King of Black Mist

Chapter 567 Passing the Fifth City

The coastline was like a mirage, and the flying boat continued to travel for another month, still hanging in the sky.

But the four of them were not in a hurry at all.

"This should be the final test." Yaochi said in a relaxed tone.

The flying boat was moving in the opposite direction, and the four of them paid no attention to it. Li Changzhou controlled the flying boat, thinking only of the "winner" and imagining the future of the four of them traveling the universe.

Such ambition may be futile.

But his determination will not be any lower than that of someone who wants to establish a grand hegemony.

Li Qianxia was lying on the stern of the boat, with her legs crossed and gnawing fairy grapes. There was a small oven next to it, with poultry raised in the Honey Pot World on top.

The ambrosia was juicy and had a delicate texture, and the barbecue was absolutely delicious. She ate it to her heart's content.

"Climbed a few mountains, hey!" She threw a grape into her mouth.

"Crossed a few more rivers, ah~~" She took a sip of the wine.

"Why are there so many demons and monsters? Monsters, let me eat the barbecue first before eating me!" She picked up a piece of beef directly from the charcoal fire with her hands.

After eating, I rubbed my fingers in the secret sea to wash off the grease.

There are densely packed fish of different colors surrounding the flying boat. If you eat any one of them, your physique will be greatly improved and your aptitude will be invincible.

"Go, go!" Li Qianxia waved her hand and discarded the red fish that bit her finger.

It's not pretentious, it's just that I really don't care.

What physique? What bloodline? Is it fun to go boating with Brother, Lan Lan and Sister Yao?

No, she, Li Qianxia, ​​doesn't care about this at all.

She already has eternal life and immortal youth, and can see the magnificent beauty by herself. What other attraction does the hidden sea have to her?

This is Li Qianxia's own way.

At a young age, it means being lazy and pursuing personal happiness; at a greater age, it means yearning for freedom; to the level of the great road, it means pursuing freedom.

During this period, Yang Qinglan and Yaochi also understood the goals they wanted to pursue.

If you pass through the fifth holy city, you must become a "winner", and none of them will be able to pass.

But if this is the case, you can only live with it if you can't get through it. You can't change your will just for the sake of being the "winner".

"I remembered the lyrics wrong." Yang Qinglan flipped through a book with her white jade hands and said casually to Li Qianxia, ​​who was singing.

It is impossible for a heavenly master to forget the past, so the only reason why he sings wrongly is because he remembers wrongly when he only has time to remember.

"The song is called "The Great Road to the Sky". In this case, why bother to stick to the lyrics? It's enough to have the artistic conception of the song in your heart, the words are not important." Li Qianxia shook her legs, very cool.

Yaochi smiled and said: "Qian Xia has realized it."

"That's right." Li Qianxia instantly felt proud, "If I go to get the scriptures, Lingshan Mountain will be at my feet, and Tathagata himself will move the Great Thunder Sound Temple to my doorstep."

"No, I don't like the noise." Li Changzhou, who lives in the same family as Li Qianxia, ​​was not happy.

Then he smiled and said: "But Qian Xia's relaxed attitude is good. In "Journey to the West", Tang Monk studied for 14 years, and we only had four years and ten months. He experienced ninety-nine and eighty hardships, and we only had five cities. Don’t be in a hurry.”

"If only it were as simple as Journey to the West." Yaochi said with a smile.

Journey to the West may be a real test, but many monsters are mounts of gods and Buddhas all over the sky. This is also an undoubted fact. Therefore, whether Journey to the West is difficult or not depends on the beholder and the wise.

Li Qianxia was satisfied with her meal. She put her hands behind her head and lay down: "The ship is heading back again."

She sighed and added, "It's a bit troublesome. I don't care if you can become a saint or not, but if others become saints, it will affect us."

"If I can't become a saint, I will fight against [God's Will and Destiny], and I will also use my 'Pseudo-Victor's Attitude' to destroy the Nine Holy Cities."

As soon as Li Changzhou finished speaking, there was a thud and the flying boat ran aground on the shore.

