King of Black Mist

Chapter 298 Kill!

Every year during the Lantern Festival, the capital will set up a lantern market that is dozens of miles long. Starting from the eighth day of the first lunar month and reaching its peak on the 15th day of the first lunar month, lanterns and fireworks shine all night long, and drums, music, and acrobatics are noisy.

In the restaurant, dignitaries and children from wealthy families were drinking and having fun, looking at the lights of the city.

The lantern market was so crowded with people that they couldn't even turn their bodies.

Although tonight is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, there is no moon visible. The sky is filled with stars, and the lights are like daylight, like a bunch of fireflies, shocking and beautiful.

When men in the city pass by some tall buildings with curtains drawn, they always cast their eyes subconsciously. The people inside must be female relatives of the Xun family, the Qi family, the eunuch family, and the Haoyou family.

This year is different from the past. In addition to the female relatives, there may also be Taoist priests behind the curtain.

"Ti Yuanzi, you are not retiring in Chaotian Palace in Nanjing, but why are you coming to the capital to wade through this muddy water?"

"Who wants to take care of themselves if they can live forever?"

Two white-haired Taoist priests sat opposite each other by the window of a high-rise building. The whole floor was empty except for them.

Ti Yuanzi, who had become a real person during the Yongle period, became a monk in Xiangfu Palace and learned Taoism at a young age. Later, he studied under Zhao Yuanyang and learned the "Golden Fire Returning Great Alchemy". He was the sixth generation successor of Jingming Tao and could call the wind and thunder.

Ren Ziwan is the fifty-third generation master of the Shangqing Sect.

Ren Ziwan looked out the window: "After this, I'm afraid I will never see the colorful buildings in Jinling City or the thousands of water lanterns lit on the Qinhuai River."

Ti Yuanzi said nothing. At this moment, Jinling must be more lively than the capital.

Ren Ziwan looked away, drank wine and said with a smile: "Where is your disciple? It will make you more confident to call him together."

"Either he didn't come, or," Ti Yuanzi looked at the Meridian Gate, the ninety-meter-high five-color Aoshan lamp shed, "he died on the way here."

Only one monk in a hundred can enter the capital and see this grand occasion.

How many real people in heaven and earth were suppressed by imperial edicts and died by mortal swords.

Ninety-meter-high Dengshan Mountain.

The lights are like snakes and insects, coiling and invading along the lamp stand, and the eaves and corners are full of lights.

The strong wind howled, Li Changzhou and Emperor Jiajing stood on Dengshan Mountain, overlooking the capital. The entire capital seemed like a galaxy falling down, or like a raging fire.

There is no place without lights. Wherever there are lights, there must be laughter, singing, piano, pipa, playing and singing, and the sound is endless.

Emperor Jiajing was wearing a Taoist robe with long sleeves.

It was extremely cold at high places. If he hadn't been "cultivating" in the Moon Palace these past few days, he would have been so cold that his nose would have runny nose.

Emperor Jiajing relied on his eyesight, which had also grown in the past few days, to see clearly the crowds of people on the ground.

He couldn't help but say: "These lamp watchers, as soon as they enter the temple gate, can't turn their heads or turn their heels. They can only go up and down with the tide and resign themselves to fate."

It's easy to make a decision, but it's hard to avoid feeling anxious when you actually do it.

Li Changzhou laughed and said, "Your Majesty, please look at the sky."

Emperor Jiajing looked up at the sky.

"Does Your Majesty know Qiyao?"

"Of course." Emperor Jiajing nodded, "The sun, the moon, the alloy of wood, water, fire, and the five elements of earth are called Qi Yao."

"Each of these seven stars is a star, in the shape of a sphere." Li Changzhou pointed his finger, and the lights flew over, and the seven stars were outlined above his head.

"The Ming Dynasty that your Majesty ruled was also on a star, let's call it 'Earth', and the moon revolved around 'Earth'."

Two sparks floated over and merged into the seven stars.

"The earth is as big as 49 moons." Along with Li Changzhou's voice, the Mars symbolizing the earth grew rapidly.

"About 18 times that of Mercury and 6.6 times that of Mars." Mercury and Mars became larger in response, surpassing the moon and smaller than the earth.

"Venus is almost the same size as Earth, slightly smaller."

"Jupiter can accommodate 2-3 Earths."

The inconspicuous Jupiter expanded rapidly and became the largest planet in the blink of an eye.

Without waiting for Emperor Jiajing's reaction, Li Changzhou added: "Saturn can accommodate four earths."


The flames expand.

Earth element directly exceeds Jupiter.

"This is the size of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and the moon." Li Changzhou said, "As for the sun -"


Emperor Jiajing raised his arm to block the strong light that could not be seen directly.

