King of Black Mist

Chapter 356 Refining the Heart

In the dark and endless vacuum of space, there is only a glimmer of light in the direction of the sun. Outside the atmosphere of Jupiter, where the storm alone can accommodate two Earths, Li Changzhou admires the 30,000-kilometer-long aurora.

"How long will it take to wash?"

Guanyin glanced at her heart and replied, "Soon."

There was a vertical crack in Li Changzhou's chest, and the blood vessels and muscles were clearly visible, except for the heart in the middle.

"Jupiter is a fluid planet, so the term 'heart-washing' fits the situation very well." Li Changzhou looked at the heart in the distance and felt its beating.


Only the shape of the heart in front of him remained the same as before. At this moment, it looked like a red-hot iron block or a flowing liquid flame.

The heart, one of the five internal organs, belongs to fire among the five elements. It is just right to be refined by Jupiter, which accounts for 82% of hydrogen.

"Now it has entered the final stage. You only need to wait for the temperature and energy of the heart to stabilize before you can put it back. You can relax a little." Guanyin said.

Li Changzhou took a breath.

It's not tiring or troublesome. It's just that it's the first time I've cut my heart out of my chest. It's inevitable that I'm a little nervous. It shouldn't be the second time.

"Continue to practice the 'Shan Zi Jue'?" Guanyin asked.

"Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills" has a total of seventy-two moves, and there is a magical power on every sixth day. There are twelve in total. Li Changzhou has completed the first five moves, and not long ago he learned the first magical power, "Shan Zi Jue" - with Jupiter. Cleansing the mind is the seventh form, and it is almost completed now.

"Shan Zi Jue" has three artistic conceptions: moving mountains, taking mountains, and opening mountains.

A mountain is not only a mountain of dust, stones, grass and trees, but also a mountain of human Qi and blood.

Li Changzhou has learned how to move mountains, but he is still a little behind in holding mountains. The construction of mountains has not yet begun.

With his talent, coupled with "Concentration" and "Wisdom Pearl (1)", he couldn't achieve it quickly, which shows that physical skills also require the use of the brain.

Guanyin also repeatedly warned that physical practitioners need to have the courage to break the boat when facing death, and not be reckless men who only know how to shake their fists.

"The Analects of Confucius·Shu Er": I will not accept the violent tiger Feng He who dies without any regrets.

I will not be with someone who fights tigers with bare hands, crosses deep rivers with bare feet, and refuses to regret it until death.

"Don't be in a hurry with the 'Shan Zi Jue'. Bodhisattva can tell me how to practice it, and I'll also relax." Li Changzhou said.

"What do you want to know?"

There are many things Li Changzhou wants to know, such as where he went to the Heaven and the West, and whether he can find them now.

Is the title of god real? How beautiful is Nuwa? Did Yang Jian really cut down the mountain to save his mother? Is Journey to the West a Buddhist conspiracy?

But now is not the time to satisfy curiosity.

"I plan to use the "Honey Pot World" as the "Hengsha" to create my own interior area and advance to the level of Earth Immortal. What does Bodhisattva think? "

My sister and Yang Qinglan are being targeted by the ancient gods, so improving their strength is the top priority.

"This method is very good. It can make you become an Earth Immortal in a short time. If you are a person with low talent, I recommend this, but it won't work."

"Why?" Li Changzhou was puzzled, "I only know that the earthly immortals who use the real land and mountains to refine the 'Hengsha' seem to be inferior to others, but using props - that is, magic weapons, especially powerful magic weapons - to refine There is no difference between making the 'Hengsha' and the 'Hengsha' you cultivate yourself, right?"

As long as he is an Earth Immortal, as long as the inner scene area is not broken, he is almost immortal, and has the same lifespan as the sky (the sky in the inner scene), Li Changzhou's so-called "inferior" is compared to other earth immortals.

"Why are the earthly immortals who use the real land, mountains and rivers to refine the 'Hengsha' inferior to others?" Guanyin asked in a persuasive manner.

