King of Black Mist

Chapter 316 A small prelude to the invasion

A feeling like an electric shock.

"This chip is my latest research result. It is a little rough, but the recovery effect is 12.1% higher than your previous one."

"There are so many good things for players." The dinosaur-headed warrior looked at his body in the distance.

【Discover new equipment】

[Updating necessary drivers...]

His strong body lay on the operating bed, his back opened, revealing his spine, which was full of equipment. The female doctor replaced one of the equipment with a new blood-red equipment.

Gulu gulu~

His head was soaked in a nutrient tank filled with liquid. A line connected the head to the main brain on the side, and there were more lines connecting the main brain to the body.

[Driver update completed]

"How is it?" the female doctor asked.

The numbness of the electric shock disappeared, and the comfort like mechanical lubricating oil passed from the body to the master brain, and from the master brain to the brain of the dinosaur-headed warrior.

"Very good!" The dinosaur-headed warrior's voice came from the mastermind, "I can't wait to get hurt!"

"There are plenty of opportunities on Konglu." The female doctor asked the robot to install the dinosaur head the next day. She didn't need to watch this trivial matter.

Putting his hands in his pockets, he walked out of the laboratory and saw Yiseri, standing on the corridor and looking out the window.

"Are you waiting for me?" The female doctor walked up to Iseli with her delicate and slender legs like scalpels.

Outside the porthole window is a dreamlike sea of ​​misty stars.

"Almost there," Israel said.

"I have received the notice and am about to go over." The female doctor replied, "If you have anything to say, just tell me."

The relationship between the two is not bad, nor is it good enough to come here to inform them.

"Luo Lei. Are you really planning to join him?"

"He didn't kill the captain, and we need to find a new captain. Wouldn't it be nice to have a ready-made one?" The female doctor tilted her head, "He is still a player, and his growth rate is faster than an ascended warrior replacing parts."

Israel looked away from the unpredictable nebula outside the window and looked at the female doctor.

"The universe is full of players, and hundreds of millions and billions die every day."

Luo Lei glanced at her and said, "Do you still remember that on IAO, he asked us to divide the bounty?"


"Why did he give it to us?" Luo Lei looked out the window again, "I took the time to think about it in the past few days. Either I really don't like money, or I feel guilty.

"Guilt? What does it have to do with guilt?"

"He is a player and must complete the mission. We are not. We don't have to, so he feels guilty." Luo Lei cut through the appearance of the incident with precision like a scalpel.

She continued:

"Also, his attitude towards getting along with the people around him is very humane. Although I don't like humanness, I am very happy that my captain is humane.

"Following him, there are funds, a steady stream of research projects - just that drop of blood, I have a lot to continue researching - and a safe research environment. Is there anything more attractive to me than this?"

Israel nodded slowly.

There was nothing wrong with Luo Lei's analysis. The most important thing was that if they could follow Li Changzhou, they might still be able to be together.

"The captain is not as good as you say." The dinosaur-headed warrior with his head installed came out.

"Eavesdropping on the lady's conversation, do you believe I will zero your head next time?"

"No chance, Israel. He will be injured soon. When I treat him, I will replace his biological brain."

The dinosaur-headed warrior scratched his head: "What I said is true."

He missed the point, but it aroused the curiosity of the two ladies.

"What's the reason?" Israel asked curiously.

"I can smell the overwhelming smell of blood on his body," the dinosaur-headed warrior lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of something, "I have seen people massacre planets, and our captain has definitely done the same thing - one planet, no matter what. Young and old, all..."

He made a motion of wiping his neck.

"Plundered an entire planet?" Israel was stunned for a moment, "Then isn't he very rich?!"

"There are a lot of research materials." Luo Lei held his delicate chin with his fingertips.

The dinosaur-headed warrior was stunned for a moment: "Is this the point?"

"It's normal for players to do whatever they do," Li Qianxia came over, "Aren't we about to take away a star from a planet right now?"

The dinosaur-headed warrior immediately stopped talking. In addition to being frightened, the chip was working hard to figure out why he didn't notice her coming.

"Let's go!" Li Qianxia said to Yi Seli with a smile, "My brother and the others are already on the bridge."

In the past seven days, the relationship between the two has become much closer (both are young and love to play). Li Qianxia even dyed her hair for the first time in her life with the help of Yi Seli - a touch of red hair highlighted in the ponytail.

It has to be said that Li Qianxia is a good boy. After her hair was highlighted, she shrank when she saw Li Changzhou. She was afraid of being scolded, so she specially wrapped her red hair in a ponytail.

As a result, Li Changzhou only glanced at it and didn't even comment on its beauty or ugliness.

The four of them walked into the bridge, and everyone was already there.

