King of Black Mist

Chapter 369 Three-Eyed Polar Fish

In front of you is the water surface divided into fields with thin gauze. It looks like a paddy field. The ground is flat and the area is large, like an endless lake or even an ocean.

There was no one in sight, the water was calm, and except for Li Changzhou, there was no object above the water - the fine yarn was just floating on the water.

Li Changzhou stood on the water, feeling as if he was in a mirror world, and as if he had arrived in the land of souls.

There is also no debris in the sky and not a single cloud, giving people an unreal feeling, like an unfinished painting.

"Thud! Thud! Thud!"

The sound of an old-fashioned walking tractor was captured by Li Changzhou from a long distance away, breaking the dead silence in front of him.

Li Changzhou did not move. He squatted down and checked the water. The light of the kidney wheel was slightly more than that of the heart, liver, spleen and lungs.

Water is indeed water, but it is different from ordinary water on earth. There are different elements in it. What exactly they are, Li Changzhou, a liberal arts champion, cannot figure out at all.

Not to mention ancient people like Guanyin.

Li Changzhou stood up and looked to his right. The churning sound was getting closer and closer. It first appeared as a small dot on the horizon, and then grew louder at a steady speed.

It is a floating ship that is so old that it will never pass the annual inspection.

Thirty centimeters above the water, only the raft-like chassis remains of the hull. Every time it makes a "pop" sound, it feels like it is about to fall apart.

There were two girls on the float, one big and one little girl. They were no more than twelve or thirteen years old.

They were wearing tattered clothes, and when they saw Li Changzhou, the younger ones clung to the older girls.

The floating boat began to slow down. The girl bit her lower lip and stared at Li Changzhou for a while, then continued to drive the boat over.

The boat slowly sailed into the paddy field at Li Changzhou's feet and stopped in front of Li Changzhou.

"Hurry up!" the girl urged in a low voice.

The little girl let go of the tight clothes in her hands, and together with the girl, picked up the fishing net on the boat, and began to cast the net skillfully and laboriously.

The strange world, the high-tech floating boats, and the simple fishing nets. For some reason, Li Changzhou felt a sense of loss, as if civilization was crying and it had once prospered.

This is not a simple illusion.

At his current state, especially with S-level "emotional control", some of his hidden insights are most likely to be true.

After the fishing net was lowered, the two girls who were scared and wary continued to stare at him without saying a word.

After a while, as if they had set a time, the two began to close the net at the same time.

There was some garbage in the net, some dilapidated parts that might also be garbage, and some pitifully few fish and shrimps.

The girl took a shrimp from the fishing net and handed it to the little girl. The little girl held the shrimp and gnawed it as if she hadn't eaten for several days. Then she swallowed it wholeheartedly and bit it in her small mouth, and continued to help close the net with her hands.

Put away the fishing net and launch the floating boat immediately.

There was a churning sound, but before it sailed out of the paddy field, the floating ship made a sound like air leakage and stopped in place.

Without waiting for the girl to react, the little girl picked up a steel pipe-like stick and used all her strength to hit the engine at the rear of the floating boat as if it were a horse's butt.

boom! boom!

The engine beeped twice reluctantly and started to "chunk" again.

The two of them looked slightly relaxed, but soon became frightened. Li Changzhou walked towards them slowly, and what frightened them even more was that the aerostat stalled again and lay down.

"Don't come over here!" The girl suddenly pulled out a cluster gun.

The little girl also grabbed the steel pipe that had just been used to whip the engine, and stood next to the girl like a red-eyed rabbit, glaring at Li Changzhou.

There is something wrong with the little girl's perspective. The left eye is a human eye, and the rolling eyeball in the right eye is a useless prosthetic eye.

Li Changzhou kept walking.


The bullet came out of the barrel, split at the muzzle, and turned into countless small bombs, which rushed toward Li Changzhou like torpedoes.

Li Changzhou put the middle finger and ring finger of his right hand together and waved to the right, and the cluster bomb was wiped away like a picture on the screen of a mobile phone.


Two blue bolts of lightning struck down, hitting the two sisters who were about to jump into the river.


The little girl was so frightened that she hugged the girl tightly. The girl hugged her tightly, gritting her teeth and closing her eyes. Their thin bodies trembled in the blue light.

