King of Black Mist

Chapter 261 Annihilation Complete

Chinoki turned around, used the trees as cover, and kept walking through it, approaching the Earthling in front of him unknowingly like a grass rat.

The arrows of her companions flew past her.

The giant tree parasitized by the elder danced its branches, and the branches were like spears, piercing the air sharply.

The muscles of her limbs were tense and she was concentrating. She picked up a branch and put it on the bowstring. The branch automatically deformed and turned into a sharp arrow, aiming at the people on Earth not far away.

Immediately afterwards, she took off the arrow, held the bow in her left hand, and the arrow in her right hand, twisted her waist and danced.

The loud music was loud, and sawdust was flying all over the sky. A thorn beast pounced on the earthlings, spinning in circles on the ground, and thorn whips struck the forest people who were also twisting around them.

The 'hip-hop girl' struggled to stand up, holding her hands on the tree trunk, gasping for air, blood flowing from her hair.

The ‘Kneeling Clan’ knelt on the ground, and darkness descended, covering these hip-hop dancing forest people and forest beasts, covering the forest.

The 'Kneeling Clan' stood up, the light descended, and everything in front of them was empty. The forest people, forest beasts, and forests were forever lost in the darkness.

Like an anemic person, he staggered and reached out to hold something up, but there was nothing in front of him that could serve as his support.

The 'Kneeling Clan' fell straight forward and fell on the soft sand bed. The 'Female Sand Painter' raised her hands, and the quicksand flowed from the bag around her waist to the exhausted players.

The sand brings everyone together.

"Moonlight!" the female sand painter shouted to a female player in the team.

‘Moonlight’ looked up at the sky, borrowing a coat from the sun, and the players disappeared from the forest.

Soon, vines, trees and wild beasts gathered together, standing at the edge of the forest and looking at the clearing. A special exchange sounded for a while, and the forest and clearing fell into silence again.

"How many died?" The hip-hop girl wiped the blood from her temples, her eyes full of expectation.

"Not dead." The traffic light counted the number of people, "They are all still alive."

The hip-hop girl suddenly lost all her strength and lay in a special space made of moonlight. The 65cm sweatshirt that completely covered her butt was pulled up, revealing 35cm shorts.

"Please, uncle and aunt," she said, "two of you will die, just two of you. I have begun to hate the forest, and I really want to leave this hellish place."

No one paid any attention to her.

On the tenth day of the full moon event, there were no more casualties among players entering the spring. Some people were seriously injured every day, but they all survived.

there are many reasons.

One of the reasons why the eight people who had sacrificed before died was the enemy's sudden sneak attack; second, the players did not gather at that time, and there were only ten people; third, these eight people were relatively weak.

Now, twenty-two people gathered together to be more vigilant. After a period of familiarity, their cooperation became more and more tacit.

Relying on powerful, weird, and abundant instincts and skills, he has defeated the forest men's sneak attacks and assassinations time and time again, and he has survived until now.

"Moonlight, how long can it last?" the female sand painter asked.

"Three hours."

"That's enough, everyone take the time to recover. 'Jump off the building', treat the 'Kneeling Clan' first."

"Already looking at him."

‘Jump off the building’ put his hands around the ‘Kneeling Clan’’s head, and overlapped his thumbs between his eyebrows. He whispered and activated his ‘instinct’: “Jump off the building, is it suicide, or is it flying?”

". Fly. Fly." Two words came out from the lips of the Kneeling Clan as if they were about to suffocate.

Wings sprouted from the injuries, and they struggled to fly away from him, their faces turning rosy.

‘Jump off the building’ took his hands off the ‘Kneeling Clan’s’ brows and walked towards the next player.

"Jump off the building, this way, come and give me a massage." The hip-hop girl raised her head slightly, waved and shouted, blood flowing out of her hair again.

The female sand painter let the moonlight ignore a piece of ground. Facing the dark ground, she said: "Land."

White smoke overflowed from the ground, wrapping the crutches around the ground.

The password for calling the land has been shortened. In order to save time, if an accident occurs, the message can be conveyed more quickly.

"How is the situation?" the female sand painter asked Tu Tu.

The other players who were eating, recovering their "powers", and treating their injuries all looked over. The information this time was very important.

"Twelve people died in autumn, and "Qiu" got it. "

There were thirty-one people in total in autumn. Three people, ‘Period’, ‘Garden’, and ‘Diamond King’, had died before. There had been no casualties in the past few days, but today twelve people died in one day.

"We can't get "spring" with just a few of us. "The voice of the 'Female Harper' is beautiful and her tone is calm, revealing a little despair.

In addition to the three people who died during the meeting, there were a total of twenty-eight players trying to snatch "Autumn", including the special battle. Even so, twelve people died.

There were only twenty-two of them, how could they possibly grab "Spring"?

"Are there any deaths in the special battle?" the hip-hop girl asked.

"Dead, 'Hold on to the dream', 'rice cake', 'automatic gun'."

"Three. Who are the other nine?"

