King of Black Mist

Chapter 407 Fall Zone

The light gradually dimmed, and the originally dispensable light of the kerosene lamp became more present.

The old man preached more and more frequently, and everyone just thought that because of the previous accident, he was more vigilant.

Not sure if it was the cold, a lesson learned, or the pain in his ankle, Andy listened silently without showing any impatience.

"Further down is the 'Fall Zone'," the old man spread out the scroll map while resting in the cave opened by Li Changzhou. "The 'Fall Zone' is too deep and there is almost no light. You must follow the path that has been explored. , mining can only be done at the edge of the path.”

Tully shivered and braced herself when she heard about mining.

Yett glanced at her and said: "The temperature in the 'fall zone' is lower, and the difficulty of digging the ice wall has increased. You must make sure that your ice ax is strong enough."

"There are still monsters in the darkness that have not yet been cleared away," the old man paused, then continued, "as well as adventurers who prey on evil."

You can stay in the cave and eat to regain your strength, but you can't keep warm. If you stay in the cave for a long time, you may fall asleep and never wake up again. Everyone is ready to continue.

The old man put away the map and handed it to Li Changzhou: "Captain, I'll trouble you next."

"Old man, just give the map -" Yete couldn't help but speak, but only half of the words were spoken.

"This is my last adventure." The old man said nonchalantly.

Yete whispered to Tully: "This map is worth at least ten thousand ice."

Tully gasped.

Don't look at the fact that one night's stay in Della's Tavern cost seven pieces of ice. That's because in the snowfield, if you return to the island, seven pieces of ice are enough to buy an entire tavern!

Li Changzhou glanced at the old man and took the map: "Don't have hope in me. I can only do my best."

"That's enough." The old man smiled, "Let's go, boys!"

The eight people were ready to go. This time they were no longer divided into two groups and were tied together with two ropes.

Eight people, only one moves at a time, and the other seven act as anchors.

Being an anchor point is not necessarily safe. Not long after setting off, Tali, who had let down her guard, fell off her feet and fell suddenly.

Fear instantly enveloped her!

"Ah!!" Yett, who was descending above Tali, roared, trying to swallow Tali's weight with his waist.

Tsk tsk tsk!

His ice ax also fell off and he couldn't stop on the ice.

Yett spun in mid-air, trying hard to find balance, and dug the ice pick into the ice again.


The ice wall was as hard as iron, and it took at least two hundred breaths each time to fix it. How could he succeed with his hasty efforts?

Not only did he fail to dig the ice ax into the ice, but he used too much force and the ice ax fell out of his hand. If it hadn't been for the rope around his wrist, the ice ax would have been gone.

Yete fell, and the stone fist above him persisted for a moment, and then fell as well.

The old man above the stone fist groaned and tightened the rope around his waist, causing the frozen wound to burst. However, relying on his lifelong caution, the ice ax in his hand managed to bear the entire weight of the three of them.

The blood overflowed and froze, and the bleeding quickly stopped, leaving only the severe pain that blinded his eyes and made them black.

Below Tali are Li Changzhou and Yang Qinglan.

The black hand was raised from behind Li Changzhou, dragging Tully. At the same time, another black hand was raised from the first black hand to catch Yet. Then, the third black hand grew out of the second black hand. Catch the stone fist.

The old man was already more than fifteen meters away from Li Changzhou, and the black hand could not support him, but after catching the three people, the pressure on him was relieved.

"Are you okay?!" Andy asked loudly and horrifiedly above the old man.

"Don't look back!" the old man yelled.

Even in darkness one cannot gaze into the abyss.

Tali, Yett, and Shiquan gasped for air, cold sweat overflowed from their armpits, and the cold sweat immediately froze into ice.

Boz and Andy were also panting, and the fear of death at any moment almost turned into reality, trying to hold them into the abyss.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Tully's voice came, full of shame.

"Don't say sorry, hurry up!" Yete lay on Black's hands and used an ice ax to dig into the ice wall.

Continue to decline.

The surroundings were completely dark, and they could not see each other clearly. They could only see the firelight on each other's waists.

The firelight was very weak in the thick darkness, almost drowning, and everyone felt breathless.

Stop from time to time and listen attentively to what is going on around you, otherwise you may not notice it until an ice corpse crawls onto your face.

"The danger of ice corpses here is minimal," the old man said to the tired and frightened Tully after killing an ice corpse again in the cave. "Some adventurers will deliberately cover the lights and stay in the ice as if they were dead. On the surface, waiting for the rest of the adventure to approach, all it takes is a silent tug——"

He raised his hand and made a motion to pull the person down.

Tully, Stone Fist, and Andy all trembled.