Li Changzhou thought for a while: "To become a heavenly immortal, you need to be integrated with your own inner region. Even if the real land and mountains are refined into 'Hengsha', they are still closely related to the outside world. If such an earthly immortal wants to become a heavenly immortal, it will be very difficult." difficulty."

Even if only a grain of dust from reality is mixed in when refining the 'Hengsha', it is a low-level earthly immortal.

James Gleick said in "Chaos Theory" that a nail is missing, a shoe is lost, and finally a country is lost. The nail is not a country, but in the end it affects the survival of the country. This is just a possible event.

But the impact of a particle of dust on the inner scene of the Earth Immortal is 100%. If it is added, it is inferior!

A tiny particle of dust also contains the infinite laws of the universe.

However, for the vast majority of second- and third-class human immortals, there is no way to become earthly immortals without refining external materials. Such is their talent.

After a pause, Li Changzhou asked: "What does the Bodhisattva mean by saying that the "honeypot world" is also connected to the outside world? "

"I don't have mana and Dao Fruit now, so I can't tell whether the "Honeypot World" is connected to the outside world. I suggest you refine the "Hengsha" from nothingness yourself to prevent such accidents.

"The inner scene you refine yourself will definitely not have any contact with the outside world. It will be much easier to understand the rules and become an immortal."

"Will understanding the simple rules affect the heavenly immortals? Is it similar to the earthly immortals who use the real land and mountains to refine the 'Hengsha'?" Li Changzhou asked again.

Guanyin smiled: "I thought I had thought far enough. When I became an earthly immortal, I prepared to become a heavenly immortal. But it turns out that you are already thinking about the pros and cons of becoming a heavenly immortal."

Li Changzhou also smiled: "I just stood on your shoulders. I didn't mention this matter. How could I think of that."

Guanyin nodded, slightly appreciative.

"It is true that the immortals who follow different paths will achieve different things, but the immortals themselves are not high or low, do not increase or decrease, and have the same lifespan as the heaven (universe). The ability to fight depends on oneself, and becoming a saint has nothing to do with it." She said .

"Then I will refine the 'Hengsha' myself. Anyway, it is only half a month slower than the 'Honey Pot World'. "

Half a month.

Guanyin subconsciously recalled how long it took her to refine the 'Hengsha'. No, stop remembering, the magic power is gone, the Bodhisattva position is gone, and the Taoist heart was almost gone just now!

A subtle feeling came over him, and Li Changzhou turned around to see that his heart, which was like liquid flame before, had completely solidified.

"That's it." Guanyin said.

Li Changzhou stirred up his Qi and blood, and at the cracks in his chest, the Qi and blood turned into threads. The threads wrapped around his ruby-like heart and slowly pulled it back to his chest.

Each blood vessel automatically connects to the heart.

The heart is boiling hot, and the temperature definitely exceeds the liquid molecular hydrogen "ocean" on the surface of Jupiter. In other words, the temperature is above 5500°C!

The heart makes contact with the body, making a sizzling sound.

"Yang Jian is the nephew of the Jade Emperor, with a natural immortal body. When he first practiced the "Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques", Master Yuding only used a high-quality earth fire to cleanse his heart. Even so, he was almost burned to death. In the rest, Before the four internal organs are cleansed, he will always endure the pain of burning his body.

"You have a [divine body]. Even if your heart is refined with Jupiter, it can't do anything to you, but it may be the same as Yang Jian."

After the heart installation was completed, Li Changzhou released control of the wound.

As if the water surface was briefly opened, the wound closed naturally, and the seven or eight-year-old little chest was as white as jade.

He pulled up his clothes and was not burned by the fire.

A warm breath flowed out from his heart and flowed through his body.

Soon, warmth filled his internal organs.

This breath circulates in the five internal organs for a while, then rushes towards the limbs, fascia, and every bone, continuing to penetrate.

This warmth will always exercise his body and allow him to maintain the maximum output of power for a long time in battle.

The duration of [Divine Body] is increased again.

Once the five internal organs are cleansed, it may be possible to reproduce the monster state when fighting Guanyin - with the strength of a human immortal, he was at a disadvantage against Guanyin with half the magic power, but remained undefeated.

