King of Black Mist

Chapter 209: Secondary Development of the Potential of

The sun is in the sky, burning like a coin.

"Qian Xia, take medicine." Yang Qinglan stared at the penguin, Pegasus, and walrus with cold eyes.

Li Qianxia was silent for a while, then stood up slowly. She took out a pill and put it into her mouth.

Pills that increase attributes at one stage can restore a certain amount of 'ability' when attributes cannot be increased.

"What did you eat! Don't eat it!" Penguin immediately pointed at them and roared.

Pegasus glanced at it, and Penguin's mood was irritable, which proved that the situation was getting dangerous.

"I used to like penguins." Yang Qinglan glanced at the penguins with cold eyes, "Qian Xia, you choose one."

"Penguin, horse." She also wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

"Pick one." Yang Qinglan repeated.

Li Qianxia's 'ability' was almost exhausted due to "Blinking". Even if he took the pill, he would not be able to return to his peak in a short time.

"No." Li Qianxia's eyes turned slightly red, "They are not in good condition either."

The bloody steel gun pointed at the penguin and Pegasus: "I want to kill them now!"

"Fat pig!" Penguin suddenly shouted, almost jumping up.

The walrus swelled up and stood in front of the penguin and Pegasus.

boom! boom! boom!

The "Desert Eagle" appeared on Li Qianxia's left hand out of nowhere, and the muzzle burst into flames. The bullet strangled the air under the powerful thrust and shot at the three animals.

puff! puff! puff!

The three bullets were embedded deeply into the walrus' body, like a slingshot!

Yang Qinglan's eyes turned blue, the walrus leaned back, and its huge body pressed against the penguin and Pegasus.

The penguin jumped up slightly and aimed a kick at the walrus's back.


The bullet dented in the belly of the walrus was at an angle of 30 degrees to the ground and hit the forest. The walrus made a loud bang and was kicked by the penguin and fell to the ground.

"Drinka!" Pegasus yelled.

Delinka (Penguin) raised his head, a strong wind hit his face, and Yang Qinglan and Li Qianxia were already close.

The muscles all over his body tightened, and his heart seemed to be clenched tightly by something. The strong sense of crisis actually caused it to erupt with a reaction and power similar to that of "The Divine Fire Picture" that set the body on fire.

The "wings" were crossed, and the mouth full of fangs roared: "Freeze!"

The blue cold air visible to the naked eye hit the face, and the temperature dropped sharply, enough to make one's skin crack.

Li Qianxia and Yang Qinglan disappeared and appeared on the side of Penguin and Pegasus.

After using "Instant Body", Li Qianxia's body once again fell into emptiness. He was unable to take action immediately, but Yang Qinglan's Green Bee Sword had already slashed towards Pegasus' neck.

There is no trace of fireworks, but flowing clouds and flowing water, just like a pear garden fairy throwing out her water sleeves.

The horse's head flew into the sky, and blood spurted out from its neck like a water pipe.

Dark clouds rolled in, thunder struck into the cervical spine, and a stronger force surged out of the body. He used the old Green Bee Sword to pull back under this force and hit the penguin.

The fur on the penguin's body undulates like an electrocardiogram, which is the ultimate expression of the explosive sense of life and death crisis.

It fell forward and rolled its round body to avoid the blow.

"Run! I have no power!" The penguin jumped up lightly and ran deep into the forest.

"Hoo! Hoo!" The walrus lay on the ground, its forelimbs scratching the ground like water, and its body swooped out.

Yang Qinglan was about to give chase when the headless Pegasus beside him suddenly ran wildly, a new horse's head sprouted from its buttocks, and the "horse's neck" that sprayed blood gradually turned into its buttocks.

Li Qianxia was about to chase after her, but was stopped by Yang Qinglan.

"Save your 'powers' and take out the speedsters. They can't run away with the shadow cats here."

Li Qianxia began to summon the speedster. At the same time, she glanced at the horse head on the ground, frowned and asked, "What is this?"

