King of Eschatology

Chapter 859: Conquer 10,000 troops

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the last evolutionary king updated soon!

A purple beam of light cut through the sky and bombarded Wu Huang's body with a thunderous force, and his mighty power instantly burst his body into a mist of blood.

Probably because of the folded space at sea, Lu Fan did not have any preference for the evolutionary in the folded space.

At the critical moment, let his men come out to blame him. This emperor's death is not a pity. Coupled with the other person who killed himself, Lu Fan will never let him go.

Blood was spreading in this space, and **** gas stimulated everyone's nerves. The soldiers of the Dawu dynasty were severely shocked.

The emperor they served for many years, just died?

Although the emperor's behavior is disgraceful, he is, after all, the emperor of the Great Emperor Wu Dynasty, and many evolutionaries loyal to him.

At this time, General Qinglong suddenly broke out, and the power of evolution began to skyrocket. He shouted at the big martial fighter behind him: "The Emperor Wu was killed, this is a shame and shame. Soldiers please follow me to take revenge! "

General Qinglong is a medium-nine-level evolutionary. He ranks first among the four generals and has powerful combat power. At this moment, the eruption set off an extremely violent shock.

The soldiers of the Dawu dynasty were boiling with blood, and just wanted to follow the response, and another horrible purple beam of light erupted. General Qinglong was blasted into a cloud of blood under the eyes of everyone, and entered the emperor's footsteps.

Everyone was shocked. The belief that they wanted to avenge the Emperor was instantly broken. The other party's strength was too strong. They couldn't bear the slightest resistance.

General Bai Hu throbbed in his heart. He wanted to stand up to avenge the Emperor Wu, but in the face of a powerful enemy like a demon, he counseled.

"Either surrender or die!"

Suddenly Lu Fan spoke, and his harsh words made everyone's hearts tremble. All these evolutionaries from the Dawu dynasty were shocked by Lu Fan alone.

What's more, there are more than one million evolutionary troops, more than ten million wild beasts, and tens of millions of plant evolutionary legions.

If you really want to resist, the other party can definitely eat all of them.

General Suzaku and General Xuanwu are closest to Lu Fan. They bear the most pressure, especially the breath of the superior from the other side, which is even more intense than the Emperor Wu.

Obviously, this young evolver is the king of the earth's main space and the leader of all evolvers.

In the end, General Suzaku and General Xuanwu looked at each other, and each sighed. Then they knelt in front of Lu Fan and said, "I'm willing to surrender!"

With the generals of Suzaku and Xuanwu surrendering, 100,000 troops behind them each dropped their weapons and followed their generals to kneel down, willing to surrender.

Seeing this scene, all the Dawu dynasty evolvers were shocked, and the whole team was uproar.

The Emperor Wu was dead, and they had no backbone. When they saw someone surrender, they didn't know what to do.

As a result, all eyes were on General Baihu.

Now that the Emperor Wu Huang has been killed and General Qinglong has been killed, only General Baihu has not surrendered. His decision is very important and it is about the choice of the generals.

On the other side, General Bai Hu's heart was astonished. If he had known this end, it would be better to stay in the folding space better than to become a prisoner.

Seeing that the general situation had gone, General Baihu sighed helplessly, and then fell down on his knees and said, "The end will be willing to surrender!"

At this moment, all the evolvers of the Dawu dynasty fell down, it seemed that their whole body strength had been taken away from the body, throwing weapons on the ground one by one, and kneeling down honestly.

"I'll wait to submit!"

The sound of sickness sounded, and the evolution of the Dawu dynasty was hit hard, and his spirit was weak.

Lu Fan looked at the dark head in front of his eyes, and frowned slightly.

How can we arrange so many troop reductions?

Killed all? That's impossible. They are Earth people. Although they killed dozens of Lujiajun soldiers, the principal offender is dead. It is impossible to kill all the one million people.

You ca n’t catch all these people and lock them together for a meal. The Tianyue Empire does n’t have extra food to feed the idlers.

"What the **** is going to do with them?"

Lu Fan muttered in his heart, for a while he didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoxiao walked to Lu Fan without a trace, and whispered, "The first state has many energy crystal mines, and we don't have enough staff."

When he heard this, Lu Fan suddenly lighted up. What a pity, how to forget this stubble.

Lu Fan is a clever person. He knows it all at one point. Before that, he has been killing and thinking, and he has entered the inertia of thinking. In fact, these people are labor resources.

Thinking of this, Lu Fan's mood suddenly improved, and he immediately said to the surrendered soldiers: "Congratulations on making the most correct choice. As long as you accept the labor reform, the bright future will belong to you."

Hearing the words of Lu Fan ~ ~ Everyone was hesitant. The other party was clearly trying to kill someone. Why did the atmosphere suddenly change?

Also, what the **** is labor reform?

At this moment, General Bai Hu suddenly bowed his arms to Landing Fan and said, "There are more than ten million people in the Dawu dynasty. I hope you will not embarrass them."

After hearing this, all the evolutionaries who had been kneeling on the ground raised their heads at the same time. This is what they are most concerned about.

All of your relatives and friends live in the Dawu dynasty. If they surrender to their relatives after surrender, this kind of thing can't be tolerated.

Even if he died desperately, his relatives would not be persecuted.

Lu Fan looked at the eager eyes of the other party, and immediately looked stagnant, and said solemnly: "I assure you in the name of the Emperor Tianyue that the people of the Dawu dynasty have the same rights as the evolvers of the Tianyue Empire, as long as they obey In the laws and regulations of Yue Empire, no one will proactively provoke you. "

In fact, the people of the Dawu dynasty did nothing wrong. The ambitious Wuhuang had been killed. If the other party could live a stable life, Lu Fan would not take the initiative to find trouble for them.

If the other party is restless and wants to rebel, then I am sorry.

After hearing the words of Lu Fan, all the Dawu dynasty evolvers were relieved. Until then, they didn't know that the young evolver was Tian Yue Emperor.

Next, the million surrenders were taken away by the Lu Jiajun, divided into multiple batches, and shipped to the major mines.

The Beast Legion and the Plant Evolver did not leave, but guarded each major vein separately, while practicing and supervising the surrender to mine.

It has to be said that with the joining of this batch of labor, the development speed of the Tianyue Empire suddenly accelerated, and the energy crystal mines that originally restricted the development were finally perfectly solved.

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