King of Black Mist

Chapter 281 The Palace Stays New Year’s Eve

As the sun sets over the Western Mountains and the lanterns are turned on, the Baohe Hall in the Forbidden City is filled with people.

On the night of New Year's Eve, Emperor Jiajing hosted a banquet to entertain his ministers. Thousands of people attended the banquet, including countless maids, eunuchs, dancers and singers.

The palace was brightly lit, drums and music were loud, and people were buzzing.

Outside Zijin City and in the capital, every household also lit up lanterns, and the family sat together, eating rice cakes, drinking Tusu wine, and eating melon seeds.

In the thick night, the capital looks like a city with lights that never sleeps suspended in the dark void.

Li Changzhou and Yaochi were sitting in the Baohe Hall, opposite Shao Yuanjie, and above them were Emperor Jiajing and Queen Fang.

In the center of the hall, after a dance ended, envoys from various vassal countries came forward to congratulate Emperor Jiajing.

"King Zhongshan of Ryukyu wishes the Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty long live!"

The tributes included twelve Japanese beauties, agates, pearls, a large amount of silver, ores, weapons, and some handicrafts.

"Hulu Mosi and other countries sent envoys of 1,200 people to wish His Majesty long live!"

The tributes include coconuts, coconut wine, coconut oil, coconut sugar, gems, pearls, glass bottles, precious iron knives, Fulang double-edged knives, ambergris and so on.

There were also tributes from Manlajia, including coral trees, crane tops, Western cloth, rhinoceros horns, ivory, black bears, turkeys, parrots, white muntjacs, agarwood, etc.

Tatar, Oara, Korea, Japan, Great Ryukyu Kingdom, Little Ryukyu Kingdom, Annan Kingdom, Chenla Kingdom, Siam Kingdom, Champa Kingdom, Sumatra Kingdom, Western Kingdom, Java Kingdom, Huanheng Kingdom, Baihua Kingdom, Sanfu Qi, Boni, Turpan, Siam, Samar, and Hami.

One country after another is full of treasures.

"How many players do you think there are among these people?" Yaochi put his mouth next to Li Changzhou's ear and asked softly.

"At least one from each country." Li Changzhou said with a smile, picking up a piece of cold sheep tail with his chopsticks and scanning the hall with his eyes.

Some prying practitioners or players avoided his sight.

He put down his chopsticks, picked up the wine glass casually, and asked Yaochi: "Are you the only one on this mission?"

"There are five more, I don't know where they are." Yaochi also picked up the wine glass and clinked it with him.

"I believe you."

Yaochi rolled her eyes at him, and they both took a sip of wine at the same time. The palace maids with beautiful clothes and graceful figures brought spicy live rabbits and phoenix tail oranges.

Yaochi saw that the palace maid was petite and cute. She was only twelve or thirteen years old. She was just a child, so he gave her a phoenix tail orange.

After the palace maid left, amid the congratulations of the Sumatra Kingdom, Li Changzhou whispered to Yaochi: "I feel like vomiting when I see the rabbit now."

"Don't spit on me."

"This is just an exaggeration of the rabbit world."

"When the lunar base is built, you can throw rabbits on it and make it into a 'Lunar Rabbit' dish. Quanjude Roast Duck costs 200 for each rabbit, and you can collect 2,000 for each rabbit. When the tourism industry is opened in the future, we will promote 'Don't eat it on the moon' For advertisements like "Moon Rabbits Are for Nothing," you will only think that there are not enough rabbits." Yaochi whispered with a charming smile.

"Clever!" Li Changzhou clapped and said with a smile, "Speaking of roast duck, I think of a TV series——"

The two said at the same time: ""Love Through Time and Space"."

"I must have a drink." Li Changzhou raised his glass again, and Yaochi also raised his glass with a smile.

"While watching this TV series, Qian Xia was so greedy that Zhu Yuanzhang ate roast duck that he drooled. The next day, I took my slingshot, shot a wild duck, and roasted it in the woods."

"Is it a wild duck or someone else's duck?"

"Wild. I didn't expect you to watch this kind of TV series. Don't all the ladies from your wealthy families practice piano and guzheng?"

"I can also play the flute."

"Your Majesty Baohe Hall, please be more serious."

