King of Black Mist

Chapter 296 Who is the biggest?

Time was running out, so Emperor Jiajing immediately ordered the Ministry of Industry to build a 30-foot-high five-color Aoshan lantern shed in the capital within three days, and also ordered the eunuchs and maids to move out the Taoist books from the palace.

Emperor Jiajing had already collected all the Taoist books that could be collected by a country in his palace.

In addition to Taoist books, he also ordered Wang Shouren's disciples from Yangming Academy to present all Wang Shouren's manuscripts - which Emperor Jiajing had previously looked down upon;

Li Shizhen was ordered to select medical books;

Order all officials in the Ming Dynasty, regardless of their literary or military skills, to send twenty books to the capital in addition to secular classics. They must hurry up and kill those who do not arrive before the Lantern Festival.

"The Lantern Festival... the Lantern Festival... the opportunity to become an immortal is the Lantern Festival!"

"Before I die, I still have a chance to give it a try. Haha, God has been kind to me!" Before laughing, his tone was old and weak. After laughing, he became majestic and powerful.

"The opportunity to kill Jiajing has come! This is our last and best chance to complete the mission!"

"Let's go to the capital, seize the dragon's veins, and become an immortal!"

With the imperial edicts issued by Emperor Jiajing, the human calamity has completely begun.

Li Qianxia's intestines are already filled with regret.

She pointed at Li Changzhou: "Look what you did! It's all because of your greed that you attracted so many enemies!"

"Sister Qianxia, ​​don't be angry." Brother Li Changzhou leaned on the couch and peeled an orange leisurely, "It's not so cold that it's bone-chilling, but why are plum blossoms so fragrant?"

"I'm afraid you'll be frozen to the bone!" Li Qianxia snatched away the peeled orange, pinched a piece and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Wait a minute, what did you call me just now - hiss! Oh... so... so sore~" Li Qianxia covered her mouth as if she had a toothache, and blinked rapidly as if there were gravel in her eyes.

"The fish jumps over the dragon gate. The higher the dragon gate, the more powerful the dragon it becomes." Yaochi said with a smile, "According to the classics I got, this is what is recorded above."

"What classics?" Li Changzhou took another orange and peeled it.

"Some were dug out of graves during the special battle, and some were accidentally heard by some players who happened to enter large sects in the dungeon."

Yang Qinglan said: "No matter what, things have happened. The first thing we should think about now is solutions instead of reflection."

"You are at least ten realms higher than Qian Xia!" Li Changzhou took the initiative to offer peeled oranges.

"You eat." Yang Qinglan pushed his hand back with Ruyi.

"Afraid of sourness?" Li Changzhou tasted a piece, "Yeah, it's sweet, try it."

He handed it over again, and Yang Qinglan reached out to take it.

"Let me try it!" Yaochi snatched it away and put it in her mouth. Her expression changed - she closed her eyes, her face expressionless, except for her lips moving, as if she had fallen asleep.

Yang Qinglan looked at Li Changzhou.

"You're lucky." Li Changzhou couldn't bear it anymore and narrowed his eyes.

Yang Qinglan knocked him with the Ruyi in his hand. At least Li Changzhou felt sweet in his heart.

After chatting for a while, when the ten people sent out to find out the news came back, Li Changzhou took out twenty blood beads and distributed them among them.

"The further you go, the more difficult things will become and the more dangerous the situation will be. From now on, just do your best and run away as soon as possible if there is danger. I have teleportation, but I may not be able to take care of you." Li Changzhou explained.

He didn't even want to order Yafelona, ​​let alone Bi and Yaochi's men, to make them fight.

It's not that he's kind.

This comes from his distrust of people in his heart, and he doesn't want to rely on anyone - there are various reasons, but sooner or later people will be separated one day, and Yang Qinglan and Li Qianxia are his only exceptions.

In a sense, he is similar to Yang Qinglan in that he has a sense of distance towards people.

"Water Girl," Yaochi also ordered, "after the fight, you watch them and take them away if they are in danger. I have a way to escape myself."

"Yes." The water girl nodded.

"Same for you guys, don't worry about me." Bi crossed her legs, put her hands behind her head, suspended in the air, and the candy automatically fed her to herself.

