King of Black Mist

Chapter 256 Key

The sun was scorching, and the desert waterfall across the land made a huge roar. Aisi clenched the knight's sword in her hand and stared at Li Changzhou who was walking towards him.

Jin Shui, who is best at sneak attacks in the team, was attacked by a sneak attack.

Also, from the reactions of the four Earthlings just now, we can see that the Earthling in front of us is absolutely extraordinary.

Her eyes dropped, her pupils shrank, and she felt breathless.

Yellow sand flows under his feet, and this earthling is walking in the air three centimeters above the ground.

Flying is difficult for ordinary people, but easy for the {Fearless} Light Legion, but step by step, walking on the air at the slow speed of walking, no one can do it.

Flying slowly and steadily is at least dozens of times more difficult than flying fast.

"Captain!" Forester Nam shouted. He comes from the spring and can communicate with vegetation. He is best at sensing emotions.

Aisi breathed out and her eyes regained their composure.

"Invader," she stared at Li Changzhou, "tell me your name!"

"Invaders?" Li Changzhou glanced around.

"Slave," he retracted his gaze and looked at Aisi, "hunting warriors for bounty, violating human rights and depriving lives, is also aggression."

"This is our Four Seasons Star's business!" Namu tightened the bow and arrow in his hand.

"Not to the universe." Li Changzhou's eyes were calm, but his eyes were more terrifying than a stringed arrow.

"Don't talk nonsense to him," the dwarf picked up the big scissors, "Crooked branches need pruning, not heart-to-heart talk!"

"I've already taken action." As soon as the ice giant finished speaking, dozens of ice picks emerged from the soles of Li Changzhou's feet like ground thorns.

Li Changzhou's body floated up, just hovering at the extreme distance of the ice cone. It didn't look like he was here to kill him, but that he had summoned it himself.


Just as he stabilized his body, the ice spear thrown by the ice giant and the arrow shot by the forest man were already in front of him.

On both sides, human knights and dwarf pruners, holding knight swords and scissors, rushed to Li Changzhou in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, we were attacked on three sides.

The giant Kun in Li Changzhou's dantian roared angrily, and a terrifying black cyclone appeared above his head.

"Huh!" The all-devouring suction force directly sucked away the ice spears and arrows.

The bodies of the knight and the dwarf moved at high speed, and their legs briefly lifted off the ground. They were sucked into the huge belly of [Giant Kun] and flew into the sky in an instant.

The two of them quickly sighed, the knight's body glowed with apricot-yellow light, and the dwarf's body was a knife-like white light.

As soon as he landed and regained his footing, the green light of the Emerald Bee Sword had already touched Knight Ais's neck.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The forest archer strikes five swords in a row.

Ding ding ding ding! Each arrow struck the Green Bee Sword, which was only the size of an embroidery needle.

With a sneer, the Emerald Bee Sword flew past the knight's temples, and three or four hair strands fell down. Only then did Ais feel the terrifying murderous chill.

Li Changzhou looked at the forest archer: "Very powerful archery skills."

Although the sword control skills recorded in "Nine Heavens of Sword Control" are not strong, due to his powerful "ability", the Green Bee Sword is as fast as lightning. The opponent can actually hit every arrow and force the direction to change.

The cold air rose and the temperature dropped. Li Changzhou looked down.

The ice pick that attacked him before melted into an ice giant. His unfinished facial features smiled at him, and his thick ice arms spread up and climbed up Li Changzhou's legs.

The ice giant's newly made mouth opens and closes: "We are four people."

"Unity does not show strength, it just exposes the vulnerability of individuals."

Li Changzhou raised his right foot, and Bing's arm was torn off. He aimed the sole of his foot at the panicked Bing's face and stomped it down.


The ice split, and the fragments rushed in all directions like stray bullets, shattering the arrows fired by the foresters, and hitting the knights and dwarves who rushed forward again.

The dwarf was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his eyes were hit. He screamed, covered his eyes and stopped.

The knight's armor clanked, and the knight's sword struck Li Changzhou like a meteor in the broken ice.

"Ais!" The knight heard the forest man's roar.