Li Changzhou asked Luo Lei with his eyes.

"The upgrade has been completed." Luo Lei replied.

The dinosaur-headed warrior performed a bodybuilding movement in coordination.

Li Changzhou nodded and said to engineer Houhou: "Confirm the plan for the last time."

"Okay." Houhou waved his tentacles.

"I, Da Yi, drive the robot army and are responsible for destroying the opponent's mechanical army; Chris (the dinosaur-headed warrior) and Luo Lei will cover us and ensure that we will not be assassinated by the ascended warrior or something."

The dinosaur-headed warrior and Luo Lei nodded.

"Li Qianxia, ​​Bi, Xiaoluobo, the three of you protect the hackers and find the stellar controller."

Li Qianxia and Yiseri nodded, Bi was checking the firearms - she found a powerful sniper rifle, as for Little Carrot.

"Can I not go?" she asked Li Changzhou.


Little Carrot looked at Yang Qinglan: "Mom."

"No." Yang Qinglan didn't even let her finish her words.

Israel looked at Yang Qinglan and lowered her gaze. What kind of technology allowed her to give birth to a radish that was as high as the palm of her hand? Genetic aberration?

"Captain, there are... you two," Houhou didn't know what to call Yang Qinglan and Yaochi, both of whom seemed to be easy to mess with (meaning Li Qianxia was easy to mess with), "You can move freely and help us. Can help hackers, the main task is to eliminate the 'soldiers' of Konglu Planet."

"Yeah." Li Changzhou nodded.

"One more thing," Hou Hou reminded, "You cannot kill Kong Lu. Dragging away a star is nothing, but if you kill a legal star owner, even IAO will be punished."

He didn't need to be reminded of this.

There are countless planets with stars in the universe. Why would Kong Lu rather spend a lot of money to buy an artificial star than find a planet with stars to transform?

It's very simple. No one has the right to occupy a planet that is not recognized by the Great Wall of Divine Will. In other words, anyone can occupy it.

In the past, this always happened: wandering civilizations or wealthy people worked hard to transform a planet into a livable planet, only to be robbed by cosmic bandits and occupied by more powerful forces.

Although Konglu Star has no stars, it is recognized and protected by the Great Wall of Divine Will.

Konglu is the rightful star master. Any violation of Konglu Star will be regarded as a provocation to the Great Wall of Divine Will.

Of course, the law is relative.

Compared with Kong Luxing, IAO is obviously more representative of the law, not to mention that he himself has not taken action yet, which is a great favor to the law.

As long as Kong Lu is not killed, this matter will at most make the Changju wanted for a period of time. Then when the public forgets about it, IAO will help smoothen the relationship and lift the wanted order.

This is enough to satisfy those who believe in the law. After all, who made Kong Lu offend the 'Parsec' family - everyone defaults to the 'Parsec' family as a privileged aristocracy.

Yaochi looked at Si and said with a smile: "What are you going to do?"

Si didn't know what to do. It was impossible to directly persuade Kong Luxing to surrender. It was impossible to defeat Li Changzhou and the others by helping Konglu Xing.

If her two friends had not died and been replaced by Yang Qinglan and Li Qianxia, ​​she should have been able to fight with Li Changzhou, Yaochi, and Bi.

Yang Qinglan glanced at her and said: "We will make Konglu Star fall into the greatest fear. When the time comes, you will come out to act as the God of Reconciliation and let us pull the star away peacefully."

The three-meter-tall waitress nodded, satisfied with the title 'God of Reconciliation'.

"Peace?" Si mocked.

"You can refuse." How could Li Changzhou allow someone to mock Miss Yang.

"Watch the way you speak, cosmonaut!" the three-meter-tall waitress warned.

"I'm very careful, so you should also be careful." Li Changzhou wondered whether he should make her suffer a little to prevent her from offending people who are not so easy to talk to in the future.

"Okay." Yang Qinglan interrupted them, "After the mission is completed, you can argue as much as you want. Now, let's start taking action."

The dinosaur-headed warrior, Yiseri, Luo Lei, Hou Hou, and Da Yi left the bridge and put on their own weapons and armor.

From the perspective of the universe, Konglu Star is gray-brown as a whole, with only sporadic dark green spots.

The hollow artificial ring star revolves around Konglu Star like a satellite.

At this moment, a ball of white light burst out above the morning and evening line of Konglu Star.

Changzhi, Princess, and Si, three huge spaceships, suddenly appeared and slowly approached Konglu Planet.


The moment the alarm sounded, Konglu received the news.

He stepped forward with five legs, the ten eyes surrounding his body flashed frequently, and the twelve mechanical tentacles waved involuntarily.