She casually told her five Russian female players.

"Princess, we must protect you!"

"Fart, it's the most dangerous thing if I follow you! With Li Gou here, if something happens, you can teleport away directly!"

"Why don't you teach her a lesson when she talks dirty words?" Li Changzhou looked at Yang Qinglan.

"The enemy is in front of us. What's wrong with saying a few dirty words?" Yang Qinglan said in a matter-of-fact manner.

"Then can I tell her too?"


"This is the only time in my life that I have eaten sour oranges." Yaochi opened her eyes and stared at the two of them, "I always thought oranges were sweet before."

"Life is rich." Yang Qinglan tapped her thin shoulder with Ruyi and smiled softly, like a spring flower blooming.

"The light of the sword and the shadow of the sword!" Li Qianxia compared several orchid fingers (newly learned the thunderbolt method).

When everyone looked at her, she added seriously: "I mean outside."

Where there are people, there are swords and swords.

Therefore, the Great Good Buddha Hall, which has long been cut off from incense in the palace, will not see the light of swords or shadows.

Li Changzhou stood in the hall. What was enshrined in the hall were nothing more than Tathagata made of red copper, Guanyin in gold, Arhat, Wei Tuo, Maitreya Buddha and so on.

Standing next to him is Xia Yan, the Minister of Rites, the chief minister of the cabinet of Jin last year.

"Demolish it!" Xia Yan waved his hand, and the eunuchs rushed forward, scraping off the gold powder and moving the lotus flower stand.

Not long after it started, the flash of swords and shadows came.


Tathagata's head rolled down and hit the ground heavily. He looked at everyone with compassion, as if to say: "Since you have been ordered to dismantle my golden body, let you dismantle it."

"Amitabha," the abbot said with a sad face and clasped his hands, "I am the Buddha who is compassionate."

The eunuchs stopped and looked at Li Changzhou and Xia Yan hesitantly.

Before science could not explain everything, people would more or less believe in something. There was no car god in the past, but most people who buy cars in modern times worship the car god.

All modern people are like this, let alone these eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty.

Xia Yan glanced at the host, then glanced around the stopped eunuchs, and said calmly: "Is it greater, the Emperor, or the Tathagata of the West?"

The eunuchs covered the Tathagata's head with gauze and continued to dismantle it.

Several eunuchs moved away a statue of Manjusri Bodhisattva. There was a scripture on the left shoulder of the Bodhisattva statue and a sword sitting on the right shoulder. When they passed by, Li Changzhou saw it.

He nodded in his mind. Yang Qinglan was indeed right. The Buddhist golden body was indeed suitable for making a special edition golden crown.


The head of another Buddha statue rolled down and landed next to the Tathagata's head.

The gauze on the Tathagata's head was slightly lifted by the wind, and the head of another Buddha looked at everyone strangely.

Li Changzhou looked along the second head and saw a big-bellied bhikkhu with his chest exposed and a big smile on his face.


"It's the future Buddha!" ​​The abbot was surprised. "With his great compassion and wisdom, he can free himself from suffering and reach the other shore; he can illuminate his indulgence with a great light lamp and show his way to enlightenment. The future Buddha fell, this, this -"

"Are you trying to say that I have no future in the Ming Dynasty?" Xia Yan said coldly.

"Amitabha." The abbot lowered his head.

"Buddha still has no control over our Ming Dynasty. The only one who can determine the future of our Ming Dynasty is the Emperor!" Xia Yan looked at the eunuchs, "Continue to tear me down, and anyone who dares to stop again will get thirty of the cane!"

Li Changzhou thought for a while and said to Xia Yan: "Master Xia, there may be something wrong with this temple. Send someone to check it thoroughly."

Xia Yan thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay."

One head falling off might be a coincidence, two might be a coincidence, but checking once is always more reassuring than not checking at all.

Now Li Changzhou has dismantled each other's golden body, and they have a holiday with each other. If there is a situation, it must be dealt with immediately if it can be dealt with, and it cannot be left on the Lantern Festival.

Not long after, a eunuch came to report.

