King of Black Mist

Chapter 456 Holy Snake Mountain

The tornado traveled for three days.

"Almost there!" a snake warrior said excitedly.

Everyone was on tenterhooks along the way, fearing that they would be ambushed by an unknown strong man who killed the three-tailed fox. Seeing that the tribe was right in front of them, they all smiled.

Even the corners of the Parselman's eyes relaxed a little unconsciously.

The tornado slowly stopped, and the scene in front of him made Li Changzhou put away his bored expression.

I saw countless serpentine mountains standing there, like a group of thousand-foot-long giant snakes, which turned into stones during the pilgrimage. There are villages, tribes, and countries on each snake mountain.

A country is no bigger than a tribe.

In the barbaric era, the concept of ‘country’ did not yet override ‘tribe’.

The reason why the Qingqiu Kingdom is a country is that the later generation of tribal leaders relied on rebellion to seize power. In order to be different from the previous generation and demonstrate their own rights, they deliberately changed the name "Qingqiu Clan" to "Qingqiu Kingdom".

The Nuwa clan has been passed down from generation to generation, and there has never been a coup. Naturally, the rules set by Nuwa will not be easily changed. Even if the population far exceeds that of Qingqiu Kingdom, it is still the "Nuwa clan" to the outside world.

"These serpentine mountains were made up of the gods and masters of the Nuwa clan during their lifetimes. After death, they turned into snake-shaped true bodies. It is said that the stones that Nuwa Empress used to mend the sky were the stones transformed by these gods and masters after their death. Refined from Snake Mountain."

Suo glanced at Xiang: "You do have some knowledge."

"That's right!" Suo suddenly raised his voice, "Today's sky is made up by the bodies of our snake clan!"

Some snake women sang an ancient song: "The spring is late, the flowers and trees are luxuriant. The warehouses are harvesting, and the harvest is coming."

Nuwa was born as the Emperor of the Earth, with magical power reaching the heavens. When her power to mend the sky was exhausted, what she sang was not a war song, but this song of longing for the next spring.

In order to see the next spring, Nuwa patched up the sky; because of patching up the sky, Nuwa did not see the next spring.

A tragic and generous ballad.

This comes from the Book of Songs.

Most of the "Book of Songs" whose author has been unable to be verified, actually contains poems written by Nuwa.

Unfortunately, the value game was too random. Li Changzhou didn't know if he would have the chance to witness Nuwa mending the sky with his own eyes.

[When you become the winner, you can see everything you want to see. ] Guanyin said.

To become a "winner", you can go not only to every corner of the universe, but also time will open the door to him.

[Some things can only be experienced when you are weak and poor. 】Li Changzhou replied.

If you become the "winner", will you still be shocked by Nuwa's patching up of the sky?

[The world is always full of regrets. Compared with the regret of not being able to be shocked by Nuwa's mending the sky, the regret of not becoming a "winner" is even more unacceptable. You must learn to make choices. 】

Avalokitesvara always pays attention to Li Changzhou's Taoist heart.

[I understand, I’m just sighing. 】

The one-horned python escaped from the tornado state and swam slowly towards the Snake Mountain Group, as if it also planned to bury itself here, turn into a stone mountain with its kind, and die together.

The Parseltongue sighed.

Perhaps, before long, she will really become one of the countless snake mountains.

Divine masters in the wilderness are equivalent to earthly immortals, but their life span is similar to that of mortals, and they can only live to be three hundred years old.

A short lifespan can stimulate potential and explore various possibilities, which is in line with Taozu's requirements.

But it is impossible for Taozu to put his eggs in one basket. The wild land naturally has treasures and gods that can prolong life. According to rumors, the Queen Mother of the West on Kunlun Mountain has the elixir.

"The Parseltongue is back!"

While thinking, the one-horned python had already entered the Snake Mountain. On the nearest Snake Mountain, countless Nuwa clan members shouted loudly.

There is a blood river in the center of the back of Snake Mountain. The Nuwa people built houses along both banks of the blood river, just like human beings rely on rivers and mountains.

These snake mountains are full of vitality nourished by the blood river. In addition to the Nuwa people, there are also various beasts and trees. They are simply small snake-shaped ecological circles.

After walking through many serpentine mountains, everyone came to the place guarded by the snake mountains, which is the center of the snake mountain, the first snake mountain, the Holy Snake Mountain.

The Holy Snake Mountain is 30,000 feet high. Various palaces, temples, and villages are lined up on the mountain, and countless birds and animals come and go.

The Parselman pulled out his wooden staff, and the one-horned python roared and collapsed into countless snakes.

The snakes fled into the forest, revealing the body of the three-tailed fox.

"Juan, take the body down and let the clan members see if they can identify who did it." Parselman ordered.

"Yes." Suo waved his hand, and hundreds of Nuwa warriors dragged the body away.

"Take them to settle down." The Parselto looked away from the Three-Eyed Tribe and the others and looked at Li Changzhou, "You follow me."

Parseltongue arranged Li Changzhou in a cave.

