King of Black Mist

Chapter 327 Sneaking into a different world

I didn't bring the imperial mecha, and the storage bag couldn't fit it in. I only carried a fifteen-meter military mecha.

This reminded Li Qianxia of the first time she went to Cangqiongxing and saw 'Xiaohong' sinking in the water.

Xiaohong, I will definitely go back to pick you up!

Secretly swearing in his heart, Li Qianxia took Beiya, Zheng Qing, Central Wang, and Zhou Ying from the moon to the outside of the earth's atmosphere in two or three steps.

Yang Qinglan was chatting with Yaochi about something - for immortals, as long as they think about it, they can always find a way to speak in a vacuum.

When Li Qianxia came out of the fire and smoke, the two of them had stopped and looked at her.

Yang Qinglan wore a white gauze dress made of Mi'er metal, and Yaochi wore a purple skirt. The two of them looked like heavenly fairies from the depths of the universe.

"Remember to use your will to call your brother if something happens." Yang Qinglan warned softly.

It was precisely because Li Qianxia's divine will was convenient for sneaking that she asked her to inquire about the situation, and there was another main reason: Li Qianxia was playing on the moon anyway.

Unless necessary, they generally would not convert their "power" into "divine will". Li Qianxia would rather tolerate some strange smells. No one would take the initiative to become blind, lame or deaf.

Compared with 'mana', 'divine will' is particularly advantageous in one aspect, but overall it is far inferior.

‘Mana’ is almost a universal ability, improving physical fitness, recovering injuries, creating, destroying, etc.

"Yes, I know." Li Qianxia nodded. Just as he was about to take the other four people into the earth's atmosphere, he suddenly turned around and said, "Qinglan, my brother Kali only has 230 yuan. Do you know about this?"

"230?" Yaochi laughed.

Yang Qinglan closed her eyes, refined the energy to restore her mana, and said slowly:

"Quietness is used to cultivate one's morality, frugality is used to cultivate virtue, interpersonal relationships are simple, and material life is simple. With these two simplicity, Brother You's mind will have a broad space and beautiful tranquility. I think this is very good - you still have What's the matter?"

".It's gone." Li Qianxia hurried away.

She didn't land in Japan, but went to Tsarist Russia first. How could such a fun thing not take Bi with her!

Bi was not here, and after obtaining Mi'er Metal and Airglow, she and the five best players in Tsarist Russia (not necessarily strong in combat ability) took the initiative to trigger the 'Transcending the Tribulation and Becoming an Immortal'.

Hope she goes well.

Japan, Kanagawa Prefecture, Kawasaki City, Miyamadaira Station North Exit.

This is the entrance to another world.

"At that time, the Japanese player pretended to enter the subway, but actually secretly entered the ship here. It was said that he was looking for some ancient Japanese prostitutes to satisfy his curiosity. As a result, after the ship mission was over, he was locked in this position by another world and spoke like this Is it really okay?”

Zheng Qing looked around, and around them, the tents looked like campsites. If you ignore the military green color of the tents;

The density of people coming and going is comparable to Japan’s fireworks display;

In addition, at every street entrance, there are heavy machine guns arranged as neatly as teeth.

Armed helicopters circled and roared in the sky, their blades blowing whirlwinds.

And they stood openly and openly in the middle of the crowd.

"My brother can't even find it." Li Qianxia reassured them.

Beya is the calmest among the four. She is usually surrounded by mechas tens of meters high. The firepower of the earth is nothing.

King Zhong doesn't care about those weapons. She cares about Japanese players, monks, samurai, onmyoji, witches, Pokémon trainers, etc.

"Shall we go in directly?" Beiya looked at the subway entrance and didn't see any difference.

"Wait a moment." Zheng Qing said, "Japan has set up a barrier here. When they come in and out, we will follow them in."

As he said this, a player dressed as an Onmyoji opened the barrier.

The subway entrance, which had previously been invisible to the naked eye, suddenly turned into a shimmering wall of light.

With a rumble, dozens of tanks filed in, and the ground trembled slightly. Li Qianxia seized the opportunity and teleported with the four of them.

His vision went dark and bright.

Blue sky and white clouds, it's a sunny day.

They were in a ruins, with broken walls scattered among the grass. It could be seen that this place used to be a small city.

Eighty percent of the city has collapsed, and almost all the buildings have collapsed. Only a few walls remain, standing alone on the ruins like dead soldiers.

The environment is very good, or rather overgrown, but unfortunately you can see bones everywhere.

The central king trampled down a piece of weeds, revealing the ground. On the ground lay half-rotten weapons such as swords or spears.

