King of Black Mist

Chapter 444 Destiny

When you open your eyes, there is still a cylinder-like area with bubbles suspended in it, and a very small number of bubbles are soaking the player.

[Please wait for the end of level 18]




Li Changzhou lowered his head, and the fleshy flesh on his right arm was intertwined like wool, just in time to reach the last step - knitting five fingers.

When he raised his reborn right arm, the five fingers had reappeared.

Clench, unclench, clench, and adapt to the sense of wholeness that is lost and found.

The geass disappeared.

The clenched right hand spread out, and a ball of black energy evaporated from the palm, forming an energy ball.

It is the size of a palm, but powerful enough to destroy a medium-sized district in Tokyo. The spiritual will of the Earth Immortal is combined with the [divine body], and the energy extracted is so powerful that it is unparalleled.

The qi in "Dragon Ball" has powerful destructive power, and can also transfer qi to others to enhance their spirit and vitality. Except for the less effective life extension, it is almost as versatile as mana.

For hand-to-hand combat enthusiasts like Li Changzhou, the usefulness of qi may be more than the high cost of learning magic power - when fighting an enemy, by surprise, a wave of energy can hit the opponent's face.

He suddenly realized that this might also be a test.

In a series of games, players are bound to be exposed to various power systems. For this, players must make a choice, whether to focus on one type and reach the top, or to master the number system and adapt to changes.

Li Changzhou currently has six systems: mana, divine will, magic power, vampire, formula ring, and qi. Naturally, Li Changzhou is best at the earth system - mana.

He will not think that the earth's system is invincible just because he was born on earth.

I remember a certain science fiction writer said that in science fiction novels, the earth will only get smaller and smaller, and human civilization is not worth mentioning on the scale of the universe.

The value game is not science fiction, but it is equally cosmic in scale.

But I won’t belittle myself either.

As one of the testing grounds for saints, mana on Earth is definitely one of the most mature fruits. Even Si feels that this ability can almost be called "omnipotent".

Having said that, it is not possible to stick to the line of 'mana'. If it were really omnipotent, Taozu (or 'God') would not follow the 'hedao' and become a half-step of 'creation'.

Although judging from the information Li Changzhou currently knows, Taozu (God), who was half-created, is already the most successful among the saints.

If it were not for the natural start of the value game, Daozu would still be the earth, no, it might be the "way of heaven" of hundreds of galaxies.

The "prophet" saint also became a half-step creation, but it is a pity that he cannot be truly, permanently, and completely awakened again.

After thinking about it, Li Changzhou temporarily decided to study the three systems of 'mana', 'qi' and 'divine will' in the future.

A magical power that can be called 'omnipotent', a vitality that combines the body and will, and an extremely pure spiritual power.

In addition, there is also the physical power represented by his own [divine body].

"Huh?" Li Changzhou suddenly remembered something.

He flipped his left hand and took out "Falling Roots".

This sacred tree with several root systems suddenly grew a new root system, and the root system pierced the energy wave in Li Changzhou's right hand like a straw.

I remember that in a theatrical version of "Dragon Ball", there was a Saiyan named Dales who looked exactly like Sun Wukong and was a lower-level warrior. He relied on eating the fruits of the spirit tree to obtain super combat power that far exceeded that of the superior warriors. .

The spiritual tree can absorb the nutrients of a planet and produce fruits that directly enhance Qi. Now it has the "ground root" of "Qi Root", which can also absorb Qi.

Not only the planet's Qi, but also all life has Qi. As long as it is Qi, it will be absorbed by "Take Root".

The absorbed Qi is formed into a 'Qi fruit', which can enhance the user's Qi as long as it is eaten.

This is stronger than eating a flat peach and requires the power to evolve the world.

But the magic power of the evolving world can also make people live as long as the Hengsha world. No matter how much this energy is improved, it is useless. Sun Wukong has almost finished changing colors. His combat power is so high that he can destroy the universe, but he will still get heart disease. senescence.

As for cultivating magic power, even if you are just starting out, you will be free from all diseases, and with a little success, you can initially delay aging.

If he had no choice, Li Changzhou would choose 'mana'. Now, whether it's magical mana or 'qi' that can be quickly improved in a short period of time, as a player, he can have it.

Let "Falling Roots" absorb the energy in his hand, and in the bubbles, no matter how much life is lost, it will be replenished - before this, he had already let "Falling Roots" cultivate 'divine blood roots', 'divine flesh roots', etc. root system.

After doing all this, he crossed his arms, closed his eyes, his body floated slightly in the bubbles, and fell into a deep sleep.

Five hours later, his posture remained unchanged, except that his eyes suddenly opened.

[Please wait for the end of level 18]





The game doesn't start.

The countdown becomes a string of text.

