King of Black Mist

Chapter 266 The End

"The 31,700th Festival of Wind and Light." The central king, magician, and guard captain knelt on the ground.

The King of Wind and Light slowly closed his eyes, listened to the whispers of the wind, and read the notebook of light.

Yang Qinglan, Li Qianxia, ​​and Yaochi walked to Li Changzhou without saying a word, and Little Carrot jumped directly onto his shoulders.

Li Changzhou sent them to the "honeypot world", but failed, and the will to refuse came from them.

He looked at Li Qianxia sharply.

Li Qianxia held his hand and wouldn't let go.

Yaferona, Soda Biscuit, and Xiao Wu were frightened and came closer like mice that wouldn't alert a cat.

Female sand painter, hip-hop girl, steel frame, deadly flames. They are wandering in fear and awe.

Hou Feng, Xiao Wu Sheng, A Man, and Door Card. They are painful, sad, regretful, afraid, and tired.

The King of Wind and Light slowly opened his eyes, his expression calm.

"Great wind and light, the stars of the four seasons prostrate themselves under your glory." The Central King prayed loudly, "Please grant death to the people of the earth!"

Li Changzhou took a deep breath, and [Divine Body] was ready to go; Yang Qinglan's hair swayed slightly, and [Gushe Goddess] entered the preparation.

The tension in the air is almost palpable. The god of death, harvesting lives in the long river of time, seems to be hovering in the next moment, ready to take them away.

"When is the end?" The King of Wind and Light sighed.

The light becomes dim, the wind whines, and the stars of the four seasons cry.

"I extract the power of the remaining body to inhibit the development of civilization and slow down the player's strength improvement. Because of this, the Four Seasons Star was selected by the value game. The people from Earth arrived and woke me up early."

Everyone, whose bodies and nerves were tense, couldn't help but be distracted by these words.

The power to extract the remaining body refers to "spring", "summer", "autumn" and "winter"?

If there are no players, it will take longer for these four beads to condense into entities, at least for "Summer" and "Winter".

The King of Wind and Light wants to be resurrected in the near future, not now?

But what is the difference between the future and the present for gods?

To suppress the development of civilization, is it because they are worried that the natives of Four Seasons will give up their faith or even immigrate to other planets because of their advanced technology?

Is it a coincidence or necessity that the Four Seasons Star was selected by Value Game? Is it intended to use this event to clean up these gods?

Questions came one after another, and everyone was filled with fear and vigilance, but there was also a hint of curiosity.

"Meng Fanyao!" Hou Feng covered the wound on his chest and roared toward the sky, "Wake up! Your child is still waiting for you to come back, have you forgotten?"

Meng Fanyao is an "ambitious" name.

The King of Wind and Light glanced at Hou Feng. The god's sight penetrated his body, penetrated his soul, pulled out his reason, and then rewoven it in a hundredth of a second.

Hou Feng knelt down and let the wound on his chest bleed. He prayed devoutly:

"The earth rises with my will, the sea of ​​trees builds houses, the yellow sand beats the wings, maturity attacks all, there is life after death."

"The light weaves into a cage, and the wind captures everything."

"I hear the times working against me."


"I let the morning star burn, the dusk anchor, I anchor now."

"I enthrone myself and become the master of the world. I am the king of wind and light."

The King of Wind and Light looked at the Central King and said:

"I never kill anyone unless necessary. I will preserve their sanity and life, and imprison them beside this river to stay on this planet forever. This is the greatest punishment for them."

"Follow your will." King Zhong did not raise his head.

Being unable to return to his hometown and staying on a planet with gods and only a small river within his reach is a huge torture for players who are trying hard to return to Earth.

Their expressions were blank, unable to accept that they would never be able to return to their hometown.

Iron Bones of Steel recalled a conversation he had with "One Sword to Seal the Throat" before meeting Li Changzhou.

‘I also want to go back and see my parents. ’

'That's too late. ’

That's too late.

Stay in this place forever where there is no mobile phone! Never see my family again! When you open your eyes, you will see the superior God; when you close your eyes, you will struggle in the value game!

Li Changzhou's heart was not disturbed. He was thinking calmly - why did the King of Wind and Light sigh? Will there be any impact if I wake up earlier than scheduled?

If a god were asleep, living on the Four Seasons would not be a pain for him.

As long as Yang Qinglan and Li Qianxia are around, they can survive anywhere.

