King of Black Mist

Chapter 202 Playing with fire? Wait for your brother to come/I can hold it down

Chapter 202 Playing with fire? I can hold it down until your brother comes.

Li Changzhou really couldn't understand what this jellyfish was thinking.

He just wanted to see what the opponent was, but the jellyfish was about to attack him - although he was the one who made the move first, it was the jellyfish that showed hostility first.

"Maybe our goals are the same!"

The shade of the trees is mottled, and little spots of light are floating in the woods, and Li Changday flashes by in the fleeting light.

"Burn it! Damn it!" Bi pulled the lollipop out of her mouth and made a "pop" sound.

She smacked her lips, feeling the rich sweetness in her mouth, and put the lollipop back into her mouth.

"It's okay if you say dirty words in front of me. If you meet Miss Yang, you'd better be more careful."

Bi snorted disdainfully: "I'm afraid of her?! Let her come!"

A few light spots blocked the front, and thin whips extended from the light spots and whipped towards Li Changzhou.

With a flash of green light, Li Changzhou rushed past. Behind him, the few light spots flew forward for a certain distance according to the inertia, and then suddenly disintegrated into more light spots that were almost invisible to the naked eye.

Li Changzhou glanced around and found the carriage in the forest. The next moment, people had already gotten in.

"Go up!" he ordered like a captain.

Bi's tongue was wrapped in two chews of the lollipop. The carriage burst out of the green shade and floated high in the sky. The iron sheet of the carriage reflected the dazzling sunlight, almost becoming a point of light.

Li Changzhou's eyes turned red and his gaze fell on an elm tree.


With the sound of heat waves blown by the flames, the elm tree turned into a lit candle.

The red eyes extinguished and the flames spread, like a pair of upright chopsticks suddenly spread apart, or like a bottle of mineral water hanging upside down, unscrewing the bottle cap.

The raging fire is unstoppable and attacks the city in the forest.

Rows of tongues of fire rolled and washed away, like a greedy beast, devouring all combustibles.

The jellyfish points of light rushed through the flames, bursting, evaporating, and disappearing one after another.

"It's so hot." Bi fanned herself, her delicate little mouth like a doll open.

Inside the car, the temperature felt like it was at least sixty degrees.

Li Changzhou stretched out his right hand and pinched it. The boiling heat waves stopped instantly. They no longer spread, but turned into poisonous snakes, shuttled through the forest, chasing the escaping light spots.

Fire snakes were hunting and chasing each other in the forest.

All the light spots gathered together and condensed into jellyfish. The next moment they were washed away by the flame waterfall and disappeared without a trace.

A white ID card fell out.

Bi hooked her little finger, and the identity Kali flew into her hand like an arrow.

Li Changzhou mustered up his last remaining strength, waved his hand, and the flames rushed out of the forest, and he sat down on the chair in the carriage.

The whole body was filled with white mist as if a machine was overloaded.

Controlling this flame is nothing to him. What really makes him unsteady is his vampire blood.

Even with the ring and the carriage to block the scorching sun, the high temperature still made him collapse.

With an illegal physique, he was worse than an ordinary person in a stuffy car.

He could persevere until he killed the jellyfish and threw the flames out of the forest. His willpower was as strong as iron and his moral cultivation was comparable to that of a forest ranger.

"Are you okay?" Bi asked worriedly. Li Changzhou was almost wrapped in white mist, as if he would spontaneously combust at any time, which was scary to look at.

Li Changzhou waved his hand feebly.

"I'll find a shady place, hold on!"

If Li Changzhou was in good spirits, he would definitely complain, not to mention that he seemed to be peeing in the carriage, but now he was too lazy to even think.

The carriage and spaceship rushed out and shot towards Edison's research institute.

The flames rushed from the forest with a roar, like a sudden flood.

"Be careful!" The old demon hunter's face was ferocious, and the whites of his eyes were instantly bloodshot.

The flames were like waves, and the scorching flames licked everything.

They run, roll, and roar, like an army that has been lying in wait for a long time, setting off heat wave hurricanes and tsunamis of fire, destroying everything in their way!

