King of Black Mist

Chapter 541 and Yaochi

Shenxian'er bought a lot of books, and naturally some of them were about Waihu.

Whether it is what the girl named Yiyi said or the reminder of the moon in the water, you can learn it from the book.

Unfortunately, in order to avoid the Qingyue Sect's golden elixir monk stationed in Humingfang, I was in a hurry and didn't read a single book.

The monster hunting ship named 'Canglang' rushed towards the sapphire coral reef without losing speed.

The coral reef is indeed like a sapphire, and there is no trace of aquatic life. It is like a dream in the lake.

Shenxian'er has seen many corals at the bottom of the lake, all of which are colorful and have different shapes. However, this is the first time that she has seen such a regular coral - all regular shapes and colors - like a sapphire.

"Coral is actually an animal." Shuiyue said suddenly.

The fairy couldn't believe it: "It's not a plant, it's an animal?"

Shui Yue nodded: "This coral reef has become a monster and is used by the Qingyue Sect as a node in the sect's protective formation. The spiritual power in the body is also used to maintain the formation."

On the mast, the vice-captain at the early stage of foundation building raised a token.

The token bloomed with a blue light and enveloped the 'Canglang Ship'.

The hull was close to the limit, without any obstruction, and passed directly through the formation light wall.

Everyone stood on the boat, looking at the thick formation light wall above their heads through the blue shield, feeling insignificant, as if they were an ant standing under the human city wall.

The fairy was shocked.

This is just a corner of the Qingyue Sect's sect-protecting formation. How powerful and unshakable is the complete sect-protecting formation.

"No wonder the seven sects have stood for thousands of years, using human bodies to divide Wangyue Lake with the water monsters." Someone on the boat couldn't help but marvel.

"You just went out like that? This is the sect-protecting formation. Isn't there anyone guarding it?"

"Don't worry, it's easy to get out but difficult to get in."

Apparently there were also monks on the ship who were entering the open sea for the first time, just like Shen Xian'er.

A female sailor came over, clasped her fists at the two of them and said, "Two fellow Taoists, the ship is about to enter the open sea. It is surrounded by dangers. Please be careful at all times."

"Thank you." Shui Yue nodded.

Shenxian'er clasped his fists aside to express his gratitude.

The female nun nodded to the two men and turned to leave.

On the deck, every group of passengers was reminded by a sailor monk.

Many people directly sacrificed their magic weapons.

The sword light whirled, and Yiyi held a first-level and sixth-level magic sword in her hand, holding it behind her in the chic way of a woman holding the sword.

She looked at Shenxian'er provocatively.

The first-level and sixth-level magical sword was specially bought for her by her father for this trip. For casual cultivators, even the ninth level of Qi Refining may not have such a magical weapon.

Shenxian'er has a good temper, but he has a bit of a winning streak.

When Jiang Xiaoyue dared to provoke her, she held six spiritual stones in her hand and stood in front of her stall until Jiang Xiaoyue wanted to close the stall before leaving.

At this time, she flicked the sleeves of her robe, and the stream of light rushed up, quickly circled around her, and slowly hovered beside her like a fish.

In the gradually darkening sky, sharp and thick spiritual light rippled from the magic weapon in circles.

A first-level and ninth-level magic weapon, the Moonlight Peach Core.

Shen Xian'er looked at Yiyi.

Yiyi looked ugly, snorted and turned away.

‘Hehe~’ Shen Xianer snickered.

The last stern of the boat also left the sect-protecting formation, and the formation's wall of light disappeared, as if it had never existed.

Canglang boat sails alone on the big lake.

The sky was completely dark, and the moon was bright, illuminating the entire Wangyue Lake, like a huge mirror reflecting light.

The concentration of Yuehua spiritual energy increased significantly.

The water vapor is also surging.

Without using the spirit gathering array, the effect is already comparable to that of the Three Sisters who use the spirit gathering array.

Shenxian'er remembered a book she had read. The book said: Great demons are born in mountains, and only deep lakes can breed huge water demons.

The spiritual energy here is far more abundant than Humingfang, so it can accommodate many high-level water monsters.