"'I sit in the last row of the last group in the classroom', 'Another champion of the void', 'The one who kills me has no chirping', 'Makima's dog', 'There is candy in the pocket', 'Listen to mother's words' Let's do it', 'My wish comes true', 'I once dreamed of traveling to the end of the world with a sword', 'Lu, when will you marry me?'."

The hip-hop girl sighed loudly and lay down again, blood pooling on the back of her head.

After a moment of silence, Tutu said timidly: "Hou Feng said that they are repairing, and when they are ready, spring will come."

The hip-hop girl sighed loudly again.

Tutu became bolder and was about to continue talking when the 'childhood village' asked: "Where are Li Changzhou and the others?"

"After they left the center and entered winter, they found the Frost Queen. After a melee, the Frost Queen was killed by 'Xiaoqing', 'Yaochi', and 'Mosquito'. They got 'Winter' and are currently repairing it.

"But there won't be spring," Yaochi said. They will return directly to the center and continue looking for the "Crown." "

"Has anyone been killed?" Semaphore asked.

"No." Earth replied.

The signal light breathed a sigh of relief and sighed: "That group is still awesome."

After the southeastern line (Li Changzhou) went to the center and met up with the northern line (general earthquakes passed by), it only took three days for the entire famous city in the center to be destroyed.

On the seventh day, he even rushed into the royal capital. Li Changzhou used [Divine Body] again to wipe the majestic royal city composed of rectangles from the ground.

The combined army composed of Sand Man, Central Man, and Ice Man was almost completely wiped out.

But the most important "Crown" was transferred and hidden by the Central King three days in advance. There was no information in the information booklet Yang Qinglan obtained.

In order not to waste time, on the eighth day, everyone on Li Changzhou's line left the ruined center and headed into winter.

Today is the end of the 10th day. In just two days, the Frost Queen of Winter was killed and "Winter" was obtained.

"Four days left." Moonlight whispered.

"Four days." the hip-hop girl repeated, "is that enough?"

The two seemed to be talking to themselves, and everyone was thinking about this issue.

"It's not enough but enough." 'Jump off the building' let go of the last person's eyebrows, his face was a little tired, but his eyes were like stars twinkling in the moonlight.

He didn't say anything, only asked: "Don't you want to go back?"

"Of course I want to!" The hip-hop girl stood up and sat cross-legged, with blood spilling from her hair. "When this planet invents sound, I will be too old to dance!"

"You are only 16 years old, you can definitely wait." said the bonsai enthusiast.

"But no one will dance with me at that time." The hip-hop girl pursed her purple lips involuntarily.

The bonsai enthusiast wanted to say something, but he didn't say it. He looked down at the bonsai glass cabinet in his hand.

"Let's go back together." The female sand painter's voice was soft.


Tutu looked at the twenty-two people with calm expressions and sharp eyes in front of him, turned around secretly, and burrowed back into the ground in a puff of white smoke.


The forest of stone pillars, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, looks like a spinning top whipped by the wind.

A group of warriors clothed in steel and rock, holding weapons in hand, are hiding in this gyro forest.

"Autumn failed, winter also failed." The daughter of the Central King is tall, slender, and has a strong body wearing gold and blue flexible light armor.


The captain of the guard looked at the princess who was already the King of Central.

"Hand over the "Crown". The God of the people on earth has promised us that he will give us a piece of land that will not be disturbed and will not interfere with us. "

"Hand over the "Crown"? The court magician's voice was cold, "Hard Rock, do you know what you are talking about?" "

The staff in the magician's hand lit up, and the stones on the ground were ready to move, turning into cannonballs at any time and penetrating the body of the guard captain.

Hard Rock stared at the side face of King Zhong:

"King, I am not afraid of death. When the matter is over, I would like to turn into stone on the ruins of the royal capital and sleep forever with the late king. However, our faith cannot be cut off, and you cannot die. As long as you are still alive, as long as you live, There will definitely be a chance.”

The central king looked at the gyro-shaped rock pillar in front of him.

She said: "On the day the royal capital fell, I heard the Earth God say to my father that they were a flood, but the flood would recede sooner or later. After it receded, could there be anything left behind? What could be left behind that my father could use? Decide."

The forest of rock pillars stood like a devil, looking down at the group of bereaved dogs.

The central king raised his sight, and behind these devil-like rock pillars, the stars were shining brightly.

"My father said that stones don't need to stay. They are stones on the ground. But when they go to the sky, they will turn into stars."

The central king turned around and faced the captain of the escort team: "Survive?"

She looked at everyone again.

"Live!" Her voice was overwhelming. "I want us to live as children of the King of Wind and Light! Either fight and defend the glory, or fall down and become stars in the sky!"

"I heard that the times were against me." She pulled out the sword from her waist and pointed at the night sky, "So——"

Everyone drew their weapons, including the guard captain and the court magician.

Together they chant:

"I let the morning star burn, the dusk anchor, I anchor now."

"I enthrone myself and become the master of the world. I am the king of wind and light."