In some weeds or rocks, some weapons are stuck directly on them.

"It seems to be a random transmission." Li Qianxia glanced around and saw no Japanese tank troops.

"Japan has special skills. They have established a stronghold on this land, and support troops will appear at the stronghold." Zheng Qing said, looking at Zhou Ying.

Zhou Ying tapped her toes twice, and waves of invisible ripples spread.

As the ripples spread, a small gray city was rapidly constructed in her mind, with some red dots appearing along the way.

"Someone is coming towards us," she reported.

"It's locked." Beiya had already taken out the mecha, and the voice came from the pure white mecha, a little more calm than usual.

"Let's check the situation first." Li Qianxia was not in a hurry to take action.

The king in the center placed his hand on the long sword at his waist.



Unintelligible language.

A group of goblins (exactly the same as the goblins in some works) armed with crude weapons chased a small group of humans dressed as adventurers.

Weird screams came and went.

Li Qianxia and the others are on the road to this pursuit.

Goblins looked very weak. Even with weapons and simple intelligence, their combat power was at best equivalent to that of a crazed medium-sized dog.

There are two reasons for being able to chase the adventurers. First, there are a lot of goblins, about twenty. Second, these six adventurers are weaker.

Goblins are crazed medium-sized dogs, so these adventurers are equivalent to six high school students with weapons. Even their mentality seems to be the same as that of high school students, and the most basic concept of life and death has not been broken.

In the courtyard along Yanhe Road, Li Changzhou asked Zheng Qing to stab him with a dagger, which was one of the methods to break the concept of life and death.

As long as Earth players can survive the first stage, unless they have some special abilities, such as Little Carrot, the rest have basically broken the concept of life and death.

People who have broken the concept of life and death can at least be brave, clear-minded, and calm in their hands and feet during battle.

"You don't look strong, do you want to save people?" Zhou Ying asked.

Li Qianxia took another look at the six adventurers. They had colorful hair, black eyes, and both eastern and western facial features. They were no different from them.

The clothes will not be revealing.

Li Qianxia's "corner jacket" directly turned into a blood-colored armor. The others were also equipped with combat weapons. Only Beiya's mecha stood out.

"Beya, put the mecha away."

When Beiya put the mecha into the storage bag, Li Qianxia put away his will - if he didn't change back to his "power", the goblin would look dirty. If he turned back into a human being, he would stink to death.

Moreover, human-immortal-level mana is secretly connected to heaven and earth, and it can be hidden from ordinary people. If there are human-immortal-level masters in this world, the fluctuations in mana will definitely be noticed by these people.

The divine will disappeared, and the five people appeared in front of the adventure team and the goblins.

"###!" Each one of the adventure team showed the ecstasy of surviving a desperate situation, speeding up their pace while shouting something wildly.

The six people rushed past Li Qianxia and the others and fled into the distance without looking back.

Zhou Ying tapped her heels on the ground, and horizontal ripples suddenly spread across the bodies of the six adventurers.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All six adventurers fell down behind them, their bodies twitching as if they were electrocuted.

A goblin has already pounced on the central king.

King Zhong dodged sideways and grabbed its neck with his armored right hand, squeezing it gently.


Amid the crisp sound, Beiya trembled, but King Zhong was expressionless. He let go of the corpse in his hands without looking at it, and cast his gaze towards the battlefield.

She walked toward the goblins, her steps careless but determined.

The right fist flew out like lightning, smashing the heart of a goblin with a bang, then turned around and chopped off another hand knife.


The other goblin's neck was bent at an unimaginable angle, and it was already lifeless before it fell to the ground.

The central king took a trip among the goblins, and when he came back, all the goblins were dead.

Her left hand was pressed on the hilt of the sword from beginning to end without moving.

Zhou Ying walked up to a female adventurer and held down her head. When she let go, there were five more candies in her hand.

"Pick up the language candy." She explained, "After eating it, you can dictate a language in this world."

"Foreign language majors are going to be unemployed." Li Qianxia ate the candy.

"Anyway, the translator in the department has already considered changing careers." Zhou Ying smiled in a wicked way.

After eating the candies, the six adventurers were awakened. With Zheng Qing's skilled torture techniques, the five of them obtained some information.

In an era where everyone can become a gamer, many people register as soon as their brains heat up, and these are the six people.

The information obtained from them was not as rich and accurate as the information obtained from Japan by the Special Operations Bureau, with two exceptions.

The first is about the town below. When the God Adventure Guild (Value Game) appeared, a powerful monster accepted the mission and destroyed the city.

Now this place has become the goblin's lair, and only novice adventurers will come here to do quests.

Two, they knew where the nearest town was.