The three of them were stunned for a moment.

Yang Qinglan, who was holding a book and wearing ancient green clothes, raised her jade-like face. The breeze blew by, and a few strands of blue hair ran to her face teasingly.

They were still on the boundless sea just now, and the airship was heading in the opposite direction to the coastline. Why did it run aground?

Li Qianxia jumped up and looked at the island in front of her.

The island is not big, with only one pool. The water in the pool is colorful and covered with wisps of mist.

If you look carefully, the mist looks like endless runes.

It's not so much a message, but a feeling of memories rushing into their hearts, appearing in the hearts of the four of them - this is the mother's womb source pool, the reward for passing the fifth holy city.

It can be reborn, and the physical and bloodline qualifications can be further improved, but there is only one sip, and the amount of water in the pool is determined based on the performance.

The fifth holy city does not prohibit players from forming teams, but whether they can pass this level mainly depends on the performance of the ship owner.

The rest of the people on the boat can get through this together as long as they don't make big mistakes.

When they finally reach the shore and face this fairy pond, what will they do?

Logically speaking, the ship owners naturally account for the majority, but do the others agree?

It's natural to be in the same boat, but when we get ashore and we're not in the same boat, we definitely have more to worry about.

"Have we really passed the test?" Li Qianxia was a little confused.

In the past seven months, wandering in the sea, they passed by Wuying Island and saw the saint's top-secret chapter on it, the incomplete holy weapon, and the half-destroyed cosmic seed.

It has been seen in the supreme scriptures that writing the secrets of the universe can theoretically achieve the "best in the universe" in all aspects.

The speed is the speed of light, the body is like the supreme weapon, and the will is like the "underworld". When the "best" of each is integrated, the ultimate strength can be achieved, which is nine million times that of the previous second.

Once such a magical skill is mastered, who will be stronger and who will be weaker compared to the "winner"?

There is no fog on that island. People who go to the island can take away another kind of "best" scriptures as long as they reach a certain "best".

Anyone with a stronger heavenly position can basically reach the speed of light and can easily take away a scripture.

For example, the "Body Sutra" trains the body to the level of supreme equipment.

Who can resist this temptation?

These are just that, they appear illusory because they are too good, and some ordinary ones are more tempting.

They had seen a fog shadow island. The fog shadow on the island was the strongest mortal in history. The strength of the people who went to the island was suppressed to the mortal stage.

There are rewards for holding on for ten moves, twenty moves, one hundred moves, one thousand moves, and winning the battle.

For Li Changzhou, this was a greater temptation than the [Treasure Box].

Of course, it's not for rewards, but to fight against the strongest mortal. Such an opportunity may only be available here, only once in this life.

It will be of great benefit to the upcoming war.

But he restrained himself.

This island is home to the strongest mortals, and the next island may be the strongest body. Then there will be the strongest mana and the strongest physique. There will be an endless supply.

He wants to hone himself stronger, and this greed will be infinitely magnified in the womb of heaven and earth.

In the end, you may die in a certain challenge, you may be lost in the sea of ​​secrets, or you may encounter a strange accident.

In addition to Wuying Island, the fish in the sea are also a test.

At the beginning, you still need to fish, but later you can often see fish. Finally, the heterochromatic fish jumped on the boat, which people thought was a reward.

After seven months of this, Li Qianxia was really not sure whether the mother-fetal origin pool in front of her was real or fake.

More "memories" came flooding back.

"If you want to go to the sixth holy city, you must drink a sip of water." Yaochi frowned.

She was also suspicious, feeling that this was still a test for the fifth holy city, and she grasped the participants' psychology of eager to leave here and to gain benefits.

Yang Qinglan waved Ruyi and used "Information Reading", and a booklet flew over.

"Huh?" Now the four of them suddenly felt a little bit more real.

The book is very thin, with only one page and one line of text.

[Li Changzhou, Li Qianxia, ​​Zhao Qingyao, and Yang Qinglan passed through the fifth city, and the maternal fetus source pool appeared]

Li Changzhou was interested in trying to return to the Sea of ​​Secrets, but he was worried that he would not be able to go back and would have to wait for another seven months.