The cave was spacious, like a place for a prime minister to live in a small high-rise building. Walking inside, Li Changzhou felt like an ant walking into a sewer that was said to be capable of running sports cars, but was still inexplicably waterlogged.

I don't know how serious it is.

Why arrange such a big cave for him?

He was the only one in the cave. There were two Nuwa soldiers at the door, and a girl from the Nuwa family brought him food.

"Little lady, don't leave yet." Li Changzhou grabbed the little girl who was about to leave after delivering the food.

".Let go!" The little girl's face turned red.

"Don't worry, I'm just curious."


The soldiers rushed in and saw that Li Changzhou was openly molesting Nuwa's girl, and they were instantly furious.

"You thief, let go of Han's tail!" The two men stabbed with their spears.

"Hey, hey, hey, forget about being impulsive. Don't say it wrong. I am a married person. How could I be a thief who touches the young lady?" Li Changzhou smiled and lightly stamped his foot.


The cave shook three times, and the two warriors were spinning around in circles as if they were drunk.

"Well——, I see, this is what it looks like here." Li Changzhou studied the tail of Miss Nuwa.

"You, you!" Snake Yan pulled off the snake tooth necklace and used it as a dagger to stab Li Changzhou.

Li Changzhou stamped his foot again.


The snake was dizzy. The snake woman's figure was graceful, and she looked like she was dancing. Her small waist was full of energy.

"Oh, the part where the snake's tail connects to the human body is like this, huh? What is this? The cloaca? Snakes in the primitive era already used one hole for excretion and reproduction? Oh, no, there is another one here, sorry."

Two snake tribe warriors helped Snake Han away, their faces full of grief and anger, saying that they wanted to find someone to kill him.

Li Changzhou slowly finished eating the wild delicacies spread on the leaves. No one came to kill him, only an old snake came to clean up the leftovers.

"Do you have any wine? Send two jars over!" Li Changzhou lay contentedly on the bed that could accommodate thirty wives.

The hide was so comfortable and warm that no modern bed could match it.

After a while, the old man brought a large vat of wine and a stone wine bowl.

By the time it got dark, Li Changzhou was already drunk, and his snoring was like thunder, making the cave tremble.

The two snake warriors' whole bodies trembled with the snoring, and they looked at each other with indescribable disgust and annoyance.

In the cave, Li Changzhou got up from "Li Changzhou" who was lying on the bed and snoring. He walked out of the cave. After seven steps, his legs turned into snake tails.


Following the snoring, the cave made a rumble~~~ movement.

The two Snake Tribe warriors couldn't stand the disturbance and closed their eyes with expressions of gnashing teeth. Li Changzhou walked between them.

The next moment, the two opened their eyes again.

"Where's the kid? Go, go, don't come here!" the snake warrior on the right yelled.

Li Changzhou smiled and swam away.

He is only two meters tall including the snake's tail. He is indeed a child in this Nuwa family where the average person starts at three meters.

Li Changzhou walked around Nuwa's house openly.

It is worthy of being a wild land and worthy of being the Holy Land of Nuwa. Every part of the soil under your feet is filled with auspicious energy.

Not to mention the Song Dynasty when White Snake lived, even the Tang Dynasty was still a primitive land. It was also a first-class sacred land, and only some large sects could use it for medicinal gardens.

From time to time, you can still see the floating islands around the Holy Snake Mountain. The islands are all golden. I don’t know what they are. Li Changzhou only took a sip from a distance and felt full of mana.

There is definitely a sacred object on the island that is equal to the nine thousand-year-old flat peach.

It's a pity that "rooting on the ground" is banned, otherwise in this wilderness full of treasures, I don't know how many "Hengsha World Fruits" can be produced, and how many kinds of precious "root systems" can grow.

After satisfying his curiosity, Li Changzhou chose a brightly lit place. Before he even got close, he saw maids and slaves coming and going.

He stopped a maid and asked her, "What are you doing inside?"

"Back to your lord, Lord Shewei is hosting a banquet for the envoys from the Gonggong clan, the Qiangliang clan and the Qingqiu Kingdom who have come to attend the Mending Conference."

"It's quite lively." Li Changzhou took the cakes from the maid's hand and waved, "I want this plate, you go get another one."

"Yes!" The maid didn't dare to resist and left quickly.

While Li Changzhou was eating pastries, he walked into the main hall where people were drinking and drinking. None of the people inside looked like important people, at least not in terms of aura.

Everyone was drunk, and women of all races danced. In the center was a fox with four tails.

The fox didn't look like a dancing girl. Her calm demeanor and posture made her look more like a guest.

"Okay!!" As soon as he entered, he heard a shout like a landslide.

"Su Caicai is indeed the number one dancer in Qingqiu Kingdom!"

The four-tailed fox named Su Caicai is indeed very graceful, and her expression is even more enchanting. Even every move of the four fox tails tickles people's hearts.

Li Changzhou glanced around and picked out a half-drunk Nuwa.

After a few words, the two have become close friends.