"Huh? Isn't playing the flute inappropriate?" Yaochi's eyes were innocent and ignorant, but the corners of her mouth under the veil were half-smiling. "By the way, speaking of Ming Dynasty TV series, have you seen "The Best in the World"?"

"Hulong Villa, I've seen it." Li Changzhou took a bite of chicken fir from southern Yunnan, "This is delicious."

Yaochi raised his chopsticks and took a sip: "It's average. Emperor Zhengde in "The Best in the World" is the previous one of Jiajing. There are also Yagyu Yukihime and Yagyu Piaoxu from Japan."

"Kill the God with one strike!" Li Changzhou slashed with his sword, "Qian Xia used this move to beat me when I was a child. Unfortunately, I was not yet developed at that time, so she was riding on me, holding me down and beating me."

Yaochi covered her mouth and smiled, very happy.

After laughing, she glared at him angrily, panting slightly and said, "What I want is for you to pay attention to these foreign girls. They are like gods of death who can be killed with one sword, and Ah Bi Dao with three swords, they dominate the world."

"You understand." Li Changzhou picked up the wine glass and said, "Here's to you."

The two were talking, laughing, whispering, and occasionally making gestures and looking around, making some people in the hall tremble.

Immortal cultivators can sense the vast ocean-like mana in their bodies, and players basically know Li Changzhou and have long heard of this King of Black Mist who massacred millions of people.

There are even rumors that he is the one who is "unbeatable" and "has no inhibitions".

But the two of them really just spent the New Year chatting about Ming Dynasty TV series and enjoying singing and dancing.

After the New Year celebrations in various countries, hundreds of singers and dancers took to the stage to perform, singing and dancing, playing silk and bamboo drums, singing and singing, making it lively and prosperous.

Li Changzhou watched the singing and dancing and couldn't help but miss Yang Qinglan and his sister. He didn't know what they were doing now.

It was estimated that it was around 9:30 in the evening. The singing and dancing stopped for a while, and there was no sound in the Baohe Hall, except for the slight crackling of candles.

"By decree -" the eunuch in charge of the ceremony shouted loudly, "please ask all the masters to use their magic to drive away ghosts and evil spirits!"

The palace is the residence of the emperor, and the dragon veins are here. How could there be ghosts and evil spirits?

But on the New Year's Eve, it is a ritual to hold a large-scale exorcism ceremony. Immediately, there were Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain, Wudang Mountain, Shenganwang, Zhengyiyi, Quanzhen Taoism and other sects, as well as countless casual monks, among the palace maids and eunuchs. Under the leadership of the police, they walked around the Forbidden City in a sweeping manner to exorcise evil spirits.

How could a ghost survive in such a situation?

There were only civil and military officials left in the hall, as well as some masters or Taoist priests who were not qualified to exorcise evil spirits.

"Zhenren Li."

Li Changzhou looked over and saw a handsome Taoist priest with a beard looking at him with a smile.

"I heard that the real person has a way to land on the moon, why not show the art of exorcising ghosts today?"

The art of exorcising ghosts is not difficult, but the difficulty is that there are no ghosts. Just like the art of slaying dragons, there is no corresponding target. How to prove the authenticity of Taoism?

Li Changzhou looked around the empty hall, taking a closer look at the leaders of various factions, such as Longhushan Shao Yuanjie and his friend Tao Zhongwen;

Gu Kexue, the leader of the Immortality Sect, practiced the art of longevity. He was born on April 19, 1482. It is now New Year's Eve, 1539, and he still looks fifteen years old.

That is to say, this person said that boys and girls could refine autumn stones by urinating. After Shao Yuanjie's death, he became the minister of the Ministry of Rites. There was a rumor at that time: "Thousands of urines can be exchanged for one minister." Gu Kexue was also called " "The Book of Refining Urine".

Sheng Duanming, the leader of the Yuhua Sect, was well versed in medicine and stone, and was believed to lead to longevity. He studied the Theory of the Five Elements and mastered the changes in the five elements. He was also a Jie Yuan in the provincial examination in the eleventh year of Hongzhi and a Jinshi in the fifteenth year of Hongzhi. He is now the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Rites.

