"It's best not to." Yang Qinglan said.

"Why?" Both brothers and sisters looked at her.

Yang Qinglan picked up the gospel book that had become ordinary on the table.

The book no longer emits light and loses its ability to float automatically. It just lies spread out on the table, like an ordinary hardcover book.

All the patterns and words on it were gone, and there were traces of flames burning on the snow-white paper. These traces were very strange, like some kind of writing.

I'll wait for you in the past - the three of them understood the meaning of this sentence at the same time.

"The Lord of Divine Glory can leave words on "Bible Knight", and it will definitely give inspiration to the other holders of the gospel. They may have prepared dangerous enough traps and are waiting for us to come." Yang Qinglan brushed his fingers over the writing Burnt words.

"Then what should I do? I don't want to be the tail of the crane and hold you back!" Li Qianxia said desperately.

"Do you not want to hold us back, or do you think this is fun and want to do it for fun?" Li Changzhou looked at her sideways.

"Pig head, pig brain, pig body, pig tail~, a good boy who is never picky about food~, sleeps until three hours after the sun shines every day~, never brushes his teeth and never fights!" Li Qianxia's trick is similar to whistling to change the subject.

While singing, she poked Li Changzhou on the shoulder with two fingers, as if he was a pig, a keyboard, and an annoying guy.

Yang Qinglan smiled and said: "As my brother becomes stronger, you will also become stronger; as I become stronger, I can earn more game coins for you and give you more powerful skills to choose from."

"Brother Li? The nicknames you two have are so disgusting!"


Yang Qinglan gave Li Changzhou a look that meant: Your sister, you can take care of it yourself.

"To be honest," Li Changzhou looked at the table and seemed to be thinking, "As a person with a biological sister, I don't really like being called brother. It's a bit uncomfortable."

"That's right, I'm the only one who can call me brother." Li Qianxia hugged Li Changzhou's arm and looked at Yang Qinglan provocatively.

Yang Qinglan decided to deal with the two of them personally.

"We're back! We're back!" A radish and a butterfly suddenly appeared on the table.

They were holding "hands" and spinning around in excitement, like

"It's like when I went to the fair when I was a kid, my brother gave me the music box I won by playing a trap." Li Qianxia nodded, very satisfied with her metaphor, and expressed her emotions.

"Little Carrot, what is your mission?" Yang Qinglan asked.

"Well -" Little Carrot needed to think about it, "Trouble Edison, but you can't kill him."

"Is it done?" Li Qianxia asked with concern.

The black card player failed the main mission, but will be chased by three white card players who failed the main mission. If they do not kill each other, neither party can continue to participate in the game.

"It's done!" Little Cartoon said proudly with his hands on his hips, "Butterfly and I were hiding in the pile of rocks on the railway track. When Edison was being chased by a wolf, he threw a stone at him from a thousand meters away! On his head A bag was smashed on it!"

"One thousand meters" even Yang Qinglan was speechless.

"Where's the mission evaluation?" Li Changzhou asked.

"It's still F!" Xiaoluobo said in a matter-of-fact tone. I didn't understand why he asked that.

F is one level lower than Li Changzhou's E, only worth 5 points and 100 game coins.

Not to mention Yaochi, even Li Changzhou couldn't help but want to give Xiaoluobo some pocket money so that her life would not be too miserable, otherwise the animal protection organization would say that he abused animals.

"Brother, Little Carrot and Butterfly have been following us. Although it is of no use, we still buy something for her. I won't buy it this time." Li Qianxia couldn't stand it anymore. She was really afraid that Little Carrot and Butterfly would suddenly die.

"Okay!" Li Changzhou was convinced, "Little Carrot, Little Butterfly, you two can choose a B-level or C-level skill, and we will pay for it."

Xiaoluobo covered her mouth, widened her eyes like an anime character, and then

"Great! Great! I'm getting rich!" She held hands with the butterfly again and spun around happily.

"Woo~" Butterfly was also very happy.

It's something from 1880, and with an F rating, they don't have much to choose from.

Little Carrot chose Edison's "Gramophone Magic", which can leave an image that lasts for three seconds and becomes invisible within three seconds, which is very good for escaping.

Butterfly chose the werewolf's "Fly", which can fly more than a hundred meters, which is very good for escaping.

None of them are expensive, it's just a C-level skill with many flaws. It costs a total of 900 game coins, and Li Qianxia spends Li Changzhou's money to treat him.

"Don't keep the money, upgrade your skills," Yang Qinglan said to Li Changzhou again, "Black Death and photo transmission."


"Black Death Arrives" is B+ level, and it costs 3,200 game coins to upgrade to A level; "Photo Transfer" is A level, and it costs 6,400 to upgrade to A+ level.

Total: 9600.

After Li Changzhou paid 900 game coins, he had 6835 left, Li Qianxia 1950, and Yang Qinglan 2750, for a total of 11535.

Subtract the two, leaving 1935.

The A-level "Black Death Arrives" has an additional "soul seduction" special effect. The souls of those killed will be seduced and become slaves of death, up to three, lasting ten minutes.

A+ level "photo transmission", teleportation no longer consumes intelligence. Places visited with photos can be directly teleported without looking at the photos.