After adapting, he slowly put down his hand and saw a huge fireball. Compared with Saturn, which he thought was huge enough, it was like a soybean and a watermelon, and the earth was the size of a sesame seed.

Man is the sesame upon the sesame.

The fireball was so hot that the entire front of Emperor Jiajing was filled with light and heat. His shadow was struggling behind him, as if trying to escape.

He was immersed in incredible shock.

"One sun is equal to 1.3 million earths, and there are some stars, large and small, which form a complete system. Let's call it the 'solar system'." Li Changzhou's voice came to his ears.

"This is the universe?!" Emperor Jiajing's voice was shocking and confused.

Li Changzhou laughed, and Emperor Jiajing looked at him in confusion.

He saw that behind Li Changzhou, fireworks all over the city soared into the sky, like countless Kongming lanterns.

The wind howled and the flames hunted, and he heard Li Changzhou say again: "Your Majesty, there are twenty million structures similar to the solar system in the Milky Way!"

In the sky full of lights, the previously shocking sun was as small as a grain of rice.

The lights slowly descended and fell back to the human world, and the sky turned back into a clean and dark night.

"Your Majesty, look." Li Changzhou pointed to the starry sky above his head.

Emperor Jiajing stared blankly in his direction.

"In the vast night sky in front of us, there are tens of thousands of galaxies for every 1/12.7 million area!" Li Changzhou put his hands behind his back and looked up at the entire night sky.

"This is far from the limit. Wherever you can see it, in every bit of darkness, there must be more stars and seas that are bigger than the galaxy!

"And these are just a small part of the universe."

"Gulu!" Emperor Jiajing swallowed. He had difficulty breathing and even started to feel dizzy.

How insignificant he felt!

While in trance, he heard Li Changzhou's voice again, as ethereal as a message from heaven:

"After Your Majesty enters Taoism, sooner or later there will be a day when you are no longer interested in the power and beauty around you. Then why not go along a corner of the starry sky to see what kind of life there is in this vast universe, what do these lives look like, what do they eat, and society What are the customs?”

Emperor Jiajing thought about everything Li Changzhou said.

"The time it takes to do this alone makes eternal life seem short."

Li Changzhou originally wanted to comfort Emperor Jiajing, describe to him the splendid style after immortality, and dispel his idea of ​​shrinking from the battle, but as he spoke, his heart moved.

If I could live forever, with Qinglan and my sister, I could see planet after planet, galaxy after galaxy, and my life would never be boring.

Explore planets with harsh environments, settle on planets with beautiful scenery for a hundred years, and taste all alien foods, whether they are delicious or ordinary.

Emperor Jiajing looked at Li Changzhou and saw the yearning for immortality and the obsession with the distant starry sky in his eyes.

How can there be worldly rights in the eyes of such a person!

He suddenly sighed and pressed his hand on the railing.

"Your Majesty?" Li Changzhou looked at him puzzled.

"I" Emperor Jiajing hesitated to speak.

He looked at the stars in the sky. When the cold wind blew, these stars seemed to fall down accidentally. He was excited, confused, happy, and longing.

It seems that as soon as you close your eyes, you enter the scene described by Li Changzhou, wandering freely and freely on the stars, happily and unrestrainedly.

"Zhenren Li," Emperor Jiajing spoke again, "the road ahead is dangerous. Although I am the king of a country, I can only wish you smooth sailing and success."

Li Changzhou felt happy and said with a smile: "Thank you, Your Majesty. I also wish Your Majesty all the best. If you become an immortal in the future, one day we will meet again on a star in the universe."

"Okay! It's a deal!" Emperor Jiajing slapped the railing, and then said in a deep voice, "Be careful with Tao Zhongwen, this person plans to do you harm."

Li Changzhou laughed loudly after hearing this: "Who in the world dares to call himself a giant? I am the only true dragon in the immortal world! Tao Zhongwen is nothing!"

After finishing speaking, he roared loudly.

"Your Majesty, light the lamp!"

Emperor Jiajing was full of fighting spirit, as if he was sailing out to sea. He lit up the lantern and hung it on the top of the Five Colored Lantern Mountain.

The sound of "Hoo!" blown by the wind seemed to be the finishing touch, and all the lights on the entire five-color lantern mountain seemed to come alive.

What kind of lamp mountain is this? It looks like a five-color altar.

Throughout the Ming Dynasty, every city, every village, and all the lights lit on this Lantern Festival flew into the sky.

"hold head high!"

A dragon roar like thunder exploded over the capital.

Emperor Jiajing's beard and hair were flying, and a golden dragon energy steamed up from his body. His whole figure seemed to be carried along, soaring into the sky!

The Green Bee Sword is unsheathed.

