King of Black Mist

Chapter 399 Great Power

In Li Changzhou's mind, there was a mountain waterfall, and Guanyin sitting cross-legged on the cliff opposite the waterfall. The waterfall, like a projector, showed everything Li Changzhou could perceive.

When Li Changzhou's punch reached the surface of the terrestrial star, it was traveling at nearly 70,000 kilometers per hour. If a meteorite of moderate mass hit the earth at such a speed, it would be enough to cause mass extinction of species.

But this is a punch, not a meteorite. Even though the fist of [God Body] is no different from a small meteorite, the speed and power of this punch are enough to condense it.

The earthly star was directly penetrated.

Sea water even splashes into outer space!

[I'm asking you to practice, no?] Guanyin was dumbfounded.

After becoming a god, although immortals were said to be able to pick up the stars and the moon, none of them actually did this. Even she, this was the first time she had seen such a scene - destroying a living planet.

Li Changzhou, who was admiring the majestic beauty of the planet's disintegration, suddenly frowned slightly. It was not because of Guanyin, but because of the spiderweb-like cracks all over the mountainous bones in his body.

Thick blood oozed from the cracks.

It's still too weak. After all, the 'bone forging' has just begun. Such a punch can only be used three times at most with the current body.

Three times is enough. Li Changzhou is not from the School of Civil Engineering and has nothing to do all day long.

As a lawyer, although it is essentially a service industry, the work you do is mental work - considering that you have to travel to various courts, it seems that you can call it hard work?

The [divine body] collapsed, and Li Changzhou returned to his original shape. He turned back and flew into the teleportation vortex that had already opened.

Without his magic power and blood to block it, the debris from the planet's explosion finally spattered at this angle. It seemed like the ghost of the planet after its death, wailing and roaring at the murderer.

{Subject to unknown interference, network interruption, communication signal interruption...}

He turned off the device alarm and looked around.

She was standing on a "small island". The island was a small grassland with a peach tree. Under the peach tree was a small mountain of petals.

The petals on the petal mountain are blown by the wind from time to time into the dense hot spring water nearby. There are four houses not far away.

Looking carefully, she realized that she was not an island at her feet. She seemed to be at the fork of a towering tree - the edge of the island was a tree trunk like an avenue.

The branches and leaves are luxuriant, and all kinds of refreshing fragrances come to your nostrils.

Si withdrew her gaze and looked towards the center of the island. Yang Qinglan, wearing a myrobalan skirt and holding Ruyi in her arms, was sitting cross-legged on a golden cloud. There was a small jade-colored cauldron in front of her, and the red light inside the cauldron flickered on and off like it was breathing.

Seeing her, Yang Qinglan waved Ruyi, and a few grasses pulled her up from the grass and turned into a small person the size of a palm.

The villains made hand seals, puffed out their cheeks, and spit fire at the small jade cauldron.

Yang Qinglan slowly landed on the ground, the golden auspicious clouds disappeared, and her beautiful and calm face looked at Si thoughtfully.

Before she could speak, Si said: "I have a prop that allows me to enter a copy of the prop that can lift the ancient god's curse."

Yang Qinglan understood, nodded and said: "Sit down first."

She led Si to the seat in front of the room.

There is everything here, dining table, dining chairs, fire pit, stove, and even a projection for watching movies. It doesn’t feel like a residence, but like camping.

Yang Qinglan waved her wish again, and suddenly more than a dozen wild flowers couldn't wait to leave the flower branches, and each one turned into a flower fairy. Some used the branches to make fruit plates, and some flew to the orchard to pick fruits.

After all the busy work, the table was quickly filled with all kinds of fresh fruits. Just smelling the aroma made people feel comfortable.

Si looked at these flower fairies and said, "The "Dragon and Tiger Magic Power" that Li Changzhou gave me can summon dragons and tigers, and it also has certain instincts. Its magic power is really incredible. "

"Where are the others?" Yang Qinglan asked.

"Probably seeking revenge from the alien race." Si could only speculate.

Just as he was talking, Li Changzhou came back and looked at it leisurely for a while while passing by the "Little Jade Cauldron". This should be the "Paper-cut Adult" given by the Queen Mother.

When he sat down at the dining table, Yang Qinglan asked him: "What did you do to find the aliens?"

"I said hello and asked them to continue beating me." Li Changzhou threw a cherry into his mouth and said while eating, "I have been having a smooth sailing on the earth recently. It can be said that it is cooking oil in the fire. In order not to let myself get lost and complacent. , a strong opponent is needed.”