"Old man, don't be scary!" Andy said dissatisfied.

The old man laughed happily.

After resting, he said: "This is the last section of the road. We will separate next. Those who pick the hard ice will stay, and those who want to give it a try will continue down with the captain. Everyone has made a decision before, and now there is still the final step. A chance to re-elect.”

"I'd better stay!" Tully said immediately.

"So are we." Yett and Buzz also said.

Shi Fist hesitated. Before he came, he wanted to follow the captain no matter what and look for the 'great power' in the abyss. However, since he went down to the abyss, he had been knocked down by an ice corpse. If he didn't have a shield, he would have died long ago.

The ice ax has also fallen off.

In the future, if you ask him to describe his feelings at the moment of death, he will recall the moment of falling.

But just give up like that? Once you give up, you may never have the courage again in this life.

"The most important thing is to live," Yete saw his hesitation. He had also experienced it. "The first time I went into the abyss, I followed the captain all the way to the 'front line.' Hehe," he sneered twice as if he was self-deprecating, "I gained something. "Three of his toes were frozen to death and his back was chopped with a knife."

Stone Fist finally wavered.

"I'll stay too," he said.

"Andy?" The old man looked at Andy.

Andy also hesitated, and finally said: "I'll stay too."

The old man was both pleased and a little sad that Andy had grown up, but this growth was exchanged for something equally important.

Unless he relies on luck, Andy will never be able to obtain 'great power' in his life.

"Captain, we are all staying this time." The old man looked at Li Changzhou, "According to the agreement, half of the ice harvested will be given to you."

"Live alive first." Li Changzhou said nonchalantly.

The rest of the people didn't pay much attention to it. For Li Changzhou, who possesses "great power", the "fall zone" is no different from a safe hotel. Mining ice is as easy as picking up stones.

If it wasn't for the purpose of guarding against other 'great forces' and the need to test human lives, he wouldn't have to bring people down at all.

Before separating from the six people, Li Changzhou dug a deeper cave to use as a temporary stronghold for them to recover their physical strength and fight against the enemy.

Li Changzhou came up from the abyss and would come here to meet them. While taking them up, he would collect his share of the ice.

boom! boom! boom!

Black Hand grabbed a few more handfuls near the cave and opened up simple steps.

"Thank you, boss!"

"Boss, be careful!"

"I hope the boss can gain new 'great power', long live the boss!"

With the sincere thanks and blessings of the six people, Li Changzhou and Yang Qinglan disappeared into the darkness.

"Where is that little brat?" Li Changzhou asked.

Yang Qinglan didn't say a word along the way. If she hadn't been still moving, she would have thought she had turned into a beautiful girl's ice corpse.

She raised her finger in a direction.

The darkness surged out and turned into a black box, holding the two of them as they descended rapidly like an elevator.

After using the ice ax, Yang Qinglan sighed in relief and gently rubbed her arms.

Li Changzhou smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Not only did she have to use an ice ax, but she also had to turn ice scraps into living little people to observe the situation at the bottom of the abyss in advance, which consumed a lot of energy and energy.

"You should be as careful as you can in the dungeon." Yang Qinglan replied.

Li Changzhou nodded.

I followed the old men down slowly just because I was careful.

He and Yang Qinglan knew nothing about the abyss and needed the old man to familiarize them with it. The safe zone is Tully, Andy, and Stone Fist's training ground, and it also belongs to them.

The tasks in the game are always "evenly matched". The two of them have reached this point. They will never think that they are omnipotent and great because they are better than ordinary people like Tully, and they dare to act without knowing the abyss.

In addition, the two are also wary of the six old men.

It is entirely possible for these people to hide a 'great power'.

But they were not blindly cautious. They followed the six people through the 'safe zone' and the 'fall zone' (a little), just taking risks and waiting for the 'great power' that might exist to take action.

Now, they are taking the initiative to hunt down another ‘great power’.


The black box trembled slightly and hit an ice corpse.

The ice corpse left the ice wall with both hands and was about to fall into the abyss. A black hand grew out of the black box and grabbed it.

The black hand slowly moved upward and turned into another black box. The black wall between the two black boxes dissolved and turned into a rectangular black box.

Li Changzhou and Yang Qinglan walked over.

"You try it first." Li Changzhou said.

Yang Qinglan put her hand on the ice corpse's arm and shook her head: "No."

She's trying to turn an ice corpse into a living person.

"It seems I can only turn objects that cannot move on their own into life," she said.


Six black nails were squeezed out of the wall of the black box and pierced into the ice corpse's eyebrows, limbs, and heart - just in case, the black chain that fixed the ice corpse was not loosened.

