King of Black Mist

Chapter 258 Rushing to the End

White auspicious clouds head all the way north.

In addition to the desert waterfall, Yang Qinglan also obtained information brochures from countless corpses.

There are all kinds of people, but the {Fearless} Light Legion comes from five different places. Their actions in the past three days are recorded on it, and their routes to each area are clearly written on it.


"A lot of people are coming to arrest us." Li Qianxia read the booklet as a novel and read it with gusto.

"There is no point in fighting these people." Yang Qinglan's voice was calm and cold, and he quickly flipped through the booklets to increase his knowledge.

A person's knowledge is broad, and he has many ways to deal with things when he encounters them, and his "ability" will naturally increase.

Yao Chi, who controls the gimbal, also said: "Whether it is to eliminate 60% of the communicable life forms or to find artifacts, only fight with masters when you have no choice."

"If possible, I don't even want to fight with ordinary people." Li Qianxia glanced at Li Changzhou who was silent, "Brother, what are you doing?"


Li Changzhou held "Xia" in his hand.

Fire flourishes in summer. As a player who practices yin and yang and understands the 'five elements' mutual restraint', it is impossible not to think about the five elements and ponder upon getting such an artifact that is full of five elements.

But no matter how he sensed it, even if he used his [divine body] to absorb "Xia"'s energy, there was no reaction.

He entered into the state of a child without any thought and thought of "using the big to bully the small", but still didn't get anything.

"Is this the wrong direction, or is my ability insufficient?" he said to himself.

"You must have insufficient skills." Yaochi leaned on the couch made of white clouds. "How can you, a player who has not become an immortal and can only hold on to the [divine body] for a few seconds, comprehend the divine weapon?"

"That's true, but as Li Changzhou, I don't understand anything at all. Isn't it too abnormal?"

Yaochi raised his head from the information booklet and looked at him with a 'are you telling the truth' expression.

"Just get used to it." Li Qianxia sighed.

The younger sister lowered her head and continued to flip through the book, saying, "My brother never says he is handsome, he just thinks it is natural that all women like him."

"Of course he's handsome." Yang Qinglan pursed her lips and smiled softly, nodding her head, not sure whether she was confirming or teasing.

Yaochi looked at Li Changzhou as if he saw a melancholy monkey sitting at a roadside stall, holding a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other, throwing a peanut into his mouth from time to time.

Biscuit, Xiaowu, and Yaferona also watched secretly and thought there was nothing wrong with it. All women should like Li Changzhou.

"This, this is me, there is her." Little Carrot made a clay figurine out of clouds and squatted on its short legs, as if talking to someone.

Li Changzhou ignored them.

He thought again in terms of the names of gods.

The King of Wind and Light——

Wind is a natural phenomenon caused by air flow. Hot air rises, and cold air with low temperature flows in laterally. The rising air gradually cools and becomes heavier and falls. The higher surface temperature will heat the air and cause it to rise. This kind of air The flow creates wind.

The generation of light can be divided into three categories: The first category is light generated by thermal effects.

Still no idea.

Li Changzhou's thoughts simply returned to the most basic level, the structure of the planet.

Eastern spring, southern summer, western autumn and northern winter.

The center is affected by spring, summer, autumn and winter. Since there is only a crown and no beads similar to "summer" to absorb energy, when the spring is strong, it will continue to flourish. When the wood energy is sufficient, the wood energy will be sufficient, and it will naturally turn into fire, which is summer, summer. It’s autumn again.

According to the five elements, the center must be earth. If it is anything else, this planet will not be stable.

Does soil accommodate the other four elements?

Li Changzhou finally had some ideas.

Before that, he used the 'Five Elements Mutual Restraint', which needed to be stimulated one after another. For example, when he turned into [Divine Body] just now, the bell rang four times to stimulate five times the fire energy.

What if the five elements could be collided together at the same time and then burst out?

Li Changzhou spread his left hand, and a piece of apricot-yellow rustic spread out. Then, he gathered equal amounts of gold, wood, water, and fire, and hit it in one go.


A terrible hurricane formed in his palm.

Everyone on the platform felt the stinging pain in their faces, as if they were being cut by a knife.

laugh! The clothes on Saltine Biscuit's knees were ripped open and torn apart by the hurricane.

