King of Black Mist

Chapter 441 Explosion

Players who survived long enough to participate in the event were not fools. When Li Changzhou arrived at the scene, he only saw an overturned black taxi emitting black smoke.

"Gone?" Qian Shu poked his head out from behind him and looked around.

"There is no wind and the smoke is high. In this hunting game, who will stay in place, waiting to be hunted by other players?" CC came from behind, walking gracefully.

Li Changzhou turned around and said to CC: "What a great idea!"


The taxi suddenly exploded, with red fire mixed with black smoke, like a richly colored oil painting.

Li Changzhou did not look back and continued: "It is not good to wait and see, but we must consider the situation."

He took out his gun, pointed it at the two of them and said, "Come on, one of you, change your clothes, you run away, I'll chase you."

"I understand this game!" Qian Shu said excitedly, "If I am caught by you, I will be dragged into the women's restroom and watch you poop!"

"Changing clothes?" CC said thoughtfully, "I'm here."

She didn't even look at it, or she had already seen it, and walked directly to a women's clothing boutique.

"Hair." Li Changzhou reminded her.

"Is it necessary? The only people who can recognize me are humans on Earth."

Li Changzhou thought about it and thought that what she said made sense. He seemed to have paid attention to the details, but in fact it was superficial.

She is indeed a witch who has lived for thousands of years.

Wait, hundreds of years? Or decades?

"Hey -" Qian Shu waved in front of him, "Stop staring at the girl's butt all the time!"


The bullet grazed Qianzhu's neck. Not to mention the bullet, the snow-white and delicate skin gave people the feeling that it could be broken with bare hands.

Qian Shu, whose neck was almost broken, had a smile on his face: "Are you angry from embarrassment?"

"you guess?"


Qian Zhu turned sideways and let the bullet fly past his chest.

"A showdown between gunmen?" Qian Shu's playful expression had a hint of seriousness.

"You see that I can dodge bullets, so you feel uncomfortable?"

"Wrong! Totally wrong! I didn't see you, I saw the player; I didn't feel uncomfortable, I was full of curiosity, and a little bit of competitiveness, really only a little bit. Sister Qian Shu doesn't lie to children."


Thousands of strands of half the body exploded, and flesh and blood spurted out from the petite body like colorful flowers in a salute.

Li Changzhou turned around and saw a figure disappearing on the top floor of the building in the distance.

The black hand fell from the sky, picked up the building intact like a building block, and then placed the building in front of Li Changzhou like a drop.

The black hand changed pinching to pressing.


The building magically disappeared from the road layer by layer. When it stopped, the balcony on the top floor, which was originally fifty stories high, was flush with the ground.

"CC" Li Changzhou just wanted CC to take care of Qian Shu, but he found that the green-haired girl was still changing clothes.

Faced with the fact that the building was being moved, the unknown sniper was a little frightened but did not hesitate at all.

Carrying a sniper rifle on his back, he quickly disappeared around the corner of the street.

Qian Shu sat up suddenly, gasping for breath just as he had done after challenging the Guinness Book of Breath Holding Records.

"I, ahem, I thought I was dead, huh? So it was you who was hit?"

Li Changzhou glanced at his empty right arm, stood up from a squat, and said: "You're useless, if you weren't my first role, I would let you go right now."

"Wow! Come and see CC, the real tsundere! Huh? Where is CC?"

CC is still changing clothes.

There was no doubt that she was quietly taken away by the player in the fitting room, because she walked around the store, picking up a piece and gesturing in front of the mirror from time to time.

"Pull me up." Qian Shu stretched out his hand,

Li Changzhou pulled her up with his left hand: "I gave the parasitic beast to you, you can do it now."

"Don't say this, go get revenge first." Qian Shu held a gun in his right hand and pulled out something like a grip tester from his school bag with his left hand.

"Lethal Weapon?"

"Cherish life~" Qian Shu showed a big smile, "I'm going to catch him, punch him a few times, and break his nose!"

"The kindness of women."

"She is indeed very feminine, okay, okay, hurry up and chase her!"

"C" Li Changzhou looked away from the clothing store, "Forget it, let her go. She won't die anyway if she goes with her. She might encounter an accident if she stays here."

"Wow, I like this contrast very much. I didn't expect you to be such a contrast besides being a pervert and a tsundere!"

When Li Changzhou said, "Forget it," the two of them had already rushed out and moved on the street.

In the sky ahead, huge black hands descended from the sky and took tall buildings away from the two of them.

"Can't you just bring the enemy in front of us?" Qian Shu asked as he ran, "Or you can just send us in front of the enemy!"

"You are the waitress at a coffee shop. Will you serve new products that have not been tried before to customers?"