"Your heart is angry." The god looked at the central king, "I understand how you feel, child. I can kill them or resurrect the dead, but I can't."

The god looked to the sky.

"I command the stars to burn themselves to become my weapons."

Behind the sun, countless stars lit up, as bright as the Earth's sun. One by one, they filled the sky.

"My child," the King of Wind and Light stood up from his throne, "I can't waste any strength, I also have my battle."

All the light in the sky disappeared, all gathered on the body of the King of Wind and Light, and molded into armor, swords, and shields.

A black hole is embedded in the shield, and countless stars adorn the sword.

There was not a single star in the dark sky. The previously brilliant galaxy was now in the hands of the King of Wind and Light, becoming a weapon of the gods.

In the countless stories spread among the Four Seasons Stars, the galaxies across the sky are originally weapons of the gods.

Regarding gods, the most legendary stories are often the most credible truths.

"Wind and Light, who are you going to fight? Who is your opponent? Please stay, the Four Seasons Star needs your blessing!" the wizard shouted loudly.

"Time is like gravel. Mortals are buried by gravel of the same height as themselves, and gods can only carry the mountain of gravel forward with difficulty."

The god's face was peaceful.

He looked into the distance.

"I will go to the future, compete for the only fruit, ascend the throne again, and become the master of time."

The gods no longer pay attention to the prayers of mortals.

"I, the king of wind and light, command joy and offer floating time."

The joy of your family when a child is born, your happy childhood when your child grows up, the joy of falling in love, the honeymoon after marriage

Good harvest, travel, great power, sudden wealth.

Time is fleeting and fleeting in times of joy, and can be captured by the gods.

"I, the king of wind and light, ask for the time you have accumulated from sorrow."

The pain of a child's death, a miserable childhood, the sadness of losing a lover, the depression of a broken marriage, the painful and sick old age

Time is slow and heavy when you are sad. God can reach out his hand and catch the accumulated time.

The King of Wind and Light used means beyond the limits of human understanding to extract time, open up the long river of history, and anchor towards the future.

The peaceful god roared at the value game: "I let myself ascend the throne, become the master of the world, and be the king of time!"

He steps into the long river of time, rides the waves, and rushes into the future.

Everyone was almost suffocated.

Li Changzhou looked at the incomprehensible, untouchable, and unapproachable river of time in the sky in disbelief.

Time is not a long river. No one knows what He looks like. Even time itself does not know what He looks like in the eyes of all things.

He is everywhere, He is irresistible, and He is everlasting.

His way is above gods and demons, farther than all.

But now, in the distant past, he ascended the throne and became the king of wind and light. He resurrected from the dead and crossed time to fight against the master of time.

"Who is he going to fight?" At this irresistible moment, Yaferona felt that her body and soul had been separated.

"The winner of the value game." Li Changzhou looked at the scene in front of him that he had never dreamed of.

"Only He can own time forever." Yaochi looked into the depths of the long river of time, hoping to get a glimpse of the future.

"Only He can make the powerful King of Wind and Light dare not waste a single bit of power." Yang Qinglan said.

She felt very calm. Although she could never return to Earth and was imprisoned by this small river, she could be with Li Changzhou, and they still had a "honeypot world".

Time has changed again, from a long river to a starry sky in the universe.

Time is still time, but the King of Wind and Light has already set foot in a far enough future. For mortals like Li Changzhou, the appearance of time in their eyes has changed.

They saw countless nebulae filled with a still mist.

The fog is quiet and huge, and countless galaxies are as small as the stars seen from the earth, dotted half way through the fog.

The galaxy is like the lights of each house, and the fog is the entire city. This fog is so huge that it triggers the instinctive fear of any life.

Even the gods despair before it.

The King of Wind and Light stood in front of it, like an ant looking up at the sun. It was so small that it could be said that it did not exist.

"That's the winner of the value game?" Aman murmured.

The Fiery Phoenix couldn't help but kneel on the ground. It was the instinct of all things when faced with greatness, and even time surrendered.

But that's not Him.

It was just a barrier set by time, just like the guards who stopped all those approaching the throne without the emperor's orders.

"The light weaves into a cage, and the wind captures everything." The King of Wind and Light held up the black hole shield and rushed towards the wall of time.

Time was sucked away by the black hole shield, and he was about to rush into the fog.


Like water rushing, like thunder and tsunami, a person emerges from the river of time again.