Li Changzhou sent the direct feeling of his body to Guanyin.

"It's probably the effect of the previous moves of the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques." He guessed.

"Maybe." Guanyin has experienced many things, but there is no [divine body] in these things, and she has not practiced the "Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques", so naturally she has no clue.

"What a pity." Li Changzhou sighed suddenly.


"I thought before that if the fire burned my body, I could use this pain to force myself to practice black mist all the time, so that the black mist can swallow invisible things."

The introduction of the value game says that the black mist can swallow everything, so it can swallow everything. Emotions and pain are naturally included in "everything".

But it’s not that Li Changzhou thoughtlessly said that swallowing can be swallowed. He didn’t know what kind of thing emotions were and where they were, so how could they be swallowed?

Not to mention time, space, and dimensions, they cannot be dismissed with just one sentence.

So this skill sounds extremely powerful, but before Li Changzhou had enough knowledge, it was far inferior to even a black hole.

How to increase awareness?

The value game is the best and fastest way, guaranteed to change his perception every time, such as the existence of the Great Wall of Divine Will and the journey to the west of heaven.

"The heart has been completed. The liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys need treasures of the same level to refine. Before you find them, you can't practice the "Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques". Continue to practice the "Black Mist Concept" and the sixth form' "Shan Zi Jue," Guanyin said.

"Let's put it down for now." Li Changzhou said, "I want to go back to the earth, and then go to the Great Wall of Divine Will."

"Teleport" is not used.

Qi and blood flowed, his heart began to burn, and his whole body was glowing. He aimed towards the direction of the earth and took a big step.

There was no sound in the vacuum, but Jupiter behind him, because of his instantaneous disappearance, chased him and threw out a large amount of matter.

At the same time, the rings of Jupiter not far away were torn apart, and the sea was also divided.

Li Changzhou wanted to see how long it would take him to return to Earth from Jupiter after practicing the "Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills" and refining his heart.

In the palm of his hand, the Pearl of Wisdom was hidden in the brilliance of the [Divine Body]. It was not very eye-catching. At the same time, he understood the 'Shan Zi Jue'.

Earth, Pacific Ocean.

The sea water swelled slowly, like a steamed bun.

With a loud "Bang!", the sea exploded and huge waves surged. Two figures rushed out like arrows and stepped on the clouds in the sky.

"Finally found it!" Yaochi looked at the jade in his hand.

After leaving the "honeypot world", she and Li Qianxia did not immediately understand the current situation of the earth.

Now there is a new immortal on the earth. In order to prevent the Fountain of Youth from being taken away, she immediately followed the instructions of the jade carving to find this treasure.

"I'm exhausted, and my eyes are sore!" Li Qianxia looked at the skyline for a while, and then looked down at the waves at her feet, changing the scenery and relaxing her eyes.

Yingzhou no longer exists, and treasures like the Fountain of Youth also have some instinctive spirituality. When the value game recovers the essence of the earth, it solidifies itself into jade and buries it in the deepest part of the sea.

What is the current environment of the earth?

The late Cretaceous sounds scary, with a mass extinction of species, but the rate of species extinction at that time was far not as high as it is now.

It can be said that for life, the most terrifying era since the birth of the earth is now!

This is before the value game begins!

"It's so hard to find. Who would have thought that the Fountain of Youth is a stone!" Li Qianxia couldn't help complaining.

An ordinary stone in the mud of the Pacific Ocean. If the "Yingzhou Fountain of Youth Jade Carving" brought back from ancient times had not locked and confirmed the target, even if Yaochi and Li Qianxia were immortals, they kept looking and found the end of the three thousand years of life. I'm afraid I won't be able to find it that day.

"The Fountain of Youth needs to be soaked in dew. After returning to the Honeypot World, please Qinglan set up a magic circle so that the dew in the Honeypot World will be concentrated in the hot spring pool every day. From now on, we will soak in the Fountain of Youth every day!"

"Yeah." Li Qianxia just responded lazily.