[Number of players: tens of millions]

[Players other than the ‘King of Black Mist’ and ‘Master’ can obtain ‘Second Instinct’ and ‘Game Currency Upgrade Skill Permission’ after exiting the event]

【Select Countdown】



In just one level, the number of players dropped from 'tens of billions' to 'tens of millions'?

Li Changzhou thought about it and thought of three reasons:

1. When there are tens of billions of players left, many players choose to quit;

Two, the previous level was more intense;

Third, the surviving players gradually become familiar with the rules of the game, and if they gain an advantage, they will kill other players competing at all costs.

When the countdown came to an end, Li Changzhou closed his left hand, put away "Take Root", and disappeared from the bubble.

"General! General! Wake up!"

Li Changzhou opened his eyes and saw three bloody soldiers in military uniforms standing in front of him.

He was sitting with his back against a tree, and a war horse lowered its head to hold his hand. The wind blew, and the shade of the tree swayed like sea water.

The clouds in the sky are outlined into words.

[Level: Battlefield of Destiny]

[Passthrough conditions: Facing fate, will you run away? Resist? Or give up? No matter which one is chosen, the player's determination is initially 10 points, and if he falls, he will be eliminated immediately]

[Restrictions: The upper limit of all attributes is 10 points]

"General! The enemy is coming!"

The clouds changed back to their slow shape again, and Li Changzhou withdrew his gaze and looked into the distance, where hundreds of troops were galloping from the east.

Li Changzhou stood up slowly and patted the grass seeds on his butt.

He spat out the grass roots in his mouth and asked, "What's going on?"

"General! We were scattered!" A young soldier stepped forward and said, "Now there are only three of us and the general left. General, fight with them!"

"Fight? Just the four of us?" The middle-aged soldier said with a gloomy face, "General, run away! Keep the green mountains here, don't be afraid-"

"Escape?!" the young soldier shouted, "We are an invincible blood warrior army. Even if we are defeated, we are all strong men. Do you want to escape?"

The young soldier clasped his fists and looked at Li Changzhou: "General, as long as you give the order, I will charge into the battle alone now!"

"It can only be said that one is worth a hundred. These hundreds of people are just a scout team. They discovered that we, representing tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of troops, are encircling and suppressing us!" said the middle-aged soldier.

"The worst case scenario is death!" the young soldier said, straightening his neck.

Li Changzhou looked at the three people in front of him, a twenty-year-old young man who wanted to fight to the end, a forty-year-old middle-aged man who advocated escape, and a silent veteran.

He smiled.

This arrangement is really interesting. Is this the embodiment of the three ways to face fate?

"What do you think?" Li Changzhou asked the veteran.

The veteran smoked a dry cigarette.

"Old Zhao!" the young soldier urged.

Only then did Lao Zhao regain his composure and replied: "I listen to the general."

Li Changzhou patted the war horse's head, and the horse snorted comfortably.

After getting on his horse, Li Changzhou reined in his horse and stood in front of the three of them, saying, "In that case, kill the enemy with me."

"Yes!" The young soldier perked up, turned around and jumped on his horse.

"General!" the middle-aged soldier said, cupping his fists. "It's easy to kill these hundreds of people, but it's difficult to break out of the encirclement. There is still a chance to escape, so rush out before the encirclement is formed, General!"

"Mount the horse." Li Changzhou's expression remained unchanged.

The middle-aged soldier sighed and turned back to mount his horse.

Lao Zhao stood there, raised his head and asked the general: "Has the general really decided?"

"What happened to this decision?" Li Changzhou asked.

"will die."

"What if I run away?"

Old Zhao put out the dry smoke and stuck it in his waist: "I will die too."

"Old Zhao!" the middle-aged soldier shouted.

Li Changzhou raised his hand and made a careless movement, then laughed and said: "The general will inevitably die before the battle! Let's go, the enemy is right there. As soldiers, where else can we go?"

Lao Zhao mounted his horse.


The four of them rushed forward to meet the team of hundreds of people.

When the two armies met, Li Changzhou unsheathed his long spear like a raging dragon and blasted it forward like a battering ram. Dozens of people were overthrown.

He pulled it out easily, grabbed the spear from the enemy general's hand, and threw it casually.


Five soldiers were strung together and crucified on the ground.

He leaned down, keeping his body close to the horse's back, dodging the oncoming swords. He changed his right hand to his left hand with the lance. The man and horse became one, twisted his waist and abdomen, and stood up to turn the gun.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Blood splattered everywhere, everyone was killed by him, and everyone's throat was sealed with the tip of his spear.

Kill kill kill kill!

After killing this squad of hundreds of people, there was another squad of hundreds of people.

After killing hundreds of people, the squad shook off their long hair that was wet with blood. They looked up and saw that a squadron of thousands of people was approaching.