Yang Qinglan's snow lotus-like holy face changed, her black pearl-like eyes turned into azure sapphires, and the carriage suddenly fell towards the sky.

"Ah!!" the little nun screamed.

Yang Qinglan rushed out of the carriage and cut off the rope tied to the horse the moment the flames licked up.

"Jump up!" she shouted at the witchers.

But it was too late.

The flames roared and came very quickly, like a mighty orange-red wind.


There was a sound like a flood, heat waves rushed across the ground, the demon hunter roared, and it was about to turn into charcoal in the blink of an eye.

Yang Qinglan looked at the forest with an ugly expression.

She didn't care about these witchers she had just met, but if the witchers were dead, the next task would be more difficult.

Her eyes suddenly lit up and she walked into the car.

After a while, a smooth and expectant chant sounded in the carriage.

Yang Qinglan walked out of the car door again, and the gospel appeared in her hands as white as jade.

"They lie in wait, saith the Lord, to shed their own blood; they lie in wait to destroy their own lives."

Time seemed to stop, then slowly flow backwards, and the flames suddenly gathered and flew towards a place in the sky.

The dying demon hunters, one by one, like a movie shot going backwards, from charred to the same state.

"氵...Lan!" Li Qianxia opened the carriage door and walked out, almost forgetting to pay attention to the address.

Ismay followed.

She jumped directly from the rising carriage, rolled on the ground a few times to lose momentum, and quickly ran to the witchers lying on the ground in a daze to check their injuries.

"Where are the enemies?" Li Qianxia looked around.

"No." Yang Qinglan looked at the forest thoughtfully, "It's the aftermath of the battle."

"Aftermath?" Li Qianxia was stunned for a moment.

Is the aftermath so strong? The shock waves from the first two times were simply flames this time!

"This mission seems difficult." She looked slightly uneasy.

"It doesn't matter. When Brother You comes over, the flames will only make us stronger."

In the carriage, the old nun and the young nun were mentally exhausted, and they could only be "above and above board" once.

There were not many lollipops left in my mouth, and the carriage was not flying very fast.

The carriage was suddenly dyed in the color of the sunset. Bi looked back and saw a large ball of flames rushing over.

She opened her fingers towards the flames, and the flames hit a transparent wall. From a distance, it looked like a wall of burning fire was built in the air.

"Scum, there are enemies!" she shouted alertly.

"It doesn't matter." Li Changzhou's energy improved a little, and the white mist on his body also faded a little. "Playing with fire, my level is average. When I recover, I can suppress it."

After being alert for a while, no one caught up.

With her delicate little face, she mused like an adult: "I always feel that this mission will not be easy. The jellyfish that cannot be killed is now another one that can control fire."

Li Changzhou spread his hands, took out the "Snow Mountain Kettle", poured it on his head, and then poured it on his mouth.

The cold liquid slid down his throat, making his body feel slightly better, but it did not quench his thirst at all.

"The 'Lord' is also at this time. Maybe I will meet him. If I had known it, I would have bought a duel talisman. If I killed him, I would have become a hundred-non-taboo."

Li Changzhou licked his lips and raised his head. Water drops dripped from the ends of his hair. His eyes behind the ends of his hair were staring at Bi's delicate neck.

What he needs is this.

The weakness of his body made his bloodthirsty desire stronger, and there was a fire burning in his heart.

He took another sip of snow water.

"Give me a drink too." Bi was also thirsty.

Taking the "Snow Mountain Kettle", she raised her neck and took a sip.

Li Changzhou looked at her neck, and his stomach even felt the emptiness and twitching that occurs when one is hungry.

This was a good opportunity. He remained calm, looked at Bi's neck, entered "concentration", and allowed himself to be tortured by bloodthirsty impulses and desires just like burning his hands with flames.

The body is silently familiar with everything that belongs to the vampire.

Strong autosuggestion can drive people crazy. If this twice-strengthened body remembers the feeling of a vampire, can it obtain a vampire's physique through "autosuggestion"?

I'm afraid not.