"The S-class "photo transmission" may not even require photos, it's just "transmission". "Li Changzhou looked forward to it.

Then you can go wherever you want!

"It takes 12,800 game coins to upgrade from A+ to S-, so save some." Yang Qinglan muttered.

"Why give it all to him!" Li Qianxia shouted.

"Your brother has become stronger, you and I are safer, and he can help us get more powerful skills."

"I don't care, you are a couple, and it will be the same to everyone, but sooner or later I will separate from my brother, and the property must be calculated clearly!"

"Okay, food, rent..."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Li Qianxia raised her hand with a solemn expression, "Please bury my brother and I together after I die. We came together, and we have to leave in the same coffin. This is called returning from a clean life. Jie Qu, no, that doesn’t seem to be the meaning of “The Burial Flower Song”.”

The separation failed.

"There are 1935 left," Yang Qinglan looked at Li Changzhou, "The best way to use it is to upgrade a B-level skill to B+, or upgrade the blood beads to B, it depends on you."

"Upgrade the blood beads." Li Changzhou said, "Everyone can use this skill."

"Okay, your sister will have to deal with it a little bit."

"Hey" Li Qianxia looked at these two people helplessly and desperately.

Her family status isn't the lowest, right?

After deducting the 800 game coins for the "Dracaena Style·Kirin Blood Drainage" upgrade, the three people's combined assets are still 1,135.

"I think you can buy one or two E or F-level skills that seem useless." Li Changzhou suggested to Yang Qinglan, "After using "Gushe Goddess", these skills will become A-level. "

"Forget it." Yang Qinglan shook his head, "Qian Xia and I still use the old method for our skills without wasting money, and my current skills are also pretty good."

"All right."

After the settlement and exchange were completed, the four of them and Butterfly had a big meal together, and the train stopped at the station.

There was nothing unusual. The players who got off the bus were as usual, completely unaware that gods from the past had come.

"The fifth year." Li Changzhou chewed the word.

The Lord of Divine Glory is waiting for them at this time. Once they return to the era when this god was still alive, what awaits them will be divine punishment.

After a long period of time, a little bit of residual power can be integrated into a new S-level instinct. How powerful is the original body?

Li Changzhou took a deep breath. While feeling the pressure, he felt that he had a small goal in life - to kill the Lord of Divine Glory!

The big goal, of course, is to win the value game.

Although I don’t know whether omniscience, omnipotence, and immortality will be boring, but as Yang Qinglan said, Socrates is happier than a pig. The happy one is the one who can choose his lifestyle.

I spent 1 game currency to buy a newspaper. The person reporting this time was still an official player, resisting Zuo Zongtang and conquering XJ in the Qing Dynasty.

I don’t know how the black cards felt when they did this task.

But that's fine, at least they can help Chongzhen resist the Qing Dynasty in the future, no, resist Li Zicheng? No, no, maybe cut down the old crooked neck tree on Meishan.

Roll up the newspaper and walk out of the subway station.

At sunset and dusk, Mingcheng is bustling with traffic. People after get off work are riding electric scooters, all going in the same direction.

In front of the traffic light, the girl's helmet had a yellow duck that had recently become popular on TikTok. The men couldn't help but look at her, not knowing whether they were looking at the duck or the girl.

A group of old ladies were holding stereos and preparing to dance square dance by the river. They were wearing uniform costumes. Did they have a performance recently, or were they going to compete with the neighborhood next door?

A group of children are playing with skates on the sidewalk, looking cool, happy and dangerous.

In November, the weather is getting colder, and couples are hugging each other in an even more risqué way! Even the wind can't squeeze in!

Back on Yanhe Road, as soon as they walked into Qinglan Bookstore, the three of them saw two familiar faces.

Zheng Qing and Yaochi sat opposite each other on the double table against the white wall. There was a pattern of 'blue wind' on the wall.

Zheng Qing waved to them;

Yaochi stirred the coffee with a small spoon and looked at the three people with a smile. Well, he just looked at Li Changzhou. To be more precise, he looked at Li Changzhou with provocative eyes.

Just like a couple in love preparing for a date, the woman who arrived first looks at the man who came later with her eyes and smile.

Li Changzhou fell one step behind and became Yang Qinglan's follower, with a serious look on his face.

Yaochi put down the spoon, picked up the coffee, and smiled at him while drinking.

Girls who love to laugh are cute and annoying at the same time. Boys are very complicated animals. They like girls who love to laugh, but they also hate girls who love to smile because they think that this girl is not smiling for everyone.

Is there a girl who only smiles at one person?

Yes, Yang Qinglan!

I have my whole heart for Miss Yang!

Li Changzhou was mentally building himself up to be wary of the S-level instinct of "pampering the concubine".

On the other side, Yang Qinglan had already finished greeting Zheng Qing - she ignored Yaochi, and Yaochi ignored her.

The three people and the two guests sat together on the long cherry wood table inside, and Yang Qinglan asked the employees to get off work in advance.

There were only five of them in the bookstore, and dusk passed through the entire glass door, reflecting the room in orange.

