King of Eschatology

Chapter 868: Star Wars

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the last evolutionary king updated soon!

When Lu Fan and Lin Xiaoxiao appeared, the flowers of the Lu Jiajun soldiers were all thankful.

However, Lu Fan looked so bright, his whole body was shaking, as if he had eaten Dabu Dan, his whole body was radiant.

Lin Xiaoxiao was with a face of shame, and there was a faint trace of exhaustion between her brows.

"Oh, boss, you're here, we've thanked the flowers we waited for."

Huang Yongsheng stepped forward with a big grin, and he shouted with such a loud voice that everyone heard it.

Lu Fan had a serious face, saying, "You ca n’t choose a good time for such a big thing in a galaxy outside the river? You ca n’t choose a good time?"

When everyone heard it, they all showed their radiance. The original boss also believed in these mysterious things.

So the question is, now that you have set a good time for Keith, let's get together so early?

Lu Fan greeted Chen Dapeng, Wu Haochen and others one by one. Everyone was relieved to see the arrival of Lu Fan.

Wu Haochen hurried forward and said, "Great Emperor, the Shuttle Starship is ready and can be started at any time, please instruct."

Lu Fan nodded his head, patted Wu Haochen's shoulder lightly, and said, "It's hard for you these days. When we return triumphantly, please invite all the brothers of the arsenal to celebrate the feast.

Wu Haochen was overjoyed and immediately paid a standard military salute to Landing Fan.

Chen Dapeng walked to Lu Fan in front of a tray and said, "Boss, this is the material for you and Lin Cheng, please accept it."

Lu Fan chuckled and gave Lin Xiaoxiao both of these materials. He no longer needed these things.

What's more, he still has a lot of these things, all stored in storage space.

"Tell the logistics brothers to store as much supplies as possible, not far from the days when the Lu Jiajun fought for the sky, and don't let the soldiers go hungry."

Chen Dapeng suddenly felt in his heart, his face was bitter, but he nodded solemnly and said, "Guarantee the task!"

Lu Fan took Lin Xiaoxiao to board the Shuttle Shuttle. The top 20 in the Lu Jiajun are all here. Everyone is eager to try, and his heart is abnormal.

Carrying the dreams of countless earth people, today Lu Jiajun will finally step into the starry sky and conquer the entire universe.

All the high-level personnel of the Tianyue Empire appeared, and they were seen off by Lu Fan and others, and they are also expected to return in victory.

Some people are full of tears, some people are inexplicably inexplicable, and many words converge into one sentence. Be sure to let the aliens see the power of the Earth people, and just come back early.

The soldiers waved goodbye to the senior staff of the Tianyue Empire, and they were still very excited when they walked out of the solar system for the first time.

Next, the roar rang, the Shuttle suddenly lifted off, broke through the atmosphere under the attention of everyone, and carried the dreams of countless people away.

In the cockpit, Lu Fan stared at Shuttle's control panel and asked: "Are the routes planned? This time our destination is Beckett Star."

Hearing Lu Fan's question, everyone showed aggression. Huang Yongsheng asked in shock: "Boss, don't you know the way?"

Lu Fan is equally embarrassing. This is so special. Who knows where the Beckett star is?

All along, news about the Beckett star was obtained from the chain of God. Lu Fan only knew about seven days' journey, but it was not clear where it was.

Today, Lu Fan was really obscured with his eyes facing the operation panel.

"Chain of God, should you plan the route of Beckett?"

At this time, Lu Fan could only find the God Chain. If the God Chain didn't know how to go, it would be complete.

Shenlian immediately flattered and responded: "This little thing can bother you, I have set sailing long ago."

When Lu Fan heard the words, he felt a joy and said quietly, "Well, yes, it is worthy of praise."

Divine Chain noticed that Lu Fan showed a happy expression, and immediately struck the iron while hot: "The words are very boring along the way, should we study the affair?"

Lu Fan suddenly turned black, no wonder the other party was so active, he was still playing the idea of ​​Chaos Qinglian, so Lu Fan looked cold, and said: "To fight such a sacred thing in the outer galaxy, we must go all out. Heart to do other things. "

Seeing that Lu Fan was so serious, Shenlian knelt on the spot, and there was no one in this acting skill. One second into the play, Oscar owed you a little golden man, OK?

After solving the route problem, Lu Fan was in a much better mood. He said to Huang Yongsheng and others, "Relax, the shuttle number is an artificial intelligence system, and you can reach it directly after losing the destination. We can just wait."


Huang Yongsheng was dubious.


Lu Fan said with a firm face.

Everyone felt uncomfortable, and just said they didn't know where the destination was. As a result, they said it was okay next second, and they didn't know why, they always felt weird.

At this time, Shuttle had moved away from Earth and passed Mars's orbit. The soldiers were curiously looking at the deep universe, filled with infinite reveries in their hearts.

The universe is too vast, and the individual strength seems too small. Even a large planet ~ ~ is just a dust in the universe.

At the beginning, everyone was still very interested in the scenery outside the window, but as time passed, this feeling gradually became monotonous.

Suddenly, the soldiers realized that something was wrong. Didn't they say they were going to take a different dimension? When does it fly all the time?

Lu Fan also gradually realized this problem. He directly found the chain of God and asked: "The Becket star is 2.5 million light years away from us. Even if we are moving at the speed of light, we must fly 2.5 million. Are you sure you're not funny?

God Chain was said by Lu Fan, and was instantly miserable, saying: "The space node of the solar system is near Neptune, and we can only enter heterodimensional space from there, otherwise we cannot find the channel."

When he heard this, Lu Fan suddenly realized that it seemed that both the Begits and the Centaur were near Neptune, where they were the gateway to the space of different dimensions.

In this way, Lu Fan's heart is counted. If all the time is spent on the road, it really beeps.

"Don't be idle, hurry to practice, there are seven days on the road, don't waste it."

Lu Fan opened his mouth, and all of them fell into their own cabins and began to cultivate.

They all carry a sufficient amount of evolutionary agents, and they will not affect cultivation even on Star Wars. The power of evolution can be continuously increased.

For the soldiers, only by raising their own strength to the peak of the middle tenth level can they have the opportunity to break through the first time.

The Beckett star only allowed ten people to evolve into first-class life. Twenty people were present, and at least ten people had to lag behind. For the proud and arrogant Lu Jiajun soldiers, it was absolutely intolerable.

Therefore, practice is the most important. Seven days is enough to raise your strength to the peak of middle ten.

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