There are also Wang Yangming's successors Lan Daoxing and Lan Tianyu; and the optimistic master Li Xidao.

The person who asked Li Changzhou to exorcise ghosts was the optimistic contemporist Li Xidao.

These people had heard that Li Changzhou could cast spells around Emperor Jiajing, but they had not seen it with their own eyes. As for mortals such as Huang Jin and other eunuchs and maids, even if they saw it, it would not mean anything.

Wasn't Emperor Jiajing himself deceived by them?

Offer some tonics, aphrodisiacs, and refreshing medicines, and you can dare to say that you will prolong your life, gain immortality, and become a god. Melatonin did not dare to boast like this back then.

Everyone looked at Li Changzhou.

The hall was brightly lit and full of guests, but at this moment, Li Changzhou and Yaochi, sitting side by side, seemed to be real immortals.

Some of the palace maids looked at Li Changzhou longingly, wishing to lick his face. Even Queen Fang, who was pretty and graceful, couldn't help but twinkle in her eyes when looking at Li Changzhou.

Emperor Jiajing is a hand-controller. The second queen and the third queen Fang in front of her are both beauties with beautiful hands. They are only 23 years old this year. In modern times, they have just graduated from college and play King of Glory and drink milk tea all day long.

"Master, please cast your immortal magic." Emperor Jiajing was full of confidence in Li Changzhou.

If you can even go to the moon, what does it mean to be a mere ghost? He was looking forward to the methods of this unique Li Zhenren who believed that fasting and gathering yin and replenishing yang were useless.

"Your Majesty," Li Changzhou did not salute when he spoke, and his attitude was casual, "It's not that I don't want to, the Forbidden City is a place where dragon veins gather, and there are no ghosts."

"Does it matter?" Sheng Duanming, the owner of Yuhua Gate, said with a smile, "On New Year's Eve, people hang up Spring Festival couplets and set off firecrackers. Is there a Nian beast? It's just for good luck."

Li Changzhou glanced at him and was determined to get his "Theory of Five Elements".

He smiled: "That's fine."

After saying this, he didn't even get up. He flicked his purple robe sleeves and reached out to grab the door.

"Look at me, look at me, my overlord whip!"

"Ground mice are the most powerful!"

"Get out of the way, let me show you my fire flower!"

A group of children were playing with oil lamps and lighting firecrackers, and adults were also joining in the fun - some of them were only seventeen or eighteen years old.

The "Master" holding the fire plow flower immediately attracted everyone's attention. This was a firework worth three taels of silver!

The "Master" walked up with an oil lamp, surrounded by a circle of children. In the distance, there was a mother holding a child, a father riding a child on his head, and grandparents with wrinkled faces, all watching happily.

The oil lamp was carefully placed close to the fuse of the fireworks, and the child covered his ears to hear the beating of his heart more clearly.

"Master" also swallowed.

"Hoo! Hoo!" The cold night wind blew by, the flames jumped twice, and then——

"Fire! Fire! The fire was blown away by the wind!"

A flame as big as a bean left the oil lamp and flew into the sky like a firefly.

Children, adults, the elderly, and even the dogs on the roadside all looked up and saw countless flames slowly rising in the dark night sky, uniting into a raging fire.

Yang Qinglan jumped onto the courtyard wall.

"What's wrong, Qinglan?" Li Qianxia and Bi followed and flew over.

They saw the fireworks and lights all over the city rising into the sky and turning into a fire dragon several kilometers in length.

The color of the sky and the earth changes, the capital suddenly lights up and darkens, like an oven, and the fire dragon hovers in the sky, roaring silently.

Everyone was stunned and in disbelief.

"Is this Li Changzhou's doing?" Bi saw the burning of Prague with her own eyes.

The capital fell into darkness, and all the firelight was used to build this fire dragon. The fire dragon wandered around, sometimes jumping into the clouds, like the sun hanging in the dark night, sometimes swooping down, making everyone's faces turn red.

Suddenly, the fire dragon exploded and turned into words:

[In the Chronicle of Fire and Virtue, the true man flourished, hundreds of gods looked up to him, Jiajing Yin State]

According to the Five Elements theory, the Ming Dynasty happens to be the fire virtue.

People all over the city were already kneeling on the ground, shouting long live the mountain.

