King of Black Mist

Chapter 220 Time, stop it!

"Still time?" Xu Lun was stunned for a moment.

"Hey!" She pointed at the storm, "Animation is animation, reality is reality. People who can't tell the difference are as low-level as if they can't tell the difference between salt and sugar."

"To change the metaphor, I can't tell the difference between salt and sugar." Yaochi puppet said.

Just as Xu Lun was about to say something, Feng Feng's right index finger swiped in the air, raising a wisp of wind.

A line of wind visible to the naked eye ripped over, like a sword mark.

Kujo Xu Lun stepped aside.

The wind line split out, tearing a hole about one meter long and finger-width wide on the solid cement road.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

Storm's fingers slid continuously, as if playing a fruit-cutting game.

A series of wind lines formed a death net, strangling them, as sharp as a knife.

Kongtiao Xu Lun pulled his hand, as if he was pulled by the night sky, and he was thrown high.

She stepped on something invisible, her legs slightly bent, as if she were stepping on a bowstring. The next moment, her legs straightened suddenly, and she shot into the storm like an arrow from the string.

"Are you coming to kill me?" Storm laughed.

"Oops!" Kujo Xu Lun glanced out of the corner of her eye, and the wind line that she avoided rushed towards the ordinary citizens near the statue of the loyal dog Hachiko.

She turned around forcefully in the air, kicked her legs into the air again, and threw herself into the web of death.

Seeing that it was almost too late, Kongtiao Xu Lun waved his hand and then pulled it down.

"Ah!!" The citizens who had no time to escape were hung up as if they had stepped into a trap.

Kujo Xu Lun slowly swung over, and she and the citizens who were hung up seemed to be tied to the two ends of the rope.


The net of death struck the square in front of Shibuya Station, carving frightening patterns on the ground.

The lottery sales point on the roadside was split open, and countless lottery tickets flew into the sky.

All the citizens who were hoisted fell to the ground, and Xu Lun slowly fell to the ground. Her right hand was still raised, but all five fingers were missing!

If it is a substitute, you can clearly see: blue silk threads are slowly gathering together to re-form the five fingers.

Kujo Xu Lun turned around and looked at the storm.

He is desperately trying to save himself!

The Japanese-speaking doll flies in the sky and looks delicate and cute. If you pat it casually, it will turn into a huge mist.

The wind line stirred up by the storm collided with it, and the wind that was enough to crack the monument and crack the stone was extinguished like fire meeting sand.

Another puppet, as fast as lightning, sprinted and had already stuck to the face of the storm.

The legs, as thin as toothpicks, whipped the air, and struck the storm's Tianling Gai with a sharp blow!


The storm turned around and turned into a ball of wind, flying close to the ground and flying away, avoiding this leg.

The puppet's legs were swept in the air, and the air flow caused by it blew the ground clean.

Xu Lun Kujo looked at these two dolls in surprise. He didn't expect them to be so strong!

The wind gathered near a car where the driver escaped at the intersection and turned back into the storm itself. The muscles in his left arm tensed and he raised his hand.

The car flew through the air and hit the palm of Yaochi's hand.


The glass burst and shattered everywhere!

The car was pressed to the ground and turned into a discus! Suddenly the flames ignited again!

Li Qianxia landed upside down on a traffic light, spun around like a hip-hop dance, and cheered: "Sister Yaochi is so awesome!"

Even in her true form, Li Qianxia couldn't flatten a car. This had nothing to do with her strength. Just like a needle could pop a balloon, it couldn't cause extensive damage to the balloon.

Regardless of the range of skills, Yaochi's power itself is also amazing, not to mention that it is only one-third of the strength, not even one-third of the strength.

"Thank you." The Yaochi doll smiled and floated in the air.

Storm glanced at the two dolls, but couldn't tell their expressions. As a former national team player, the strength of these two dolls was still within his control.

He looked at Kujo Xu Lun.

Kujo Xu Lun also looked at him.

"You guy," Kujo Xu Lun walked over slowly, "Why do you want to hurt innocent people?!"

