King of Black Mist

Chapter 438 Military Soul Recognition

In front of you is a jar-like cylindrical world, like a petri dish. There are countless bubbles floating in the petri dish, and there are players in some of the bubbles.

When Li Changzhou walked out of the light door, he appeared in one of the bubbles.

A holographic projection-like screen pops up.

[Please wait for the end of the first level]




The almost unspent "ability" was completely replenished. Li Changzhou looked away from the countdown and looked at the nearest bubble.

The nearest bubble was three meters away from him, and inside it floated an embryonic beast, a bit like a deer, with gentle eyes.

Lu looked over and nodded to Li Changzhou. Both his movements and his eyes were full of humanity.

After nodding his head, Li Changzhou looked around, seeing dense and countless bubbles floating in all directions.

No sound can be heard, and there is no response when trying to use "Life and Death", "Bond Summon", and "Teleport".

After a brief test, Li Changzhou no longer wasted his efforts. He looked at the "Take Root" in his hand.

There are already two flat peaches. Every time a level is passed, the game will restore the player's "ability" to heal injuries. Two peaches are enough.

In the following battle, all nutrients are used to grow the Hengsha World Fruit.

In fact, it has been extracting, including now in the bubble, the root system of the sacred tree is also extracting nutrients from the air in the bubble.

However, relying on low-nutrient roots such as air and cloth, it may take ten million or even one hundred million years to produce a Hengsha World Fruit.

Having said that, you can't help but do it on a daily basis, which will help you develop a habit.

Li Changzhou closed his eyes and fell asleep completely. This is the safest place in the universe, where he can relax completely and regain his energy as soon as possible.

Four hours later, he woke up on time, and the bubbles that were originally empty around him were now filled with players.

The countdown passed by minute by minute and soon came to an end.

In a bubble filled with sea water, a series of bubbles appeared, and the player who exhaled the gas disappeared.

He zoomed out, and all the players who were there a second ago were gone.

In an unknown place, there are only countless air bubbles floating in the air.

Viewed from the sky, the trenches on the vast land are like seed pits waiting to be filled, and the soldiers inside are seeds.

Literally waiting to be landfilled.

boom! !

Dozens of giant bird-like bombers flew side by side through the sky, like thunder rolling overhead.

boom! boom! boom!

The bombs dropped by the bombers exploded into clouds of smoke, dust, flames and sparks on the ground.

Li Changzhou lowered his head tightly, and the sand was sprinkled on him like bread crumbs, as if he was going to bury him alive!

He raised his head and glanced at the retreating group of bombers and the gray-white tracks left by these giant steel birds of death.

A gust of cold wind blew, and the track twisted into words.

[This level: Low-level thermal weapon war]

[Requirements for clearance: Obtain recognition from the military soul]

[Tip: Players cannot use super powers and props in this game]

"You can't use superpowers and props at all times, so why do you need these!" From a nearby pothole, a woman with flame hair screamed.

Li Changzhou lowered his head and checked his equipment.

A fully equipped rifle uses 5.8mm ammunition. Counting the contents in the chamber, there are a total of three full magazines, all of which are 30-round plastic magazines.

The pistol has only one magazine and a total of 17 bullets.

Three egg-shaped grenades.

A body armor, a helmet, a walkie-talkie on the shoulder, and nothing else.

He raised his hand and twisted the walkie-talkie left and right to find the direction to amplify the signal, and then twisted it all the way.


All that came was noise.

"Zizi...order...hold your position...zizi"

Li Changzhou quickly pressed the call button: "Requesting support! Requesting support!"


Angry curses came from all the trenches next door, and it was obvious that he was not the only one who received unilateral orders.

Li Changzhou's expression also turned cold.

Breathe in, breathe out, and tune out your heartbeat.

boom! !

Shadows fell, and bomber groups once again passed overhead, dropping countless bombs.

The ground shook and soil flew up. One of them happened to be thrown into the ditch next to Li Changzhou. With a bang, the player exploded into a ball of flesh and blood.

"Draft it! Ah!!" Someone picked up a light machine gun, roared and fired at the bombers in the sky.

Da da da da da da!

Flames spewed out from the muzzle, sporadic flames exploded on the surface of the bombers, and one of them suddenly exploded in a series of sparks.


Angry flames bloomed like flowers in the smoky sky.