"What? Do you want to send us to the enemy and confirm the quality of our taste?"

"I mean--"

A tall building in front of them moved away. As the two of them ran out from between the two buildings, a 711 truck crashed into the two of them. The sound of its horn and the piercing sound of brakes were like a solid wall, crushing the two of them first.

Thousands of pupils dilated slightly.

The honking and screeching of the brakes disappeared, and Blackhand placed the truck on the main road on another street.

The speeding truck was suddenly picked up without any damage, just like a toy car in the hands of a child.

"——Everything requires a process of getting started. Babies need to learn how not to poop even on your favorite poop."

Qian Shu quickly followed up with Li Changzhou who didn't pause at all: "I like poop very much. I even gave it to the guests, and they all liked it."

"It's normal for Japanese people to be perverted."

"...You can't say it's normal." He obviously lacked confidence.

"Right in front." Li Changzhou said.

Qian Shu's expression was solemn, making people wonder if the person who made jokes and pretended to be crazy was actually her.

Ahead is a citizen park with a pool.

The black hand stretched out a finger, pressed it on the park, and moved it away like dragging the APP icon.

The two men ran across the sidewalk that had been moved over.

The skilled sniper looked back and finally looked a little panicked.

"Be careful," the enemy's panic made Li Changzhou say instead, "After running for so long, no matter whether the opponent is a player or an anime character, the other party should come to respond."

"In other words, is there an ambush?" Qian Shu asked in a positive tone.

Qian Shu's daily life is under the rule of Li Changzhou. Even if the Japanese side does not dare to openly publicize the dangers of players, in the animation, some terrorist organizations have the shadow of players to some extent.

Being born in a daily show like this, I have some experience in dealing with "players" and I am not too naive.

Although live ammunition is not used, Li Changzhou is still very confident about the two of them. Even if they are ambushed, they can still...

He suddenly looked forward, past the sniper, to the end of the sidewalk.

"My name is Megumin, the leading magician of the Crimson Demon Clan, the one who controls explosion magic!"

"Pitch black, darker than black."

"Merge it with my true red."

"The time of awakening has arrived."

The girl held her magic wand high and continued to sing: "Falling into the realm of infallibility, forming invisible distortions."

"Dance! Dance! Dance!"

"Hungry for the destructive power of my magic surge!"

"Unparalleled power of collapse!"

"Everything turns to ashes and flows out of the abyss!"

High in the sky where the girl's wand pointed, the magic nebula spiraled upward, and all its power brewed into a sun-colored orange light group.

The nebula vortex rotated slowly, and an inexplicable and terrifying pressure hit directly.

The wind seemed to be scared and began to run away from the girl's magic.

After waves of trembling, there was a loud roar, and the wind was so strong that it almost liquefied into a sea of ​​wind, and was so sticky that it wrapped around the clothes of the two of them!

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! The situation is not good!" Qian Shu's body fell forward, barely able to avoid being blown away by the wind.

The girl raised her head, her petite face exposed from the brim of the big magic hat, and her eyes released a strong red light.

"This is mankind's most powerful attack method!"

"This is the ultimate attack magic!"

The black hand placed tall buildings on the sidewalk and blocked them in front of them.

"Show up!"


Stars lit up in the spiral nebula, and the star-shaped clouds at the end of the nebula began to fall, slowly at first, and then

The majestic stream of flames hit the first building. The building seemed to not exist in the first place, and the flames directly bombarded the second building.

When he reacted, he heard a loud noise that was a thousand times louder than the previous sounds of brakes and horns.

It seemed as if the whole of Tokyo was shaking, and a huge pillar of fire penetrated directly through all the buildings.

In the fierce firelight, you can see that the solid material seems to be slowly vaporizing, but in fact it is rapidly vaporizing.

If you look at it from a distance, it looks like the god threw a flaming spear from the sky. This spear penetrated several buildings and stuck straight into the ground.

The air pressure was changed, and the wind roared and swept across, cleaning away all objects within a certain range.

This is just the aftermath.

The real change begins, and the flame spear turns into a huge fireball.

The flames rose high and turned into a towering mushroom cloud, like a beautiful fire lotus blooming in Tokyo.

No one knew what was happening in the fire. The flamboyant flames rolled and rolled, and the fierce glare made people afraid to look directly.

When everything disappeared, several tall buildings penetrated by steps still stood briefly, like dead bodies that had not yet reacted.


The building began to collapse, and the building materials formed a wave and rushed into a huge pit where the explosion magic actually landed.

The building materials were rushed in and only a shallow layer was laid on them before they were stuck in a swamp and couldn't move!

"Look, you see, this is mine."


".Explosion magic..."

"This is too dangerous! I finally know why you said I was useless, and I apologize to you for being secretly dissatisfied and angry because of it before!"