Yang Qinglan thought for a while and said:

"Probably a skill of the Australian devil lizard. This animal has a spiked ball on the back of its neck, sometimes called a "false head." When it encounters danger, it lowers its head and wraps it between its feet, protruding the "false head." ——It probably used this skill when it was blocked by the walrus just now."

"Then cut it in the middle!" Li Qianxia said harshly.

"Mecha·Speed ​​Motorcycle", with its black body and green energy bar, has a very sci-fi and futuristic feel and appeared in 1880.

Li Qianxia raised her legs and sat astride him. Starting from the neck, the blood-colored armor turned into a white wedding dress, and the legs supporting the ground were long and straight.

Yang Qinglan sat behind, gently holding her waist with his left hand, and holding the Emerald Bee Sword in his right hand.

The green energy bar flows like water, the light particles gather at the jet port, and the power furnace roars.


The strong wind swept through the forest that was gradually submerged in the night. The speedster's motorcycle pulled out a green aurora and rushed out at a furious speed.

"That way." Yang Qinglan pointed to the town of Menlo Park in the southeast, her long black hair fluttering in the wind.

Menlo Park, Edison Research Institute, and the forest form a triangle, and the point where they meet is the train station.

The straight line connecting Edison Research Institute and Menlo Park is parallel to the train tracks.

The speedster stood up from the ground and left Linhai. The light became brighter, as if time had gone back twenty minutes.

"Qian Xia." Yang Qinglan called out worriedly.

"I'm fine." Under the setting sun, Li Qianxia lowered her head slightly, her face was shadowed, and her voice did not rise or fall.

After a while, she said: "Qinglan, you are right, I am too stupid. If I don't save everyone, they won't all die."

"It's not stupid, it's kind." Yang Qinglan looked at her side face from behind, "Xiaoluobo, Bea Tris, even Yaochi, Zheng Qing, they all like you and are close to you, and I also like you very much. "

"But to be kind is to be stupid."

Yang Qinglan looked at her quietly and suddenly pinched her waist.

Li Qianxia, ​​who looked indifferent, barked, and the speedster twisted in the air like a dog biting his own tail.

"Qinglan, what are you doing!" Li Qianxia shouted.

"Your brother asked me to tell you, do whatever you love."

"My brother asked you to tell me?!"

"Yes!" Yang Qinglan smiled.

"Okay! I'm going to take revenge now!"

"Then take revenge!"

Li Qianxia turned the accelerator, and the speedster rushed out like a bomb.

In the evening breeze, Yang Qinglan vaguely heard a thank you.

Li Qianxia raised her face, and the sunset fell on her face, which seemed to be coated with a layer of gold.


A train blew its whistle, and its chimney spewed black mist, like a giant steel dragon.

"Train!" Yang Qinglan shouted, "They escaped into the train!"

"Humph, you're pretty good at running!"

Li Qianxia pressed down her hands slightly, and the speedster dived, running side by side with the train.

Yang Qinglan jumped lightly, landed on the roof of the train like a dance, and stood on the last carriage.

The strong wind blew against her face and the train shook, but she remained motionless like a goddess.

She walked out for a few steps as if walking on flat ground. She lowered her head and saw that the "Zhan's Coupler" made of steel, which was as wide as an adult's thighs, firmly connected the two carriages.

The green bee sword slashes down, the utility knife cuts like paper, the coupler splits into two, and the port is smooth and delicate.

With a rumble, the front of the car took the other carriages and ran towards the distance. The last carriage was on the rails and continued to slide forward along with the inertia.

call! The carriage suddenly burst into blue flames, like a blooming blue rose.

Yang Qinglan raised her foot and stamped it lightly, "calling for the wind and rain."

The icy wind blew, and the heavy rain dropped like bullets, making a huge knocking sound in the carriage. The blue flames died down instantly, and the wind and rain shook it like a drowned rat.

Li Qianxia lifted the hem of her wedding dress, pulled out the Desert Eagle from her lap, and aimed it at the car.

boom! boom! boom!

Every time a shot was fired, a huge flame exploded from the muzzle, and the bullets shot towards the car at the speed of escaping from the flames.