When the five elements unite, they either return to yin and yang, or they differentiate into all things. At this time, it is the most chaotic state of differentiation, and the five elements become wind.

If it can turn into wind, can it also turn into rain, snow, thunder and lightning?

Li Changzhou was distracted for a moment, closed his palms, and used his physical strength to extinguish this powerful hurricane.

It was too random and too powerful for him to control. This was not the purpose of his experiment.

He spread his hands again, and the apricot-yellow rustic air spread, and the four qi of metal, wood, water, and fire collided with each other again. The difference was that this time, the amount of the remaining four qi combined together equaled the rustic air.

Can control!

Li Changzhou clearly felt that when metal, wood, water, and fire were not very strong, the earth contained all things, and he could slightly guide the changes in the five elements.

The most superficial guidance, but it is enough.

He raised his hand and struck out, and the five elements merged into one and collided with each other.

In just an instant, the five elements completed their mutual restraint.

The almost substantial red light, wrapped in a fierce heat wave, slashed out like a knife.

The crimson light was violent to the extreme, because the energy of the five elements was still colliding, generating a steady stream of fire energy.

"Hoo!" With a roar of fire, the cloud platform happened to pass by a sand dune, and the red light chopped up, leaving a charred black ravine three meters deep and more than ten meters long.

"What move is this?" Li Qianxia asked.

"Is Mr. Chang Zhou practicing his skills?" Xiao Wu was curious.

Li Changzhou stood up, his whole body boiling with energy. He held "Xia" in his right hand and chopped in the air with his left hand.

Red light, black light, green light, white light, and yellow light criss-crossed like a storm.

The cloud platform flew all the way, and the ground was ripped apart like a whip. The five elements of light were indestructible and extremely violent. It was so powerful that Li Changzhou doubted that even with the full strength of his body, the Green Bee Sword wouldn't be able to take a few hits.

Because the five elements were changing rapidly, the five qi on the cloud platform were also stirred. Sometimes it rained, sometimes it fogged, sometimes it was hot, sometimes it was windy. For a while, it was like the four seasons were constantly rotating.

Xiao Wu and Soda Biscuit were stunned. The light waved by Li Changzhou was so powerful, and the changes on the gimbal were so magical!

"Don't go crazy here." Yaochi waved his hand, and the clouds swelled up to form a rain shelter, and some information brochures were already soaked.

Yang Qinglan looked at this scene thoughtfully.

"Brother, teach me, teach me, I want to learn this! I want to set off fireworks!" Li Qianxia clapped her hands.

To the three of them, the power of the light wielded by Li Changzhou could only be described as average.

After becoming proficient, Li Changzhou began to practice his skills, and the amount of the five qi directly increased a hundred times.

The cloud platform collapsed instantly, the heaven and earth seemed to roar, and powerful air waves swept across all directions.

Little Carrot rushed towards Yang Qinglan and hid in her arms just before the strong wind arrived.

Soda Biscuit and Xiao Wu were blown away. When Yaferona flew five or six meters away, she summoned a demon shadow to catch herself, Biscuit and Xiao Wu.

Yaochi, Li Qianxia, ​​and Yang Qinglan were also knocked back three to four meters.

Li Changzhou stood in the air, his clothes snapping.

The four qi of metal, wood, water, and fire turned into bell vertebrae and collided with the earth qi at the same time.

The bells roared, and the five elements were reversed, as if they were returning to yin and yang, and they seemed to be transforming into all things.

Finally, the five qi condensed and turned into a red light.

Li Changzhou's entire body glowed with flame-colored light, like a god of fire, and the air was twisting.

The energy in his body was violent. Affected by the fire, Li Changzhou couldn't help but roar. He raised his left hand, stretched his arm like a knife, and slashed out with a knife.

Under his will, the knife-shaped red light rushed out of his left arm along the meridians.

The red light sword, which is more than ten meters long, emits bright and unparalleled light. It is so powerful that it cuts into the earth like crushing mountains and rivers.


The flames soared into the sky, like a huge and gorgeous fire lotus, blooming and spreading on the earth.

The soda cracker was right on the edge of the fire lotus. I saw with my own eyes that the leaves of the fire lotus just lightly rubbed against a sand dune. The place where the sand dune was rubbed immediately turned into red lava.