"Master Xia and Zhenren Li have searched everything inside and out. There is no evil anywhere, except for the last hall. The door of the hall is tightly closed, and there is a big lock on the animal ring."

"Where's the key?" Xia Yan looked at the abbot.

"Master Xia, in that palace——"

"Monks, please don't lie. The Buddha is watching from the ground." Li Changzhou said with a smile.

The abbot hesitated for a moment and glanced at Tathagata and Maitreya standing side by side on the ground.

He pondered for a while and said in a deep voice: "There are strange sounds coming from the hall from time to time. I'm afraid there are monsters, so don't open it lightly."

"Are there any monsters who dare to disobey orders? Key." Xia Yan said.

"grown ups--"

"Do you want to resist?" Xia Yan's voice and eyes forced him over.

The abbot sighed, chanted the Buddha's name, and took out a big key.

Xia Yan led the people and ran all the way to the back hall.

From the outside, it was obvious that the Buddhist temple had been abandoned for a long time. The eaves were covered with spider webs, criss-crossing them, and the lock on the door was covered with dust that was several inches thick.

A eunuch came forward, unlocked the door, and pushed it open.

The smell of dust and musty was overwhelming.

Without waiting for his face, Li Changzhou swept his sleeves, and a strong wind swept over him, overwhelmingly blowing the odor and dust to one side.

Xia Yan glanced at him and led the people in, followed by Li Changzhou.

The hall is dark and densely packed with Buddha statues.

The Buddha does not wear a crown but wears a coat;

The Infinite Light Buddha with his hands folded on his knees, performing the meditation seal;

The pattern on the chest of the Buddha is like a tree ring; Vairochana Buddha holds his fists, and the index fingers of both hands are joined together to form the wisdom fist seal;

The Precious Buddha with his left hand in the meditation seal and the right hand in the wish seal; the Buddha with the fearless seal in both hands; the Medicine Buddha holding a pill in his right hand or holding a small bowl in his left hand;

The center position is dedicated to Shakyamuni Buddha.

On the left and right are the eight great Bodhisattvas: Manjushri Bodhisattva, Vajra Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Obstacle Remover Bodhisattva, Kongzang Bodhisattva, Maitreya Bodhisattva, and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.

Below there are statues of gods, Mingwang, and Dharma protectors from the heavens, all holding majestic mudra and looking at everyone.

These Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and heavenly kings all have golden bodies, staring at everyone with blazing eyes.

The figure is plump, the expression is serene and amiable. Looking at it, you can feel the compassionate hearts of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and heavenly kings who save all living beings.

Nothing wrong.

"Ah!" A eunuch suddenly exclaimed.

"What's the noise about?" Xia Yan scolded.

"Wall, wall!" the eunuch shouted intermittently.

Everyone looked and saw countless strange ghosts and women with painted sideburns and pink faces painted on the walls.


The door to the palace suddenly closed, and everyone's hearts jumped and their eyes almost flew out of their throats.

The hall became dark and deep.

"What, what's going on? Why did the door close by itself?"

"It must be the wind!"

"Light the fire!" Xia Yan shouted in a low voice.

With a cry, a eunuch lit an oil lamp, and immediately the walls were covered with shadows of people.

The kind-hearted Buddhas and Bodhisattvas before smiled strangely in the firelight, and all eyes were fixed on them.

It doesn't look like a Buddhist temple, it looks like Fengdu City!

"S-Sir," a eunuch asked tremblingly.

"Why are you panicking!" Xia Yan reprimanded and sneered at the Buddha statues, "I never expected that there would be such an evil and obscene place in the palace. Master Li, the emperor asked you to deal with it, what are you going to do?"

"What do you think of Mr. Xia?" Li Changzhou focused on those patterns.

"Buried them all!"

"It's not good to bury it," Li Changzhou said. "If someone digs it out, it will cause trouble. The Buddhist hall will be demolished and the Buddha statue will be melted."

At this time, Tathagata suddenly spoke:

"Who is bigger, the emperor or me?"

There were exclamations everywhere, and the eunuchs were so frightened that they almost knelt on the ground. The host clasped his hands together, rolled the beads, and chanted the Buddha's name urgently.