"Kill!" Along with Li Changzhou's loud shout, green light circled and danced on the dragon's body.

The golden dragon howled and broke into five pieces.

In the void, dozens of figures rushed out, each carrying an aura that would destroy the world.

Under this momentum, Emperor Jiajing had difficulty breathing, and all the bones in his body were crushed.

He saw Tao Zhongwen, Duan Chaoyong, Gu Kexue, Sheng Duanming, Lan Daoxing, Lan Tianyu, Li Xidao, all the Taoist priests who usually tried to please him in every possible way, and each one of them came over like a mountain.

Yang Qinglan, Li Qianxia, ​​and Yaochi were well prepared and rushed to the front. According to the plan, one person took away a section of the dragon vein.

"Let's go!" Yaochi played a talisman.

The seven-color light shrouded the crowd, and the three people turned into rainbows and flew away.

"Where to escape! Hand over the dragon vein!" A few loud roars shook the entire capital, and more than a dozen streams of light followed the three of them.

Tao Zhongwen flicked the dust, and Emperor Jiajing's breath became clear.

"Your Majesty!" Tao Zhongwen shouted.

Emperor Jiajing was unmoved.

Li Changzhou spread his hands, grabbed the small golden dragon transformed into a dragon head, and stuffed the golden crown into his hand.

The five-color real fire burned, completing the final step of the golden crown.

"Your Majesty, what I promised you has been completed. Someone will attack you next, so be careful."

Shaking back and forth, Emperor Jiajing stood firm and found that he had returned to the Meridian Gate, with five-color lanterns burning fiercely in front of him like a pillar of fire.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty is here!" A guard in Jinyi spotted him.

Huang Jin and the ministers of civil and military affairs rushed over.

"His Majesty!"

"Go away!" Emperor Jiajing, who was wearing a golden crown, pushed away the crowd and looked up at the Five-Colored Lantern Mountain.

The dragon vein has been divided into five parts. Even if Emperor Jiajing is standing here, he cannot stop these monks from fighting.

Above the Dengshan Mountain, mana blasted like smoke and sea.

The golden dragon transformed from the remaining dragon vein struggled and roared in the mana, holding up a small golden barrier to prevent the mana from adding to it.

No one dared to rush forward. Under the combined attack of everyone, anyone who entered would be dead.

"Kill the Demon Emperor first!"

"If the Demon Emperor is not eliminated, neither you nor I will have a share!"

"I have sealed the space, he can't escape!"

"Escape? Can you escape now? Can you escape human catastrophe?" Li Changzhou laughed loudly, "I'm going to kill everyone today! Let's see who else dares to become my human catastrophe!"

Li Changzhou, Tao Zhongwen, Ti Yuanzi, Duan Chaoyong, Sheng Duanming, Lan Daoxing, Lan Tianyu, and Li Xidao all roared at the same time——


There is no right or wrong, no matter right or wrong, just to become an immortal!

As soon as they fought, Li Changzhou vomited blood.

There is one in front of you, which one is not the pinnacle of the real world? Which one doesn’t have a trump card or two?

These methods were used at the same time, and Li Changzhou was no match at all. The reason why he vomited blood was because of the power of his [divine body].

"This person is so powerful!" Even though Li Changzhou was beaten to the point of vomiting blood, Li Xidao was still so frightened that his whole body shivered.

In his opinion, even humans and immortals, not to mention Li Changzhou, might not be able to withstand such a groundbreaking blow.

Tao Zhongwen, Ti Yuanzi, and Ren Ziwan also had surprise in their eyes, but they did not hesitate and continued to take action.

Tao Zhongwen flicked the whisk and produced a sea-like number of talismans of various colors;

As Ti Yuanzi breathed, he held up the Wind and Thunder Soul, and the strong wind rolled and thundered;

Ren Ziwan raised his hand to take it, and outside the capital, the 210-meter main peak of Baiwang Mountain rose from the ground, shaking off rocks and trees, and hitting Li Changzhou like a meteorite with a harsh wind.

Li Changzhou opened his mouth and sucked the spit blood into his mouth.


The blue thunder of the gods struck above his head, and his whole body was covered with lightning.

The arm was straightened like a sword, and a black light was drawn like a dragon or a tiger. It absorbed Xuan Shui's water-moving air sword and blasted it out like a tidal wave.

After delivering this blow, Li Changzhou didn't even look, and with a flicker of his eye, he jumped in front of Duan Chaoyong.

Duan Chaoyong raised his hand a little.

Thirty-six Tiangang methods, turning stone into gold!

Although it is just a strange introduction, it is powerful enough to turn part of the human body into rotten wood or gold and stone.

Li Changzhou didn't dodge, he took a step forward and punched out.