The blue light gradually disappeared, and the girl opened her eyes. There was no injury, and she was a little confused for a moment.

"It hurts! Sister!" The little girl in her arms suddenly screamed.

"Xin!" The elder sister picked up the little girl, and her nervous little face suddenly froze.

On Xin's face, the useless prosthetic eye was forced out of its socket and replaced by a new living eye!

"Holy Master-Celestial Way"

"Three-eyed polar fish, do you know?"

The girl holding Xin turned to look at Li Changzhou and swallowed a sip of water: "No, I don't know."

Li Changzhou looked at Xin: "Her expression doesn't look like she doesn't know."

By the time the girl reacted, Xin was already being held by Li Changzhou.

"Let go of my sister!" The girl picked up the dropped cluster gun, fired it twice, threw the gun away angrily and picked up the steel pipe.


Li Changzhou stood up and rushed into the sky. He could vaguely hear the girl's crying roar and the steel pipe being thrown up and down.

Xin was not very scared. Her visual field had become wider, the world had become clearer, her breathing had never been smoother, her body was full of strength, and she felt that the weather had improved. Even if she was caught by someone now, she still felt excited.

Li Changzhou threw her on the clouds.

For a child of seven or eight years old, the soul-searching spell cannot be used.

He said: "I have no ill intentions, and I don't want to do anything to the children. If you can tell me about the three-eyed polar fish, I can take you away from this planet and give you a safe living environment."

The little girl blinked: "How can I believe you?"

Talk like a little adult.

Li Changzhou smiled, thinking of himself and his sister when he was a child, and said, "Do you know about the ranking competition?"

The little girl shook her head.

"Headache. Then do you know that 'Si' is a singer."

The little girl nodded vigorously.

"Very good, I am Si's friend. I can take you to see her and ask her to find you a safe and high-paying job."

"How can I trust you?" the little girl repeated.

"I must get news about the three-eyed polar fish. Tell me honestly. I will take you away from this planet and give you a safe job. If you refuse," Li Changzhou took a step further, "I will kill your sister. Then I'll blind you in both eyes and leave you here alone."

The little girl's thin body trembled.

"I-I'm telling you," she swallowed, "the three-eyed polefish lives in the water."

"Of course the fish knows it's in the water, but what's more specific?" Li Changzhou asked.

"A year ago, Tonglu Star was very prosperous. At that time, although everyone worked hard, they were all living well. Later, the three-eyed polar fish appeared and the water flooded everything. The rich people took the spaceship and left, surviving in the flood. The poor people who came down lived by fishing.”

According to Xin's description, Tongluxing used to be a society where consortiums controlled the economic lifeline and artificial intelligence monitored everything.

But one of the top richest men brought a three-eyed polar fish from the universe.

The three-eyed polefish is placed in a water tank and can control all the water in the water tank. If it is placed in the ocean, it can control all the water on the entire planet, seawater, underground water, etc.

The pet that was supposed to be a display of wealth was stolen by a servant and put into the sea.

Afterwards, Tonglu Star was destroyed and most of the rich left. A few poor people survived and were oppressed by the new rich. The rich occupied the paddy fields. Sister Xin finally contracted a paddy field - the one where Li Changzhou landed.

Half of what the poor fished from the paddy fields was turned over and the other half was used for their own use.

It was also this devastating flood that led to the use of fishing nets to hunt despite high-tech floating boats.

This is all the little girl knew about the three-eyed polar fish.

"Do you have an image of the three-eyed polar fish?" Li Changzhou asked.

The little girl shook her head and said, "Deprivation may know!"


"He's the one who exploited us! He was also the one who deceived us with his broken prosthetic eye, causing us to sell our little show!" the little girl said angrily.

The name of the float is just like someone naming the bicycle they ride every day 'Miscellaneous'.

When I brought Xin back to the water, my sister burst into tears, but precisely because she had cried, she understood the horror of loss, and the rest of the journey went smoothly.

Aiming in the direction of the base, Li Changzhou pushed the stalled aerostat with his foot.

The raft-like hull surged forward on the water, plowing out a huge ravine and causing waves.

