King of Black Mist

Chapter 350 Avalokitesvara comes to modern times?

His face is graceful, his waist is girdled with brocade, he is not wearing a necklace, his clothes are slightly messy, and he is barefoot, as if the Bodhisattva has just gotten up and has not had time to dress up.

Li Changzhou broke into a cold sweat.

Didn't the system say that she lost all her magic power and was reincarnated? How could it appear in his mind?

If it were in ancient times, it would be fine if Guanyin appeared, but this is modern times!

Previously, the Lord of Glory used the Gospel as an anchor to travel through time, but was severely punished, lost the divinity of a Gospel, and was forced to seal all time-traveling skills. Can Guanyin deceive the system?

No, if he could, why would Buddha take Xitian to the outer world?

what happened?

Is this Guanyin part of the weirdness? Hallucination? Or something else?

Li Changzhou's head was in a mess, and he even began to doubt whether the world was real or fake.

"Emotional Control"

Li Changzhou entered absolute calm.


He began to sort out his memories, from the past to the present, the appearance of Guanyin, the strange appearance, the special battle situation, the return to modern times, and the 'Battle of Buddhism and Taoism'.

After a moment, he looked at Guanyin: "Did you escape from the value game?"

While speaking, he threw some common sense about the value game into the opponent's head, including the settlement of the battle between Buddhism and Taoism.

Success, the other party is real and not an illusion.

But it doesn't rule out the possibility of deceiving his senses or deceiving "teleportation".

"I can't escape," Guanyin shook his head gently, "I must be reincarnated. This is 'destined'. No one can escape. It's just that I delayed the time."

"I wonder what the Bodhisattva wants from me?" Li Changzhou imagined himself in his mind and asked respectfully.

"Yuan Shen Hui Sword"!

"Soul Annihilation"!

"Soul Transferring Technique"!

"Great Asura Divine Power"!

Bone View! Bodhisattva view! View of the White Tower! Great vortex of soul! Soul-sucking! Maoshan's corpse-expelling psychic technique! The great oven of Hell’s Thunder Scripture and Heaven and Earth!


Li Changzhou's mind was about to open up a new world, and endless Taoist methods aimed at the soul flooded into the ocean.

The great oven of heaven and earth is swaying. Inside, Shura raises his soul fork, bones crawl out of hell, vortex destroys everything, and the sword of wisdom draws out the golden sword light.

Not only that, Li Changzhou also called out "Xiangye Guan" and opened a scripture called "Guanyin Sutra".

While reciting the scriptures of "Prajna Patomi", he learned another magical power.

"You and I are closely related and are one body. No matter how many methods you have, how can you hurt me?" Guanyin walked out of the great oven of heaven and earth with a smile, without any harm at all.

Li Changzhou jumped up, raised his hand and pressed over.

"Point to the ground as the stem, the reincarnation disk of life and death!"

The powerful energy of life and death turned into a millstone in Li Changzhou's hands, pressed down on Guanyin's forehead, and strangled her crazily.


Guanyin's clothes swayed and she looked at Li Changzhou quietly with a smile on her face.

"How?" she said.

Li Changzhou stopped his hand and calmed down: "Wait a moment, the "Reincarnation Disk" is a little difficult. In a short period of time, I only learned to 'point to the earth as the stem'. When I learn to 'point to the sky as the kun', I will come back for advice."

He flashed to the edge of his mind and sat cross-legged, with the energy of life and death surging behind him. It looked like he was practicing "Reincarnation Disk of Life and Death", but in fact he was reading "Shenhun Buzhou Mountain".

This is a great magical power that even humans and immortals can only learn about. It can turn the soul into Buzhou Mountain. Buzhou Mountain can suppress even the earth and support the sky. The soul attacks of all evil spirits and heretics will look like a native chicken in front of Buzhou Mountain. Wadog.

It's just very difficult. It takes at least ten days and a half to practice it, but Li Changzhou can't care about that much at this time.

Guanyin took one step forward and appeared in front of him.

She also sat down, face to face with Li Changzhou, and looked at him with a gentle smile.

Li Changzhou remained unmoved and at the same time used "emotional control" to inspire fear in the other party.

"It's useless," Guanyin chuckled, "Image is not accurate. In fact, it can be said that I do not exist. How can the tangible hurt the intangible?"


"Okay, you are indeed Guanyin, but you shouldn't appear here." Li Changzhou stabilized her and continued to practice "Shenhun Buzhou Mountain" while searching for Taoist methods that could kill invisible objects.