The player disappears instantly.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic.

"He passed the level!"

"Fuck! It turns out it's that simple!"

Everyone started to fight back, the sound of gunshots hitting the bodies that had lost their super powers like hammers.

"What's going on? Why wasn't I teleported away!"

"The first! Because he is the first!"

boom! !

The bombers dived again, and this time the bombs were dropped so accurately that almost half of them fell into the trench where they had fired previously.

When the bombers left, Li Changzhou quickly jumped out of the trench. He saw dozens of players making the same choice as him - they had also fired before and continued to stay in the original trench, risking death from the next wave of bombings. Extremely high.

At this moment, dozens of players except Li Changzhou received system prompts.

[You found the target: ‘King of Black Mist’, ‘Lord’]

【Do you want to initiate a challenge? 】


Everyone looked at Li Changzhou.

In this look, Li Changzhou had already thought of how to persuade them to give up the challenge.

If God gives him time to finish a sentence.

[Player ‘Nian’ challenges you, you can’t refuse]

[Player ‘Han’ challenges you, you can’t refuse]


Li Changzhou rolled over and rolled into a crater created by the bomber, clinging to the warm mud wall.


Where he originally stood and on the path of his escape, the bullets splashed up pillars of mud.

"Idiot!" Li Changzhou cursed.

The sweat mixed with the soil, making him look gray and gray.

He roared angrily: "You attack your teammates on the battlefield, do you still want to clear the level? So what if you kill me! Can you survive?!"

A black dot appeared in the distance above the head, and quickly zoomed into the field of vision. A grenade!

Li Changzhou's eyes narrowed, he raised his gun and shot.

The bullet hit accurately.


In the explosion, the helmet was rattled by gravel and soil, shrapnel was inserted into the surrounding soil like sharp arrows, and the heat wave licked the back hot.

boom! !

Bombers struck again.

"Kill these planes first!" A player shouted amidst the roar, and was blown to pieces in the next second.

But everyone had the same idea.

Who has time to care about that bullshit King of Black Mist now? Just survive!

Li Changzhou also raised his gun and aimed at the bomber overhead.

As a mission target, it is wise to reserve ammunition and let others take action, but this will never be recognized by the military soul.

He did not shoot immediately. His eyes were fixed on a bomber through the scope. Even though the explosion was right next to him and shrapnel cut off a strand of his hair, he did not move.



The bomber was 80 meters away from him, and he had already tested the power of the rifle in his hand through the first round of firing - it could penetrate an 8mm steel plate within 100 meters and still have a certain lethality.

He cannot use his super power, but he has already fully mastered the rifle proficiency.

The bullets hit the engine nozzle continuously and accurately, causing several sparks to fly.

The bomber suddenly became unbalanced, and after a few swings, the bomber plunged straight to the ground.

Li Changzhou, who retreated into the crater, heard the explosion coming from afar.

After taking two deep breaths, he jumped up and rushed towards another crater.

A female player with blue skin ran diagonally across from him. Their target was the same crater.

The two stared at each other.

Chi--his legs shoveled the ground and slid into the crater.

You didn’t even pick up a gun, just do it!

The blue-skinned female player made a cunning and fierce move, grabbing a handful of dust and throwing it into Li Changzhou's eyes, while at the same time ramming her knee into his lower body.

Li Changzhou had already closed his eyes.

The right leg whipped out with a snap.

Bang! Dust swayed in circles, and the two of them bumped their legs together.

The female player's face showed pain. The pain turned into anger, and the anger increased her strength. She raised her slender and powerful legs, and again——


Amid the pain that pierced her face, she flew away. Before she landed, Li Changzhou put away his fists, lowered his body, and bumped into her like a bull.

"Woo!" The female player moaned in pain, blood spurted out of her mouth, and she was pressed heavily to the ground.

She hasn't lost consciousness yet.

He opened his mouth and closed it, his teeth biting Li Changzhou's arm wrapped around his neck.

Li Changzhou looked ferocious and twisted his hands suddenly.


Like a machine with the plug unplugged, the blue-skinned female player instantly stopped moving.

"Ha! Ha!" Li Changzhou gasped. She bit off a small piece of flesh on his forearm because she forcibly broke the opponent's neck.