"What do you want from us?" Yang Qinglan got straight to the point.

She was anxious to return to the "honeypot world" and experiment with the "Gushe Goddess".

"It's like this," Zheng Qing used this as her opening statement and gave herself some time to think about her words. "There was a player in the special battle who killed his teammates for a prop and fled to Japan."

"What props?" Li Qianxia asked curiously, she was innocent and purely out of curiosity.

"This." Zheng Qing was a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I can't just forget it and continue talking about things." Li Qianxia apologized quickly.

Zheng Qing nodded to her and continued:

"Because of the newspapers, the powerful experts in the special operations are already well known and famous. If they go abroad, they are likely to be assassinated by the other party, or they may think that we have a conspiracy."

"So you're looking for us?" Yang Qinglan asked.

"At the beginning of the special battle, we were looking for Miss Yaochi." Zheng Qing glanced at Yaochi, who was holding her face with one hand and looking like a female elite in the workplace.

Wearing a women's casual suit, she indeed has the elegance and beauty of an idealized working woman, and her white hair gives her a dreamlike charm.

"But she recommended the three of you, thinking that it would be safer to operate with you and the success rate of the mission would be higher."

"If we can bring that thing back," Yaochi said with a lazy and seductive voice, "we can choose any view of the special battle situation, but we cannot spread it outside."

Yang Qinglan looked at Li Changzhou, it was time to bargain.

"Ahem, let me ask," Li Changzhou said, "What is the highest level of the current concept of special operations?"

"S+." Zheng Qing replied immediately and crisply.

"S+?" Li Qianxia exclaimed.

Li Changzhou and Yang Qinglan were also a little scared.

Is the gap between countries and ordinary players so big? The three of them are only A-level thinkers. Although there are only three of them, they have only participated in two games (not counting ships).

If you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem impossible.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of players in the country. With so many people, even if each person only participates in the game once a month, the probability of obtaining S+ level props, skills, and concepts is unimaginable.

There is something new to discover every minute!

What's more, not only the country itself, but players who cooperate with the country may also sell props and concepts to the government.

"If it weren't for this level, do you think I would cooperate with the special operations bureau?" Yaochi said with a smile.

Li Changzhou glanced at her and asked Zheng Qing: "Can we choose S+ level?"

"Of course." Zheng Qing gave an affirmative answer and added, "I just want to obtain the S+ level visualization method in a very special way. I must make this clear to you to avoid the unpleasantness last time."

"Oh? What's so unpleasant?" Yaochi glanced at the two groups of people and asked with interest.

Li Qianxia pulled her and whispered in her ear.

"What makes it special?" Yang Qinglan asked.

"To be precise, the highest level of concept law in the special operations situation is S-level. S-level and S+ level are derivatives of two books - "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" and "Sou Shen Ji".

"Every mythical beast and immortal in these two books is a concept method. There are high and low levels. The lowest is only B level, and the best is S+ level. But no matter the level, you can only learn it once per page. , after learning it, it cannot be passed on to others, unless the previous person dies and the pages return to the book.

"Not only that, if you want to learn to visualize thoughts, such as "Qiongqi", "Yinglong", "Kunpeng", "Zhu Jiuyin", etc., you must be recognized by these mythical beasts. "

"Is there Kunpeng in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas"?" Yang Qinglan was puzzled.

"The book we got includes even Qinglong, Xuanwu and White Tiger." Zheng Qing explained.

"According to some people's speculations," Yaochi has finished listening to "Unpleasant", ""The Book of Mountains and Seas" has spiritual wisdom and will automatically record some powerful ideas born in the world, just like "The Record of Strange Wen", which will automatically record some strange and weird ideas. That’s how I was discovered by the Special War Bureau, and they said I was the reincarnation of the Queen Mother of the West.”

Zheng Qing frowned slightly, as if he was hesitant about Yaochi disclosing more top-secret information without authorization, wondering if he could do so.

"So Sister Yaochi, are you the reincarnation of the Queen Mother of the West?" Li Qianxia asked curiously.

"That book is "Into Science," do you think I am?"

"Ahhh!" Li Qianxia's memory came back, "That's the kind of thing where you suck any part of your body and you can suck blood even though there is no wound. The result is that your gums bleed because you are angry!"

Yaochi smiled and said: "But it will definitely record such a thing. Through these records, some things can be inferred about the special battle situation."

Li Changzhou probably knew what "Qiwenlu" was. It was equivalent to "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" when it was a worthless game. It was deceptive, but it had a little bit of reality.

"How to get approval for these ideas?" Li Changzhou was more concerned about this.

"It's very simple," Zheng Qing replied, "Just find that page according to the directory and be able to open it."

Why is this method so familiar?

Li Changzhou, Yang Qinglan, and Li Qianxia looked at each other and thought of the gospel at the same time.

Could it be that some god wants to flow down the river from the past? And this time it is a collective action, everyone uses a book.

Or is "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" really just responsible for collecting powerful ideas without any malicious intent?

"How's it going?" Yaochi looked at them and asked expectantly, "Would you like to go to Japan together? I can cover all the food and accommodation, and you will be accompanied by a beautiful girl the whole time."

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