Although no one has reached the seventh city now, there is no time for him to waste.

"I'll try it," Li Changzhou said.

"If there is a problem, immediately act like a winner!" Li Qianxia squeezed her fists to cheer him up, "I doubt we can land on the island. It was you who scared the value game."

".Then you have to be even more careful."

Li Changzhou jumped off the flying boat and walked towards the mother's womb source pool.

The water mist filled the air, and with his strength, it was like walking into a heavy fog, the sky and the earth were hazy.

Entering the fog, you can see more clearly that these fogs are indeed densely packed avenue runes.

He tried to let go of his breath, and with just one breath, the flying boat behind him lit up with light, and the original divine body's devouring instinct actually had a sign of awakening.

Obviously, this mist has an excellent effect on the original divine body.

If you change to a normal physique, it is simply unimaginable to what extent it can be improved.

Now it is certain that this pool does have the power of creation. The only doubt is, is this a reward or a temptation?

There is a false spiritual mountain in "Journey to the West", and the fifth holy city may not have a false destination.

Li Changzhou stepped forward, although he was wary, he was not very worried.

In the past seven months, the light on the bow of the spaceship has gone from being as bright as the scorching sun at the beginning to a faint candlelight now. It's not that his will has become weaker, he has really become stronger.

When the center is concentrated, external objects will be clear, and he has comprehended it.

You don’t need to remind yourself all the time like a hypnosis to strengthen your beliefs.

When we arrived at the edge of the pool, the water was clear and there was a layer of rainbow-like light on the surface.

He tried to step into the pool, but as soon as he made contact, his body was bounced away.

Enlightenment came: This is the maternal source prepared for living beings, and non-living things cannot enter it.

He tried to reach out, but his fingers without the armor could touch the water.


He took a breath, his soul trembling.

No life could refuse that ultimate sublimation of the essence of life. He felt that his whole body was transparent, as clear as a stream and as bright as the sun.

When you take your fingers back, there are no water stains on them. This is instinctive. Any living thing will actively absorb the water from the mother-fetal source pool.

Even if it is an ordinary grass, it will not leave any water stains. Cherish every drop of nectar.

Li Changzhou returned to Feizhou.

"How is it?" Yang Qinglan asked.

He looked thoughtful and said, "The place is fine, but if it's not a test, you don't know."

"How about I give it a try?" Li Qianxia suddenly suggested, "I don't have to go to the eighth holy city and become a saint, as long as I can help you."

Those strong men who have followers must have made many people take risks along the way.

Li Changzhou thought carefully, then shook his head and rejected Li Qianxia's proposal.

Li Qianxia took the holy path just to help them and didn't care whether he became a saint or not. But he took the holy path to protect Li Qianxia and the others. How could he in turn let her take unknown risks?

Nor can you catch an animal from the honeypot world for experimentation - if a creature wants to enter the fifth city, it must start from the first city, there is no shortcut.

"What should we do now?" Li Qianxia asked.

The four of them are trapped in a situation where they cannot advance or retreat. This may be the biggest test of the fifth city. It has nothing to do with will or strength, but all depends on luck.

Do you believe that there is a reward in front of you, the road to the sixth holy city.

"Vote." Yaochi said, "The reward is still a test."

"This is the only way," Yang Qinglan nodded and said immediately, "I'll vote for the reward."

"I also vote for rewards." Li Qianxia followed.

Yaochi analyzed: "The main test in the fifth city is the people's hearts. Now that you both vote for 'reward', it is more likely that this is a 'test' - I vote for 'test'."

"What do you mean, Sister Yao!" Li Qianxia laughed and scolded, "What you mean is that the two of us think that voting for the 'reward' means we have failed the test?"

"I'm targeting people's hearts, not individuals." Yaochi said gently, with a smile like a flower.

"Ah Zhou?" Yang Qinglan looked at Li Changzhou, only he didn't vote.


Yaochi couldn't help but said: "The result has been determined, but I still want to ask, do you have any basis for it?"

"I voted casually." Li Qianxia replied.