The flower fairy flew over and used a trash can rolled up from leaves to catch the cherry pits he spat out.

"Do you know about the ancient god's curse?" He asked Yang Qinglan while transmitting the news to Li Qianxia and Yaochi who were still in seclusion.

"The specific information is not clear yet." Yang Qinglan looked at Si, "Do you know what copy it is?"

"I don't know." Si shook his head, "But no matter what dungeon it is, the difficulty of the task matches ours. There will definitely be an evenly matched life and death battle."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know," Li Changzhou said to Yang Qinglan with a smile, holding a cherry in his hand, "the mission will be even harder if you know."

This is also one of the biggest reasons why they don’t take props from the head office.

After waiting for a while, the petal mountain under the peach tree collapsed, and Yaochi got up from the coffin.

Not long ago, her punishment for the failure of her last mission was completed, and she killed a very powerful golden cow.

Li Qianxia also rode the deer he caught and came from the depths of the tree trunk.

Si handed the props to Li Changzhou, who was immediately inspired. He appeared directly on the cruise ship and opened the "Honey Pot World" to let them out.

Butterfly follows them and becomes one of the six-person team. Xiaoluobo will enter the game as the maid of Yaochi.

Little Carrot and Butterfly have not yet become immortals, so they must participate in the game once a month. Following Li Changzhou and the others, the mission may not be completed, but the error tolerance is higher and death is less likely to happen.

After taking Si around several places on the cruise ship, the seven of them entered a large private room with a view of the sea, silently waiting for the game to begin.

"Sister Si, what kind of transportation do you use there?" Li Qianxia asked Si in a low voice.

"Starship. Big spaceship."

"How big does it mean if it's big?"

Si thought for a while: "When it appears, a window stares at a planet like an eye - an eye about as big as our star."

"." Li Qianxia was so shocked that she didn't know what to say.

Even if you have become an Earth Immortal, you can't imagine that such a huge spaceship may be enough to transport tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Earths.

Not far away, Li Changzhou, who was sitting on the sofa, was also reminding himself in his mind that he could not be complacent because he exploded a planet not long ago, nor could he relax his vigilance because of the "time stop".

Especially when he is about to enter a dungeon, his opponent at least has a strength that is evenly matched with his own, and he may die at any time.

"Dear passengers, the cruise ship is about to anchor, please be prepared, 10, 9, 8"

Everyone took back their thoughts.

"Come on!" Li Qianxia said.

Everyone, who was already feeling heavy, couldn't help but smile.

Even Si, who was emotionless, although he was not happy, the fear in his heart was reduced a little.


Infinite iron cables spread out from the hull of the ship and extended into the depths of the night sky, locking the stars one by one.

As if being pulled closer by chains, the brightness of the locked stars instantly became brighter, and dozens of moons seemed to be hanging on the sea.

The huge ship rumbled, was anchored, and stopped.

".2, 1, 0!"

"Have a nice trip and good night."

The cold wind howled, and the icy wind blew on my face, like a whip whipping or a knife cutting.

Li Changzhou tried his best to open his eyes and saw the gray sky and earth. Heavy snow filled the surroundings like mist, blurring his vision.

He raised his head, the wind blew off his hood, and his eyes looked around.

He was in a hurrying procession, and the people in front and behind him—including himself—were all on horseback, with lanterns lit in the saddles.

In the cold wind, both horses and people lowered their heads and moved forward silently like ghosts.

A real ghost flashed past like a jellyfish in the snow and fog. It seemed to have disappeared, and then suddenly rushed out of the heavy snow, hit the light, and shattered with a bang!

Except for one child who glanced up, the others still buried their faces and lowered their heads, as if the cold wind in front of them belonged to the wallet on their waist.

"Huh!" Li Changzhou breathed out.

He withdrew his gaze from the distance, and the hot breath he exhaled was outlined in white characters in front of him.

[Time: 56 years after the disaster]

[Location: Mysterious Island]

[Background: 56 years ago, a mysterious substance fell from the sky, bringing ‘great power’ to the world]

[Identity: Captain of Shadow Team]

[Main mission: Carrying the Tao in the flesh]

[Task content: Obtain three additional pieces of ‘Great Power’]

[Note: Don’t stare into the abyss]

[Tip: In this game, only the player's basic physical fitness is retained, and all other abilities are replaced by a piece of 'great power'. The stronger the ability, the stronger the 'great power' obtained. 】

When I read the last word, a cold wind blew and blew all the words away, making people suspect that everything they just saw was an illusion.

