglan is sitting in the carriage, do you think she is weak?

Li Qianxia let out a breath and felt very good. She had always wanted to try "hell", "damn", "kick your little ass with my leather shoes", "BOY!!!", "damn!", The words "God".

Especially "boy". Next time you see my brother, no, Li Changzhou, you must call him "boy!!!" in a contemptuous tone.

I think back when Ronan got the Power Stone, his first words to resist Thanos were - "You call me 'boy'!" (from "Guardians of the Galaxy").

I don’t know where my brother is. I must quickly find some time to be alone and call him over.

"Everyone, please follow closely. Don't act alone after dawn. Monsters are very cunning!" The leader was an experienced demon hunter, reminding everyone again and again.

"Understood." The young demon hunters nodded.

Li Qianxia sighed again, it seemed impossible to act alone.

The witchers here all come from three officially recognized witcher academies.

Spider Academy, famous for its spider-like skills;

Warlock school, studying spell patterns, equivalent to a mage;

Fighting martial arts towers, mostly male warriors, learn fighting skills.

The classification is as follows.

When fighting the fighting tower, you'd better be careful when he suddenly releases the curse mark; when fighting the demon hunter from the sorcerer school, you'd better not get too happy after getting close to him, because his chest muscles may be bigger than you.

Demon hunters have no specialization. Their only purpose is to kill vampires, werewolves, banshees and other monsters.

In order to achieve their goals, they will learn anything as long as it is useful.

For example, Li Qianxia is a demon hunter from the Spider Academy, but he can turn into an owl - money paid by his brother, and he can also teleport - given by his brother.

As for which academy's skills "Moth Style Transformation" and "Transformation" belong to, she herself doesn't know.

Finally, there is ‘ability’, which is all converted into ‘spiritual power’.

"Xia, cheer up, do you hate this mission so much?" Bridget beside him started nagging again.

Bridget was good-looking and physically strong, and seemed to be interested in him. Unfortunately, Li Qianxia not only had no interest in him, but found him annoying.

A person who is not even one thousandth as handsome as my brother is not good enough to talk about life.

She raised her head and looked at the azure sky from the brim of her cloak. This was the last moment before the sun came up.

Looks like it's safe tonight.

Traveling at night is dangerous because night is the monster's "day".

It is said that in ancient times, it was just as difficult to go out at night without encountering monsters as it was to go out during the day without encountering people.

And the reason why they had to rush even if they took the risk was to seize the time to kill Edison, the great inventor who took refuge in the vampires and relied on the vampires' financial resources.

In future history, Edison will go down in history for "inventing" the electric light and making it widely used, but she wants to kill him.

Just from the perspective of destroying history, it turns out that Heika is the bad guy.

"Xia, it's almost dawn. We're already safe. We don't need to be so alert anymore." Bridget's expression was already relaxed.

Not only him, but most of the people in the team have relaxed their nervousness after a night of tension.

Li Qianxia wanted to tell Bridget that she didn't speak simply because she didn't want to speak, and it had nothing to do with whether she was alert or not.

If her brother were here, she would definitely annoy him to death and make him

At this moment, Li Qianxia's neck suddenly felt cold, as if she was walking on a deserted road in the countryside on a hot day and was suddenly blown by the cold air from the air conditioner.

It doesn't feel cool, just weird.

Li Qianxia used "Blink" and disappeared from the back of the horse!


The black horse, which always liked to stop to eat grass and occasionally urinate everywhere, was evenly split in half, and blood and internal organs flowed out.

This horse was not the only one who died, almost all the witchers were attacked at the same time.

Sivert and Bridget, who both belong to the Spider Academy, also dodged the attack;

Blackbuck from the Warlock School split in half along with his horse - it seems that he is too honest, does not have the flexibility to concurrently study at the Spider Academy, or is too unlucky, or is too relaxed;

Of the other two witchers from the Warlock School, Uth was missing a thigh and Ismay was missing an arm.

