King of Black Mist

Chapter 494 Embryo

Hestia floated next to Phoenix's coffin.

"This girl has the ability to resurrect from the ashes, but she was suppressed by some kind of power and did not play any role before her death. But Chai is already there, and she only needs a little help from me to wake up."

After she finished speaking, she laughed self-deprecatingly and said: "It matches my ember very well."

"In that case, please help me, senior, to save her," Yaochi said.

Hestia chuckled and suddenly floated behind Yaochi and placed her hand on her slender shoulder.

Her flame-like lips opened and closed gently in Yaochi's ear: "I save people, and I hope others will save me, what do you think?"


The Chaos Clock raised slightly, and Hestia stepped back uncontrollably.

Yaochi turned around casually and looked at the twelve main gods: "As long as I can save her, I promise you that I will do my best to save you."

Hestia squinted her eyes as she looked at the Chaos Clock, and said, "You are ruthless, and you have always been in a position of power, and you have done many treacherous things. I don't believe you."

"Then I'll make a promise." Li Changzhou took a step forward with his own unique style, "As long as you can save Phoenix, I will definitely save you."

Hestia turned around and looked at Li Changzhou.

After a long while, she said: "Keeping your promise occupies enough weight in your soul, but I hope you understand me, a dead soul's desire for resurrection."

Her face turned pale and she said without any room for negotiation:

"This may be my only chance to be resurrected. I must see real hope."

"Understandable!" Li Qianxia nodded, "Brother, I think what Goddess Hestia did is right. You can think of a way to see if you can directly resurrect her. She is the Kitchen God and the Fire Goddess in mythology, and has protected thousands of families. Hu, it’s not a bad thing to save her life.”

Hestia suddenly floated to Li Qianxia's side.

"I like you," she smiled. "You are young, beautiful, and a virgin. I wish you the best."

"Just say I'm pure." Li Qianxia felt a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I'll let you resurrect first." Yaochi nodded, she opened her palm and took out something, "Thunder Temple, as long as your ashes are placed in the temple, you can be resurrected as a thunder body and control thunder."

"Resurrection takes too long, and I prefer the human body."

"I can use lotus roots to reshape your physical body." Yang Qinglan said.

"Although the lotus root body is magical, it will never become a heavenly position in a lifetime." Hestia looked at her with slight disgust.

It's not that he dislikes Lotus Root's method of reshaping the body, but that Yang Qinglan is not a virgin.

There is a magical power among the Thirty-six Heavenly Gangs, which can reshape people's physical bodies, "Mediating Creation".

However, this magical power was extremely profound and did not contribute much to combat power, so Li Changzhou did not practice it much.

Yang Qinglan occasionally practiced, but he still didn't reach the level of reshaping someone's body.

Yaochi, who had been staring at Hestia, suddenly said: "Senior seems to have his own ideas, why don't you just say it?"

Hestia smiled.

She said slowly: "The phoenix is ​​a pile of firewood and needs fire, and I am an ember and needs firewood. It would be most suitable to occupy her body, but I don't want to do this kind of thing of occupying other people's bodies, so it's best to There is an egg and an essence to reshape a new body for me."

"It's very simple." Li Qianxia said subconsciously.

After a pause, she came to her senses: "Hestia, do you have any requirements for eggs and sperm?"

"That's right," Hestia nodded and raised the corner of her mouth, "I want your brother's essence and eggs, preferably yours."

"——" Li Qianxia gasped, almost scared to death.

The others were speechless for a while.

It seems that Phoenix is ​​hopeless.

"I forgot all about it!" Hestia pointed a finger at her temple, "This is not Olympus. Brothers and sisters are not allowed to marry. Then it's Yao Chi. Her physical body is a little worse, but she is still a virgin."

"I forgot to tell senior," Yaochi laughed, "I don't know Fenghuang at all, and her life and death has nothing to do with me."

Hestia floated to Phoenix's coffin and gently touched Phoenix's cheek with her fingers.

"It can last for about three hours. If it is not ignited within three hours, the 'chai' will disappear. I can also sense the powerful resentment deep in her soul. There must be something behind her death."

After speaking, she looked at Yaochi.

"As a superior, in front of so many subordinates, why don't you investigate Fenghuang's death thoroughly?"

Yaochi looked at Li Changzhou.

Li Changzhou was thinking, this might be an opportunity to repay Guanyin.

He looked at Yang Qinglan: "How about the two of us -"

"Go to the honeypot world to talk." Yang Qinglan interrupted him.


The two disappeared from the spot.

Honeypot world.