"Teleport" disappears, "Time Stop" disappears, the Emerald Bee Sword disappears, the backpack disappears, and the [God Body] that explodes with stars disappears.

Even though Li Changzhou was prepared to face any unexpected situation, when his strength disappeared, he still felt some uncontrollable panic in his heart - his "emotional control" also disappeared.

"It's interesting. As a winner, do you have to win and survive in various harsh and unfamiliar situations?" He laughed twice. After laughing, his mood had stabilized and his mind became firm again.

What we need to do now is to immediately become familiar with the 'great power' that we have acquired with all our 'powers'.

At the edge of the lantern's light, a black hand as tall as a man came out of the shadow and fastened Li Changzhou's hood, which had been blown off by the wind when he raised his head.

After doing this, Black Hand protected him from the cold wind and blizzard like a candle.

The cold wind suddenly weakened, and Li Changzhou breathed a sigh of relief. He felt like he was in heaven. This ghost place was really too cold.

Of course he can bear it with his willpower, but there is no benefit, it is just pure torture. He does not have this hobby.

The only child who had raised his head before stared at him with unspeakable envy and admiration.

Li Changzhou's heart moved, and the shadow stretched out several black hands like an octopus to protect everyone, and sighs of satisfaction that they had escaped unharmed suddenly sounded out.

"Captain! No need to hide your identity?!" A thin old man rode up from behind, following him as if his black hands were welded to the horse's back.

Li Changzhou had no extra memory. He didn't recognize the old man and didn't know his name, but he didn't panic because of it.

"Survive first," he said.

The old man didn't say anything. He took out a map from the bag on the horse and unfolded it. It was full of marks.

"Captain -" he almost yelled to be able to speak over the wind, "according to our speed! If we walk for half an hour, we can see 'Snow Town'!"

Li Changzhou nodded silently.

The old man turned to look behind him and shouted: "Cart! Plowshare! Go explore the road!"

"Got it!" Two young men in fine clothes urged the horses to speed up.

The horses seemed unable to endure the snow and wind, and they overtook Li Changzhou and the old man in just a few strokes.

"Remember!" the old man yelled again - this time it didn't matter whether the wind was loud or not, "come back when you see the lights! Don't go into the town alone!"

"Be careful! I don't want to be drinking hot wine in a tavern while looking at the barbecue slices made of you on the plate!" A man in front laughed.

The figures of the cart and the plowshare had been hidden by the wind and snow, and Black Hand disappeared fifteen meters away.

‘It can attack multiple targets at the same time, with a maximum distance of fifteen meters. There is no consumption of mental and physical strength for the time being. It is not sure whether it consumes souls. I just don’t know how powerful it is. ’ Li Changzhou summed up silently in the wind and snow.

After a brief interlude, the team became silent again.

The black hand blocked the knife-like wind, and the cold feeling took over. Even if everyone wrapped themselves into onions, they still couldn't resist the needle-like cold.

Everyone was trembling.

Because it was colder when moving, the team once again turned into motionless ghosts. From a distance (it doesn’t need to be very far, you can’t see each other’s faces clearly from three meters away), they looked like a group of horses carrying tombstones.

This is not a metaphor. In such low temperatures, it is entirely possible to freeze and die on a horse.

Li Changzhou felt that if he took out his foot and tapped it on his toes, it would fall like ice cubes on the eaves in winter. The good news was that he wouldn't feel any pain.

He was too cold to continue thinking, and he was too lazy to count the number of people in the team.

About ten minutes later, the cart and the plow came back on horseback, breathing hot breath from their mouths.

They didn't stop, and circled around everyone as if they were stepping on a frying pan - it was cold when they stopped.

"Captain!" the cart shouted, "the lights in Fengxue Town are on!"

Plowshare then said: "But I secretly went to the stable to see it! There are so many horses! So many people are here!"

The old man looked a little ugly. He was trembling and turned to look at Li Changzhou. He didn't speak and only asked him what to do next with his eyes.

"Let's go!" Li Changzhou raised his head, pinched the horse's back with his legs that were almost frozen, and speeded up.

Even if the Queen Mother was taking a bath in the town, he would go in and warm herself up!

Everyone couldn't wait to follow.

It sounds very fast, but the snow is knee deep, and the horse is just an ordinary horse. It is difficult to run in the snow.

Everyone formed a "one" shape, changing the leader from time to time to let the horse leading the way have a rest.

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