Danxi, Endy, and Abram of Fighting Wuta had an extra blood line on their bodies. At that time, Endy turned to talk to Danxi, so his blood line was not located between his eyebrows, the tip of his nose, his chest, or his crotch. is the center line.

There was nothing wrong with them, and the horse beneath them was only torn open in front, turning into a "Y" shaped fountain spewing viscera and blood.

"Enemy attack!" The leader of the demon hunters drew the sword from his waist.

The sword light rotated, the silver sword body pulled out a series of sparks, and a transparent spider loomed directly above.

The spider's legs are thin and long, like bamboo poles, and its feet are as sharp as knives. These legs are like knives, cutting into all the demon hunters walking in the front.

Li Qianxia appeared half a meter to the right of the spot.

Everything happens in an instant.

Her slender and strong legs kicked off the ground slightly, and she was already rushing towards the church's carriage behind her.

He pulled off the obstructive cloak with his right hand, opened his left hand, and began to summon the "Mosquito Vampire Gun".

He stepped on the spot and blocked the front of the carriage. The horn coat tied around his neck dissolved and turned into blood-colored armor.

The golden "sacred realm" spread out under her feet.

She looked up at the tall spider and said, "Qinglan, are you okay?"

The carriage door curtain opened, and Yang Qinglan, wearing a nun's uniform, walked out.

Behind her, there were two nuns, one older and one younger. The elder was forty-two years old and the younger was fourteen years old.

Yang Qinglan first glanced at Li Qianxia to make sure she was fine so that she could explain to Li Changzhou, and then looked at the spider who was trying to change back to transparent color.

The fourteen-year-old nun pulled the sleeve of the forty-two-year-old nun in fear. The forty-two-year-old nun said to Yang Qinglan:

"Lan, this is the Hidden Knife Spider. It can become invisible, and its legs are sharp and strong. Even the demon hunter's sword can't do anything to them. It can cut humans or animals that accidentally bump into them in half even if they stand still. .”

The spider's glass-like figure slowly disappeared again.

A blood-colored steel gun appeared in Li Qianxia's long-awaited hand. A blood vessel at the bottom of the gun body was connected to the blood vessel in her wrist.

She put a gun on her arm and said, "Kill?"

"No rush." ​​Yang Qinglan did not take any action, observing the United States in this era.

The leader of the demon hunters held a silver sword in his right hand, and with his left hand he took out a newborn calf's eye from the donkey's stomach pouch on his trouser waistband.

The armored left hand squeezed hard, and the calf's eyes exploded, and the juice spilled on the spider's legs.

The Hidden Knife Spider disappeared, but the place stuck by the juice of the calf's eye still remained in everyone's retinas.

The two surviving demon hunters from the Warlock School, Us, who was missing his thigh, grabbed a horse leg and pressed it on his own leg. The human leg and the horse leg moved back, and Is Mei stood back and drew out the silver sword from her waist.

Ismay, who had broken his arm, drew his silver sword and chanted.

The muscles of the arm that fell to the ground pulled out "blood threads" like a ball of thread, and re-knitted them into her bleeding hand.

Their eyes were cold and looked around with a little fear.

Dozens of corpses covered in blood and swaying with rotting corpses were pressing over from the left side of the path!

Yang Qinglan turned her gaze to the right side of the path and saw a female ghost wearing a black dress, with long black hair, a pale face, and no facial features.

"What is this?" she asked.


The nun with an ugly expression heard the sound of a galloping horse behind her before she finished speaking.

A sturdy black man and horse rushed over with a giant axe.

Rays of blue lightning entangled on the giant axe.

"Drink!" Danxi and Endi from the Fighting Martial Tower, their silver swords rose into flames at the same time, and they rushed towards the running horses.

The giant ax of the man and horse struck down like the sky, and the two silver swords crossed, clamping the giant axe.