The two girls felt that their souls were about to be blown away from their bodies by the wind. They hugged each other tightly and pressed their backs against the engine of the floating ship.

“Tell me in advance where to turn or park.”

The two of them reluctantly opened their eyes and saw Li Changzhou standing on the bow of the boat, with his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker. The wind blew the corners of his clothes, and his legs were as motionless as if they were made of steel.

The girl opened her mouth to say something, but the wind filled her mouth.

His lips were twisted and deformed, and he coughed and coughed desperately. Li Changzhou burst into laughter.

At the same time, emotions such as kindness and relaxation are contagious.

By the time the floating ship docked at a sea town made up of ships and garbage, the two of them had completely trusted him.

If it were a normal dungeon mission, Li Changzhou would spend a day or two searching for information to see how strong the 'deprivation' was. After all, the difficulty of the dungeon mission was consistent with the player's strength.

But you don’t have to worry about that in this game.

Li Changzhou directly found the 'deprivation', and with one punch he tore the sea apart, and obtained the image of the three-eyed polar fish.

"No wonder the odds are so high." Yaochi looked at the three-eyed fish on the screen. It was only as thick as a hair and still translucent.

Such a thing, let alone finding it in the ocean that has submerged the entire planet, even putting it in a bowl will take a lot of effort for those with bad eyesight.

But just such a creature can control the water on the entire planet?

How many magical creatures are there in the universe? No matter how exaggerated, bizarre, or unscientific, no one dares to conclude that it must not exist in the universe.

"Quick, quick, quick, I want to mortgage all my steel guns, armor, speedsters, and rings, and place bets, big bets!" Li Qianxia used a communicator to communicate with the people at the gambling platform.

Beside her, Yaochi asked Yang Qinglan with a smile: "Do you want to mortgage the "Little Jade Cauldron"? "

Money is a good thing. In the Great Wall of Divine Will, as long as you have enough money, you can buy any planet you want.

If the Earth Corporation wants to develop, it needs a lot of high-tech equipment, such as artificial intelligence that monitors the world. Wang Donghua was a human before and cannot be completely trusted.

In addition to equipment, you can also purchase various potions, herbs, stones, and even neutrinos.

Yang Qinglan's neutrino soul needs this.

Billions of neutrinos pass through a person's body every second, but only a layer of lead 1,000 light-years (9,500 trillion kilometers) thick can stop a single neutrino.

This is hundreds or thousands of times more precious than many things in myths and legends. It is a no-brainer on today's earth. Only in the Great Wall of Divine Will can you buy sufficient quantities at a high price.

Yang Qinglan was about to speak.


Huge fireworks bloomed over the arena, and Li Changzhou completed his task.

"One hundred and twenty-eight." Yang Qinglan held Ruyi in her hands and paid attention to Li Changzhou's ranking.

Li Changzhou's speed was already fast enough. Except when facing the little girl, his methods were a little softer and he did not directly search for souls. There was almost no delay. Even so, he only completed the 128th mission.

The first 127 people may be lucky, but we cannot be optimistic enough to think that among the 127 people, there must be strong people among them.

They cannot afford to lose and must be cautious and consider the best plan.

They must get first place. If they miss this opportunity, they don't know how long it will take to find a solution to the ancient god's curse.

In the value game, if you don't make progress, you will regress. Players are surpassing every minute and every second.

When Li Changzhou came back, he saw Yang Qinglan staring at the screen and collecting intelligence; Yaochi counting money; Li Qianxia with her legs crossed, sitting like a boss and wearing sunglasses from nowhere.

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life." Li Changzhou sat down and slapped Li Qianxia's crossed legs hard.

"Hiss!" Li Qianxia breathed in cold air, bent over, and held her thigh, feeling so painful that she couldn't speak.

She even had to activate the "evaporator" and use blood beads to relieve the pain.

"Thank you for your hard work." Yang Qinglan smiled.

"Hard work." Yaochi took the time to reply, wondering about Li Changzhou's odds in the next game.

Because of his outstanding performance in the last game, the odds may be lower, but after all, he is an unknown person. Even if he completes the task of 'catching the three-eyed polar fish alive' in the first game, he will not be completely favored.

Especially the second level tests a completely different talent than the first level.