In the darkness, the captain who had given orders before suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?"

"Did something happen?"

During the Qi refining period, there is no spiritual consciousness, and if there is no spiritual vision technique, at night, the vision is no different from that of ordinary people.

Uneasiness spread among the monks.

A gust of breeze blew out of Shenxian'er.

She "saw" a huge bubble rising in the lake in front of the hull.

The water bubbles came towards them at an alarming speed. In the next moment, the hill-like water bubbles separated from the middle and turned into two huge waves.

In the center of the huge waves, a black ridge was exposed.

Water monster!

The water demon was still in the distance. He opened his mouth and sprayed out. The huge waves were like soldiers charging into battle. They rushed forward and attacked the hull of the ship.

The waves crashed against the side of the ship, making a loud roar.


Everyone was caught off guard and thrown off the deck.

Shenxian'er was well prepared, and with the ninth level of Qi refining cultivation of 182 meridians, she only shook her body slightly.

The moon in the water beside him didn't even move.


Shenxian'er turned around and saw Yiyi being thrown up. The middle-aged male cultivator wanted to save her, but he couldn't take care of himself.

She threw back her sleeves, raised her head, and instantly turned into a cloud of gray mist.


The gray mist circled in the air like a dragon, wrapped around Yiyi and landed on the ground.

"Yiyi!" At this moment, the middle-aged male cultivator stabilized his body and rushed over.

It wasn't until she was held in her father's arms that Yiyi came back to her senses, her shoulders trembling.

Screams rang out from each other, and many monks in the Qi Refining Stage were thrown out.

In the night, flying fish rushed down and snatched the monk away.

"Thank you!" The middle-aged male cultivator was extremely grateful to Shenxian'er.

"It's okay." Shenxian'er turned his head and looked forward.

The mountain-like water demon stopped in front, like a small island or a giant ship, confronting the Canglang Ship.

The formation of the Canglang Ship was activated, and the three-layer light wall was larger than the circle, surrounding the hull.

"Qiao Wanzhen, what do you want to do!" A strange voice came from inside the monster hunting ship.

The sound was huge and majestic, as if Canglang Ship was speaking.

"Say hello, why are you so angry." There was a slightly smiling voice, and the giant monster seemed to be talking too.

"The other party is also a monk?" Shen Xian'er suddenly understood.


Is this giant water monster in front of me a boat?

No, there were monks who used the giant water monster as a boat!

But this is a water demon in the Golden Core stage. How can a monk who can use a water monster in the Golden Core stage as a boat deliberately cause trouble for Canglang Ship?

If there was any conflict between them, Canglang Ship would have been destroyed long ago.

"Say hello? You killed my guest. Is this a greeting?" There was no respect for Jin Danqi in the tone of the Canglang Ship Captain.

"Hello, don't you want to say hello?" The other party was clearly provocative, "Where's the golden elixir stage puppet you bought at the auction with all your savings? Didn't you promise that you would compete with my big baby? I've been waiting here. And you."

It turned out to be premeditated.

"Thank you just now." Yiyi whispered.

The fairy smiled.

Shuiyue suddenly sent a message to her: 'Come behind me! ’

Shenxian'er subconsciously retreated behind her.

She looked at the side of Shui Yue's face in confusion. After the disguise, the other person's face could only be described as pretty, and he looked nervous at this time.

Shenxian'er himself also realized that if two captains fought, one was a golden elixir stage demon and the other was a golden elixir stage puppet, would they still survive?

"Stop being so arrogant here. When we go back to Neihu, I will fight you any way you want. Now get out of my way!"

Qiao Wanzhen said softly: "Baby, she doesn't want to show us her puppet. What do you think we should do?"

The giant monster opened its mouth.


Suddenly, it was as if there was a hole in the lake, a hole opened, and the lake water surged in.

The Canglang boat was swept up by the waves, and under the terrifying suction force, it headed towards the giant monster's mouth.

The closer it gets, the smaller the hull becomes. The hull that was originally as big as the giant monster has become able to be swallowed up by the giant monster.

There was a sound of panic and fear on the ship.

"You are seeking death!" Captain Canglang finally showed his power.