"Ah!!!" One horse and two people roared at the same time.

Lightning and flames collided and exploded into two balls of light.

Abram, another demon hunter from the Fighting Tower, rushed toward the crowd of living dead with his silver sword glowing with a hazy halo.

The two demon hunters from the Warlock School kept chanting, and a series of buff spell patterns fell on Abram.

Abram slashed a living dead to death with a sword. The living dead turned into a ball of black ash, with a plume of smoke floating up, like the citizens of Nagasaki who were directly vaporized by a nuclear bomb.

Three other living dead bit him, and were pushed away by the light shield of the demon hunter from the Warlock Academy.

The two demon hunters from the Spider Academy, together with the leading demon hunter, rolled, dodged, blocked, and used their silver swords to slide their feet away from the attacks "kicked out" by the Hidden Knife Spider.

They all held a calf's eye in their hands, and whenever a spider kicked it, they would dodge and try to "dye" it at the same time.

The division of labor is clear, then——

Yang Qinglan once again set her sights on the ghost girl in black dress without facial features.

She raised her hand, and a thorn flew out and passed through the body of the ghost girl in black dress.

Physics is most likely useless.

"Audio hallucination"! "Hallucination"!

"Haha...hee hee..." The ghost girl in black skirt let out a burst of laughter that was suspected to be an illusion.

To the ghost, auditory hallucinations and hallucinations seemed to be a joke. The ghost girl in black dress seemed very happy, so she got closer and wanted to kill someone.

It’s difficult.

If Li Changzhou is here, he can also try the Black Death to see if the opponent is a soul. She and Li Qianxia are both physical attacks.

"Evangelism" has no attack skills. Wait.

Yang Qinglan looked at the ghost girl in black dress who was approaching slowly but never launched an attack - was she afraid of the "Sacred Realm"?

She thought for a moment and said, "Qian Xia, go help others and resolve the battle quickly."

"What about you?" Li Qianxia asked subconsciously.

"It doesn't matter, go ahead."


Li Qianxia trusts Yang Qinglan very much. They have been together since they participated in the first value game. In the words of a man, they are life and death friends!

She looked around.

The Hidden Knife Spider directly in front was very difficult to control, and its legs were very hard. Even if she joined in, there was nothing she could do about it for a while.

The men and horses behind her were surrounded by fire and lightning. It was really not something she, an ordinary person with a blood-colored steel gun in hand, could intervene in.

There are only the living dead on the left.

She doesn't have the ability to purify the living dead, but she does have a B-level skill that she has always disliked and never used before - "Flat-headed Wasp·Powerful Neurotoxin"!

She took two steps forward, and she almost turned into a red shadow.

In my mind, the sky fire cut through the sky and fell into the earth.

The muscles all over the body were tense, and the strength was squeezed out like fire.


Amidst the violent sound of air waves, even the red shadow disappeared.

In an instant, the blood-colored steel spear stabbed a living dead with only half of his face twelve times in a row!

The gun is only halfway in, and the gun is poking at the artery!

The muscles and fascia of the living dead have no vitality, and dead blood flows out like egg liquid.

Li Qianxia even had time to think that she could no longer stab her brother with the blood-colored steel gun to treat him because the gun tip was dirty.

The next moment, something appeared in her mind. As her thoughts moved, the living dead with thick blood on her head and the upper left half of her face missing rushed towards the living dead beside her.

"Hoo ho!" Li Qianxia instantly fell in love with the living dead and thought they were so cute.

My tailbone feels hot, and my legs are as strong as burning my buttocks.


One of the living dead was left with thick blood and was stunned in place, while Li Qianxia had already opened holes in the next living dead, drained blood, and injected poison.

Abram gasped and took a step back slightly. The halo on the silver sword, which was originally hazy and thin, was now so light that it was almost invisible.

A ray of light fell on him, outlining his body, and his physical strength recovered slightly.