Green grass is everywhere, peaches are falling, the lake is sparkling, the essence is like mist, and the eternal spring water nourishes everything.

"Are you back?" Little Carrot, who didn't dare to eat peaches and only dared to lie on the tree and drink sap, jumped over.

Before landing, Yang Qinglan waved Ruyi and knocked her away.

Li Changzhou's heart skipped a beat, was he angry?

[Why don’t you apologize quickly! ] Guanyin urged, not wanting to ruin the relationship between the two.

As soon as Yang Qinglan opened her lips, which were as pink and delicious as petals, Li Changzhou raised his hand: "Wait a moment!"


Li Changzhou lifted the hem of his clothes, knelt down on one knee, lowered his head, raised his hands, and held out the whip transformed from the Green Bee Sword.

"I was wrong, you fight me."


Yang Qinglan turned around, her slender shoulders trembling slightly.

[Bodhisattva, I have been harmed by you! 】

【Cried? 】 Guanyin looked confused, thinking that Li Changzhou's "miserable death" was referring to the fact that she proposed to use the flesh and blood of two people to create a child.

【She is laughing! No need to kneel! 】

But Li Changzhou didn't get up. He even knelt down. He couldn't kneel down in vain.

He pretended not to notice that Yang Qinglan was smiling, lowered his head and said:

"In my heart, according to the method Hestia said, the child created is not our biological flesh and blood, because the soul is not naturally conceived, so I proposed. I'm sorry."

Yang Qinglan stopped her smile, turned around, and said angrily: "Get up!"

"Promise me you won't be angry."

"If you continue to be so hypocritical, I'm really angry."

Li Changzhou stood up with a swish and quickly put the whip back into his sleeve.

"No matter how easy I am with the Green Bee Sword, I never get anything good with it. This time it said it was going to hit me, and it immediately became the best. It can hit three souls and six souls. This is going to cost me my life."

Yang Qinglan glanced at his knee, waved Ruyi, and wiped away the grass marks on it for him.

She said: "I think similarly to you, I will not regard a pure body as my biological child, and there is nothing wrong with helping Hestia.

"Besides, in this event, we can't go on by ourselves. Corpse Gene must have a lot of subordinates and helpers, and we also need combat power.

"There are four benefits to resurrecting the Phoenix. First, the Phoenix itself; second, resurrecting the Phoenix can win people's hearts; third, Hestia."

"Aren't there only three of them?" Li Changzhou was confused.

Yang Qinglan put her finger on Li Changzhou's eyebrows and pressed him gently.

Now I understand.

With such a virtuous and intelligent wife, Li Changzhou could only giggle.

"The only thing I care about is one thing." Yang Qinglan pondered.

"What's the matter?" Li Changzhou asked.

Yang Qinglan raised her eyes, wondering if it was an illusion, but Li Changzhou seemed to see a little shyness in her expression.

"I think."

"you think?"

"." Yang Qinglan raised her hand to cover her mouth and said with a slight hesitation, "I think the first union between the two of us is our child."

"First time together? Aren't we oh oh oh, I understand, I understand." Li Changzhou touched his nose and started to feel a little shy.

He is shy, but Yang Qinglan is no longer shy.

"We only have three hours, why don't we take off our clothes quickly!" she said.

There was another reason Yang Qinglan didn't say. The two of them had been unable to make up their mind whether to have children before, but with this opportunity, they had something to worry about.

In this troubled world, they have no time to spend with their children and may not be able to let their children grow up safely. This was their previous concern.

Just like before she got together with Li Changzhou, she always felt in her heart that she could not accept the intimacy between Li Changzhou and Li Qianxia. If they were together, the three of them would probably become strangers.

It would be better not to be together and remain friends and teammates, which might last longer.


After all, she still wanted to be with him and couldn't care less.

After we got together, what we imagined didn't happen.

When she became her girlfriend, she discovered that there was indeed a pure brother-sister relationship between Li Changzhou and Li Qianxia.

Has her perspective on things changed, or has she been changed?

She understood something from it——

Because of various scruples, they are afraid of being separated again after being together. This is indeed possible, but it is also possible that the two parties have changed each other after being together.

For example, a man likes a woman, and the woman is also interested in him, but the woman is expensive, so the man does not actively pursue her because he is worried that after getting together, two people who like each other will separate due to the high expenses.

But there is another possibility: after getting together, the man changes the woman and the woman becomes diligent and thrifty, or the woman changes the man and the man becomes diligent and motivated.

Don't ignore the positive side of something.

The same goes for children.

There are various reasons not to have children, but is there really no benefit to having children?