When Zheng Qing was interrogating, Beiya stared at the Central King, who took away all the money from the goblins and adventurers.

This is a very novel thing for Beiya.

"I have read a lot of adventure stories and have always wanted to experience the life of a mercenary," she said.

"You can consider registering as a player." King Zhongwei weighed the money bag in his hand. This is the money that the adventurer and the goblin have, a total of ninety-eight copper coins.

I don’t know what the prices are like here.

"Absolutely not." Li Qianxia, ​​who was studying adventurer cards, raised his head and said, "Beya, you can become a warrior of divine will, or you can practice Taoism. In short, don't become a player. If you want to stay young and live long, you can also become a vampire. I don't Let me tell you, my brother can become a vampire.”

Zheng Qing stood up and said with some emotion: "Vampires are everywhere in the West now. Some people use 'first love' to pick up girls, and some use 'first love' to gain wealth."

"My brother didn't." Li Qianxia assured.

She said to Beiya again: "Don't become a player out of curiosity, you know? Register as a player here, you don't have instinct yet. If you want to become stronger, go back and I will ask my brother to pick a good Taoism for you."

"I know, I know." Beya smiled.

She knows what to do and what not to do.

Shrouded in divine will, the five people hurried on through teleportation, not forgetting to unlock the restrictions of the six adventurers before leaving.

Soon, a carriage or something similar to a carriage appeared on the road (it was not a horse pulling the carriage), and the number of adventurers also greatly increased, almost more than the civilians.

It seems to cost money to enter the city, so just teleport.

The five of them unlocked their will in the alley and walked towards the Adventure Guild together.

It's not for registration, it's for gathering information. The adventure guild is also a restaurant, a tavern, and a hotel.

The surroundings are completely fantasy style.

The hair colors of the crowd include gold, red, brown, green, blue, etc., and they are dressed in warrior armor, priest robes, thieves tights, mage cloaks, and some people wearing formal clothes, whose occupations are unknown.

Li Qianxia was very excited, as if she had arrived in a fantasy world.

"Get out of the way!" There was a rumble from behind.

Li Qianxia turned around and saw a knight in silver armor, riding an earth dragon, rampaging on the street.

Just as he was about to hit Li Qianxia, ​​the knight jerked the reins, and the earth dragon raised its head and roared.

At Yalong's roar, all the cattle and horses in the street were paralyzed with fear.

The knight glanced condescendingly at Li Qianxia, ​​who was standing there: "Are you scared?"

"A little bit." Li Qianxia smiled.

"The armor is good." The knight praised her red armor, bowed on the mount, expressed his apology, crossed his legs, and walked slowly towards the Adventurer's Guild.

"It's so dangerous!" Beiya's heartbeat accelerated. If she hadn't believed in Li Qianxia, ​​she would have taken out the mecha.

"This person did it on purpose." King Zhong looked at the retreating figure of the Earth Dragon Knight.

"Deliberately?" Beya was confused.

"They saw us from a long way away and then deliberately accelerated." Zheng Qing explained.

"Maybe I want to attract the attention of Boss Qian Xia." Zhou Ying said.

"So, among the five of us, my back is the most beautiful?" Li Qianxia was very satisfied with the aesthetics of the other world.

"Maybe he's attracted to your armor." Beiya didn't think her figure was any worse than Li Qianxia's.

"Admit defeat, you can't beat me in terms of beauty."

The five of them chatted and continued towards the Adventurer's Guild.

They each had their own charms and attracted many people along the way. The central king even broke off the hand of an orc because he wanted to touch her butt.

The Central King looks quite strong and exudes a dangerous, prickly temperament. It is not surprising that he attracts orcs who are eager to conquer.

The Adventurer's Guild is large and tall, hundreds of meters tall. The first floor has the largest space, with a height of fifteen meters. Even giants can walk inside.

It’s not just the giants, there are all kinds of races here.

‘Dog ears’, ‘cat ears’, snake women, spider people, lizard people, dwarves, elves, flying people, succubus-like ones, etc.

In addition, there are ordinary people who deliver food, businessmen who entrust tasks, those who smelt weapons, those who sell stolen goods, those who sell medicine, etc.

Li Qianxia looked around excitedly.

"This is adventure, this is a different world!"

The knight who had almost bumped into her before was sitting with a bunch of adventurers with luxurious equipment. When he saw Li Qianxia, ​​he raised his glass to her from a distance.

"Staying with my brother all day long, I almost forgot the feeling of being pursued." Li Qianxia sighed.

"Feeling good?" Zheng Qing smiled.

"How can I put it this way? Why are these people so ugly? Are all the people who like me like this?"