"Occasionally, people's plans can be unpredictable." Guanyin explained simply, then put away his smile and said, "I want to tell you something first. You cannot tell anyone about my existence, not even Yang Qinglan or your sister. If The second person knows, the value game will sense me.”

Li Changzhou was not fooled.

Maybe this strangeness was transmitted through "knowing", and he wanted to trick him into telling Yang Qinglan and the others to harm them.

"Don't worry, Bodhisattva." He nodded and suddenly said, "But I feel that Bodhisattva has fallen into the lower vehicle by doing this."

"Just speak in a modern way, I can learn from you." Guanyin said.


Buzhou Mountain is said to be the transformation of Pangu's spine after his death, and it is the pillar of heaven supporting the universe.

“How can I walk on earth if I can’t speak plainly and understandably?”

"It makes sense," Li Changzhou nodded, "For example, in modern times, people will become impatient if a video exceeds one minute, and no one will pay attention to you."

Information about the short video and a soul-rending hand seal were thrown over.

Guanyin ate the candy and ignored the cannonball.

"With this, it will be more difficult for people in the world to become enlightened," she sighed.

"Those who are enlightened will naturally control their entertainment time." Li Changzhou said.

Buzhou Mountain is majestic, mysterious and desolate.

Guanyin nodded and asked Li Changzhou: "Did you just say that I fell behind?"

"Yes, I fell into the lower vehicle." Li Changzhou said, "Buddhism advocates 'no-self'. Since "I" does not exist, there is no such thing as "mine". Even oneself does not belong to oneself, let alone life. , why does a Bodhisattva have to work so hard to reincarnate and suffer the suffering of reincarnation?”

If it were the real Guanyin, without the Taoist fruit, he would be reincarnated as an ordinary person.

Before you become a human immortal, you may be able to quickly recover by relying on your memory, but you still have to survive the human tribulation. The stronger your cultivation and the deeper your foundation, the more severe the human tribulation will be.

Of course, if you are not reincarnated in modern times, you will really be an ordinary person.

After the Ming Dynasty, there has been no immortal in the world. They either died fighting for the increasingly depleted air glow, or died at the hands of players who traveled to the past.

According to Xiaoyue, these are all parallel worlds, so who killed the human immortals, earth immortals, heavenly immortals, and even saints in this world?

Players from a parallel world?

Do players also have parallel worlds?

Complex, difficult to understand, even paradoxical, the rules of this world are chaotic.


Without Zhoushan, without Zhoushan, without Zhou, without Zhou, incomplete, the heaven and earth will not be complete.

"What you say makes sense, but 'selflessness' is only one of the Buddhist concepts. Those who practice 'selflessness' will naturally not be reincarnated." Guanyin replied.

"What does a Bodhisattva practice?"

"Great compassion, save all sentient beings." Guanyin sighed quietly, "Everything is in the past. Now I have lost all my magic power, fallen from my status and position, and I have not yet decided which path I will take in the future."

"There must be regrets in one's life," Li Changzhou consoled him, "so compromise is needed. If you are unwilling to compromise, you are in trouble with yourself. It is a kind of ignorance, and it is also ignorance of the way of heaven. So, Bodhisattva, you want to be reincarnated. Just reincarnate as soon as possible and stop hanging around my place."

Guanyin, who had been sighing about life just now, started laughing after hearing this, and Lanhua pointed at Li Changzhou in annoyance.

"You kid, you are a bit smart, but I won't harm you, and you don't want to use words to mess with my mind.

"Buddhism establishes clear rules and precepts to restrain oneself, allowing people to pursue higher goals, until this habit turns into physical instinct - if this is the case for a serious Buddhist disciple, let alone me?

"I have already found my highest pursuit. The honor, disgrace, power, and words of the outside world will not have any impact on me. No matter how much you say, it is useless."

"Then what is your highest pursuit? To be compassionate, to save the suffering, and to save all sentient beings?" Li Changzhou asked.

"What is the goal of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?" Guanyin said with a smile.

Li Changzhou thought for a moment and said, "I thought you really had no desires or desires."

"There are no desires and no pursuits, but which Buddhist disciple doesn't want to become a Buddha?" Rather than answering Li Changzhou, Guanyin seemed more like he was mocking himself.

"Is it difficult to become a Buddha?"

"It's difficult, it's difficult, it's difficult." After three difficulties in a row, Guanyin said, "I have to save all sentient beings in order to become a Buddha. If hell is not empty, Ksitigarbha cannot become a Buddha. Back then, Sun Wukong practiced seventy-two transformations and lived forever for eternity. He was even promoted to the Lingxiao Palace. Based on this, he wants to sit on the throne and make everyone laugh."