A finger of the black hand pushed the zebra crossing. Li Changzhou and Qian Shu, who were standing on the zebra crossing, quickly approached the fallen magician - a girl who called herself Hui Hui - just like a ship approaching a dock.

Ignoring Qian Shu, who finally recognized his strength and status, Li Changzhou looked around and found no sniper.

"Snipers should be lying around waiting for us to get close to Megumin."

"What should I do?" Qian Shu asked.

Li Changzhou glanced at her: "You've already been hit once, and you still ask me what to do?"

"If an ordinary person is killed by a pistol, will he be able to deal with the pistol after he survives? No matter how many times, I can't avoid the sneak attack of the sniper rifle!"

"Useless guy."

"Hey, now is not the time to curse, and Sister Qianzhu won't care about you. What can you do?"


"You can't help it, right?"

"Yes, there is, but it's not that clever."

"Useless guy!"

Li Changzhou: "."

The Black Hand frequently swapped nearby buildings to ensure that snipers hiding nearby were removed.

The reason why Li Changzhou said "it's not that clever" is because removing the sniper also means that the other party will not take action, and they will not be able to know the other party's location.

"What is she going to do?" Qian Shu asked, pointing to Megumin who was lying, no, lying on the ground.

"The sniper shouldn't be an Earth player, otherwise she wouldn't be wasting her abilities like this." Li Changzhou said, "This magician named 'Huihui' can only use one kind of magic."

"Is that the one just now? I thought it was a nuclear bomb!"

"You underestimate technology. Explosion magic can only be used once a day."

"Once a day, and you've already used it, doesn't she use it less than you?" Qian Shu said subconsciously.

It sounds 'subconscious', but it is definitely the result of calm thinking. In other words, she did it on purpose.

Li Changzhou did not take this provocation and continued:

"Only the first thousand people can pass this level, and players don't know exactly how many people have passed it. Keeping her can not only serve as a guarantee for completing the mission, but also serve as a way to escape after being defeated in the next battle. one."

"Yeah." Qian Shu nodded.

Then, she turned around and looked around: "I haven't taken any action until now. It seems that he is indeed gone."

The black hand hovering behind the zebra crossing continued to push, sending the two of them to Megumin.

"You actually chose to evade and use such a method. Aren't you ashamed of living?!" The only part of Hui Hui's body that could move was her mouth.

Qian Shu knelt down, put Megumin's magic pointed hat on her head, and said, "You should be the one who is ashamed of chanting that kind of spell."

"Head! My head is gone! Give me my head back!"

".It's just a hat."

"Hmph! You ignorant person, how could you understand the secret of the Explosion Magician!"

Qian Shu squeezed a handful of hats: "It's really just a hat."

"Ah! Don't pinch! It hurts! Ah!" Huihui cried out after a second delay.

Qian Shu looked at Li Changzhou.

"All anime characters are like this, and so are you." Li Changzhou said calmly, "Take it away."

"...I'm carrying it?" Qian Shu pointed at the girl wearing JK uniform and magic pointed hat, which was herself.

"Are you safe leaving a young girl to a man who knows how to enter the women's restroom?"

".I suspect this is an excuse." Even so, Qian Shu still carried Megumin on her back.

Despite the happy chat, she was still wary of Li Changzhou deep down.

Although she was wary, one of the reasons why she carried Huihui away was because Li Changzhou only had one arm.

If he hadn't behaved so lightly and experienced a series of magical things, she would have been moved to the point of falling in love with him now.

The black fingertips turn, the zebra crossing turns around


There was smoke and dust ahead.

"Cough! Cough!" A short figure walked out of the thick smoke, "I'm sorry, can you hand that girl over to me? I promise not to hurt you."

After the smoke and dust dispersed, Li Changzhou looked at the person in front of him with no expression on his face, but his pupils shrank slightly.

He is an old man with a bald head and a white beard, wearing sunglasses and fancy clothes. If it weren't for the turtle shell hanging behind him, one would think that this man had just returned from a vacation on an island.

Turtle Immortal.

"Do you know him?" Qian Shu approached Li Changzhou and asked in a low voice.


"You also said you are not a two-dimensional person!"

Is this the point?

And knowing Kame Sennin has nothing to do with whether he is from the second dimension or not.

"Can you beat me?" Qian Shu asked.

"I can't beat him," Li Changzhou looked at her, "Do you want to hand Huihui over to him?"


"Although you are useless, I don't want to deceive my teammates - it is definitely not a wise move to hand over a girl who can only move her mouth to him."

"Then fight!!" Qian Shu said seriously.

At the same time, she quietly kicked him with her small round-toed leather shoes.

Signaling him: Run!

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