From outside the black box, four more black hands came out and grabbed four large pieces of ice.

When the black hands retracted into the black box, two of them squeezed the ice cubes hard, leaving only two intact large ice cubes.

Under Yang Qinglan's power, two two-meter-tall icemen and a bunch of small icemen appeared in the black box.

After doing all this, Yang Qinglan turned back and looked in a certain direction: "We're almost there."

A black hand reached out and grabbed the ice wall, leaving five deep finger marks on the ice wall. The speed of the black box dropped sharply.

"Be careful." Yang Qinglan whispered.

Li Changzhou nodded solemnly.

He thinks he is sure of victory, but no matter what, if the opponent hits him once, all his efforts so far will be in vain, and his longed-for plan to travel the universe will never be realized.

In the real world, he dared to enter the Vatican directly and face the Pope, but in the dungeon, even with Tully, he was always on guard, and the darkness was always protecting him in the cold clothes.

After Yang Qinglan arrived, she was also wrapped in black armor.

Dark depths.

The child who used the 'Bright Green Light' in the tavern was carried on someone's back.

His guards clung to the ice wall like bats, a group of them motionless, like silkworm chrysalis on a tree.


In this dead abyss, a strong wind suddenly blew up, and two blue flames the size of fists flew up from the abyss.

Blue flames hovered behind the child.

"Hoo!" The flames spurted and flowed, corroding a huge hole around the child.

In the firelight, the figure of a black dragon gradually became clearer, and the two flames turned out to be the eyes of the black dragon.

The black dragon rushed into the cave, holding a basket in its claws, with several black shadows crouching inside the frame.

The silkworm chrysalises woke up, trembling, and crawled into the cave with relatively good skills.

The cave was corroded by the high temperature, but within a few tens of seconds, he was able to settle down, and the temperature was only boiling hot.

The child jumped down from his hands, looked at the black dragon in the light of the fire, and mocked: "Black Flame Dragon, I don't think you can hold on much longer."

The Black Flame Dragon turns into a human form, but its head, limbs are still the body of a dragon.

"It may not be a bad thing to completely transform into the Black Flame Dragon." The Black Flame Dragon said indifferently. He glanced at the child, "Old boy, I don't think you can hold on for long. Your mentality has become completely childish. Your side effects are more deadly than mine. "

The child snorted coldly.

The child's men stood at the entrance of the cave, forming a human wall to block the cold wind and keep the remaining warmth in the cave.

Although it was cold outside, they were fortunate not to have to face this group of 'great power' holders, especially the 'great power' holders whose side effects could not be suppressed.

In the frame brought in by the black flame dragon, three figures stood up.

One of them has his eyes closed;

The other person didn't even wear cold-proof clothes, but just wrapped a layer of white gauze around his body, like a mummy;

The last person looked no different from a normal person in appearance, with an ice sword stuck in his waist and no scabbard.

Judging from the body curve, the one with closed eyes is a man, and the mummy and the ice sword are women.

"Where are the things?" Black Flame Dragon said.

The child took out a finger from the layers of clothing. The finger was dry and a layer of skin wrapped around the bones.

The mummy stepped forward and untied the gauze on her abdomen. She used a knife to cut a piece of skin from her body and wrapped it around her finger bones.

Three seconds later, she returned the finger bones to the child and handed the skin to the Black Flame Dragon.

Words appeared on the warm skin.

[Name: Finger Bone]

[Master: Lal]

[Status: Still active, Lal is a living dead, frozen]

[Analysis: The owner of the finger bone holds the ‘Great Power-Never Close Eyes’, which is triggered after death]

[Never close your eyes: Turn the deceased into an ice corpse and have control over the ice corpse]

"How about it?" The child raised his knuckles proudly, "As long as we get the 'Never Rest Eyes', the entire ice corpse in the abyss will be ours, and none of the 'great powers' on the front line can escape. There are so many 'great powers' ', it’s totally okay to solve the side effects for you and me!”

The Black Flame Dragon handed the human skin to the female swordsman holding the ice sword.

"Gula," Black Flame Dragon called out another person's name, "Let's see if we succeed."

The man with his eyes closed slowly opened them. His eyes were golden. These eyes were extremely inconsistent with the man's and were more like parasites.

Golden eyes stared at the child silently.

"I'm going to die," the man said.

The child frowned.

"He will die soon."

"What? Right now?" Everyone said in shock.

"Black Flame Dragon, you fucking want to kill me?" the child roared, he raised his finger, and the bright green light instantly filled the cave.

"Wait!" Black Flame Dragon shouted in a deep voice, "Gula, what's going on? What did you see?"

"Darkness is coming," Gula said.

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