Kong Lu walked out of the room. Outside were densely packed mechanical troops, most of them similar to him. There were also hundreds of behemoths tens of meters high, and a dozen mechanical monsters hundreds of meters tall.

The first-generation Konglu relied on his superb transformation technology and was rewarded by the supreme noble Lord "KOI · 3 Parsecs" before he could become a star master. Although this generation of Konglu is already an aristocrat addicted to enjoyment, his skills have not been lost. .

"Your Excellency, I still believe that the counterattack should be organized at the 'Lagrange Point' and the battlefield should not be placed on the planet." A furry alien said.

"Okay." The 'Agent Butcher' disdainfully said, "The mining machines are all here to fight, but you still want to disperse the firepower? Why don't you unplug it yourself if you want to die?"

"we are not--"

"Shut up!" The butcher looked up at the sky.

Konglu raised his head, all the machines raised their heads, and all the beings living on Konglu raised their heads. The three fleets broke through the atmosphere and invaded their sight slowly and unstoppably.

The world was quiet, even the butcher was speechless.

"What will be the first wave of attacks?" Konglu did not order to fire.

The opponent hasn't made a move yet, but once he makes a move first, it will be detrimental to him regardless of victory or defeat.

"Maybe it's a missile," said a female alien that looked completely human but had two wings. "The flying troops are already in place and can carry out saturation interception at any time. No missile will be allowed to fall. ."

Konglu nodded and was about to praise——

"What if it's this thing?" The butcher's laughter contained playful, shocking, and unplanned emotions.

Everyone looked at it and felt suffocated.

boom! ! ! !

The atmosphere of Konglu Star trembled, and a huge meteorite, with an unstoppable attitude, held up a long tail flame and pierced the sky.

"Impossible!" Kong Lu roared, unable to believe it. "The surrounding rubble has been blasted away or mined long ago. Where did the meteorite come from!"

boom! boom!

Like a fire meteorite, it split in the sky and turned into two smaller meteorites.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The two meteorites continued to split and became four.

If they continue to split, these meteorites will be vaporized by high temperatures before hitting the earth, and will not cause any damage to the planet.

But will it? The enemy brought the meteorite over and let it vaporize on the way? What a joke!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Continue to divide.

The sky was filled with dense fireballs, like stars that could not be found in the sky, falling from the sky with an aura of destruction.

"Intercept! Intercept immediately!" Konglu ordered.

Anyone with a little bit of savvy knows the horror of ‘exponential growth’.


An equally terrifyingly dense number of fighter planes blasted into the sky at the same time. Unparalleled barrages criss-crossed in the air, shattering fireballs one after another.

"Star Lord, are you going to fight back?" the angel asked loudly.

The sound of explosions filled my ears, and the gravel on the ground trembled.

Fight back? These are all fucking meteorites! The three spaceships didn't even move! The barrel is not even exposed!

The meteorite interception lasted for just eight seconds. The sky was filled with smoke and dust, and wisps of black smoke were swirling like splashes of ink.

Kong Lu breathed a sigh of relief. The meteorite was gone. It was time to fight next, right?

boom! ! ! !

A larger meteorite crashed into the atmosphere with a roar, and its blazing light flashed in the sight of everyone who looked up.

"Intercept!" Kong Lu continued to order in a cold voice.

The fighter planes roared, and before the meteorite split, it wrapped around the uninvited guest like a Dyson ball and poured out firepower.

boom! ! !

The last meteorite hadn't broken yet, yet another meteorite dragged on the flames, like a fire python or a flame dragon with its body upright, roaring through the clouds.

"Get the other team on!"

boom! ! !

"Team Three!"

boom! ! !

"Team Four!"

boom! ! ! boom! ! ! boom! ! !

"Ground interception troops, release!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Meteorites one after another, interceptor missiles one after another.

The entire sky was full of fire, and the sky seemed to be on fire, and the world was collapsing. The three spaceships stood steadily in the sea of ​​fire, like eyes of flame, staring at Konglu Star coldly and ruthlessly.

In the universe, on a small planet pushed by Li Changzhou, a black spirit nearly a kilometer high reached out and grabbed a huge boulder from the ground.

Along with the accumulation of power, the soil and rocks rose from the soil and floated around the black divine will——

Throw it hard!

Under this throw, under this incomparable power, the huge boulder, like a javelin, pierced through everything, shuttled through the darkness of the universe at lightning speed, and seemed to take root into the Konglu Star.

boom! !

The boulder blasted into the atmosphere, making a loud explosion-like sound instantly.

At this time, the black god's hand already held the third one - the second one was already on the way.

The firelight of the meteorite fell on the face of every Konglu planet warrior.

Their faces were hot, but chills spread throughout their bodies, and fear pierced into their hearts like knives.

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