Yang Qinglan said: "There is no evidence to prove that this is a 'test', but there is small evidence of 'information reading' that proves that this is a real 'reward'. "

This is a reason that is not very convincing. After all, the ‘Fifth Holy City’ is enough evidence that ‘this is a test’.

But Yaochi did not refute.

She wasn't trying to reverse the vote, she was just curious.

"What about you?" she asked Li Changzhou.

"I believe in my sister." Li Changzhou said.

"Ah?" Li Qianxia showed an expression that said, "I don't even believe in myself."

Li Changzhou smiled and explained: "Qian Xia proposed to take the risk on her own initiative. Such a will can't pass the test, and we can't pass this level either; eh."

Yaochi also laughed: "I re-vote for 'reward', and I also believe in Qian Xia."

Li Qianxia stared at Yang Qinglan.

But Yang Qinglan has no intention of changing her reasons for voting.

The four people left the flying boat, and the hull turned into aura and disappeared.

"By the way," Li Changzhou remembered something, "Only life can enter the mother's womb source pool, and it cannot wear clothes."

"Huh??" was just a modal word, but it felt like Li Qianxia had said a long paragraph.

"Let Qinglan and Yaochi keep an eye on it. Just the two of us back to back. Uh-huh." Li Changzhou said.

The four of them took off their battle clothes and soaked their entire bodies in the clear, cold jade-colored pool water.


It was as if a clear wind was blowing through the body, and then, the blood was surging, the bones were ringing, and the whole body was boiling and undergoing drastic changes.

But the four of them felt little physical change.

They have a subtle sense of weightlessness, as if their souls have been set free.

Hearing the mysterious humming is like the sound of nature in the earthly world, which is intoxicating.

The bright light enveloped the four people, and the laws were grand and boundless.

There is no need to deliberately persist or do anything. Just like when the snow in the inland snow-capped mountains melts, its path to the sea has been determined. Just let nature take its course.

After an unknown amount of time, the four of them woke up.

Li Changzhou saw the fluttering hair, the peerless and charming face, the beautiful eyes that could reflect the stars, the white and slender jade body, the slender waist that could be grasped, and the straight and slender legs.

"Ah!" As Li Qianxia screamed, Yaochi smiled and held Li Changzhou's head in his arms.

The pool water was absorbed completely. There was no water stain on the four people's bodies, and their hair was all dry.

The four of them put on their battle uniforms, and each of them had a sense of grandeur and perfection.

The most direct manifestation: just by relying on its own strength, it can activate the will of God nine times.

This is a state that is almost impossible for creatures in the universe to reach, and this improvement is a matter of course, without any reluctance.

Li Changzhou realized that he had a comfortable feeling of chaos opening up the sky and the world being stretched open. While his combat power soared, he also had perfect control and could exert his strongest combat power in every move.

The aura of the great avenue permeated Yang Qinglan's body, and no matter how powerful her divine sense or peerless eyes were, she could not see her clearly;

Countless sets of mechanical gears are arranged behind Yaochi, as if this is how the world works;

An original divine tree appeared behind Li Qianxia, ​​but no three calamities appeared, because this was allowed by heaven and earth.

Compared with Li Changzhou's original sacred tree, she lacks resilience, but her vitality far exceeds that of Li Changzhou.

The four of them are like perfect people, revealing a completely different temperament from all living beings.

"Someone once said," Yang Qinglan said slowly, "The so-called God is a united human being - in our current state, it is not an exaggeration to say that one person is God."

"Do the advantages of all mankind lie in us?" Yaochi thought to himself while feeling.

They were born again from the womb of heaven and earth, in the pinnacle state of the human race.

Li Qianxia asked curiously: "The fact that we have reached this state does it prove that all four of us have passed the test and that the water in the pool is enough for the four of us?"

If a person passes the test, he will receive a share of the power to reach the peak of the race.

All four have reached the peak of their race, proving that all four have passed the test.

The light door opened, and the road to the sixth city appeared in front of them.

"This is the sixth city." Li Changzhou said, stepping inside.

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