The cold wind whipped, ice and snow pricked my face, and the majestic ice palace collapsed.

The Ice Queen's huge body turned into a small iceberg, lying across the sky among the flying snowflakes.

The sky was gloomy and the visibility was very low. The "General Earthquake Passerby" whose "power" was exhausted, the injured "Fatal Flame" and others could not stop chattering in their jaws.

They looked enviously at Li Changzhou on the Frost Queen's head.

Yang Qinglan stood next to Li Changzhou, her hair flying gently, releasing a warm and spring-like atmosphere.

Li Changzhou sat cross-legged, and the wind and snow between the sky and the earth, and the pond rushed towards him like drainage holes, like long lines of snowflakes, or like a tornado.

Before the battle, in order to replenish "Winter"'s energy, he used [Divine Body] again.

With the Five Elements Qi Knife, this time he could burst out all his power in an instant, but ice and water come from the same source, but there is still a difference. It took him a full five seconds to "concoct" ice, plus the death of the Frost Queen Energy makes "winter" appear.

One red and one black, two beads, "Xia" and "Winter", which were more beautiful than any gemstone in the world, were hovering in Li Qianxia's palm.

"Sister Yao, do you think it can be successful?" She closed her palms and put away the beads.

"It's difficult." Yaochi's white hair almost blended into the snow.

The dark clouds overhead were rolling wildly, and the howling of the cold wind became more intense.

The footer of the Frost Queen's information booklet in Yang Qinglan's hand flaps restlessly, as if the Queen's will is struggling.

The wind and snow suddenly subsided until it stopped completely. The clouds slowly dispersed, revealing the bright stars. Li Changzhou opened his eyes.

All the energy of this blizzard was absorbed by him.

"Go back to the center to find the crown?" Yaochi brushed away the white hair that was still lingering on her lips.

"The crown has no energy fluctuations. If it were thrown into the ruins, we wouldn't be able to find it in a hundred years."

"What should we do?" Li Qianxia felt worried.

Only five days left.

Li Changzhou stood up.

Yaochi raised his head, and Li Qianxia looked at the sky;

Standing in the heavy snow, Yaferona directed the six living demonic shadows to come closer;

The ‘psychiatrist’ looked up at the night sky, his eyes beating like his heart;

‘An ordinary earthquake passes by’, ‘Steel and iron bones’, ‘Deadly flames’, ‘The sword is only used to seal the throat’ instinctively turned their backs and stood ready for the galaxy.

Like a star falling, in the blink of an eye, the thing hit the ground, hitting the earth with a powerful impact.

The snow formed huge waves, roaring with the force of thunder, and the powerful air current washed away everything, sweeping and burying everything with great speed and great power.

The white god of death in Xuelang is generally unstoppable.

The rumbling sound slowly disappeared, the snow waves stopped, and only the head of the Frost Queen's body was still outside, like an Iceland the size of a palm.

Yang Qinglan closed the information booklet, raised her head, and looked at the huge black mecha falling from the sky in front of her.

Li Changzhou's heels lifted off the ground, he slowly flew up, and the mecha hatch opened.

The mecha that uses the fragments of the sky as its power source becomes more powerful the closer it gets to the sky.

In the Sky World, almost all the imperial mechas were fighting on the ground, and their energy was not full, but the {Knight} summoned in front of them was full of energy.


"Start neural connection...Complete"

"Long time no see, car mechanic, Day Weiss."

Li Changzhou smiled: "Long time no see, princess, no, Her Majesty the Queen, Beatrice."


The golden eyes of the Guardian God Machine flashed, and invisible energy scanned the Frost Queen, Ice Giant, and Snow Giant.

"Analysis target in progress...Analysis completed"

The black mecha instantly broke through the supersound barrier and reached a speed of Mach 20. The violent air waves once again set off a snowstorm.

The mecha hovers over the winter sky, with the clear stars as the background.

"Start locking..."

On the optical display, all icemen within the fire coverage range of {Knight} are marked.

"Lock completed, number of targets detected: 1381261"


{Knight} clenched his hands into fists, pulled his arms back, raised his chest, and the power furnace hummed.

All the energy of the fifty-meter-tall mecha began to gather, flowing in silver energy channels.

The air was shaken and rippled like ripples.

Xiao Wu looked at the night sky blankly: "War, fighting power"

{Knight} looked up to the sky, as if letting out a silent roar. The next moment, the energy exploded like crazy, and meteor showers fell in the winter.

Where every meteor falls——


The snowflakes flew hundreds of meters into the sky, vaporized and evaporated, and the ice cubes melted on the spot.

Everything in place was shattered by the impact, leaving behind a meaningless high-temperature wreckage.

Powerful energy waves destroy the earth wantonly and clean up the world.

The night sky was illuminated by the meteor shower, and the light and shadow flickered on everyone's faces. They looked at the source of the meteor shower. In the center of the bright light, the figure looked darker and darker.

"Confirming...Number of targets: 0"

"Annihilation Complete"

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