"Have you ever seen gamers feel guilty for entering an NPC's home to get something?" Storm said casually.

"Speaking of which," he changed the subject, "aren't you the stand-in for stopping time?"

His eyes left Kongtiao Xu Lun and looked around.

"Ambush around?"

Dogenzaka 2-chome, in front of a convenience store, inside a car.

"This person seems to be very sure that there is a substitute who stops time, and he is sure that the other person will come to Shibuya Crossing!" Li Qianxia exclaimed.

"Well." Yaochi closed his eyes and observed the storm through the puppet, "Where is your brother? Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

Li Qianxia opened her eyes and looked at her phone.

"Well, he said that the other party might have the ability to stop time. He first observed the situation before coming out. He also sent me a photo of sightseeing with Qinglan at the Tokyo Tower! Ku so (damn it)! Damn Onii-chan!"

"Miss Yaochi, do you need us to attack?" The driver's voice was steady and powerful.

"No, I'll play with them first."

Shibuya Crossing.

In the whooshing wind, a dozen figures appeared, including samurai, sumo wrestlers, archery masters, shrine maidens, etc. Players with Japanese characteristics rushed over.

There are armed helicopters circling in the sky.

M2130 chain machine gun, GAU-19 Gatling heavy machine gun, aiming at the storm.

Kujo Xu Lun glanced at these support personnel, turned sideways, and pointed his finger at the storm domineeringly: "I don't know what you are talking about, but you are like Eiri in "The Passerby Heroine". Failure is doomed, so be patient I accept the sanction!"

Storm stretched out his hand and provoked the wind.


A man hiding in a store and peeping outside had his face split open.

There were screams of terror in the store.

"You guy!" Kongtiao Xu Lun was angry.

Meanwhile, the soldiers on the helicopter were given orders.



The bullets are dense like rain, and the dark clouds are rushing towards the storm.

Storm took a step back, and his body turned into wind. The bullets hit the ground, splashing up pillars of earth; hitting the car made a clanking sound.


A car was hit by a fuel tank, causing a violent explosion. An orange-red fireball with black smoke illuminated the surrounding area.

"Thermal weapons are ineffective, requesting a ceasefire." On the helicopter, the soldier who opened fire reported via radio.

"Keep firing."

The soldier quickly turned around and drew his pistol from his waist.

Pulled the trigger, nothing happened. The palm dropped from my wrist.

Storm caught the gun and pointed it at the soldier.


He kicked the soldier's body off the plane, threw away the pistol, and sat in the shooting position.

"The target is in the helicopter! The target is in the helicopter! Request instructions!" the pilot yelled frantically, reporting to his superiors.

The players raised their eyes and looked at the helicopter.

"Keep firing." Storm smiled, aiming the machine gun at the ordinary people hiding in the shops on Shibuya Cross Street.


The gun body trembled, black smoke filled the muzzle, fire exploded, and bullets flew out from the black smoke and red light.




The windows burst open one after another, and screams came one after another, even louder than the gunshots!

Shibuya Cross Street is in chaos.

"Damn it! Save people first!" The players who were originally preparing to pounce on the helicopter rushed out one by one.

Block bullets, pull away the injured, and throw out the fallen! Save everyone from the rain of bullets!

But it’s too much, there’s too much traffic at Shibuya Crossing!

The helicopter's propeller was so fast that it left afterimages. The helicopter's huge and slender fuselage slowly lifted into the air under the strong propulsion.

There is no way to go, we can only lift off!

Shibuya Crossing is one of the busiest areas in Tokyo. Today is Saturday night. No matter which direction you go, there are dense crowds. You can only go to the sky!

Li Qianxia manipulated the puppet and turned over from an acrobatic handstand to an upright position, while her legs were slightly bent like a frog.

The sky fire descended, and huge power accumulated in the legs.

"Wait a minute." The Yaochi puppet flew in front of her, blocking her soaring power, "Let's check the situation first."


"Let these people force out their trump cards. If our puppet is destroyed and there is no spare puppet in a short period of time, we can only risk our lives and go into battle with our own bodies."