"It's hard work!" Li Qianxia pinched Li Changzhou's neck and gritted his teeth.

Talent may be able to place higher bets.

The so-called bigger bet is to bet on more detailed things, such as the first few, or even the first few to advance to the next round.

With Li Changzhou’s talent

Yaochi pulled away the red-eyed Li Qianxia, ​​and asked Li Changzhou like a beautiful female reporter: "Player Changzhou, where do you think you can advance in the next game?"

"Well, if I can't be the first, I will cancel my player status and go back to my hometown on Earth to watch the sun rise and set in the universe."

In the field of liberal arts, human beings are the soul of all things. The so-called literature, no matter what is written, is essentially human studies.

But in terms of science, with the development of science, human beings will only become smaller and smaller. On the Great Wall of Divine Will of Interstellar Civilization, human beings are even smaller.

If "humanity" is narrowly defined as humans on earth, it is even less worth mentioning.

Li Changzhou, who is only the number one scholar in the Ministry of Arts and Sciences on Earth, is actually not qualified to say such big words as "If you can't be number one, you will go back to your hometown on Earth." But he is not qualified. He is confident, not to mention the S-level "Zhizhu". In his belly.

"Don't underestimate others," Yang Qinglan reminded softly, "If you have wisdom pearls, others may also have them, or have similar props and skills."

"Don't worry," Li Changzhou smiled, "I 'strategically despise the enemy,' but tactically I won't be careless."

"Then I go all-in and take first place?" Yaochi said and was about to place a bet.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Li Changzhou quickly stopped her.

Yaochi was waiting. She looked at him with a smile: "What's wrong, my Lord, the great King of Black Mist, are you afraid?"

Smiling so hard that his eyes sparkled.

"I'm afraid of a little rabbit!" Li Changzhou first arrogantly proved that he was not afraid at all, and then said cautiously, "But this money is not all our money. You use the part that is not ours to push me to advance; ours, all the money What do you think about me being number one?”

Yaochi scratched his head.

She scratched her head, not because she was troubled, embarrassed, or stupid. Her white hair was gently rubbed, making her look lazy and charming.

"But I have confidence in you," she said.

"Press! All-in!" Li Qianxia was so excited that she wanted to kick her legs. "If I make a lot more, I can buy the upgraded version of Mi'er Metal Armor!"

Forging Mi'er metal into a battle armor is already a huge technical challenge. The 'upgraded version' makes Mi'er metal into nano-machines, which is extremely difficult.

The nano version of the Mi'er armor can be worn as a ring or bracelet, or it can be directly inserted into the body. In addition to being transformed into a armor, it also has functions such as treatment, detection, communication, etc.

There were countless spectators in the stands who were as crazy as Li Qianxia.

As each popular one advances, more and more people are making money, and more and more people are falling into madness.

In a burst of fireworks that soared into the sky, Si also advanced, causing tens of thousands of people to faint from excitement once again. An ascended warrior with a full body of machinery overloaded out of thin air and emitted white smoke.

"Did you see that?" Li Qianxia put an arm on Li Changzhou's shoulder, "This is popularity. That girl named 'Xin' doesn't even know about the ranking competition, but she knows Si's name - by the way, you Where did you send them?"

"Give it to Luo Lei and Yi Seli, and remind them to place bets and earn some pocket money." Li Changzhou replied.

Seven hours after the start of the game, the first level ended, and 50,000 people were born who advanced to the second level.

"Do you want to rest for a while?" Li Qianxia looked left and right, trying to see where the audience was going and whether there was a place to eat.

Fifty thousand rays of purple light rushed down from the human-height [Divinity Crystal], like the most gorgeous fireworks, accurately covering the 50,000 players who advanced to the second level.

A contestant whose head was blown off during the mission and had to be replaced with light alloy materials. The alloy head was broken off, and the flesh and blood squirmed and healed in the purple light.

Li Changzhou had almost no mana consumed, and it was all restored within a breath.

{Start of second level}

Another purple light descended, this time on a much smaller scale, only five hundred.

The purple light formed a ball of fire, standing in the center of each stage, like a lit bonfire.

{Understand any one of the divine wills to advance}

The next moment, tens of thousands of players swarmed forward, rushing towards the purple fire like vultures snatching corpses.

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