The powerful impact of the Desert Eagle erupted several times, directly knocking over the derailed carriage.

Yang Qinglan jumped down from the carriage.

The carriage, still pushed forward by inertia, left a series of sparks on the ground, and finally stopped slowly.

Li Qianxia stopped the motorcycle and jumped off. The white wedding dress turned back in time and turned into blood-colored armor.

She and Yang Qinglan behind the carriage were like leopards hunting, slowly approaching the fallen carriage step by step.

Only half of the sunset was left, and the egg-yellow afterglow spread on the ground. The scene beside the railroad tracks was like a scene from a western cowboy movie.

Bang! The walrus pushed its head through the carriage and tried to squeeze out.

"You fat pig!" The penguin kicked it from inside, and the walrus popped out.

Yang Qinglan glanced at it, and the walrus flew directly towards the increasingly dark sky without landing.

"Qian Xia," she said, "hurry up."

Keeping an object out of sight under the control of "repulsion" will continue to consume her "ability".

Li Qianxia took a deep breath slowly.

The nagging Bridget, the taciturn Sivert, Us who always hurts his leg but never screams in pain, the gentle and friendly Ismay, the cool old demon hunter who says 'boy', and the fighting Dansi, Endi, Abram of Wuta...

The sky fire descended, and the muscles slowly compressed.

What was squeezed out this time was not strength.

Bundles of thin and sharp flames spurted out from the gaps, and Li Qianxia felt as if her whole body was on fire.

The flames burst out, like eyes suddenly opening after a long sleep, jumping around her body in a way that was visible to the naked eye.

Passion, anger, and murderous intent are all intertwined and ignited by the method of visualization.

Li Qianxia was like a moth in a sea of ​​fire. Apart from the strong heat in her body, she had no other emotions.

She took a sudden step, and the blood-colored steel spear volleyed into the air and stabbed furiously.

The scalding heat wave left the body and exploded in the car the next second. The impact was so powerful that it even formed a small mushroom cloud.

The ice wall propped up by the penguins cracked with a snap.


The flames penetrated through the cracks, like a murderer prying open the door.

Secondary development of the potential of "Shenhuo Tu" - moths flying into the flame.

Visualization ignites thoughts and turns them into real flames. The higher the emotion, the greater the power.

But just like the name of the move, a moth flies into a flame. While keeping warm, it will also burn itself to death. You must exercise restraint when using it. Overly strong emotions and the flames that burst out will burn the user himself to ashes.

The flames gradually extinguished, and two corpses, one large and one small, lay inside, their ID cards reflecting the light of the fire, newly buried in black ashes.

Yang Qinglan glanced towards the sky.

Bang! The walrus fell, bouncing like a rubber ball.

Before it can remove its impact, it tries to "perform" to make everyone ignore it.

But before the neck could twist, Yang Qinglan had already stepped forward, and the Cuifeng Sword easily penetrated its hard and flexible fur and pierced its heart.

The walrus's body softened and became as lifeless as a sofa.

Yang Qinglan pulled out his sword, and the identity card popped out of the walrus' head at the same time, falling to the ground. Its belly moved, and the unconscious Edison slipped out of its mouth, with his legs still inside.

Li Qianxia walked over, but suddenly staggered, and quickly used the blood-colored steel gun to support his body.

"I have no energy left." She smiled at Yang Qinglan.

Yang Qinglan also smiled: "Me too."

The bloody armor and golden armor dissipated at the same time.

A female ghost in a black dress slowly rises from the middle of the train tracks. Centaur ghosts and hidden knife spider ghosts come out of the void.

On the corpses of penguins, Pegasus, and walruses, transparent penguins, Pegasus, and walruses sat up.

Li Qianxia's pupils shrank violently, she straightened her left hand, spread her fingers, and opened a gap as if she was waking up in the void.

Yang Qinglan took a pill.

The sun set behind the two of them, swallowing up the last traces of its rays.

"Bond Summoning" takes about twenty seconds.

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