But it is also an experience, and you can also know how specific a vampire's thirst for blood is, and prepare for dealing with such creatures in the future.

"What are you doing? Staring at me like this?" Bi wiped her mouth and glared at Li Changzhou dissatisfied, "Why don't you just drink some water? Give it back to you!"

Li Changzhou took another sip, slightly relieved the urge to bite Bi's neck, and then put away the "Snow Mountain Kettle".

Bi turned to look at the ground and said, "We're here."

The train car crashed into the Edison Institute with a loud bang.

The research institute is not like a research institute. There are tables arranged in a large and spacious space, like a weaving factory.

Li Changzhou stood up and walked out of the carriage, dragging wisps of white mist with him.

Edison, who was wearing a suit and with slightly sparse white hair, was holding a cigar in his mouth. At his feet were the bricks of the wall smashed by the carriage.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Edison." Li Changzhou waved away the last wisp of white mist from his shoulders and said hello to the King of Invention.

Edison took a deep breath from his cigar, and the cigarette was shiny.

He blew out a puff of smoke, calmed down his emotions, and asked, "Who are you?"

Li Changzhou recalled the name that came out of the housekeeper's mouth: "Zi...Spencer...Morgan."

"Morgan?" Edison threw away his cigar, stepped over the pile of bricks, and stretched out his hand, "Hello! Welcome to my research institute!"

"What kind of person was Edison?"

"Who knows." Yang Qinglan looked at the town not far away and said in a casual tone, "Some people say he is the king of invention, some say he is a liar, some say he is a capitalist, some say he is too stupid."

"Stupid?" Li Qianxia repeated in surprise, "Is Edison stupid?"

"Tesla said it." Yang Qinglan withdrew her gaze. "It is said that the method Edison used in his experiments was very inefficient, and he often did things with half the result with half the effort. According to Tesla, he didn't even know some basic theories and calculation methods. , completely ignoring elementary education and mathematical knowledge, and only trusting the inventor's intuition and experience."

"In short," Yang Qinglan came to a conclusion, "he is a person who is diligent with his hands and too lazy to use his brain."

When she was done, she added: "This is Tesla's point of view."

"History is really wonderful." Li Qianxia didn't know what to say for a while.

"It's also possible that Tesla was jealous of Edison, a person who dropped out of elementary school but achieved great success - this is also a guess. No one knows the truth. If you are interested, you can ask it yourself."

Yang Qinglan asked her to ask about Tesla and Edison, but Li Qianxia thought of Li Changzhou.

"I wonder if my brother is here." She felt a little melancholy, as she had not seen her brother for almost the whole morning.

It's not an ordinary morning, it's a morning where I don't know where the other person is, nor when or where the next meeting will be.

"By the way, Lan," she looked at Yang Qinglan, who was also looking into the distance, as if remembering something, "When you see my brother, ask him to transfer the money to you. You should learn the next two skills. I think it's quite useful. necessary."

Yang Qinglan shook his head: "Let's talk about it after we go out. Maybe there will be better things to buy this time."

"Then you have to be able to get out. Once you become stronger, we can get out!"

"Let's talk about it later." Yang Qinglan still didn't want to spend money on the gospel, so it was better to leave it to Li Changzhou to upgrade his skills.

Li Qianxia suddenly snickered.

Facing Yang Qinglan's puzzled gaze, she smiled and said: "I just remember that when we first met, you told my brother seriously and coldly about team spirit and about giving game currency to those who need it first, but now you are reluctant to use it yourself."

Yang Qinglan smiled, very beautiful, extremely beautiful, but there was no smile.

"...Stop talking, stop talking." She stopped talking, but Li Qianxia muttered again, "You are only allowed to talk about us, and I am not allowed to talk about you."

"Did I tell you?"

"Uh——, um... I will do it in the future, I will definitely do it in the future! Hmm!"

"We're here!" The old demon hunter's voice suddenly came.

The two of them looked at the same time. Under the scorching sun in the midsummer, the air in the small town of Menlo Park was distorted by the heat, like a mirage.

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