Yaochi put away the Fountain of Youth, looked at her with a smile, and said:

"You are twenty years old now. When you are twenty-seven, twenty-eight, or thirty, you will know for the first time how time can make you grow old and how terrible youth is."

"I can live for three thousand years now, and I still have the jade elixir that can keep my appearance. My brother will only allow me to fall in love after thirty million years."

"You can only live three thousand years, and you can't fall in love for thirty million years? Do you plan to have a relationship with a ghost?"

"At that time, there were only ghosts around me, right?"

They both smiled.

"Let's go."


There is no need to deliberately search for them, there are always some immortals who like majesty and do not restrain their momentum.

Within the scope of the aura, everyone below the immortal level, including the players, felt their hearts beating as if they suddenly looked up and saw the thick roof collapse.

This feeling of fright does not last for a moment, but lasts forever.

Ordinary people with underlying diseases such as heart disease are dying in large numbers;

The baby kept crying and howling, his voice hoarse and he was still howling.

No one was there to comfort the children. The parents were either screaming or hiding in bed or on the sofa, shivering.

Facing this scene, the unknown immortal did not restrain his momentum. Instead, his momentum became active, and he seemed to be pleased.

Yaochi and Li Qianxia came to this city.

Before they could speak.

"You two are the only ones here?"

The faces of the two people changed, and the next moment, there was a roar between heaven and earth, and a great tide of energy surged. Because there were too many immortals gathered, the wind from the entire earth blew here.

When this wind blows on people, it can only lift their hair, but the clouds in the sky are like an accelerated video, and time passes quickly.

Yaochi and Li Qianxia looked around and saw twenty pillars of essence erected around them!

Twenty immortals!

Without special means, first-class human immortals are definitely stronger than second- and third-class human immortals. Yaochi thinks he can defeat six of these human immortals in front of him.

Li Qianxia can't do more than her.

If Li Changzhou and Yang Qinglan were there, there would be no need to worry about the scene in front of them, just like when Li Changzhou killed Prince Li Tang on Si's giant ship.

but now.

"Are you waiting for us?" Yaochi smiled.

"I have something I want to talk to you about." A male-male voice could not be distinguished.

"Since you want to talk, then show your sincerity and don't hide your head and show your tail!"

The twenty human immortals all hid their bodies in the Heavenly Pillars of Essence. They could only vaguely see whether they were humans or animals. They couldn't even distinguish between men and women.

Another voice sounded, not like a conversation, but like a notice: "First thing, hand over the Earth's airglow you collected before."

"The second thing," another gender-neutral voice, "tell me the information about you becoming a human fairy queen and entering the dungeon."

"The third thing is to call Li Changzhou over, now, immediately!"

Call Li Changzhou over?

Yaochi was a little puzzled. How could these people have the courage to ask her to call for reinforcements? The next second, she knew what these people were thinking.

After becoming a human being, Li Changzhou became the most studied opponent among players around the world. He was familiar with all the methods. But now, he himself is at his weakest moment. If you don't kill him now, when will you kill him?

Why kill?

Because you are strong;

Because you became immortal early;

Because you have been blocking the road for a long time;

Because you have something they want;

Because there are so many of them now, they can try a fight between humans and immortals without getting hurt;

Because you die, more people can survive the tribulation, more immortals can become new tribulations, and receive skill rewards;

Because they want to kill.

Even though she knew these people were going to kill her brother, Li Qianxia still didn't say anything. Before the value game, she was just a college student. Yaochi was more experienced in conversation and communication.

But before Yaochi could speak.

"Take them two first. Without helpers, what will happen if Li Changzhou recovers his strength!" Murderous words came from a pillar of energy.

"These two are first-class immortals, so we must be careful and cautious."

"Vote. Kill."


"do not kill."

"do not kill."

"No good, no killing."

Twenty immortals surrounded the two and decided their life or death.

Yaochi felt a surge of hostility in her heart. She had never been treated like this since she was a child.

"Kill us?" She sneered.

The momentum was released, and there was a loud noise like a storm hitting the ground.

