King of Black Mist

Chapter 499 Black Hand


The familiar roar came from the voice of the companion that the Queen heard before her death. Bi had once reproduced it.

Li Changzhou is also going crazy. At this moment, the only way to move his already frozen thoughts is by shouting:

"Follow your heart--"


Even the mind is frozen.

No, it's just that the idea of ​​'use [whatever you want]' has been frozen. Li Changzhou can still think, but he no longer has the idea of ​​using [whatever he wants].

This method can be called a magical skill of creation!

But this is a strong man who can replace Heaven's heart with his own heart, and kill Li Changzhou's thoughts. What does it mean to such a person?

next moment.

The ancient ship disappeared, everything disappeared, and darkness struck from all directions.

The witch wanted to use God's will, but there was no response.

Venus screamed subconsciously, unable to make a sound.

Jiutian Xuannv struggled hard and could not move.

There was nothing but darkness, and everyone even doubted whether they were still alive and had come to the world of death.

They didn't see the enemy at all, and they didn't know what was happening. In front of that power, both the players and the prehistoric goddesses and fairies were so helpless.

Everyone knew it was over.

No matter how glorious your achievements are, no matter how happy your life is, no matter how much you miss your life, it is all over.

From now on, there will be no more of them in the world, and they will not even see the last blue sky.

Li Qianxia shed tears.

She remembered the countryside when she was a child. At that time, her parents had left, and she was the only one at home with her grandparents, brother, and her.

It was a night after the sun had set. Simple lights were on in the yard, and the family was eating and chatting outside the house.

There are no major national events, and there is no celebrity news. Grandpa and grandma said that they should go to the vegetable field to apply medicine tomorrow.

While her brother was engrossed in eating, she was holding a big bowl and holding her chopsticks very short. Occasionally she looked up and saw the boundless starry sky and the rotating Milky Way.

"Hold your chopsticks longer!" Grandma taught her.

She put down the big bowl, adjusted the length of her chopsticks, and asked Li Changzhou: "Brother, what season is it now? There are so many stars."

Li Changzhou glanced at the starry sky and poured soup into his rice bowl with a spoon: "Late spring is the season of light summer."

"Ah? Why is it my season?" she asked innocently.

Grandpa laughed on the side, and she looked at him again doubtfully.

She had forgotten about this matter. Her deepest childhood memory was of her brother holding her down with one hand while eating snacks steadily with the other hand, but now she suddenly remembered it.

What she missed at the end of her life was not the powerful supernatural powers, nor the magnificent experiences of traveling through history, nor the white Bentley given to her by Yaochi, nor the sea water in the Maldives, but the dim lamp in the countryside.

Everyone suddenly broke free!

The five senses are liberated, but the body is still restrained in place.

Some people's faces twitched, some were frightened to death, some were so frightened that their whole bodies convulsed, and some shed tears just like Li Qianxia.

"The result is different!" the Queen said solemnly.

"Did you succeed in doing whatever you want?" Yaochi only thought of this possibility, and there was also a glint in the corner of her eyes.

".No." Li Changzhou's voice was a little lost in thought.

A cold moon-like voice sounded, and Chang'e said in a deep voice: "The stars are disappearing!"

There was no need to look up, the starry sky surrounded the ancient ship, and within the visible range, the bright stars quickly extinguished like lights.

"Was the dark vacuum around the ancient ship created by a saint's blow?" Yang Qinglan whispered, his voice like the breeze filled with horror.

Assuming that all stars in the universe are as bright as the sun, the farthest range visible to the naked eye of ordinary people is within 56 light-years.

As for the eyesight of human beings and earthly beings, without using magical powers and spells, the visible range of the naked eye is ten thousand times that of ordinary people, which is 560,000 light years.

Within the sphere with the ancient ship as the center and a radius of 560,000 light years, all the stars were destroyed by the saint's blow.

Not just the stars, but everything else was annihilated.

This is still the range they can see, and no one knows whether the area 560,000 light-years away has been affected.