The heat wave is roaring, the temperature is changing rapidly, dark clouds appear in the sky, and it is going to rain!

"The combat effectiveness has been increased to 1010!" Xiao Wu couldn't believe it.

Yaochi's expression also changed.

"My brother must have realized something. It's normal for combat power to increase." Li Qianxia looked at Yaochi, not understanding the shock to her.

"It is normal to increase combat power, but it is abnormal to break through 1,000." Yaochi looked at Li Changzhou and explained, "A person with 1,000 combat power is a human being. A person who breaks through once can have the power of four breakthroughs, but a person who breaks through four times, It is definitely impossible to have the power of a human immortal. If you want to become an 'immortal', you must go through a test, which is a natural disaster."

Li Qianxia still felt it was nothing.

If Li Changzhou thinks that it is natural for all women to like him, then she is - it is natural for all women to like her brother.

The flames created by the red light knife did not dissipate for a long time, making people wonder if the sand specially used to extinguish fires had become flammable.

"Okay, let's keep going." Li Changzhou said to the people gathered, "I can't wait now, I want to try my hand with the masters of the Four Seasons Stars."

"Brother~, teach me~" Li Qianxia held his hand and pouted coquettishly.

Li Changzhou felt very disgusted when she pretended to be his little girlfriend even though she was his younger sister, so every time she did this, he quickly agreed to it no matter what.

It's a bit like a person who licked your cookie all over, holding this wet cookie and asking you: "Can you give it to me?"

Don't think that such people don't exist. Jigong also did it, pinching other people's buns while they were still in the cage with his dirty hands.

Sitting on the cloud platform again, facing the curious eyes of everyone, Li Changzhou did not hide his secrets and explained all his insights.

It’s not just a matter of adjusting the proportion of the five qi.

This simple fusion - more like a collision, without "Yin and Yang Snakes", "Giant Kun", "Thunder Picture", "Sacred Fire Picture", and even "Flame Wave", the 'big bully the small' that I just realized today , this move may all fail.

Any sudden progress is actually the result of accumulation, but the accumulation is sometimes obvious and sometimes subtle.

Compressed Biscuit, Xiao Wu, and Yaferona didn't have any understanding.

They have reluctantly entered the field of active game playing, got rid of the habit of pursuing powerful skills and changing skills, and have learned to think actively, but they are still far from Li Changzhou.

Yaochi had some understanding that the "Queen Mother of the West" controls the power of the sky and can observe and control the energy of disasters. At the same time, she is also the 'Yin Qi of Yin'.

In various legends, it has always been said that the Queen Mother of the West is the head of the female immortals.

Yin energy is not equal to the five elements, but by analogy, we can still think of some things.

Li Qianxia is a [golden branch and jade leaf]. As long as Li Changzhou gives it to her, she can learn it as quickly as possible.

But a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Now she can only use the "Sacred Fire Map" to practice fire energy, and then find a way to transform it into the other four energies.

"It's not as powerful as the combination of "Picture of Divine Fire" and "Dapeng"." She felt it.

"What I'm good at is the best." Li Changzhou said.

"But you have to study what you are good at. It will be easier for me to directly learn from you. Once you learn it, you will definitely be very strong!"

".what ever."

The one who gained the most was Yang Qinglan.

She and Li Changzhou studied "Yin and Yang Two Snakes" together, and they understood the "interaction of the five elements", and their understanding of the five elements of nature was even higher than that of Li Changzhou.

But she communicates with the five elements of the outside world, which is different from Li Changzhou's mobilization of the five qi in the body, so the specific moves need to be thought about again.

The heat of the desert, around her, turned into thick rustic air for a while, turned into gold for a while, and turned into water again.

"That's wrong." She interrupted the change, Ruyi put her eyebrows between her eyebrows, and thought carefully.

That look was like that of a girl holding a pen and thinking about math problems. It was so beautiful.

She suddenly raised her eyes and hit "Fairy Ruyi". A colorful tornado appeared from scratch, grew in size, and whizzed towards a tree on the ground.

The tree instantly burned into a pillar of fire, like a huge candle;

In the blink of an eye, he was pierced by thousands of white lights, as if he had been mutilated alive;

The branches flew all over the sky, suddenly froze into ice, fell to the ground, and shattered into pieces.