"Maybe it's because you and your brother have been together for a long time." Beja said.

The five of them found a corner seat and sat down. They ordered a table of sumptuous dishes and spent forty-one copper coins. It seemed that their purchasing power was acceptable.

They listened to information while enjoying the delicacies of another world.

The first is the most important and most concerned about adventurer level.

The division is very simple, one, two, three, four, five, iron, copper, silver, gold, god. The last five are legendary adventurers, and so far there is no one.

"Iron is a human immortal, right?" Zheng Qing confirmed to Li Qianxia.

Li Qianxia thought about it, and she was not sure: "Human Immortal, Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Saint, Creation, and Victor. If iron is human immortality and God is Creation, what does the winner correspond to?"

"Ah!" She patted her forehead, "I'm confused. There's no such thing as a winner. There's no such thing as a winner. That's right, Iron is a human being."

"So, if the news is reliable, there are no immortals in this world?" Zhou Ying asked.

"Yes." Li Qianxia nodded, "If the news is reliable, I can destroy the world by myself."

"Qian Xia, don't say such horrible things suddenly." Zheng Qing was a little speechless.

"Terror?" Li Qianxia was stunned for a moment, "I just said I could destroy this world, I didn't say I would destroy it."

"This is the scary place." Beja said, "Just like before the value game started, you were eating a burger at a burger restaurant on Earth. Suddenly your friend who was eating junk food with you took a bite of the burger and said that he could do it while eating. Destroying the earth is still true, how do you feel?"

It can be concluded from this sentence that she was taken to eat burgers by Li Qianxia.

"How do I feel, um -" Li Qianxia crossed her arms, imagining that scene.

Before she could think clearly, King Zhong said sarcastically: "If you don't do it, when your brother comes back, he will destroy this world without mercy until the people of this world surrender."

"Maybe," Li Qianxia came to her senses, "but my brother is not a bad person."

"Is he still a good person?"

"He's not a good person either," Li Qianxia said while thinking, "I think my brother is just a person who would not hesitate to sacrifice someone when it comes to the tram problem."

"The tram problem?" Beja didn't know this.

Zhou Ying explained: "There are five people on one track, and the tram you are driving will soon run over it, but you can choose to drive to another track, and there is only one person on the other track - the tram problem is roughly like this, in detail There may be something wrong, I can’t remember clearly.”

"In other words, sacrificing an innocent person to save five other people who should have died?" Beja asked.

"Absolutely." Zhou Ying nodded.

Li Qianxia looked at the Central King and was about to say something.

King Zhonglao stopped her and said first: "I understand your brother's choice and helplessness. To be honest, I admire him very much, but I am a little angry in my heart. I'm sorry."

After Li Changzhou conquered the Four Seasons Star, he had the crown in his hand and could do whatever he wanted in the Four Seasons Star, but he had never been there even once.

This is enough to show that his initial attack on the Four Seasons Star had nothing to do with his desire for conquest or bloodlust, but just to protect himself in the value game.

The expression on Li Qianxia's face was soothing, but before she could speak, the King of Central raised his glass and continued: "But please understand, my father died in his hands, and I will definitely seek revenge from him."

"But if you die, the promise between my brother and you will end, and the center of the Four Seasons Star will also fall."

".I will only look for your brother when I am sure."

"Yeah." Li Qianxia nodded.

"Why do you have such an expression on your face that I have no hope in my life?!" King Zhong put down his wine glass.

"No, no, no!" Li Qianxia shook her head, "I think you are very powerful."

"Stop talking, Qian Xia." Beiya quickly stopped her, "If you keep talking, I'm afraid she will have a duel with you on the spot."

Li Qianxia pursed her lips.

At this moment, they heard another piece of information.

"The mission, the iron-level mission has appeared!" The waitress of the Adventure Guild suddenly shouted excitedly.

The entire adventure guild became quiet, and there was a sense of excitement hidden in Peng Bai.

"What is the mission content?!" An orc adventurer snorted visible to the naked eye.

The waitress looked at the task list in her hand: "Repel the Earth coalition forces and close the portal."

"Close the portal?"


"Isn't the kingdom planning to organize a large army to attack the earth? Why would the Adventure Guild set out on this mission?"

"Another iron-level mission!" Another waitress also took a mission sheet.

"What happened today? Two iron-level missions that have never appeared before appeared today!"

"What's the mission content?!"

"Find the immortal Li Qianxia who has sneaked into this world."

Li Qianxia quickly lowered her head.

"Do you just need to find it?!" Adventurers are very sensitive to the content of the mission.

"Yes." The waitress nodded.

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