"The standard for galaxy level is to destroy the Milky Way. The radius of the Milky Way is about 100,000 light years." Yafelona was almost lost in thought.

On the Abyss Star, through official information, Li Changzhou had long known that the Saint's strike could destroy dozens of galaxies, but this was the first time he stood under the Saint's strike.

The stars went out.

This is not the most terrifying thing, the most terrifying thing is——

"There is no chaos energy." Yaochi whispered.

In the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Diagram, dozens of peak earth immortals can break a trace of void and return the world to chaos. How could a saint not do this?

There is no chaotic energy in front of me, which means one thing:

This blow that destroyed hundreds of thousands, or even millions of light-years, was nothing to the saint. He controlled the power to the extent that using such a powerful force would not penetrate the void.

"What do you mean the result is different?" Li Changzhou asked the queen.

The Queen was silent, her back was turned to everyone, and no one could see her expression clearly.

"Three hundred thousand years ago, a genius appeared in the Sky Demon Clan, and he became a Sky Demon in just ten years."

【Ten years.】Guanyin lost her mind.

Who can achieve the throne in ten years?

"Under his leadership, the Celestial Demon Clan ushered in unprecedented glory and ruled ten civilization circles. Among the Celestial Seeds, he had no rival.

"Two thousand years ago, he finally learned all the mysteries of the Celestial Demon Clan and the ten civilizational circles, raised his heart to the heart of heaven, survived the tribulation of the saint, and reached the realm of Taoist ancestors.

"Just when everyone was cheering, thinking that the Sky Demon Clan would usher in its ultimate glory, he took action against the Sky Demon Clan."

"Who is he?" Li Qianxia asked.

"In the Sky Demon Clan, he is Black."

"Black?!" Li Changzhou, Li Qianxia, ​​Yaochi, Bi, and Yang Qinglan suddenly remembered that in the queen's memory, someone shouted "black" before she died.

"'In the Sky Demon Clan, he is black', what does this sentence mean?" Jiutian Xuannv asked.

The Queen continued: "We always thought he was Hei until we fled our hometown and found a stone tablet in a Taoist ruins. The stone tablet recorded some secrets of heaven and earth. From a story recorded above, we learned about his identity. real identity."

At this time, everyone could not move, and the stars around them were extinguishing. Even though they were in danger, they were still attracted by her words.

This may be the most secret secret in the universe.

“After the Taoist ancestor attained enlightenment, he traveled throughout the world, wanting to discuss the Tao with other saints in order to seek enlightenment.

"In countless years, Daozu met eleven saints. This story happened between Daozu and the seventh saint.

"During a conversation that was long enough for a civilization to grow from birth to prosperity and finally decline, Daozu accidentally received a piece of news from the seventh sage.

"Saints are all trying different paths, fighting with other saints, creating the universe, enslaving civilization, etc. Among these paths, there is a special saint who enters each civilization circle, repeatedly creating something from scratch, and becoming a success again and again. Holy.

"Daozu was a little surprised at the time. Becoming a saint requires great perseverance, great qualifications, and great luck. Perseverance and qualifications can last forever, but luck does not. The fact that this saint can become a saint again and again proves that he surpasses everything else in terms of perseverance and qualifications.

"Taozu asked, who is that fellow Taoist? Where is he now?

“The seventh sage said that no one knew where he was and that all the sages called him ‘Black Hand’.

"Daozu asked again, Black Hand?

"The seventh saint explained that after he became a saint, he would use a black hand to annihilate civilization without leaving any traces. He also used a black hand to fight other saints."

"Wait a minute." Yaochi asked in confusion, "If you don't leave any traces, why are the ancient ships still left behind?"

"There is also God's will." Yang Qinglan said solemnly.

Unable to move, Li Qianxia still shuddered: "Brother, it's over. I think there is a big conspiracy here."

With a crash, the ancient boat was pulled up from the river.

River water?

Everyone floated up and came to the top of the ancient ship, as if they had come from the earth to the orbit of the earth.

The body was able to move. When I looked down, everyone was so scared that they almost fainted!