"." Li Qianxia listened to the screams in her ears and remembered that in 1880, because she wanted revenge, she put Qinglan into almost desperate danger.

Just when she was hesitating.

"This guy!" The golden ripples on Xu Lun's body looked like huge flowers blooming on the completely dark street.

She roared angrily and opened her hands as if to embrace the entire night sky.

Her body quickly shrunk, and the threads all over the sky were pulled out from her body, woven into a bowl, and tucked under the helicopter.

The bullets fired from the machine gun slide to the bottom of the bowl along these threads that only the substitute can see, like water entering a funnel.


Bullet pile drivers generally drill through the ground.

The face of the storm did not change its color. He plucked the air with his fingers, and a wisp of wind played like a string towards Xu Lun, who had lost most of his body.

Li Qianxia's doll subconsciously rushed forward, preparing to pounce on Kujo Xu Lun.

Amidst the fierce gunfire, Feng Feng suddenly had a folding fan in his hand. He flapped the fan and at the same time two words popped out of his mouth:

""Wind pressure". "


The strong wind blown by "Wind·Folding Fan" directly becomes the fuel of "wind pressure". It is like there are a pair of giant hands formed by wind in the sky, pressing down on everyone!

The Li Qianxia doll, which had only one-third of its body strength, fell directly.

Even the Yaochi doll flew out and could not maintain its flying posture.

The wind line bounced in front of Xu Lun's eyes without any resistance. A line of blood dripped from her fair face, and she saw bones——

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"Time, stop——"



The world seemed to tremble, and a shadow appeared on the building.

The gunfire stopped, and "Storm" looked at his hands with an expression of disbelief.


On the ground, at the entrance to Shibuya Station, "Jotaro Kujo" laughed wildly.

The next moment, the laughter suddenly disappeared again, very abruptly, as if the movie suddenly pressed the pause button.

"Jotaro Kujo" slightly bent his right index finger and pointed at the "storm" on the helicopter.

"You look like a baseball player who thought he hit a home run, but I caught it!"

Everyone looked at him, confused.

"Be careful!" 'Storm''s face changed drastically, and he shouted to everyone below, "That guy switched bodies with me! My ability is to stop time! Five seconds at most! He just got my body, and he can only Stop for one or two seconds! Also, the stand’s attack range is 2 meters!”

In the empty and dark Shibuya, the sound of the 'storm' spread far and wide, and there was even an empty echo.

Before anyone could react.


"Storm" didn't know when it reached the hands of "Jotaro Kujo", and the latter's five fingers grabbed the former's neck like steel and iron bones.

"It's the storm!"

"Ola Ola Ola Ola!"


"Storm"'s teeth were flying, his eyes were white, and his muscles were twisted, as if he had been hit by countless iron balls, and he died.

Dogenzaka 2-chome, in front of a convenience store, inside a car.

"A player with the ability to stop time died like this?!" Yaochi opened her eyes and couldn't believe it.

"If it's "Jojo", it's normal." Li Qianxia was also a little speechless.

"Drive farther away." Yaochi told the driver.

Facing an enemy that could truly stop time, she couldn't be too careful, and she was ready to give up on the mission.

He gave up the mission not because he wanted to escape, but because he wanted to get rid of the mysterious item on Feng Feng.

She doesn't want to switch bodies, but it can be used to improve the strength of her subordinates and prevent others from switching bodies with her!

Shibuya intersection, 20:18 Tokyo time.

The intersection was pockmarked with smoking craters and charred rubble strewn everywhere.

Burst fire hydrants and water pipes are spraying water, broken glass litters the streets and sidewalks, and abandoned cars have been transformed into burning metal bonfires.

The silk threads of the sky were recycled and rewoven into empty strips of Xu Lun's body.

She looked at "Storm" lying on the ground, and then at "Jotaro Kujo" with his hands in his pockets, clenching his fists so tightly that his eyes almost bled.

"Senior." Tears flashed in her eyes.

"Everything is doomed." Storm, who obtained Jotaro Kujo's body, said lightly.