The long river of time around this figure quickly turned into the universe, reaching the same latitude and the same time as the King of Wind and Light.

Then He took action against Him.

"Who's stopping me!" The King of Wind and Light swung the Galaxy Condensation Sword.

Li Changzhou couldn't understand how powerful this blow was. If the earth was above the Four Seasons Star, it would be nothing more than an unknown planet condensed into a long sword of galaxies.

Time is distorting. The time shown in the universe in everyone's eyes, the stars are broken, and that is the future of countless people.

These people are destined to be wiped out at some point by the aftermath of the blow from the Lord of Wind and Light.

The Galaxy Sword stabbed another figure in the time universe.

It was a woman, with a slender figure and beautiful contours and curves.

Facing the King of Wind and Light's blow that was like knocking down the galaxy, He transformed into a line.

The time universe changed again, turning into countless lines flowing with time. That female Himself changed the appearance of time in the eyes of Li Changzhou and others again.

"Integrate with time?" The voice of the King of Wind and Light was surprised, "So what!"

He roared, shattering the futures of countless people, and slashed at the timeline with his sword to cut time!

At that moment, the life in a certain place watched helplessly as the long sword composed of countless stars fell, and then quickly shrank and turned into ashes.

The female He took off the head of the King of Wind and Light.

No one could see what was happening.

In that distant future, in the depths of the years, no one in Li Changzhou's time and space could understand where exactly the two gods met and how many moves they exchanged.

"Where did she come from? Why did she attack the King of Wind and Light?"

"She was the final player before she got the win?"

Time turned into the universe again. He stood under the Great Wall of Time and took off the crown from the head of the King of Wind and Light.

The time universe suddenly collapsed, and the power of time appeared in front of Li Changzhou and others in the form of a black hole. The black hole sucked her in and wanted to tear her into pieces.

Time bites back.

Even gods can only carry their weight under the pressure of time until the end.

There are only two ways to transcend time. One is to win the value game; the other is to go to the future and defeat the winner of the value game before time bites back.

Just as he was about to be swallowed by the black hole, he turned into a timeline again.

Time then turned into lines, breaking one by one, chasing the timeline transformed by the gods.

Time is getting farther and farther, and on the Four Seasons Star, the power of time awakened by the King of Wind and Light has bottomed out in an instant.

The vision slowly disappeared, but time did not disappear.

He blends into all things and watches everything, whether it is life or non-life. In the face of time, even the universe and the diversity of existence will one day end.

Only behind the towering Great Wall of Time, the ultimate winner of the value game, masters time and has no time.

Time turned back to the river, and the water gradually dried up. When there was only a small handful of water flowers left, something jumped out of the water flowers.

Time disappeared, and the crown fell to the ground. Before touching the ground, it was suspended in the air with the support of wind and light.

The stellar light of the Four Seasons Star shines down again, and the dim starless night sky gradually becomes brighter.

Everything just happened was like a dream.

"We were born from wind and light, and we will return to wind and light." The central king, the magician, the guard captain, and Hou Feng, with tears on their faces, prayed to the gods who had passed away in distant time and space.

Li Changzhou stepped forward and held the crown in his hands.

"elder brother!"

"Long days."

Li Changzhou put the crown on his head.


Qing Shui raised her head. The sun that had just risen was obscured by dark clouds, and heavy rain fell on her face.

The rainwater was absorbed into her skin, giving her a pleasant suffocating feeling.


It turned into a Gobi forest, with countless buds breaking through the ground.

A small tree rose from the ground, and its leaves brushed against the cheeks of the crying forest man. The forest man's hazy vision followed the small tree and looked toward the sky.


In the snowstorm, Ice Cube looks at the world curiously.

Under the magnificent aurora, the remaining icemen walk towards this new life.


The tender fruit in the dwarf's hand, the size of the thumb cap, swelled as if blown by air, and the branches were bent under the weight of the heavy fruit.


On the ruins, a piece of brick fell, light penetrated into the shadow, and a weed bloomed in the light.

There is no divine power, just the Four Seasons Star becoming Li Changzhou's body.

Li Changzhou looked down at the devastated Four Seasons Star.

Immanuel Kant said in "Critique of Practical Reason" that there are two things. The more often and persistently we think about them, the more admiration and awe we feel in our hearts -

The starry sky above your head and the morality in your heart.

His understanding is superficial:

How many strong men are there in the starry sky? Is it moral to kill others to save your own life?

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