The two held each other's arms, skin touching.

"From now on, we will work hard to survive together."


The two returned to the ancient ship.

The chaos clock suppresses the useless old man.

Li Changzhou glanced at it: "What's going on?"

"Brother, as soon as you left, he wanted to run away. If Sister Yaochi hadn't been paying attention, he would have run away!" Li Qianxia said.

Yaochi didn't say anything: "Let's talk about saving the Phoenix. I think you are ready to agree."

Yang Qinglan opened his hand and took out a crystal ball solidified by the finest airglow. Inside the crystal ball was an embryo.

"Senior Hestia, please save people," she said.

"You don't have to call me senior, I will be your daughter soon!" Seeing that she was about to be resurrected and could obtain the strongest bloodline, Hestia couldn't help but be excited.

The flames roared, and Hestia raised her hand to shoot out a beam of light.

The beam turned into flames and enveloped the Phoenix's coffin.

With a passionate phoenix cry, the coffin burned fiercely and turned into ashes in an instant. A phoenix soared into the sky among the ashes and flames.

It circled in the sky, swooped down suddenly, and its eyes emitted substantial light, like a magical bird!

Phoenix claws.

"Stop!" Li Changzhou shouted.

With a scoff, the useless old man's skull was lifted.

The useless old man's eyes widened, he was not dead yet.

The phoenix crashed down, and amid the light and flames, the phoenix came out. She knelt down on one knee: "Your Majesty! It was the useless old Taoist who killed me and Xiao Wu Sheng!"

The voice was harsh and full of hostility.

Li Changzhou directly read her memory.

Useless Rosary Beads and Secret Talisman. Purple Air Gourd

He took out the identity card given to him by the useless old man, and it was genuine no matter how he looked at it.

Black mist emerged behind him, he reached out and grabbed the ID card, and pulled out a ball of blue flame text.

The black mist did not disappear. He opened his hand, and on the palm of his hand, the string of blue flame words turned into yellow shreds.

"Kill him." Li Changzhou said as the black mist faded.

"I'm not willing to give in!!" Before his death, the useless old man broke free from the suppression of the Chaos Clock and let out his final roar.


As soon as the Chaos Bell rang, the useless old man's eyes instantly lost their sparkle, and an identity card fell from his forehead.

"Identity card?!" Yaferona was stunned and understood what was going on.

She immediately knelt down: "Sir, I -"

Before she finished speaking, the knight and Indra also knelt down.

Li Changzhou waved his hand: "I didn't even notice it, so I don't blame you."

The three of them were really confused and didn't understand what was going on.

The secret talisman is a kind of providence that can directly modify the secret. If the Phoenix had not been resurrected, no one would know what happened.

Li Changzhou raised his hand, and Wuyou Lao Dao's ID card automatically flew into his palm. He glanced at it and saw that there were a lot of game coins and his skills were quite strong. The strongest one was naturally the "Wuseless Rosary".

His "Super Prohibition" only has an effect on those below the heavenly level, and it is obviously not enough on this heavenly road.

"Just now that "Holy Master" is gone, "Useless Rosary" is here again, which is good. "Li Changzhou took away the "useless rosary" and "useless wave sword".

His tone was cold and his face was expressionless.

Everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look directly.

Li Changzhou looked at Xiao Wusheng's coffin. He originally felt a little sorry for his death, but now, knowing that he died to protect God's will, his emotions were different.

"Take Little Martial Saint's body back, and I will make every effort to resurrect him!"

He suddenly flicked his sleeves, and five leaves of the original sacred tree shot out with electricity, piercing the eyebrows of Venus, the Spirit Buddha, the Knight, Indra, and the Witch respectively.

He placed restrictions on everyone.

"Let's go," he said.

"Sir," Yafelona said uneasily, "there is still a 'Great Emperor's Seal' that I haven't found."

"Time waits for no one. It is impossible for us to be the only ones passing through such a huge treasure. When other players find this place, we may not even be able to keep it with God's will."

Everyone returns to the planet.

Yaferona summoned the ten demon gods and used incredible power to push the planet away from the ancient ship and continue to move forward along the heavenly path.

Shortly after everyone left, like ants finding candy, countless players swarmed in.

Although the ancient ship was large, it was still completely destroyed and turned into space debris.

In the end, blood flowed like a river, and a team of people fought out, showing their invincible strength.

"Someone took away three divine wills in advance!"

"Huh? It seems there are three other breaths of providence?"


This team of blood-soaked, extremely terrifying players drives planets and pursues them in the vacuum of space based on the auras collected from everyone.

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