Xia Yan even took a step back.

"I don't know who is greater, Tathagata or the emperor, but who do you think you are?" Li Changzhou pointed his finger, and the flames burst out and fell on Tathagata Jin.

In the midst of the blazing fire, Tathagata said again:

"The emperor is the king of men, and I am the king of Dharma. If a person does not fear the Dharma, he will be punished by heaven and earth."

The flame slowly shrank and turned into a lotus platform, holding up the Tathagata's golden body. Circles of Buddha's light slowly emerged behind the golden body's head.

The golden body is also becoming more and more flexible, like real human muscles.

Is the Buddha recovering?

Li Changzhou spread his palms, and three thousand instincts gathered directly. Before Tathagata's face could change, and the Buddha's light behind his head was not completely complete, the annihilating divine light had already shot through.

After half a month of practice, coupled with the Taoist books he has read these days, Li Changzhou is still not able to make the three thousand instincts not conflict with each other and explode with maximum power, but he can control the range and make the power that can explode more concentrated.


The entire Buddhist temple shook violently, and the golden tiles outside the temple lifted up like a carpet and exploded in the air.

A blazing beam of light penetrated the "Tathagata's golden body", shattered the roof, and plunged into the sky.

The sky shook, and the white clouds silently tore a hole, spilling light from the sky.

No ID card.

Not a player, still not dead?

The weird atmosphere in the hall had dissipated, and Li Changzhou could vaguely feel the faint breath of dragon veins.

"You guys go out first," he said.

Everyone who was shocked by his divine power retreated and nodded in response: "Yes!"

Xia Yan frowned and walked over: "Do you need me to ask for an imperial edict?"

Any evil spirit, as long as an imperial edict is issued, is like a bird in a cage or a fish in a pond that has been drained of water.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xia, I can still handle it here." Li Changzhou smiled.

Xia Yan nodded, waved his sleeves and walked out.

Li Changzhou glanced at the Buddhist hall again. His figure disappeared and then suddenly appeared again, with Yang Qinglan standing beside him.

"We will explain the matter later. Let's take a look at the information about the Tathagata statue first." Li Changzhou pointed at the golden body of Tathagata with half of its head missing.

Yang Qinglan knocked as he wished, and a book flew out and floated in front of the two of them. The first page opened automatically.

After reading it, Li Changzhou said in surprise: "There is such a method."

"Those who can become immortals are either geniuses, hardworking, or very lucky. In order to become immortals, these people can come up with any method." Yang Qinglan said.

The information booklet records that the person who lives in this Buddhist temple is Yao Guangxiao, who helped Zhu Di seize the throne.

According to history, he died as early as 1418, 122 years ago.

During these 122 years, he had been hiding in the palace, relying on the dragon veins he borrowed from Zhu Di to briefly cast spells and set up a formation.

The emperor uses etiquette to determine the superior and inferior and govern the world.

Outside the temple, there is an order of elders and younger ones; inside the temple, there is a distinction between seniority and inferiority.

And Yao Guangxiao used the rudeness map, which is the most evil sin in the world, to set up a "rudeness array", using rudeness to fight against etiquette, and steal every trace of dragon veins in the Forbidden City.

For 122 years, Yao Guangxiao could even barely use Buddhism and Taoism in the palace. If there were no players, he would be invincible in the Forbidden City, and he might even become an immortal in the future.

It's a pity that when the players came, it was Li Changzhou.

If Li Changzhou came but didn't find him, given Yao Guangxiao's control over the dragon veins, it's still unclear who took the dragon veins and became an immortal on the Lantern Festival.

"Look," Li Changzhou looked slightly satisfied, "If I don't cause trouble and want to make a fuss about the Golden Crown, I will be attacked by Yao Guangxiao sooner or later."

"Isn't it because I reminded you that Buddhist golden bodies can be used to make materials?" When there were only two of us, Yang Qinglan would not let Li Changzhou go.

"That is, the Tathagata of the Western Heaven and the emperor of the human world are not as big as my Miss Yang!"

Yang Qinglan wanted to say something else, but glanced at the palace door, and then gave Li Changzhou a look, asking him to send her back.

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