A ray of light rushed from the cabin, hovered above the Canglang ship, and turned into a figure one foot tall.

The appearance of the puppet is that of a woman wrapped in white cloth, with long black hair like a waterfall, facial features, and a pale face, like a ghost.

She raised her hand.


The giant monster roared angrily, and its body like a hill was forcibly pushed back dozens of meters.

The powerful suction suddenly stopped, and the weird feeling of shrinking disappeared.

"It's a good thing, but I don't know how many spiritual stones it costs to use it once." Qiao Wanzhen said.

"I've always been curious about how many fish demons your big baby eats in one meal."

"We'll see, sooner or later your boat will be capsized." As soon as Qiao Wanzhen finished speaking, the giant monster swung its tail and plunged into the lake.

The aroused waves hit the light wall of the formation, and the wind and waves were calm inside the light wall.

"Qiao Wanzhen is getting more and more arrogant!" the female vice-captain who had given orders before yelled angrily.

The hull of the ship shook, and Shenxian'er heard the discussions of many monks on the deck, and realized that Qiao Wanzhen was very famous in Humingfang.

When I was still in the middle of the foundation building stage, I once entered the outer lake and was swallowed by a water monster in the golden elixir stage. Who knew that it was a blessing in disguise that I entered the water monster's spine.

Relying on torturing the water demon, he controlled the golden elixir phase water demon with his cultivation in the middle of the foundation building phase.

The price is also huge. You will never be able to leave your spine for the rest of your life, otherwise you will be the first to be killed by the water monster.

But relying on the water monsters, they roamed the inner lake and took away a lot of resources, reaching the later stage of foundation building.

The water demon is not stupid either. Although he does not dare to fight to the death, he is usually passive and slow in his work, does not eat and drink enough, and will never obey orders.

"Continue." The captain ordered.

She did not take back the puppet. The one-foot-tall black-haired woman sat cross-legged at the top of the deck loft, giving everyone a great sense of security.

[This puppet.] Chang'e's tone was thoughtful.

[Ah Zhou is so chic, surrounded by beauties. 】Familiar laughter came.

【Hahaha! 】Li Changzhou laughed, 【Sister Yaochi, you miss me so much! 】

This puppet master is Yaochi. To be precise, it is one of the puppets controlled by Yaochi.

Integrating one of the ten most powerful wills of God, [God's Will: Mechanical Master], whether it is a technological creation, a magical creature, or an immortal puppet, no matter what it is, she can transform it.

It's just a matter of turning motivation into a corresponding power system.

[You still miss me. I thought you were too happy to miss Shu. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk tsk, the pretty young girl, the delicate and charming little succubus, and the nagging Fairy Chang'e. 】

Chang'e said: [Yaochi, just make fun of His Majesty, don't make fun of me. 】

Yaochi chuckled and was in a great mood.

Shenxian'er and Shuiyue knew nothing about the conversation between the three of them and stared at the puppet.

Shen Xian'er was simply curious, and Shui Yue thought about whether he could snatch it away. With the golden elixir stage puppet, it would be much easier to complete the task.

[Did you hear the news that I was fighting here, so that’s why you started your business here? 】Li Changzhou asked.

[Qianli Xunfu] Yaochi gave a concise definition of his behavior.

Li Changzhou smiled and said: [I wanted to find you first, but when I got spiritual power and was about to use 'teleportation', I remembered what you have become now. 】

"Teleport" does not need to know where the target is, but it must know who the target is and what it looks like.

In this mission, all players have become magic weapons.

[I became a female doll and was bought by a young lady as a gift to her daughter. Under my leadership, the mother and daughter have established a huge chamber of commerce, with three puppets in the transformation stage and twenty-four puppets in the Nascent Soul stage. Needless to say, tools and golden elixirs are for sale. 】

After saying that, Yaochi asked curiously: [How is your operation going? 】

[Right in front of your eyes] Li Changzhou replied.