The asthma disappeared, and the sun's halo lit up again like adding fuel to a bonfire.

Abram plowed the ground with the toes of his left foot, his back slightly buried, and his silver sword across his bearded face.

Five living dead looked at him.

One of the living dead's eyes fell out.

"Plop." Landed.

"Ah!" Abram roared angrily, kicked off his left foot, a handful of dirt flew up, and he rushed forward.

"Roar!" The living dead rushed forward at the same time.

Under the halo of the sun, there seemed to be many silver swords, and they were all slashed out at the same time.

Corona·Spectral Slash!


Lord Abram leaned back, the silver sword in his hand flying into the sky, almost letting go!

"What are you doing?!" He was surprised and angry at the same time.

His own Corona and Spectral Slash was actually deflected!

The person who bounced it off was a fellow witcher!

"Sorry~" Li Qianxia said as she moved as fast as lightning and finished carving on the five zombies in an instant.

"Huh, okay." Li Qianxia wiped her sweat.

Even she was a little tired after stabbing nineteen living dead people twelve times each in a short period of time. Each shot couldn't be too heavy and had to hit the artery.

Especially at the end.

In order to save the five zombies, she "teleported" and hurried away, consuming some of her 'power', no, now it was her 'spiritual power'.

"Young boys, no, boy! Follow me!" Li Qianxia shouted.

The living dead who stood motionless rushed towards the men and horses.

The men and horses who were focused on fighting thought that the zombies were here to help them, so they let their hands and feet go even more freely.

With a neigh, the muscles on both the human body and the horse became as hard as granite.

The two demon hunters, seeing the crowd of living dead, already wanted to run away.

But the next second, the living dead surged up like a tide, biting the humans and horses, and clasping their hands on the horses.

The leather-like horsehide easily slides away the claws of the living dead, and the teeth of the living dead are unable to do anything with these horsehide.

"Go away!" The centaur was not surprised at all, only angry.

The giant ax swept across the sky with lightning, and the three heads holding the living dead that were biting at the boundary between humans and horses were cut into two pieces.

The electric light was still left on the track swept by the giant axe. A zombie pounced on it and was instantly electrocuted to black.

The charred zombies continued to rush forward.

The men and horses pulled back the giant ax and chopped it from top to bottom, splitting the charred zombie into two halves.

"Learn like a hyena! Little boy!" Li Qianxia instructed.

The living dead swarmed toward the centaurs' butts.

The centaur's buttocks hurt sharply.

This pain turned into strength, and it twisted around and swung the ax, killing six living dead around it this time.

And the moment it turned around, Li Qianxia also disappeared.

Blood-colored armor appeared next to the head of the 2.5-meter-tall centaur.

When the sky fire came, the muscles all over his body were hot, and the huge force exploded on his wrist, and then it was all pressed into the blood-colored steel gun.

The bloody steel gun shot out of Li Qianxia's hand like a cannonball.


Li Qianxia landed.

Two seconds later, the men and horses hit the ground with a loud bang, splashing dust all over the ground.

"Stop eating, go fuck the spiders!" Li Qianxia ordered the living dead to go away, while she held the bloody steel gun.

The blood vessels at the tail of the steel gun re-entered her wrist like a poisonous snake, and the blood in the human body was converted into life force and flowed into her body.

When she pulled out the bloody steel gun, she turned around and saw that her legion of the living dead had been killed by the Hidden Knife Spider.

"my bo"

Before she finished shouting, her expression changed.


One of the Hidden Knife Spider's legs kicked towards the carriage in the "Sanctuary".

The expressions of all the demon hunters changed, but the nun——


A strong wind blew through.

Yang Qinglan held the Green Bee Sword and slashed at the Hidden Knife Spider's feet.

The golden light turned into armor, and the long black hair slowly disintegrated, flying like a horse.

The Hidden Knife Spider's legs flew into the sky and were chopped off.

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