In the Hall of Baohe, looking at the big red characters in the night sky and the faint voice of the mountains in their ears, all the real-person Gaoshi players were surprised, afraid, and angry.

This bullshit descendant of Duke Dongwang can actually use magic around Emperor Jiajing!

Just this one spell, which looked so lively, once it fell, most of the capital would be destroyed in flames.

This bastard Li Changzhou is indeed the murderer who burned down Prague!

These people are still thinking about these messy things, and all the civil and military officials, princes, ministers, eunuchs and maids are already kneeling together.

Xia Yan, the chief minister of the cabinet, said loudly: "In the past, when Emperor Taizu was born, red light fell from the sky and filled the house; now the dragon of fire and virtue comes to the world, summoned by the gods - Your Majesty, Emperor Demaixi, shines on the book of eternity! "

Everyone fell on the ground: "Long live my emperor! Long live! Long live!"

The sound was deafening and shook the world. The gold bricks, imperial stones, golden glazed tiles, and red palace walls of the Forbidden City seemed even more indestructible in the sound.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Emperor Jiajing's Sacred Heart was overjoyed and extremely excited. He immediately announced that Li Changzhou would be promoted to Da Zhenren, granted the title of Immortal Marquis, with an annual salary of three thousand dan, and a general amnesty for the world.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." At this time, Li Changzhou stood up, bowed and said with a smile.

The Taoist priests all had gloomy eyes. Li Changzhou's move was very scary, but as long as the people present were sealed, they didn't take it seriously. They looked at the scene as a lively event.

But in the Forbidden City, suppressed by Emperor Jiajing's dragon veins, their magic power could not be used at all.

Everyone came up with an idea: There are no heroes to make Zhuzi famous!

Second thought: We must find out why Li Changzhou can cast spells in the palace!

Li Changzhou also wanted to know how to cast spells in the palace.

Most of his skills are auxiliary, such as blood beads, teleportation, concentration, etc., and there are very few killing skills. "Holy Master" does have lightning strikes, etc. The key is that there is no hidden method. Once he does it, he will definitely be discovered. The imperial army encircled and suppressed him, and he could only escape.

He didn't want to leave the Forbidden City or the mission of Emperor Jiajing unless he had to.

Just as I was thinking about it, there was a sudden rumble and muffled thunder in the sky, followed by a crash and heavy rain pouring down.

When everyone looked outside the palace, rain was already filling the ground in the night.

The "Chronicle of Fire and Virtue, the rise of real people, the rise of hundreds of gods, the Jiajing and Yin Dynasty" shining in the sky disappeared into the rainy night like melting.

Emperor Jiajing's face was gloomy, as if he had been shaken by ice water, and he woke up from the sacred feeling of dominating the world.

The air in the hall solidified, and an inexplicable force suppressed it. Cold rain filled the air outside the hall, and everyone's magic power disappeared.

The real scholars faced Emperor Jiajing, lowered their heads submissively, and looked sideways at Li Changzhou, gloating about his misfortune.

This is the retribution for offending the Dragon King!

In the main hall where there was only the sound of rain, Yaochi stood up with a smile: "Ms. sir, just now you said there were no monsters and monsters, but now you have attracted all the thieves, monsters and monsters here."

"Your Majesty." She bowed to Emperor Jiajing, "Please let me, my husband, use the art of exorcising evil spirits and avoiding ghosts, and bring those evil spirits and heretics to light lamps for Your Majesty."

Emperor Jiajing asked Huang Jin: "What time is it now?"

"Return to the master, it's the fourth quarter of the year."

"Before four quarters of the hour, I want to see the corpse of the evildoer and see the clouds gather and the rain fall." Emperor Jiajing looked at Li Changzhou.

Sure enough, everything has risks.

"Your Majesty, wait a moment, I'll be back as soon as I can." Li Changzhou smiled, still looking confident.

Emperor Jiajing hesitated for a moment and then said: "Zhangxian Miaohua Yuanjun, as well as Lan Daoxing, Lan Tianyu, and Li Xidao, the four of you will go with Shenxian Hou."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Yaochi saluted.

"According to the order." Lan Daoxing, Lan Tianyu and Li Xidao also bent down to salute and looked at each other.

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