[This ship? 】

【this person】

[Are you playing house? 】

[The results of Fairy Chang'e's operation are also here, which is what you call the 'exquisite and stunning little banshee'. 】

Chang'e said: "You two are flirting, don't take me with you." I'm used to being alone, and I have no interest or talent in managing power. 】

Yaochi added: [According to the information I received, Corpse Gene, the Queen, the True Dragon and others have all occupied several domains and are fighting against each other. You, the majestic King of Black Mist, are hiding in the corners and playing house? 】

Li Changzhou explained: [It is easy to cultivate power, but the difficult thing is to understand your own philosophy of governance. 】

[Cultivation of power delays your understanding of the philosophy of governance? Moreover, if you have no subordinates and no territory, how can you develop a sense of governance? 】

【One person is enough】

[Then have you realized anything? 】

【Soon. 】

【hapiness? ] Yaochi asked.

【Hahahahaha! 】Li Changzhou laughed and said, 【Stop making trouble, you can ask Chang'e whether I am happy or not thinking about Shu. 】

Yaochi she really asked.

Fortunately, Chang'e has a nasty personality, but she doesn't lie, which proves that Li Changzhou is innocent and has never provoked women.

The inspection is finally over.

[You are now powerful. Do you have any news about Qinglan and Qianxia? 】Li Changzhou asked.

【have. Qing Lan has become the treasure of the Tiandao Sect's missionary tool. The sect is targeted by the concubine and refuses to save her, saying that it is following the route of "ruling by doing nothing", not asking, not interfering, not getting involved. 】

【Not a bad idea. 】

[Qian Xia is the divine beast that protects the country’s luck in the Divine Bird Dynasty. It emphasizes that ‘Heaven rewards hard work’. People who work harder will get more luck. 】

[She was just playing house, and she did it because she thought it was fun. 】Li Changzhou affirmed.

[Stop looking down on your sister! ] Yaochi laughed and scolded, [I found a few, but they were too far away, and I was too lazy to join forces with them. I only formed an alliance with Tiandao Sect and the Divine Bird Dynasty to resist the Corpse Gene, the Queen, and the True Dragon. 】

[Qinglan believes that Tao follows nature and governs by doing nothing; Qianxia 'God rewards hard work', so what route are you taking? 】Li Changzhou was curious.

【Which you want】

[Which you want? 】

Yaochi said: [I have already integrated the ten most powerful wills of heaven, why can’t I still do what I like? 】

【Tell the truth! 】Li Changzhou laughed and scolded.

Yaochi also laughed.

She said: [Qinglan and Qianxia both asked me, and I answered in the same way. They believed it, but you were the only one who didn’t believe it—why not? The reward from Heaven’s Road is nothing but ‘God’s will’. I already have the ten strongest God’s wills, so there’s nothing wrong with doing whatever I want, right? 】

[When I first met you in Liyuan, I knew you were not simple. This kind of excuse can only deceive married women and little kids who don’t care about the world. 】

Yaochi laughed.

[What do you think the world is like? ] She asked Li Changzhou.

[This is a good question. I will tell you slowly when I have time in the future. 】

Yaochi smiled again and continued: [There are murders, arson, robbery and other ugly behaviors and crimes in the world. Good people will have short lives, be lonely and suffer all kinds of torture throughout their lives. This is because the way of heaven is doing whatever it wants when it evolves the world. 】

[It makes sense]

【It is precisely because of this that the world is rich and colorful.

[Cao Cao's white face, Bao Zheng's black face, Guan Yu's red face, facial makeup directly points out the character; good people will be rewarded, justice will be punished, and God will reward those who work hard;

[These all exist only on the stage.

[Of course, I don’t have to create a world where ‘good people may not be rewarded, and evil people can also be blessed’. What I want is to do whatever I want.

【I regard myself as a god.

[In the eyes of God, human nature and morality are just tools for entertainment. Compared with good people getting good rewards, God is far more happy than the former.

[But again, I don’t mean to deliberately create a world where ‘good people are not rewarded’ or ‘good people must be rewarded’]

[The important thing is to do whatever you want? 】Li Changzhou said.

[Yes, the important thing is to do whatever you want - handsome boy, I like you. 】

【.Why Cantonese? 】

【.It’s the first time I confess, I’m a little shy. ] Yaochi said.

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