He lay down at the bottom of the crater and began to remove the equipment from the female player.

boom! !

Bombers passed over his head.

While clipping the grenade on his waist, Li Changzhou looked up and saw that there were three bombers left. The remaining players were also proficient in shooting, and there were many of them.

This time he didn't fire, and after the bomber left, he didn't replace the crater.

"Can win!"

"Kill them in the next wave!"

The players no longer panicked at the beginning, holding their guns one by one, waiting for the last wave of bombings.

boom! !

The bombers approached, leaving several more tracks in the cluttered sky.


Amid desperate gunfire, the bomber crashed in the distance.

"We won! We won!" The players stood up and cheered.

Li Changzhou, who was hiding in the crater, threw away the finished magazine in the gun body and loaded the new magazine with a stern look on his face.

"Where is the King of Black Mist?"

"She shouldn't have left yet, look for her!"

Li Changzhou heard the rustling footsteps getting closer and took out a grenade from his waist.

"Wait, what is that?"

"New bomber?"

"No! Hide!"

Amidst the destructive explosions, Li Changzhou saw four Tomahawk cruise missiles passing over his head.

He could even hear the low hum of the ramjet!

Like heavy rain falling into a small mud puddle, the dust from the battlefield is scattered everywhere. The amount of soil kicked up can fill a crater at a time.

When the bombing ended, Li Changzhou pulled up his upper body from the soil, and the entire battlefield was silent.

He suddenly found that he missed the sound of gunfire a little bit. As long as those gunshots were still there, it at least proved that he did not have to fight the enemy alone.

But there is nothing we can do.

Li Changzhou held the gun in both hands, stood up, and walked out of the crater.

There was scorched earth and corpses everywhere, and the smoke from the bombs was so thick that it turned into fog.

The sky is dust, the ground is dust, and the air is dust. Even the corpse, weapons, and Li Changzhou himself are covered with a layer of dirt.

"Is there anyone alive?" A voice suddenly came from the dead silence.

Li Changzhou raised his gun.

"Wait, stop, I don't mean any harm!" A figure walked out of the mist.

[You found the target: ‘King of Black Mist’, ‘Lord’]

【Do you want to initiate a challenge? 】

No challenge was received.

"King of Black Mist," the other party made a gesture not to act rashly, "Let's survive first. Only by living can we have hope!"

Li Changzhou glanced at him.

This is a man like an iron tower, with energy test tubes embedded in his arms that can make a baby run. These test tubes are only maintained at the lowest brightness under the rules of the game.

"I hope so." Li Changzhou lowered his gun.

"My game is called 'Ultimate Destroyer'. Just call me Destruction. Black King, what should we do next?" Destruction asked.

"Find someone."

"Looking for someone?" Destroyer was a little curious, "Aren't you afraid of other players challenging you?"

"I can't hold the position by myself. If those people still want to survive, they naturally know how to choose."

"What if you don't know?"

Li Changzhou didn't answer.

The two of them each held a gun and advanced carefully on the foggy battlefield, keeping each other in mind.

Li Changzhou turned around suddenly, and the Destroyer pointed his gun at him.

Seeing Li Changzhou staring at the ground, the Destroyer also looked over.

A hand covered in soil and blood, wearing a tactical glove, suddenly stretched out from the loose earth pit.

"help me."

Li Changzhou winked at the Destroyer.

The Destroyer grabs the palm of one hand and pulls the player up like a carrot.

"Ha! Ha!" The player knelt down and gasped violently. He seemed not to be injured, just suffocated.

He suddenly turned to look at Li Changzhou.

"Live together? Or choose to die?" Li Changzhou put the pistol against the other person's head.

".Do I have a choice?"

Li Changzhou put away his gun: "I have no choice."

The three of them continued to set off, searching the battlefield, and found six more living people. Four were disabled and had lost their combat effectiveness. Two were slightly injured and could still move. They all chose to cooperate temporarily.

They searched for magazines, looked for spare guns, and added smoke grenades, flash bombs, and tear gas.

The Destroyer found a light machine gun.

"If only I had this thing just now." The Destroyer laughed twice, extremely confident in himself.

When they walked out of the thick fog fully armed, what they saw was a steel city wall, a steel city wall composed of countless tanks.

"Fuck!" Everyone was extremely frightened.