The tides of fate come one after another.

Even if you know that this is a test of your determination, how can you guarantee that you will not waver?

Li Changzhou rode his horse and charged into the formation head-on!

He easily pulled out a spear stuck on the ground, threw it with all his strength, and stabbed a thousand-man squadron through.

After killing this small group of 1,000 people, the sound of horns sounded from far away, and a large group of tens of thousands of people came from the sky like a dark cloud.

"General!!" Young people, middle-aged people, and old people shouted at the same time.

Destiny's fork in the road, how to choose?

Li Changzhou took out his strong bow, set it up and drew the arrow.


The battle flags of tens of thousands of troops were cut off.

"Hahaha!" Li Changzhou laughed, put away his strong bow, and raised his spear at an angle, "Kill!"

Before he could reach him, the arrow was splashed over like water.

In one round, he was the only one left, and all the young, middle-aged, and old people were killed.

The enemy's horseshoes are like thunder!

Li Changzhou was alone.

"Disarm without killing!"

"Disarm without killing!"

"Disarm without killing!"

The war roars of tens of thousands of people formed a substantial wave of sound that washed over Li Changzhou again and again.

The cavalry at the forefront arrived, with sinister eyes and perfect battlefield marksmanship, they raised their spears and stabbed Li Changzhou.

Li Changzhou's arm was full of strength, he shook fiercely, and while bending the cavalry spear, the tip of the spear poked a hole between the opponent's eyebrows.

The horse beneath him was equally brave, and the tip of his spear continued to strike, piercing the forehead of another cavalryman.

After rushing all the way, when the momentum stopped, there were actually eight people skewered on the spear, and each of them had their eyebrows penetrated.

Li Changzhou laughed loudly, thrust the candied haws on the ground, wrapped his wrist like a snake around the spear that was thrust sideways, and grabbed it with great force.

The spear was drawn smoothly and the head of the cavalry on the other side exploded.

Li Changzhou takes the lead!

Li Changzhou also only has one horse.

It was afternoon when I woke up, and the bright moon was already in the sky. The mane of the war horse was flying, and sweat and blood were swaying at the same time.

The sound of weapons colliding was short and intense!

Sweat and blood flowed into the eye sockets, stinging them until they hurt, and the arms were so sore that they lost consciousness.


The shouts of killing were heard all around.

Suddenly, the black gun resembled a poisonous snake that sprang out from the grass and bit Li Changzhou's neck.

Li Changzhou waved his gun to block, then opened a hole in the opponent's body with his backhand.

He also stopped and touched his neck, feeling a stinging pain.

"Li Changzhou, you will die!"

"So many people have died, and you only scratched my skin, so you dare to say such nonsense?" Li Changzhou reined in his horse and stood in the middle of the army.

The horses panted like bellows, their bellies contracted and expanded.

"On top of the ten thousand people, there is a regiment of one hundred thousand, and on top of the regiment of one hundred thousand there is an army of one million. How many skins do you have?"

Li Changzhou stuck the spear on the ground, took off a piece of cloth from the skirt of the armor, and tied a battle sword to his hand using his hands and teeth.

He stared at the enemy with a smile on his face.

Simple, too simple, when did he not fight against fate? This is actually one of the levels?

With a strong force of his teeth, he pulled the cloth tightly and grabbed the spear with his right hand.

The enemy general stopped talking nonsense and raised his hand: "Pull!"

Tens of thousands of people drew their bows, and countless arrows were attached to the bows.

Each bowstring shone in the moonlight, full of explosive tension and cold murderous intent.


Dark clouds cover the sky, and arrows cover the sky and the earth.

Li Changzhou's spear dance was airtight.

The moon was obscured by dark clouds, and he was like a nail driven into the army.

No matter how much I kill, I can’t finish them all.

The sword has been cut with a curled edge.


Among the countless sounds of swords piercing flesh and blood, this sound made Li Changzhou feel a numbness that spread rapidly.

He felt warm blood flowing down his thighs.

The horse whined and stumbled. He got up from the ground, swung his sword, and a head shot into the sky!

He raised his right wrist and was about to kill again.

One long knife hit his right shoulder, and two other knives hit his wrist at the same time.

He saw with his own eyes that his right arm was thrown away, still holding the pitted and bloody spear in his hand.

Blood spurted out from the right arm. The opponent's chop was not sharp enough. Some of the meat was just picked off from the bones. The long bones hung like bamboo poles on the right arm.

The blood that kept overflowing formed a small puddle at his feet.

"Li Changzhou, what else do you have to say?"

Countless spears were handed to him and pressed against his body.

Li Changzhou raised his head, smiled at the enemy general, stood up and continued to swing his sword.

Countless spears were passed forward and pierced into his body.

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