"Shibuya Crossing, the helicopter, and the stand-in that stops time, all of these are destined to be like secretly shouting 'Smash Varudo' at some point after watching "Jojo".

“I know you’re in pain, it’s like eating egg liquid and finding out it’s snot.


The tone of Storm's voice did not change, but after a slight pause, there was an unparalleled sense of oppression.

".Fate is on my side, even I have to accept the arrangement."

"Destiny? Your destiny is death!"

Kujo Xu Lun stood up, the golden ripples burning like her anger.


The air trembled violently and rippled like water waves, as if two powerful invisible things were colliding in the air.

Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof!

The ripples grew larger and larger, gradually forming a powerful shock wave.

The ground rumbled, and glass shards and gravel slowly rose up, attracted by some invisible force.

The rumbling sound became louder and louder. In the eyes of everyone, Xu Lun and Feng Tiao were just standing face to face, doing nothing!

Only the Substitute can see the Substitute!

"Nothing, nothing!" Storm laughed wildly, "You are too weak!"

"Poof!" Xu Lun's body curled up like a shrimp, and the clothes, skin, and muscles on his abdomen were all twisted.

"Ah!" She screamed in pain again, her whole face seemed to be squeezed flat, as if she had been punched.


After a brief lag in the air, Kujo Xu Lun smashed out like a cannonball, destroying the stocky statue of the loyal dog Hachiko.

She groaned among the rocks and struggled to raise her head.

"You, go to hell!" She pulled hard with both hands.

"Uh!" Storm's face turned red instantly, as if someone had strangled his neck with a thread.

He slowly lowered his head, veins popping out on his forehead, looking at the blue rope burning with golden ripples around his neck.


"Death!" Xu Lun, holding the raging anger, stood up, opened his arms suddenly, and strangled with silk threads.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out from Kongtiao Xu Lun's mouth.

Storm stood behind her.

"This is fate." He said with a cruel smile.

Li Qianxia's puppet rushed forward, but was stopped by the Yaochi puppet again.

"Observe for a while longer."

"Xu Lun is in danger!"

"The players in Japan are all observing the situation. Why are you anxious?"

The surrounding samurai, sumo wrestlers, shrine maidens, monks, young men with duel disks, and girls with poke balls were all watching the battle.

Some people wanted to rush forward, but were stopped by players with higher levels.

Li Qianxia glanced at these people, and the doll rushed forward.

Storm glanced over.

After approaching 2 meters, a strong wind pressure hit her face, and Li Qianxia's sense of crisis skyrocketed.


The doll appears next to Xu Lun Kujo.


The puppet appeared five meters away from the storm with Xu Lun.

The puppet didn't dare to stay. At such a close distance, even if the storm could only stop for one second, it would still be enough to attack the two of them.

It doesn't matter if her doll is gone, but nothing can happen to Kujo Xu Lun!

The third "blink"!

The control of the puppet instantly weakened, and one-third of the "power" was almost exhausted, but fortunately, Kujo Xu Lun was saved.

"Thank you." Xu Lun was still awake.

"Are you okay?" Li Qianxia asked subconsciously, no longer caring whether the other party understood.

"Well! Where's the guy?" Xu Lun Kujo raised his head with difficulty and looked at the center of the Shibuya intersection.

In the sky full of smoke and flames, the opponent stood there like a demon, invincible.

Li Qianxia didn't know what she said, but she knew what she wanted to say.

"Don't worry, my brother is on his way, he is dead!"

Of course, Kujo Xu Lun couldn't understand what she was talking about.

Minato area, Tokyo Tower, set up an outer crossbar at 300 meters.

"Time stops, Miss Yang, let's go."

"Don't get too close at once. Stand somewhere where the opponent cannot reach within two seconds. Try to attack from a distance first."

Li Changzhou grabbed Yang Qinglan's slim waist, took a step forward, and jumped off the Tokyo Tower.

The night wind roared furiously, and the clothes and hair seemed to be escaping and flying into the night sky.

An excited and slightly evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The two people twisted into colors and disappeared in mid-air.

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