Changes are still going on, with thunder, wind and clouds, hurricanes, heavy rains, and waves of fire. This dead tree has probably experienced wind, frost, rain, snow, and weather changes in its lifetime.

The cloud platform passes over the tree, across the border, out of the desert and into the center.

"What kind of move is this?" Li Changzhou asked in surprise, feeling that it was even more magical than his own.

Yang Qinglan Ruyi knocked on her thin shoulder, tilted her head and thought for a moment, then said, "Refining alchemy?"

"Alchemy?" Li Changzhou was puzzled at first, and then thought of something.

"Alchemy is not simply using fire to burn. The human body has five elements, and elixirs are also divided into metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. "Call the wind and rain" can only maintain a round ball at the beginning, with wind, low temperature, and rain inside. I regard it as an elixir. The furnace stirs the five elements of nature inside, but after taking action, I can't control the changes inside. "

Everyone can still understand a little bit of what Li Changzhou said before, but everyone is basically confused about what Yang Qinglan said.

What alchemy?

What connects the five elements of nature?

Li Changzhou understands the principles, but he doesn't know how to make elixirs, nor does he understand the five elements of nature.

His philosophy is that the body is enough to defeat the outside world, and the five elements of the body can defeat the five elements of the outside world.

He is extremely confident and obsessed with his body, which is why the instinct of "physical enhancement" was born.

Li Changzhou smiled and said: "Maybe in the future you can use a planet as an alchemy furnace and refine all the life on it into a super elixir."

"Brother, your vision for the future is too evil." Li Qianxia said.

Yang Qinglan also rolled her eyes at Li Changzhou: "It's already the future, why can't I treat the entire universe as an alchemy furnace?"

"." Li Changzhou clasped his fists, indicating that the incarnation of Mazu is powerful.

Biscuit, Xiaowu, and Yaferona all looked impressed, but Yaochi was the only one who was thoughtful.

As for Little Carrot, she devoted herself to re-establishing her kingdom. The white clouds were shaped into various shapes by her. When she was talking to herself, clear water was sprayed into the clouds.

Northern Line.

Two more died.

The great plain is full of strange rocks, stone pillars, and corpses litter the field.

The ridges and hills were scarred, shattered and cracked in places, the marks of battle.

"Invader!" A soldier flew 100 meters in an instant, bursting out with ghostly speed.

The long knife held in both hands slashed hard at the steel body, pulling out a series of sparks.

Five fingers of steel and iron bones clasped at the warrior's neck. The opponent twisted around and kicked him with both legs, trying to bounce away with the help of force.

Just as the man was about to shoot out, a pair of hands grabbed the soldier's ankles.

"Bang!" The steel and iron bones smashed the soldier to pieces.

He threw away his legs and gasped: "How long will it take for support?"

"It's almost over." The fatal flame's left arm, which was missing half of its body, spontaneously ignited and was scorched, and the bleeding stopped.

It hurt so much that his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Leave me alone." "General Earthquake Passerby" said weakly while being carried on the shoulders of "Psychiatrist".

"Shut up!" The psychiatrist's eyes widened in circles, and suddenly quickly shrank into points, bouncing back and forth in the eye sockets like rubber balls.

It's almost crazy.

The people he stared at were also crazy.

"If it wasn't your instinct to kill you, do you think we want to risk saving you?" 'The sword is only for sealing the throat' swore angrily and wiped the necks of the three warriors with one sword.

The sword sank slightly, and his strength was almost exhausted.

"Where's the support? Where's the support?" the 'psychiatrist' yelled like crazy.

"There is no support." Five light legions, a total of forty-eight people, descended from the sky.

Wearing a suit of extremely fine silver armor and armed with the finest weapons.

In the pile of rocks, a stone suddenly sprouted limbs and a head, and quickly slipped away into the distance. This was a rock beast that could be seen everywhere in the center, and it was also the eyes of the people in the center.

Iron Bones gasped.

"Damn it," he cursed in a low voice, "I still want to go back and see my parents."

"It's too late." 'The sword is only for sealing the throat' replied calmly.

A bone-chilling fear surged into his steely heart.

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