King of Black Mist

Chapter 359 Earth Corporation

A battle involving only forty-one people decided the fate of the entire planet.

What challenges the worldview of all mankind more than this is the winners of this battle - just four people. When they returned to Earth, they began to integrate the countries with absolute power.

Even if all four of them were seriously injured and so weak that they needed to walk while holding Airglow to replenish their mana.

"This is a conspiracy!"

"Weakness is a conspiracy! Success in overcoming the tribulation is a conspiracy! The siege of Li Qianxia and Yaochi is a conspiracy! Killing only three people is a conspiracy! Everything is Li Changzhou's conspiracy to rule the world!"

"I will never surrender!"

There was a cold touch on his forehead. The growler raised his head and saw the dark muzzle of the gun.

"Feel sorry."

The gunman was not a politician before, let alone a soldier. He was able to enter this office and hold an important position just because he was a friend of the president. His hand holding the gun was shaking.

"They have pictures of me and my family, and if we don't surrender, they will kill us!"

"So you plan to kill me?" The president looked at his friend, "There is an army outside -"

"Bang!" The door was forced open.

The general walked in, followed by heavily armed soldiers and players from the Special Bureau.

The muscles on the president's face relaxed slightly, and the next moment he was proud of his ability to remain calm in the face of danger. Not every national leader has the experience of facing a gunpoint, and can speak a complete sentence under the gunpoint.

He stopped his back and tried to look more at ease. He said: "General——"

The president was interrupted again.

"Mr. President, the military exists for peace, not forget it." The general took off his military cap. "The military serves taxpayers. If you cannot represent taxpayers, you are not qualified to command the military. If you want to violate You are the enemy of the taxpayers and even the military.”

The general put his hat back on, straightened it up, and said, "Mr. President, please tell me your decision. Please rest assured that you will always be the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, and the military will always obey your orders."

"You--traitor!" The president pointed at the general's forehead and sprayed saliva on his face.

The general gave the man behind him a look.

One player stepped forward, looked at the president and said, "Surrender."


"We cannot resist the gods."

"We cannot resist the gods."

"As president, I cannot allow any city to be destroyed."

"As president, I cannot allow any city to be destroyed."

"Your orders are everything, Mr. President," the general told the parroting President.

Similar things happen to various countries, regions, and people.

The extent to which the president is being manipulated is considered peaceful among the resistance forces. There are countries that are rising up to resist and even want to use nuclear weapons.

But in front of the determined human beings, these seemingly stubborn resistances are nothing more than walnuts under the hammer.

It was Yang Qinglan who took action.

Five cities were destroyed.

Everything is frozen, life is extinct, and the buildings are well preserved - this is the result of her control.

Wang Donghua, who once fought against Li Changzhou in Prague (he joined the special operations bureau), used drones to live broadcast the details of these five cities to the world.

A kissing couple, an old woman drinking coffee, a little boy walking his dog, a homeless man on the street, fighter planes flying together, an assembled army, and a president trying to launch a nuclear weapon

The background sound of these "ice sculptures" is the news report that each country is willing to join the Earth Corporation.

In the news, a brief charter of the head office was also broadcast:

First, the lives of non-player citizens remain unchanged;

2. Prohibit all wars and violence;

Third, the special warfare bureaus, special affairs bureaus, special departments and other similar departments of each country are integrated into a 'development team' - the report particularly emphasized: "From this moment on, the earth's value game and exploration of the universe will be regarded as for 'development'.";

Fourth, players do not need to pay ordinary taxes, but they must pay one game currency every month, including all non-human players. The rights and obligations of non-human players and human players are the same;

5. The Earth Corporation is divided into three branches. First, the East Asia Branch is responsible for the spring and summer of the Eastern Hemisphere and the Four Seasons Stars; second, the Western European Branch is responsible for the Western Hemisphere and the Autumn and Winter of the Four Seasons Stars; third, the Moon Branch is only responsible for the Moon. ;

6. The Magic World is led by the development team, and the three branches must obtain a license from the development team to enter;

7. From now on, players have the right to take all measures to ensure the safety of their own lives and the completion of tasks during development (dungeons) - the report here also emphasized: "This was illegal before. Starting today, shareholders of the head office With permission, no one can use the grudges in the copy to seek revenge in reality."

8. The development team is led by five team leaders - "The team leader is temporarily served by the director of the original five national special warfare bureaus (similar organizations). If there is a new appointment by the shareholders, the new appointment shall prevail."

