King of Eschatology

Chapter 849: 1st Superior Life

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the last evolutionary king updated soon!

The old continent is barren at the point of entry. After being sealed for more than two thousand years, all life has been extinct.

On the continent, countless ancient ruins have appeared, all of which are tall buildings. Now that they have collapsed, only sporadic ruins can be seen.

Numerous bones are scattered here. Due to being squeezed by the force of the seal, these bones have been deformed and seem to be deeply imprinted on this land.

From this unsealed land, we can see a little of the original appearance of the ancient earth, especially the numerous architectural sites, which can better show the prosperity of the ancient earth.

Lu Fan set foot on this magical continent for the first time. The vast and quaint atmosphere rushed forward, containing the traces of years. He took a deep breath, and there was a thunderous roar suddenly.


Lu Fan was shocked, and immediately showed great joy.

This new continent contains the surging evolutionary power. As the seal is released, the evolutionary power of the entire earth has skyrocketed and become more intense.

Lu Fan took a deep breath, and the majestic force of evolution was sucked into his belly. As a thunder sound rang in the body, Lu Fan was surprised to find that he was about to break through.

Lu Fan has already stepped into the existence of superior life. His spiritual power has already entered the category of superior life. The reason why he has not been able to break through is that he is suppressed by the power of the earth and the earth.

Now that the earth ’s first seal has been lifted, this suppression has become much smaller in an instant, and coupled with the majestic evolutionary power around it, Lu Fan has made no surprise.

At this moment, a huge vortex appeared around Lu Fan's body, and the endless force of evolution began to condense madly, and then poured into Landing Fan.

Lu Fan's body seemed to become a bottomless pit, madly devouring the power of evolution, and his momentum was rising steadily, and soon broke through the limit of middle life.


Lu Fan's momentum is like breaking bamboo, the evolutionary force in his body set off a huge wave, only to hear a loud bang, Lu Fan smoothly broke into the first life.

Lu Fan was surprised to find that her body was undergoing subtle changes and seemed to be getting stronger.

Gently fist, a mighty force burst in Lu Fan's palm, his joints crackled like explosive beans, full of explosive power.

Lu Fan has an intuition. At this moment, he can blow a planet with a punch.


Lu Fanchang breathed a sigh of relief, this feeling of soaring strength is really good, I have not experienced it for a long time.

At first, in the broken ancient universe, Lu Fan's strength was briefly elevated to the highest life, but it was all external forces, which caused Lu Fan to pay a heavy price and his body was almost broken.

Now, Lu Fanzhen has truly stepped into the superior life, and since then has completely surpassed the intermediate life.

When the powerful men of all ethnic groups saw Lu Fan's strength soar again, all of them showed shock. At this time, they knelt down on the ground and shouted to the Vive the Great.

Lu Fan nodded silently and waved his hand, a dozen bottles of life potions flew out, and landed in front of several wild animals and plants.

"You were devoured a lot by the black smoke just now. You can recover by drinking the potion of life. Take it."

Just now, in the process of pulling out the nails of the gods, the black smoke turned into ghosts and shrouded many wild beasts and plants. Although Lu Fan killed the other party in the first place, many powerful people still lost their vitality.

At this time, Lu Fan took out some life potions and made up for them.

At this moment, there was a sudden roar from the sky, and it seemed extremely angry.

Lu Fan is astonished that the first seal of the earth has been released, shouldn't you be happy? What's the ghost name here?

Everyone looked up at the sky, and looked at the huge figure.

At this moment, the voice of Divine Chain suddenly sounded in Lu Fan's mind: "The first seal of the earth was released, and the power of evolution has become stronger, but it can only support one person to evolve to superior life. . "

Hearing this word, Lu Fan first felt awkward, and immediately showed embarrassment. He had just evolved to a superior life, that is, he could not evolve to a superior life.

It was only at this moment that Lu Fan realized how difficult it is to evolve to a superior life. Not only did the evolvers have to be of high quality, they also had to be recognized by the world.

Of course, the recognition of heaven and earth here refers to whether there is enough evolutionary force to support it. At present, the state of the first seal of the earth can be unlocked. At most, it can only support an evolutionary person to break through to superior life.

Lu Fan previously promised to help the other party Huapeng, but the other party has not yet started to break through, but he himself broke through.

"It's embarrassing."

Lu Fan muttered to himself, looking awkwardly.

At the beginning, the Earth ’s seal was lifted, and I ’m still very happy. It has been stagnated for more than 2,000 years at the peak of the middle tenth order, and thought that today is a sky-high day ~ ~ The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. When I tried to break through, I found that the power of evolution on the earth was not enough to support myself to evolve to superior life. It was a little bit worse.

I have lived for a long time, and soon I wanted to understand everything. With the richness of the power of the evolution of the earth now, at most, I can support one person to evolve to superior life.

Just now Lu Fan has broken through in the first time, and he is certainly hopeless.

Thinking of this, my heart is full of loss. The biggest sorrow of a person is not that he failed, but that he almost succeeded.

"Old iron, don't worry, the next time you unlock the second seal of the earth, you will be given priority to make a breakthrough."

Lu Fan opened her mouth to calm the other's emotions.

After all, at the beginning Lu Fan vowed to tell the other party that he could make a breakthrough. Now that happens, Lu Fan is helpless.

I heard Lu Fan's words, and the emotions that I wanted to burst out soon were suppressed. Now it ’s useless to say anything, unless the second seal of the earth can be unlocked.

Moreover, I have always been optimistic about Lu Fan. If the other party can unlock the first seal of the earth, then it can unlock the second seal and even all the seals behind it.

Without Lu Fan, I may never have evolved into a superior life. Now I have hope.

Thinking about it that way, I was in a much better mood. He gave Lu Fan a deep look, then quickly turned around and returned to his Beihai.

Lu Fan watched Lu leave, feeling that he owed the other person a favor, and he couldn't help looking at the other person's belly, where he had been cut twice.

"Rest assured, I said that I will help you, and believe me."

Lu Fan murmured, shining bright dazzling in his eyes.

Perhaps the speed of unlocking the seal of the earth has to be accelerated.

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