In the long river of time, a black hand scooped a handful from the river. The huge ancient ship stayed in the river in the palm of the black hand, as compact as a small fish as long as a fingernail.

The ancient ship is bigger than the earth!

This is in the long river of time!

The vision in front of me represents that the ancient ship is out of the long river of history and outside of independent time.

What kind of magical power is this? ! What spell? ! What kind of power is it? ! What kind of existence? !


A black mist suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes, carrying a huge power without emotion.

Everyone lost control of their bodies again. It was not that the black mist in front of them restricted them, but that they were frightened!

Li Changzhou looked at the black mist in front of him in disbelief.

Li Qianxia, ​​Yang Qinglan, and Yaochi were also extremely shocked.

——You have two choices.

"Who are you?!" Li Changzhou asked in a deep voice.

——One, inherit the Black Hand Seal, which is the Great Emperor Seal, continue to replace the Heaven's Heart with one's own heart, and compete with the heaven and earth for the credit of creation; two, give up the Black Hand Seal, win everything, and become the "winner".

Everyone had already fallen into a daze because of surprise.

Even with Jiutian Xuannv's knowledge, she couldn't understand the situation in front of her.

If the Queen is not lying, the black mist in front of her is the "black" in her mouth. Why is the saint who is constantly becoming a saint talking to Li Changzhou? As if you have been waiting for him here and now?

"The road to 'winner' has begun. Saints are either cut off from the upper reaches of time, or they become official players. As a saint, how can you still appear?" Li Changzhou tensed his body.

——In the fight with the sky, I lost, but I also won a small victory and left something behind.

Black Mist's words are terrifying.

Win the day? !

If such a character hadn't started the value game, might he really be able to achieve "good fortune"? !


No need to hesitate.

Li Changzhou responded directly: "No matter who you are, I will not inherit anything from you. No matter which way I go, I will walk on my own!"

He had an instinctive affinity for Black Mist, but he also felt a little disgusted with it, and was full of contradictions in his heart.

The black mist is still cold, without any emotional fluctuations.

As the "black hand" in the saint's mouth, he has survived for endless years and destroyed countless civilizations. What else can shake his will?

——The road is a shortcut, but it is also a constraint. It is a constraint, but it is also a shortcut. What is the explanation?

"It doesn't matter what shortcuts or restrictions there are. If you know what you want, just work hard in that direction! If there is a road, walk; if there is no road, just find your own way!" Li Changzhou replied almost instinctively.

--what do you want?

"You can't control it, and no one can control it." Still not allowing him to think, just take his original intention.

The black fog disappears, the black hand disappears, and the ancient ship returns to the long river of history.

Li Changzhou opened his eyes and returned to Cangqiongxing.

The molten magma of the planet is cooling rapidly, the orange-red ball lightning has not yet made a circle, and there are stars in all directions.

The stars are bright and the universe is full of life.

Everything before seemed like an illusion.

Fairy Baihua breathed a long sigh of relief: "Your Majesty, fortunately you have lived up to your command!"

Li Changzhou looked around. The flowers in everyone's hands were withered and they were sweating profusely. It was obvious that they had fought a hard battle. When they saw that things were successful, they all smiled.


Why can I still laugh?

"What's wrong?" Yang Qinglan looked over.

Yaochi looked at him from the side, with doubts and worries in his eyes.

"Your Majesty." Fairy Baihua came over holding the ball of providence.

Li Changzhou picked up the Providence Ball from her hand - there was a sense of separation, as if he was watching himself pick up the Providence Ball.

[Name: Providence·Great Emperor's Seal (Remnant)]

[Effect: After fusion, you will obtain the Great Emperor's Seal - the supreme figure elevates his will to God's will. There are three hand seals in total. Each seal represents a kind of power, and this seal is one of them. 】

[Evaluation: Stellar Level ~ Galaxy Level]

"Brother?" Li Qianxia waved her hand in front of him.

Li Changzhou asked her: "Qianxia, ​​why are you crying?"