9. The candidates for the president of the East Asia Branch, the President of the Western Europe Branch, the President of the Moon Branch, and the leader of the development team shall be decided by shareholders;

10. The president of the East Asia Branch, the President of the Western Europe Branch, the President of the Lunar Branch, and the development team. When these four branches agree, they can directly decide most affairs of the head office; when any three of the four branches vote in favor, A general meeting of shareholders can be held;

11. Shareholder members: Li Changzhou, Yafelona;

12. Immortals can open their own companies or branches on other planets. If a branch is established, it must abide by the laws of the Earth Corporation;

13. Any disruption to the existing order will be regarded as a provocation to shareholders and will be directly executed; if leaders launch a war, the company will directly destroy the city and destroy the entire army;

14. Shareholders are responsible for the company. When a crisis of destruction occurs, shareholders have the responsibility to do their best to ensure the survival of the company and its employees, including the branches established by Renxian.

15. Except for Article 14, shareholders have the right to modify, change or supplement the remaining provisions at any time without anyone’s permission.

These fifteen items were drafted temporarily by Yaochi without consulting anyone.

She knew it was very lax and had many loopholes, but it didn't matter. No matter how lax it was, no matter how many loopholes it had, the following must be followed.

Lack of rigor and loopholes can also be part of a show of dominance, telling everyone that from now on, shareholders will decide all matters on the planet. Even if the decision is wrong, it must be implemented.

Yaochi received a lot of submissions, such as non-human players wanted to set up their own branch, Ocean also wanted its own rights, etc. She threw them away after reading them. She only kept two letters, one from Magic World and Four Seasons Star Central King. Letters.

Both are also required to become branches and become part of the Earth Corporation.

Yaochi agreed.

After all, with two new branches off Earth, the more development taxes - one game currency each player pays per month - collected from shareholders.

She only replied with the word 'permit'. The specific matters, for example, the magic branch wanted to collect tolls from other company personnel entering the magic world, the central king wanted to enter the magic world, etc., were handed over to the next level decision-making body. .

The next-level decision-making body is the president of each branch and the five leaders of the development team. This is also the actual leadership body of the Earth Corporation.

Shareholders will only intervene in the affairs of the parent company when it is difficult for them to reach internal opinions.

Of course, shareholders have the right to issue any order to the company at any time.

She was making decisions, and Yaferona was responsible for the final on-site suppression, hunting down the old dignitaries who escaped and hid with the props.

Yang Qinglan and Li Qianxia were checking the recovered S-level and S-level props - not a single S+ level item was found.

A-level props are actually powerful enough, but let alone A-level, even if the recovery range is expanded to A+ level, the two of them will not be able to see it for a while.

What's more, A+ grade props can barely be used by players below human immortals, and recycling them will cause conflicts. Unlike S- and S-class props, although they are precious, there is currently no one that can be used by players below human immortals.

"Little Jade Cauldron" is an S-level item that can be used by players. It is simply the S-level among S-level items. In other words, if S-level props are divided into levels, "Little Jade Cauldron" is still S-level.

This may be because Li Changzhou was still below the level of Human Immortal when he drew the lottery, so the value game only put props in the prize pool that can be used by those below Human Immortal level.

Li Qianxia glanced around, approached Yang Qinglan, and whispered: "Qinglan, these - all belong to us?"

"Have you ever heard of the story of fishing in the lake?"

"How many should we take?"

"One piece per person." Yang Qinglan said, "Give others some hope so that they can better find props for us. In addition, give priority to props that can deal with the ancient gods, followed by props that can help us in the mission."

There is another reason not to take more. S-level and S-level items consume too much power.

A typical representative is Yang Qinglan's "Wax Torch". It requires 2,000 ability points to ignite, all the abilities of a first-class immortal!

In the previous battle on Mars, Yang Qinglan was useless and handed it over to Li Qianxia. After Li Qianxia entered the battle, she used all her abilities to light candles, and then used "Chaos Series - Flame Butterfly" to restore her own state.

But the greater the consumption, the greater the effect. Before the candle burned out, Li Qianxia killed eight immortals by himself without any injuries to himself!

According to rationality, the "Wax Torch" should have been placed here with Li Qianxia. Only she can play the greatest role. For example, when she and Yaochi were besieged, if the "Wax Torch" was in her hand, the two of them could kill each other twice. Ten.

Yang Qinglan thought so too, but Li Qianxia refused.

"I encountered enemies, as well as flame butterflies. What about you, Qinglan? What if I take away the "Wax Torch" again and you are besieged? There is no time to summon my brother and let him save you. "

Yang Qinglan igniting the "wax torch" will consume all her abilities, but until the "wax torch" is extinguished, she is safe even if she has no abilities.

The "Wax Torch" is not necessarily used to kill enemies - some enemies cannot be killed even if they have a "Wax Torch", but are used to save their lives.

In the natural selection process of the value game, survival is the victory. "Chaos Series - Flame Butterfly" and "Wax Torch", plus Li Changzhou's "Teleport", the three of them can just help each other.