"Then you can become a Buddha in modern times?"

"It's difficult, but it depends on manpower."

"A person like you should have a detailed plan, right? You can't just think about 'smuggling into the modern age'? What are you going to do next? Or what do you want me to do?"

Li Changzhou was not sure whether Guanyin really wanted him to do something. Maybe the other party just regarded him as a ship and smuggled him from ancient times to modern times.

"I can't do anything, and nothing can affect me. God has decreed that I can only be reincarnated."

After a pause, Guanyin said to Li Changzhou: "I want you to choose a good family background for me."

Origin is indeed very important, more important than talent and hard work. If you can choose when you are reincarnated, most people will choose a good origin - Buddha was a prince, and in some stories, Guanyin is a princess.

"I'm happy to oblige."

Guanyin smiled softly, knowing that he just wanted to send her away as soon as possible.

"Bodhisattva," Li Changzhou said enthusiastically, "I know of two races. One is the 'parsec', which looks exactly the same as humans on earth. After adulthood, you can get at least 1 parsec of fiefdom; and there is the god race, which is the resurrection summons. The race of the ancient gods can see the possibilities of the future—these are excellent origins.”

Li Changzhou transferred all these memories to Guanyin's mind, including how big one parsec was and Si's abilities.


Didn’t Guanyin say that nothing could affect her? In this case, why can "teleport" be used?

Is the other party lying?

Or is it because this is Li Changzhou's own mind, which is particularly helpful in transmitting memories? Or, the power of "teleportation" itself?

Li Changzhou tried to transfer the finger power of the Soul-Destroying Finger, but it had no effect.

Guanyin pondered for a moment: "Don't worry, the Great Wall of Divine Will is boundless, wider than the world in ancient times. The 'parsec' and 'gods' are indeed very good, but they may not be the most suitable."

"I'm going to go to Si in a while, and I'll ask her about the special races in the Great Wall of Divine Will. The Bodhisattva can choose at will."

"Thank you." Guanyin smiled and nodded, "In the meantime, I will give you some guidance."

Even though her temperament is that of an ordinary beautiful woman, her words are still otherworldly, and she dares to point out the current number one person on earth when she opens her mouth.

But who doesn’t want Guanyin’s guidance?

If he had a choice, Li Changzhou would rather not give advice and let Guanyin go out of his head, but now that Jindu has come in, what else can he say? Just enjoy it.

"Bodhisattva," Li Changzhou said directly, "What is the 'ancient god' you mentioned before?"

Upon hearing the word "古神", Guanyin's expression became solemn.

"I don't know what it is," she thought. "As soon as it appears in the sky, it begins to devour everything. Spiritual energy, flesh and blood, matter, everything in the human world will become his power."

"In this case, how did the Bodhisattva defeat him in the first place?" Li Changzhou asked curiously.

"Defeat?" Guanyin shook his head, "Just repelled him. He was banned by Guanyin Academy and repelled at the cost of his mana. Your mana is powerful, more than twice that of a first-class immortal. When he took a look at it, you have already Be remembered by Him.”

"I am not cursed." Li Changzhou was certain.

"Where is the need for a curse? It's enough to remember your breath, but you are too far away from Him. You are now seriously injured, and your magic power is thin. It is difficult for Him to locate it. But as your magic power recovers, it becomes more and more conspicuous in the world. He The more clear you are about your exact location.

"In my estimation, once your mana is restored, He will be able to find you in less than two months."

Two months.

It has taken Li Changzhou eight months to grow up to this point. What can he do in two months? Can't even surpass Guanyin.

And Guanyin could only repel the ancient god - that was only part of the ancient god's will!

"Bodhisattva," Li Changzhou raised his gaze, "How strong is the ancient god?"

Guanyin shook his head: "When I repeled him, I only saw densely packed diamond-shaped eyes, and I couldn't even see his true form. But with just that one glance, I, who could have retained the Arhat status, would have died directly. If not, There is still some nectar left in the jade pure bottle, and I can’t even reincarnate.”

"Densely packed?" Li Changzhou carefully confirmed.

"It's not really that much, but it's very powerful, probably tens of thousands."


Damn, one eye is S-level, and there are tens of thousands of ancient gods?

So, the one who fought against Guanyin was just one of the tens of thousands of eyes of the ancient god? It is very possible that the one who is eyeing him now is also one of them?