A celestial phenomenon more terrifying than any of the Jingqi Heavenly Pillars present surged like a tsunami in the sky.

"And me!" Li Qianxia clenched her palms, holding a blood-colored spear and wearing armor.

The momentum of the two people was overwhelming, pressing in all directions.

"So strong! Is this a first-class immortal?!"

“Keep voting!”





Indiscriminate murderous intent.

Yaochi took out the Wuqingluan Mirror: "Come up if you are not afraid of death. Who dares to take the first step -"

"Shut up!" Twenty immortals stepped forward at the same time.


Twenty essence pillars collided with each other. Even if Yaochi and Li Qianxia's combined auras were more than half stronger than the opponent's, the difference was still a difference of orders of magnitude between human and immortal.

At the moment when the essences collided, the entire continental plate was trembling.

The two people at the center of the storm felt as if they were being pressed into the earth, and their bodies had the illusion of falling into a bottomless abyss.

Each of these twenty people struggled out of a stage of escape, and each of them had tempered their will in ancient times or on a certain star in the universe.

Their, no, any player's superiority is based on their own narrow escape and the corpses of countless enemies.

"Stop voting and kill Li Changzhou. Sooner or later these two will defeat us and take revenge. Let's do it together and kill!"


A game coin was thrown out of a pillar of energy.

"Do it as soon as you land."

The eyes of the whole world seemed to be focused on this high-tossed coin.

Far away, probably in the direction of Italy, there were waves of fighting.

"The Pope has taken action?" A clear female voice came from the Jingqi Tianzhu, which may also be the disguised gender.

Another person said: "Don't worry, this person will not take action until he is sure that our side is successful."

"It's enough to hold Yafelona back."

Five seconds passed, and the coins began to fall. At this time, all the immortals in the twenty essence pillars took out their weapons, and some changed their bodies.

Twenty immortals joined forces and struck a ground-breaking blow, crushing the coin the moment it hit the ground.

There won't be any surprises. This corner of the continent beneath our feet will definitely turn into dust.

At this moment, a layer of blood faintly enveloped the earth's atmosphere, like a huge red searchlight pointed at the earth from the universe.

"What is it?" With the immortal's perception of the outside world, everyone was the first to notice the abnormality.

——Use the instant body to delay time and ask your brother for help (Yaochi took the opportunity to send a message to Li Qianxia)

"It's useless," said a human immortal, "the space has been blocked by us."

"You have to thank Li Changzhou," another immortal sneered, "Thanks to his teleportation, each of us has a way to deal with teleportation."

"Don't use words or props that affect your mood. You are dead today!" Another person laughed.

A terrible ripple interrupted his laughter.


Even though the twenty-two human immortals released their momentum, and the two first-class human immortals were fighting with all their strength, the earth, which remained unwavering, suddenly pulled upwards by an insignificant distance.

This small change may not cause anything to happen to the earth, or it may directly lead to changes in the entire ecology. There are countless possibilities.

But fortunately, the earth fell back, and there was only a small shock that was not worth mentioning compared with the mass extinction.

These vibrations ripple inside and outside the earth, the earth is torn apart by them, plates are pushed and collided by them, volcanoes erupt, and the sea shakes like a glass of water.

The peak of Mount Everest, the world's highest peak, suddenly broke apart, causing continuous avalanches.

In the distance, there are higher mountains rising slowly.

"what happened!"

"It's heaven!"

In the sky, in space.

"Even if you learn how to hold mountains, that's not how you use them! You have to play the value game by showing off your authority!" Guanyin's chest heaved with anger.

Li Changzhou was covered in blood, as if he had just been fished out of a pool of blood.

He spread out his palms, and the blood concentrated on its own accord like a conscious effort, turning into a blood corpuscle the size of an apple.

Li Changzhou clenched his right fist, and the feeling of picking up the entire earth by using 'Get the Mountain' still remained.

My heart is filled with warmth, and all my injuries have recovered.

"Occasionally, the Flying Divine Sword destroyed the first peak in Zhongnan due to a game of gambling!" Putting away the blood ball, Li Changzhou crashed into the earth's atmosphere.

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