As for Yaochi

This time is an opportunity for her to choose good props.

Yang Qinglan took the lead in choosing the "Xiao Jing" that Li Qianxia wanted to choose last time.

"With this, coupled with our current props and skills, whether we enter a dungeon in the future or compete with the ancient gods, we can increase our survival rate."

Xiaojing is a very delicate ancient mirror. Three gemstones are inlaid on the edge of the mirror. Between the gemstones are complex patterns of branches. The branches are growing leaves and are getting ready to bloom.

The period between the flowers blooming and fading is the time when files can be loaded, which is also the sunrise time of the earth.

Yang Qinglan archived herself and Li Qianxia. Although they were injured and consumed a lot of mana, and the state was not good, changing the file load did not consume the ability. Afterwards, when the state recovered, they could change again.

Li Qianxia picked over and over again, almost worrying herself to death, and finally chose "wild rice for nothing"

[Name: Wild rice for nothing]

[Type: props]

[Quality: S-]

[Special effect: When the holder has no harvest, he will gain a certain gain]

[Minimum conditions for use: living body; ability of more than 1,000 (third-class human immortal); good birth and above; extremely dependent or extremely lazy character]

[Introduction: 1. Every time 500 points of ability are injected, a wild rice seed will be produced in the rice bag. In the next 12 hours, the rice will sprout and ear. One ear, one harvest;

2. The less harvest, the more ears, and the higher the reward level;

3. Wild rice can grow anywhere and will be destroyed after being attacked;

4. Reward the highest S-level]

[Note: Who wants to be the one who moves when you can just lie down and enjoy it? 】

"Hehe, from now on I will just lie down and enjoy it while letting my brother move~" Li Qianxia happily put the rice bag into the backpack column.

Yang Qinglan, who had been lying down and enjoying it, hesitated to speak.

"I don't know what my brother and sister Yao will choose. Oops, it's so annoying. I really want these props, but each one requires a lot of abilities. Some of them don't have abilities, but the minimum usage conditions are so harsh!"

Yang Qinglan smiled: "The choice is to choose one, but you are not allowed to change it. If you feel that getting something for nothing is not good, you can change it at any time."

If they don't manage the earth, they can take all the props away, but from a profit or emotional perspective, managing the earth is a better choice.

As long as the earth is managed well, are you worried that there are no better and more suitable props?

This is also the reason why the company's articles of association formulated by Yaochi are fairly fair and Yang Qinglan did not take away all the props.

"Your brother won't be back for a while. Call Yaochi first and let her choose."

"I chose two." Yaochi suddenly appeared in the room.

This is where Xia Guo stores props, and will be used to store props from all over the world in the future.

"It's the same for each person, you can't choose more than one." Li Qianxia said immediately.

"You guys take a look at what I chose first." Yaochi said with a smile.

One is "The Ember of Hestia".

The Kitchen God Hestia was once one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the eldest sister of Zeus, and one of the three virgin goddesses. After the birth of mankind, the lower world lived with humans, and gave up the position of main god to the god of wine. .

[Name: Embers of Hestia]

[Type: props]

[Quality: S]

[Special effect: Light a stove or bonfire to gain divine enlightenment or divine assistance]

[Minimum conditions for use: female life form; virgin; ability of more than 2,000 (first-class immortal); noble birth; (special recommendation, non-essential conditions: charm of eight points and above; below eight points, above five points will be Ignore Hestia; those below 5 points will be burned to death in a bonfire because they are too ugly)]

[Introduction: 1. The flame must be ignited with ordinary branches, and each flame consumes at least 1,000 points of ability;

2. Divine Enlightenment-Converse with God once;

3. Divine Assistance - Hestia uses flames to condense her divine body. The more ability it consumes to ignite the flame, the stronger its power (Hestia has a high probability of fighting alongside you, a small probability of turning a blind eye, and a very small probability of killing the holder) ;

4. Resurrection - This is the ember of Hestia, the remnant of a god]

[Note: Users please be careful, but you can also get greater help from this, it depends on whether you are a beautiful virgin, smart enough, and capable enough]

"Sister Yao," Li Qianxia didn't understand something, "S-level props can be used for a long time, but you -"

She looked at Yaochi's long, straight and beautiful legs.

"I still have you," Yaochi said with a smile, "Your brother will only allow you to fall in love after 30 million years."

"Oh, that's right." Li Qianxia nodded.

They still don’t know that Li Changzhou turned thirty million years into one hundred million years.

"What's the second thing?" Yang Qinglan asked while absorbing the air glow.

The three of them were all absorbing the air glow, and their bodies were shrouded in bright fairy light, as holy as immortals.

"The second item was not chosen for me personally." Yaochi took out the second item.

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