King of Eschatology

Chapter 857: Arrogant Evolution Dynasty


The battle soon ended. Everyone had an unreal feeling. The frightening alien invasion had been solved so easily?

In fact, everyone has overlooked a problem. Although aliens are terrible, the native evolutionaries of the earth are equally terrible and have formed a powerful fighting force. Please search ( to see the most complete! Newest fastest novel!

In the coming days, the evolutionary speed of the Earth's evolvers will surely prosper, and the days of revenge are just around the corner.

At the end of the battle, the Earth Evolver began to return, leaving only a few sets of detection equipment on the surface of Neptune to monitor the space nodes of this starry sky.

After returning to earth, Lu Fan arranged a grand celebration party, not only only the soldiers of the Lu Jiajun participated, but also representatives of the land beasts and sea beasts, and even the plant evolvers attended.

It is worth mentioning that the food for the celebration feast has meat and vegetables, which are all unwise. According to the latest regulations of the Tianyue Empire, any beasts and plants that have opened the wisdom are not edible, making them The evolver rejoiced.

Of course, this is only the bright side. There must be many people secretly poaching secretly, and it is impossible to completely prohibit it.

There is no fish in the clear water. The Tianyue Empire just gave a little comfort to the evolvers of all races, so as to avoid grievances in the days that are accumulated over time, which is not conducive to future management.

In the following days, it seems to have become quite dull. The various careers of the Tianyue Empire are steadily developing, and even the entertainment industry is gradually booming.

In recent days, there has been a great movie, called "The King of Eschatology". The protagonist is an evolutionary. Although his strength is not bad, his acting is first-rate.

Lu Fan also went to the movie theater to see it. Specially, from beginning to end, he didn't even have a female lead.

Besides, the zombies were too stupid to play in the movie. They all stretched their heads and waited to fight without any resistance, meaning nothing.

Perhaps, Lu Fan has seen too many horror scenes. In his opinion, this science fiction horror movie is not horrible at all, and the special comedy effect is quite good.

The days slowed down suddenly, as if back to the Ming Dynasty, life became much more comfortable.

When Lu Fan, Lin Xiaoxiao and others enjoyed their lives, a message from Tiantong organization broke this temporary tranquility.

"On the southern edge of Tianyue First State, a powerful evolutionary dynasty appeared. Nearly a million troops rushed out, killing a large number of Army soldiers and taking away large areas of land."

"The Dawu dynasty has a population of more than ten million, and everyone is an evolutionary. They consider themselves to be the orthodoxy of the earth, and have issued a public announcement to conquer the entire earth."

When the news came back to the headquarters of the Tianyue Empire, Lu Fan was directly bombarded by gas, and finally he calmed down and became murderous again.

Needless to say, this evolutionary dynasty must come from the folded space, and as the seal of the earth is released, it comes back to this world.

Long before the earth ’s seal was lifted, Lu Fan had learned about the folding space, such as the three fairy islands in the sea, Penglai, Abbot and Weizhou, which were hidden in the folding space.

The folded space was formed when the earth was sealed. The huge earth was squeezed together hard and hard. The impact surface would surely become a dead Jedi, but there is a high possibility of a gap at the edge.

This gap is called a folding space, and those ancient evolvers who happened to live in it had a chance to escape.

Now that the first seal of the earth has been lifted, those ancient evolvers who have survived have finally had a chance to come out.

But what Lu Fan couldn't bear was that you come out, what happened to the person who killed me?

If the other party can unify with each other, Lu Fan will certainly treat each other with courtesy, but the other party directly takes action and robs his own territory. This is his own death.

As a result, the clarion call of the Tianyue Empire blew once again, and the million army troops were assembled for the first time. At the same time, there were still nearly ten million beast army waiting, and the plant army rushed to the battlefield.

The scene was too grand. Lu Fan wanted to use absolute strength to suppress those self-righteous guys.

At the same time, in the southern part of the first state of Tianyue, an emperor wearing a dragon robe stood in the open ground and looked at the blue sky with an intoxicated expression.

This person's name is Jiang Zida, the seventeenth-generation emperor of the Great Wu Dynasty, and he is called the Emperor Wu. He is the strongest of the entire Great Wu Dynasty.

For many years, the people of the Dawu dynasty were trapped in a confined space, and they couldn't go out of their way to do everything they could, and the power of evolution gradually dried up.

Today, the space barriers that have been plagued by them have been unexpectedly broken, and they have returned to the main space of the earth.

All this is recorded in the history of the Dawu dynasty. Each generation of the emperor was warned to take the responsibility to break through the barriers of space and lead the Dawu people out.

Wu Huang is standing under the blue sky ~ ~ Feeling the strong evolutionary power of the air, his mood is unhappy.

At this moment, the Emperor Wu's heart was full of excitement. He suddenly remembered the records of the history books. The ancestors were fighting and killing in this vast land to open up new territories.

He wants to imitate his ancestors and kill in this land to open up territory for the Dawu Dynasty.

Therefore, when they appeared in this land, they met a local evolutionist, Wu Huang said nothing, and did not hesitate to kill each other.

In the view of the Emperor Wu, the battle between the Dawu Emperor and the local evolutionaries was inevitable.

In fact, the people of the Dawu dynasty looked down on the evolution of the Earth's main space. Their ancestors experienced the ancient war and knew that the evolutionary inheritance of the Earth's main space was cut off.

In their view, the return of the Dawu dynasty is the return of the king, and all the evolutionaries in the main space of the earth must kneel to meet.

Those who were killed were all Lujiajun border defense fighters, and there were many members of the Tiantong organization. Because they were only performing patrol tasks, the combat effectiveness of the personnel was not very strong, and they had not reached the waiting life.

Therefore, the people of the Dawu dynasty saw that the strength of these evolutionaries was not strong, and they acted decisively. In their view, the evolutionary strength of the main space of the earth is also the same.

Maybe there isn't even a single life waiting. In this way, the Dawu dynasty can definitely sweep the earth's main space.

The Emperor Wu stood in this vast land, with nearly a million troops behind him. At this time, he was so proud and exuberant that he was exuberant.

Ginger iron horse, swallowed like a tiger.

Actually, the Emperor Wu still didn't know what terrible existence he had incurred. Just a wrong decision put his evolutionary dynasty into a state of utter danger.

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