Using Li Changzhou's fist as a point, the air flow formed a fan in the sky. The fan seemed to be plowed, and Duan Chaoyong directly exploded into blood mist.

Li Changzhou's fist also turned into stone.

Iron and stone are indestructible to mortals, but to Li Changzhou, they can be broken with a pinch.

As soon as the iron fist grabbed hold, the Emerald Bee Sword came into his hand, and he turned around and struck out with the sword.

Li Xidao avoided it by a hair's breadth and retreated to the horizon.

"Response so quickly!" His heart almost jumped out of his throat.

The King Cobra neighed, its blood steaming, fighting with Lantian Yu, and when it opened its mouth, it sprayed poisonous gas into the sky.

Black mist rolled in the sky, and the evil ghost Yaksha surged out of the eighteen levels of hell like a flood.

The eight sufferings of the human world were spoken one after another, the Taotie and the giant Kun roared, the power of the beast path filled the body, and the Shura path knew the enemy first, and could discern all the moves of the opponent.

The thunder of the gods struck the top of the head and healed the injury.

The flames of the entire capital soared into the sky and turned into fire dragons.

The Five Elements Qi Knife soared into the sky, pulling out streaks of aurora in the night sky.

Li Changzhou tried his best!

Not enough, far from enough. Every time he killed a person, he had to pay a huge price. His hand was pointed into an iron fist, which was already the lightest injury.

"Protect Your Majesty!" The ground also became chaotic.

The players hiding in the crowd took action against Emperor Jiajing.

Fortunately, because the dragon vein was divided into five parts, the Taoist priests around Emperor Jiajing were able to use a little magic power and retreated while fighting, so they were not killed immediately.

In the sky, Li Changzhou's whole body exploded with mana, and his body quickly grew in size, and in a blink of an eye, a [divine body] with a height of three thousand meters appeared.

The "low-level power" of the divine body is fully activated, and the palm that turned into an iron block is instantly restored, and three thousand instincts are gathered in the palm.

Tao Zhongwen, Ti Yuanzi, Sheng Duanming, Lan Daoxing, Lan Tianyu, Li Xidao and more than 20 people looked up at the night sky, their faces full of horror.

"Is this the secret method of the divine religion?!"

"Sure enough, he deserves the title of 'Emperor of Heaven'!"

"Never mind the Emperor of Heaven or God, he will die today!"

The player who was chasing Emperor Jiajing looked back and his heart trembled.

Part of the reason for not taking action against Emperor Jiajing before was because there were Shao Yuanjie and Tao Zhongwen who could use dragon veins. The main reason was actually Li Changzhou!

Li Changzhou's battle with Sijixing in Songcheng had already proven how terrifying the [Divine Body] was.

There are even rumors that Li Changzhou can devour the "instinct" of players, and the S-level "Holy Master" is already in him!

With the Divine Light of Annihilation in hand, Li Changzhou clenched his fist and raised his right arm. The infinite power in his body gathered on his right shoulder.

"Hide in the city and see if he dares to take action!" A monk rushed into the capital.

Everyone followed closely.

Tao Zhongwen, Ti Yuanzi, Sheng Duanming, Lan Daoxing, and Lan Tianyu hesitated for a moment, escaped into the sea of ​​clouds, and divided their troops into two groups.

Li Changzhou glanced at the sea of ​​clouds, looked away, and sneered at the monks in the capital.

"not good!"

The scalps of all the monks in the city were numb, and the sense of crisis seemed to burst their bodies.

Before he could escape in time, the divine power gathered on Li Changzhou's right shoulder exploded, he pushed his right arm, aimed at the capital, and struck out.


It was as if the sky was falling and the earth was cracking, the whole world was about to turn upside down, the earth trembled, the clouds were shattered, and under the power of annihilating the divine light and divine body, less than half of the capital was lost.

The waves of earth that were set off, like floods and beasts, swallowed up the city wall and rushed out of the capital.

A corner of the Forbidden City, which was deliberately avoided, was missing.

Even Li Changzhou, the star of the Four Seasons, was able to kill him, let alone in history.

After one blow, the [Divine Body] disappeared. He threw the Essence Pill into his mouth, held the Emerald Bee Sword, and raised his eyes to look at the five people above the sea of ​​clouds.

Lan Daoxing glanced at the capital that had turned into hell, and sighed: "Fellow Daoist Li, why do you have to do this? You could have taken away the dragon's veins just now in the body of the Emperor of Heaven."

"This person is murderous. Once he becomes an immortal, the world will definitely turn into purgatory!"

"Everyone, work together to eliminate the demon!"

Li Changzhou flicked the Green Bee Sword, and the sword buzzed.

He faced it without any fear.

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