What are you shouting? The one who died was Iceman!

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the forest man leaping up again, firing his bow and arrow in succession, one arrow after another, and then another arrow, shooting at Li Changzhou like crazy.

While shooting arrows, he shouted:


A shadow fell above her head, but Aisi ignored it, pushing the power of the apricot-yellow scenery all over her body to the limit.

No matter what the danger is, just kill yourself.


Ais lost consciousness.

A hill crushed her into a pulp.

The clod of earth shrunk and turned back into the Green Bee Sword. With a swish, as fast as an illusion, the green thread shattered the arrows and wrapped around the forest man's neck.

Li Changzhou turned sideways to avoid the dwarf's sharp scissors.

The two of them were very close.

"In this world," Li Changzhou whispered, "life is miserable."

Suffocated and unable to move, the dwarf seemed to have returned to his mother's womb, unable to open his eyes, move his hands and feet, and could do nothing except think.

The Emerald Bee Sword whirled, and the dwarf's head rose into the sky, and blood rushed out like a blooming red flower.

"Crooked branches really need to be pruned." Li Changzhou raised his hand, and the Green Bee Sword flew into his sleeve.

Amidst the deafening sound of the quicksand waterfall, the forest archer fell, his head leaving his body in mid-air, being blown away by the wind, and rolling along the sand towards the waterfall.

Li Changzhou made a move, and five identity cards flew into his hand. The so-called {Fearless} Light Legion were five Four Seasons players.

"As expected of a great god!" the 'Silver Hound' laughed wildly, and the hound army, ready to go, swarmed forward.

The ‘gunner’ aimed at the fleeing crowd and fired with both hands.

Bang! Bang!

Two slender black mushroom clouds towered over the crowd.

The 'explosion expert' glanced around, and there was an explosion when his sight hit the ground.

The 'lightning rod' palms faced each other, and the loach-like lightning gathered into a ball of electricity. When his hands were released, the ball flew out carelessly.

The gravel melted, the island-like stone platform turned into lava, and the electric ball plowed a magma channel in the quicksand.

"Boom!" The electric fireball crashed into the densest crowd. Flesh and corpses flew into the air. There were blue sparks all around, and the quicksand was briefly cut off.

The gravel shot out like random arrows, and the yellow sand enveloped the surrounding areas like mist.

"Lightning rod! Are you sick? Doesn't this make it easier for them to escape?!" the 'Silver Hound' scolded.

"Where's your dog's nose?" The lightning rod looked a little pale, and "ball lightning" consumed a lot of his "ability".

In the chaos, Yang Qinglan, who was sitting on the cloud platform, tapped Ruyi, and books flew out of the corpse.

Feeling dizzy, Yang Qinglan couldn't help but close her eyes.

"Qinglan?" Li Qianxia looked at her worriedly.

"I'm fine." Yang Qinglan opened her eyes, breathed evenly, and her whole body glowed with light.

The clothes turned into white palace clothes, and the temperament was like light mist in the empty valley, distant and refined. A layer of faint white light shrouded the body, making her look like a fairy.

【Gushe Goddess】

The "Fairy Ruyi" in his hand bloomed with inexplicable brilliance.

Yang Qinglan glanced at it and then turned his attention to the desert waterfall.

The ten-fold increase in "ability" was consumed like a bursting dam. When the 30 seconds were about to end and the "ability" was almost exhausted, the desert waterfall still did not fly out the "message".

Seeing that they were about to fail, the 'Heaven's Power' in Yaochi's hand turned into a ribbon and wrapped around her and Yang Qinglan's wrists respectively.

As soon as it wrapped around him, Yaochi's eyes felt dizzy.

At the same time, a flame-colored book flew out from the desert waterfall.

Amidst the explosion of anger, Li Changzhou grabbed the booklet, briefly broke through the speed of sound, and flew to Yang Qinglan's side.

The white light faded from Yang Qinglan's body, and it was difficult to pick up "Fairy Ruyi". Her hair was messy, like a flower about to be broken in the wind.

"Sister Yao!" Xiao Wu shouted.