Li Changzhou quickly jumped into a trench, and his teammates also rolled into nearby craters.

A player pressed the intercom on his shoulder: "Support! Requesting support!"



"What exactly is a military spirit? How do you get the recognition of a military spirit!"

"I was injured like this on the battlefield, why can't I still be recognized?!"

"Of course the soldiers are recognized by the military spirit," Destroyer said calmly, "Who wouldn't be injured on the battlefield? Calm down and don't let the tank group get close!"

"How can we fight with so many tanks?!"

"You can't fight. If you can't fight, are you ready to die?" Li Changzhou bit off the safety bolt of the grenade, turned around and threw it.

The grenade did not roll in the air, but shot close to the ground, like a sharp arrow.

The handle fell off and the firing pin fell, hitting the flash cap.


Amidst the explosion, the Destroyer gave Li Changzhou a thumbs up: "Black King, you are a respectable enemy. I believe that even if all players challenge you, it will be a fierce battle because you will not give up. I won’t be afraid.”

Li Changzhou said without any nonsense: "Do it."

The Destroyer set up his light machine gun and fired wildly. The machine gun roared like a beast and was crushed to death by him.

"Listen to me!" The Destroyer shouted, "Don't think about any bullshit military souls, just think about how to survive!"

"Damn it, let's fight!"

The other three also relied on the trenches to fight back.


A player pulled out the grenade fuse and was about to throw it when his left shoulder seemed to be pushed hard by someone.

Above the tank group, the sniper in the helicopter missed, and the bullet penetrated the player's left shoulder.

The player grinned and threw the grenade with the help of a leaping motion.

Blood flowed from the wound, mixed with the soil on the body, and turned red and black.

"One kill is enough! Kill two and you will earn!" This player completely forgot about life and death and took out a grenade again.


Amidst the dull gunfire, the grenade rolled down, the player's arm was broken, and blood spurted out like a pillar.

He felt weak and struggled to lean against the wall of the crater.

The player reluctantly held the two grenades in his left hand and inserted his thumbs into the safety catch.

"When they come over and the tracks crush my body, give him two rounds." He forced an excited smile from his painful expression.

He disappeared from the crater.

The military spirit recognized him.

"Damn it!!" Another player was even more anxious, "Why don't you recognize me yet?!"


A sniper's bullet shattered his head.

Only Li Changzhou, Destroyer, and one other player were left on the battlefield.

The three men fired their guns with determination, continuously destroying the tracks of the tanks, and used anti-tank grenades to blow up these monsters.

Da da da.

The hot barrel of the light machine gun stopped rotating.

The Destroyer ducked into the crater and shouted, "Black King, I'm out of bullets!"

"Me too!" another player shouted.

Li Changzhou also retreated from the crater. He glanced at the buttons on his body and saw that there was nothing there.

"Same!" he replied.

"Hahaha!" The Destroyer laughed, "It seems we are dead! I didn't expect that I would die in a small battlefield with low-level thermal weapons!"

"It's not over yet."

The Destroyer stopped laughing and asked, "What else can you do?"

Even he was holding his breath at this time, eager to get hope from Li Changzhou.

The other person was even more motionless, as if if he moved, his hope would be blown away by the airflow of his own movement like dust.

Along with the gentle click sound, the voice of the King of Black Mist came.

"Fix the bayonet."


After being stunned for a moment, the Destroyer laughed crazily. While attaching a bayonet to his rifle, he shouted: "Long live the Lord of the Black Mist!"

Another murmured: ".Crazy?"



The two jumped out of the crater at the same time.

In front of us, three meters away, was a group of tanks running side by side, like a torrent of steel.

"Ah!!" The Destroyer roared, spittle flying.

Li Changzhou pursed his lips tightly, his eyes as sharp as knives.

They rushed out like mad dogs.


Amid the powerful recoil, a tank leaned back slightly.

An M449 anti-personnel submunition, each loaded with 60 M43A1 bullets, swarmed towards the two men.

When the bullet tip had almost burned through the skin, the two people suddenly disappeared.

Li Changzhou suddenly waved the bayonet in his hand, only to realize that he had returned to the bubble.

After taking a deep breath, the murderous aura in his eyes subsided as if the boiling water had cooled down.

[Please wait for the end of the second level]




He was suspended in the bubbles, quietly soothing his mood.

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