If his eyes are so powerful, how strong is this ancient god's body?

No, that's not right.

Li Changzhou realized something was wrong.

If the ancient god is so powerful, why would Value Games arrange for Si to explore?

It seems that it is really necessary to go to the Great Wall of Divine Will, not only to get rid of Guanyin quickly, but also for myself.

At this time, Yang Qinglan's call suddenly came to my ears.

"You go first," Guanyin said. "Before reincarnation, I will stay and help you solve the crisis of the ancient gods. This is my thanks to you."

"Okay." Li Changzhou stood up.

Then he opened his big hand and clasped it on Guanyin's head: "Point to the sky as Kun, the reincarnation disk of life and death!"

"If you dare to touch my head, you are still the first one since ancient times."

"There's no rush," Li Changzhou retracted his hand, "I'm almost done with Shenhun Buzhou Mountain. I'll try it next time."

His figure slowly disappeared, and his consciousness returned to his physical body.

[Remember] Guanyin’s voice came, [Don’t let the second person know about me]

Li Changzhou opened his eyes. The sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing crisply, and the smell of green grass was on the tip of his nose. The strange incident just now seemed like a dream.

[Is this your inside view? No, you are still a human being, are you a natural cave? 】

It doesn't seem like a dream.

Li Changzhou left the "honeypot world" and his gaming experience along the way (not necessary for love) to Guanyin - anyway, after becoming a human being, the whole world was studying him, so it didn't matter whether he was exposed or not. .

There is also a benefit to Guanyin, so that she can give him better guidance.

"Changzhou, come here." Yang Qinglan called from afar.

Before Li Changzhou got closer, he smelled the scent of medicine.

A large wooden barrel was placed under the shade of a tree. Several flames soaked in the surface of the liquid in the barrel, like flame beads, heating the water to just right.

"Dalang, take the medicine." Yang Qinglan smiled.

"What kind of medicine? So much?" Li Changzhou asked.

"I just made it. After soaking it, it can improve the absorption of airglow and last for about a day."

"It's not bad. Where did you get the prescription?"

This is their first set of elixirs that can help immortals.

Now there is Guanyin - if she is really Guanyin or plans to continue pretending to be Guanyin, there should be no shortage of Danfang next.

"I researched it myself."

"Ah?" Li Changzhou looked at the bubbling green liquid.

"It doesn't matter, you are invulnerable to all poisons, and your divine body can absorb all energy."

"But my life is also my life."

Yang Qinglan smiled and said, "Come, let me help you take off your clothes."

Li Changzhou stripped down to his underwear - Yaochi and Li Qianxia were deep in the tree trunk, soaking in a large bathtub. The bathtub was made of a giant tree trunk, with a light and pleasant woody fragrance.

The heat flows into the body, and the heat wraps around the whole body. The airflow alternately flows through the limbs and body, making it warm, cool, itchy, or numb.

Just like eating watermelon in the summer, eating crabs and admiring the moon on an autumn night, roasting sweet potatoes around the stove in the snow, or feeling the warm breeze in the rapeseed field in the spring, it is so comfortable that it is indescribable.

In addition to the Great Wall of Divine Will, you can also take a trip to the special battle area to see what can be helpful in dealing with the ancient gods.

If the time of greatest danger comes, light a candle.

Black Mist is also a path, but it didn't take action last time in the Song Dynasty. Will it do it now?

The black mist he turned into was no longer good, and would definitely be dispersed by a glance. He would also be killed within the moment of transforming back into his original form. Last time, it was because of a premonition that he did not use the black mist. Become a vampire.

Where did this premonition come from?

Nothing can happen out of nowhere, there must be a cause for an effect - is it a simple life and death crisis? Or was the black mist reminding him?

What exactly is black mist? Will there be any new changes after becoming the Earth Fairy Queen?

If my body is strengthened for the fourth time, can I rely on my body to resist one of the ancient gods' eyes? But, how to train the divine body?

Li Changzhou's body relaxed, and his thoughts also relaxed. His thoughts were wandering and he was thinking wildly.

The wind blew, and the shade of the trees swayed on his handsome face. For a moment, you would think that he was sinking at the bottom of the deep sea.

[What are you practicing? Quickly destroy the Chaos Yang Snake and Giant Kun. 】

‘This guy is indeed an undercover agent of the Ancient God. He came to mess with my mind and prepare for the arrival of the Ancient God’s will. ’ Li Changzhou came back to his senses and practiced "Shenhun Buzhou Mountain".

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