‘Tian Zhi Li’ disappeared, Yao Chi poured pills into her mouth bottle after bottle, her face, always charming, was as white as her hair.

The white hair, which was once as bright and soft as the first snow, was now dull and dull.

The two people's "power" was almost exhausted.

"Ability" can be converted into mana, infuriating energy, and magic power, but when the mana, infuriating energy, and magic power are exhausted, the best is weakness and coma, and without "ability" you will die.

"Ability" is the embodiment of everything a player has. Without "ability", everything is gone.

It was thrilling, but they were fine. As long as they had 1 point of "ability", they could recover slowly.

Li Changzhou took Yang Qinglan and Yaochi into the "honeypot world".

"Qian Xia, go in and take care of them."


After Li Qianxia also disappeared, the cloud platform condensed by the Yaochi under his feet showed signs of dissipation, and then quickly disintegrated.

Biscuit was frightened and "awoke", and Xiao Wu quickly grabbed her arm.

Yaferona hovered behind Li Changzhou.

Li Changzhou opened the flame-colored booklet in his hand.

After turning two pages, he laughed: "Miss Yang, your hard work is not in vain. You must be the first to conquer the Four Seasons Star."

"Stand back." He told Biscuit, Xiaowu, and Yafelona, ​​and threw the flame-colored booklet into the "Honey Pot World."

The air vibrated slightly.

Anyone with a slightly keener intuition has a sense of impending disaster.

My heart was beating hard, as if it was about to jump out of my chest and escape on its own.

"Could it be?" Soda Biscuit looked at Li Changzhou and thought of something.

"1000, 1500, 2000, 3, run!" Xiao Wu was so frightened that he turned into a rabbit and rushed into the distance.

Yaferona glanced at Li Changzhou in amazement, turned around and flew away.

Soda Cracker also came to his senses and quickly followed the two of them.

is that one! It must be the one in the rumors! Her heart was beating wildly, and she wanted to turn back several times, but the growing sense of crisis stung her brain like a needle!

In this inexplicable atmosphere, the sound of the desert waterfall seemed to be quieter.

‘Lightning Rod’, ‘Gunner’, ‘Explosion Expert’, and ‘Silver Hound’ stopped the massacre, and their speeds soared to the limit.

"Wow!" The silver hound rode on the back of a hunting dog, as fast as riding a boring cannonball.

He roared with joy.

"Children of the Four Seasons Star, take good care of our God of Earth!"

Torrential streams of light erupted suddenly, shooting from the earth to the sky at a speed that the naked eye could not catch up with.

The stream of light roared like a huge cylindrical space-time gate, standing between heaven and earth.

The air was stirred, creating a powerful and terrifying air current.

The sandman who did not run away but was the one closest to him had his skin and flesh clinging to his bones in one moment. In the next moment, the airflow changed direction and his skin and flesh were blown away and fell off from his bones.

Immediately afterwards, the bones disintegrated instantly, and one by one, they were swept in all directions by the airflow and disappeared without a trace.

All this only happened in an instant. To human eyes, the sand figure seemed to disappear suddenly.

The Sandman was just a minor interlude, and the airflow began to spread.

The endless yellow sand turns into meat grinding blades in the airflow, washing away everyone.

After escaping far enough, despite the fierce wind, Saltine Cracker was finally able to turn back.

In the center of the air flow, in the light flow connecting heaven and earth, a figure loomed.

This is not the earth, nor is it the prosperous area of ​​Song City. Li Changzhou finally doesn't have to be careful and can stretch his [divine body] at will.

A wanton feeling welled up from the bottom of my heart.

It seems that with one blow, the sky can be shattered, and with one kick, the earth can be shattered.

Scanning his eyes, he finally saw the head and tail of the desert waterfall.

The Sandman froze in place, while the Earth players marveled and cheered.

Li Changzhou sensed himself and his surroundings, and the time to maintain his [divine body] had indeed increased, from three seconds on earth to five seconds.

After coming back to his senses, he looked at the desert waterfall, and even if he only had five seconds, he must seize the time.

As soon as the thought occurred, the Chaos Yang Snake in his mind circled and roared, and the ocean-like golden energy in the god's body turned into a bell spine and slammed into the wooden energy.