Li Changzhou picked up the wine glass and said boldly: "We have never been drunk together in our lives, so what kind of close friends are we? Come on, brother Gu, I will do it first!"

"What a 'best friend if you've never gotten drunk together in your life'! Brother Wei did it too!"

Tons tons tons tons tons~

Snake Valley fell to the ground with a crash, and Li Changzhou rushed away.

The Nuwa clan has two saints, one of whom is named She Lan. She has the legendary body of a chaotic snake, possessing the power of yin and yang. She has a cold personality and seldom sees outsiders.

But he is still famous in the wilderness, not only because of his chaotic snake body, but also because of his elegant and refined beauty.

Who is this if not Yang Qinglan?

Li Changzhou asked again where the holy girl lived, and then he lowered the snake valley and rushed to the top of the mountain without stopping. No, the snake kept running.

There are naturally many handles on the top of the mountain, and Li Changzhou couldn't get up even with the snake's tail, but there is a cliff on the Holy Snake Mountain. The four seasons on the cliff are chaotic, with dark and heavy water, Liumei True Fire, and rocks and sand.

This is nothing, the key is that the qi mechanism in it is very weird and can trigger the four seasons in the human body.

Even a master of the divine position will be aroused and his internal organs will turn into the five elements. If he insists on climbing, he will only be tortured to death.

Li Changzhou was not afraid.

His five internal organs have been refined long ago. If the bone forging had not been completed, each organ could exert the power of a planet.

It can't be displayed now, but the quantity and essence are there, and they won't be easily shaken at all.

The cliff was also a dead end for a divine master. He walked smoothly, like a sharp black arrow going up against the sky.

But after 20,000 feet and more than 60,000 meters above the ground, he began to struggle. Not only were the seasons harsh, but the gravity here also changed.

After climbing another five thousand feet, all the bones in the body were creaking!

[Where is this place, the physical body that has been tempered by the "Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills" can't even bear it! ] Guanyin said in surprise.

The wilderness is richer than the prehistoric era, but when it comes to the prosperity of Taoism, the prehistoric era where Taozu preached three times absolutely wins.

"Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques" was personally passed down by Taoist ancestors. It is a magical technique that can train the physical body to the level of a 'saint'.

Including Li Changzhou's [Divine Body], in terms of physical body, even ordinary immortals are not as good as him.

Such a physical body can't climb an undefended cliff?

[Perhaps that’s why it’s undefended. 】Li Changzhou stopped flying and started climbing using his hands and feet.

Fortunately, he has tremendous power and his control over his body is also at its peak. Even though he is climbing, it is still neat and tidy.

When we reached the top of the mountain, our divine body had to gasp for air for a while.

If he were a normal god, not to mention whether he could withstand the chaotic seasons, whether he would have such strong endurance and strength was a question.

[In fact, you can try to swallow it with ‘black mist’. ] Guanyin said.

Li Changzhou smiled.

Guanyin knew what he was thinking. It wasn't that he didn't expect it, but he wanted to see if he could climb up with his physical body.

In Li Changzhou's concept, only his body and mind are his real strengths, and the rest are "weapons" and are foreign objects.

When fighting people, he would use whatever was available, but for things like this that were not life-threatening, he was happy to train and challenge his physical body.

Moreover, what if the opportunity for the fourth physical strengthening appears again?

Li Changzhou never misses any opportunity, just like he learned skills from anime characters during all-player activities.

Taking a deep breath, Li Changzhou strode away from the cliff - already retracting his snake's tail in the process.

On the top of Holy Snake Mountain, the lakes are like inlaid gems. There is a thin layer of white mist on the lakes. In the mist, there are buildings, palaces, wooden houses, or boats.

At this time, the vast galaxy shines, the sky and the earth are empty, and the scene in front of you is like a fairyland.

Li Changzhou walked to a lake and took a closer look at the water. He was shocked to see that it turned out to be liquefied innate essence.

Different from ordinary essence, the innate essence can be absorbed directly without refining. The innate essence in the flat peach is the innate essence. If you take one bite, it will be real mana.

These people living on the top of the mountain are literally soaking in the juice squeezed from the peaches.

Even if you throw a pig in there, you can become an earthly immortal.

Unfortunately, without Taoism, the barbarian master became a god and his life span was only three hundred.

Li Changzhou looked around. There were no guards or maids here. The buildings in front of him looked like tourist villas during the cold period, empty and deserted.

Where can I find Yang Qinglan?

Searching from room to room? But what if we find the boudoir of a contemporary Nuwa?

And there was not enough time. He had to rush back before dawn. Now was not the time to alert the enemy.

Just as he was hesitating, his eyes suddenly caught sight of a very familiar figure.

I saw that slender and graceful figure landing on a waterside pavilion. He looked around cautiously and walked in cautiously.

As soon as she entered, she was hugged.

"Lan Lan, you can be a thief sometimes!"

Hot breath sprayed on the fragile ears, and the voice with a smile was low and sweet.

Snake Ling'er's heart moved, and she took advantage of her plan. She leaned weakly in Li Changzhou's arms.

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