"Crying?" Li Qianxia looked at him inexplicably, "I stopped crying when I was three years old. I am a fierce woman."

Li Changzhou pressed the divine ball between his eyebrows.

Everyone exclaimed.

The target of a person like Li Changzhou must be the ten most powerful wills of heaven. Although the [Great Emperor's Seal] is strong, before seeing the ten most powerful wills of heaven, no one can tell who is strong and who is weak.

Moreover, he was talking to Li Qianxia one moment and merged with God's will the next moment. What happened?

Unlike the miko who merged with God's will, there was no movement.

Li Changzhou's strength has not improved, but he has only learned one hand seal - My destiny is the destiny, and the wood has become a boat seal.

This hand seal is very strange and has no difficulty. But if you want to successfully cast it, you can only look at the probability. Spiritual species - human immortals and earthly immortals - one in a million, heavenly species one in 100,000, and saints in one percent. .

Once successful, what you want to accomplish when pinching the seal will definitely be accomplished.

But the same thing can only be used once.

This is a peerless seal that competes with heaven and earth for creation!

Seeing that Li Changzhou had merged with God's will, but his strength had not improved, the others were shocked and confused.

"If you lose, you will win a small victory. Does this mean that one's own heart replaces the heaven's heart?" Li Changzhou laughed loudly.

Everyone looked at him in confusion, not knowing what was happening.

Did ‘Black Hand’ also want to use this seal to become a ‘winner’? Just lost to the world, only achieved a small victory, and left something behind?

Li Changzhou ignored them.

He made a seal with both hands called the Great Emperor's Seal, which was actually the Black Hand Seal.

"Little Martial Saint, resurrect me! Replace destiny with my life, it's a done deal!"

The teleportation vortex unfolded, and he raised his hand to grab Xiao Wusheng's coffin from the earth and opened the coffin board.

"Ahem!" Little Martial Saint opened his eyes.

"What?!" The Supreme Demon and the others' eyes almost popped out.

"Is it my destiny?" Li Changzhou couldn't believe it. He just tried, but he didn't expect that the success rate was one in a million.

"That's not right." He said again, "The heaven and the earth are unkind, everything is a stupid dog, and all living beings are equal. It's not destiny that belongs to me, but I won destiny once."

Something was wrong with him since he had resolved the murderous intent of the Great Emperor's Seal, and now he was muttering to himself. Even if the Little Martial Saint was resurrected, he could not draw everyone's attention away from him.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Li Qianxia subconsciously reached out and grabbed his arm.

Chang'e handed a pill to Yang Qinglan: "This is the Qingyue Heart Pill, which can cure the madness of immortals."

Yang Qinglan: "Calm down."

With this scolding, Li Changzhou's chaotic brain finally calmed down. It was not that he was of poor quality, nor was he crazy. It was the sequelae of traveling through time and space and meeting the saint.

That black mist is not a real saint, but an idea that the saint places on "The Done Boat". But just an idea is enough to make the gods go crazy.

Just like when part of the remains of the 'Prophet Saint' turned into a 'library', anyone who looks into the abyss will turn into a monster.

Li Changzhou was not in the realm of the Earth Immortal, and the symptoms he showed were just confusion in his brain, excitement in his emotions, and he was confused and directly used [Done] in the realm of the Earth Immortal in an attempt to resurrect the little Martial Saint, all because of the original divine body and the black mist.

The memories of the rest of the people were directly wiped out by the black hands, otherwise they would all go crazy.

"Brother?" Li Qianxia asked again.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Li Changzhou's voice calmed down, and he felt lucky.

[It's done] can only be used once for anything. If used in the realm of Earthly Immortal, there is only one in a million chance that it will hit him and directly resurrect the little Martial Saint.

"What happened that we don't know about?" Yaochi asked him thoughtfully.

"I'll talk to you later." Li Changzhou was still sorting out his thoughts, "Let's continue to see the rest of God's will."

There are four more providences.

This is a good time to clear up the mess.

Who is the black hand? What's the relationship with him?

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