Under the stimulation of the golden energy, the wood energy roared like a big brass bell, and its volume and power doubled!

One second.

This powerful wood energy turned into a bell again and crashed into the earth energy.

Two seconds.

Earthiness collides with water vapor.

Three seconds.

The water vapor was like an ocean, and Li Changzhou felt that he could cause a flood that would submerge the desert.

He even sensed a powerful mass of water vapor in the far north from thousands of miles away, which should be the area where the ice giants lived.

Like the ocean, water vapor rushes towards the fire vapor.


Four seconds.

After the four bells rang, the fire energy in Li Changzhoushen's body increased five times as much as before.

At the fifth second, he raised his hand and directed all his fire towards the desert waterfall.

The extremely terrifying stream of red light, enough to destroy the entire Song City, bombarded the desert waterfall.

There was no explosion, and the red light slowly disappeared as if it had been absorbed.

Li Changzhou's whole body was weak and his body shrunk rapidly. He stabilized his breath, but he did not dare to seize the moment to take a breath of the essence between heaven and earth like he did on Earth.

When he was only a hundred meters in size, the desert waterfall was finally full, and the dissipation of the red light slowed down greatly.

A beautiful bead, like a bead condensed by flames, flew out of the desert waterfall.

"The artifact. It is the artifact of the King of Wind and Light!"

"Can't be snatched away by people on Earth!"

"Kill them!"

"Damn it! Let's see who dares to move!" the silver hound roared.

No one cared about him, and all the Four Seasons Star natives rushed towards the flame beads as if they were desperate for their lives.

They don't fight back against the people on earth, and they don't reject the people around them. It's as if they are being manipulated, going crazy to grab the flame beads.

No, it's to protect.

Li Changzhou turned into a [divine body] and felt the aura that he couldn't feel before. The Four Seasons Star on the soles of his feet was indeed transformed into a divine body.

After his death, he could only transform into a three-thousand-meter spiritual mountain, but the King of Wind and Light could transform into an entire planet. How powerful he was during his lifetime!

With only more than fifty meters left, Li Changzhou dived towards the flame bead.

Several figures also bypassed the obstruction of the 'Tone Color Hound' and the others and rushed in front of the flame bead.

When Li Changzhou arrived, he was only thirty meters tall and had very little "power" left in his body.

No longer needing to worry about whether the desert waterfall was enough, he took a deep breath, and the essence between heaven and earth rushed into his body almost visibly with the naked eye.

These essences gave him a breath of fresh air.

He spread his hands and urged the breath.

【Holy Master】

The path of gods, the realm of human beings, the realm of hell, the realm of hungry ghosts, the realm of Shura, the realm of animals, the realm of thunder and lightning, and the realm of fire.

My vision suddenly turned black, my head was buzzing, my "power" was not enough, and I couldn't integrate more instincts!

More than a dozen instincts merged into a rainbow-like divine light, which was shot out from Li Changzhou's hand.

As soon as the divine light left Li Changzhou, he immediately became violent like a mad dog loosened from its chain, seemingly roaring and roaring, rushing unstoppably towards those Four Seasons stars who were close to the flame beads.

It only took a moment to clean it all away.

It was as if these people did not exist in the first place and were instantly turned into ashes.

Li Changzhou's body was weak, and his body returned to its original shape, falling freely. When passing by the flame bead, he used his consciousness to open the "honeypot world" and took the bead and himself inside.

The flame beads disappeared, and the Four Seasons star came back to his senses.

".The artifact was taken away by the people on Earth."

"Let's go! Go back to the center and tell the king of the center about this!"

"It's over. It's really possible for people on earth to occupy our planet. Unite! We must unite!"

"We also want to go back! The people on Earth moved separately and entered each season. It turns out that they are looking for artifacts!"

"Xia Tian is hopeless. Let's go quickly. Go back and tell the elders that we must use all our strength to kill the earthlings who have entered spring!"

Li Changzhou found a way to conquer the Four Seasons Star in 15 days, and the Four Seasons Star also began to fight back with all its strength.

A life-and-death war is about to begin.

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