King of Eschatology

Chapter 895: Can't shame the boss

These days, Yang Feiyun is really embarrassed. As Commander-in-Chief of Global Security, he is really sad.

Now the earth is really blooming everywhere, and there are disputes everywhere.

"Why didn't there have been so many broken things before? The eldest brother had trouble everywhere, right? Bully the honest people, right?"

Yang Feiyun listened to the reports of the members of the Tiantong organization.

Wu Guang was sitting side by side for a long time, and it was no wonder that Yang Feiyun's response was that. Recently, Yang Feiyun got angry every day.

This is not to blame Yang Feiyun. Since the last time the Taoyuan Pure Land evolver was repelled, he has stabilized for more than ten days, and gradually became restless.

Of course, Daoyuan's pure land is very decent. They are afraid of provoking Jaina and other super strong ones, so they are not afraid to make a big invasion, and only send some weaker evolutionaries to participate in the operation.

At the beginning, the evolution of Daoyuan Pure Land was only a tentative harassment. They found that the solid guardian of the mainland guardian of Shenzhou went easily to be killed, but the defense of other continents was much weaker.

Especially the American continent far from the other side of the ocean and the Australian continent isolated in the ocean, the fortifications are weak, and the evolutionary of Dowon Pure Land went there to break through easily.

Because the African continent is close to the first state of Tianyue, although the defense there is also very weak, the first state of Tianyue has a tower of the sky. If the innovator of Taoyuan Pure Land invades Africa, it can easily be bombarded there.

Therefore, in the end, the Taoyuan Pure Land's evolutionaries targeted the Americas and Australia. Recently, the situation has become more and more intense, and they will be looted almost every 30 minutes.

Yang Feiyun is a conservative. The main army of the Lujia Army is firmly guarding all parts of the Tianyue Empire. In Yang Feiyun's subconscious, even if the whole world falls, the Tianyue Empire cannot be lost.

This has caused survivors in other continents. Their guards are all weak chickens, and their weapons and equipment are very poor. They can't stop the invaders from Taoyuan Pure Land.

Evolvers around the world hope that I can come back to the rivers and lakes and help another wave of quake killing. The terrifying big tail will be done in one shot.

However, since the last shot, there has been no movement. It seems that as long as the Tianyue Empire is not deadly, it will not shoot again.

For a time, the survivors of the Americas and the mainland of Australia were bitter, and they sent letters of help to the Tianyue Empire, asking the Army of Lu to send troops to help suppress the invaders.

However, Yang Feiyun acted cautiously and did not dare to send troops for support. He could only help the other party to provide a large number of Galway weapons and let them fight against them with Galway weapons.

The evolvers from Daoyuan's Pure Land are all middle-level or higher powerhouses. These evolvers already have the power to fly to the sky. Even if they come, ordinary people can't find where the enemy is.

Therefore, the guards of the American and Australian continents have basically become flower racks, holding powerful Galway weapons in their hands, in fact, they have no use for eggs.

Fan Senna from the Americas and George from Australia wrote the book several times, but both were rejected by Yang Feiyun, saying that there was nothing they could do.

In despair, the survivors of the American and Australian continents all began to miss the Emperor Tian Yue. If the Emperor Tian Yue was still there, wouldn't these young children dare to make trouble?

"Tian Yue, where are you? Come back soon!"

This voice is everywhere on the entire earth, hoping that Lu Fan will return sooner and suppress all those abominable invaders.

The people of the Tianyue Empire hoped that Lu Fan would return sooner. In the original battle, the Lu Jiajun suffered a huge loss. More than 100,000 Lu Jiajun soldiers died for the country, and the Beast Army killed more than 300,000.

These are **** hatreds, and you have to get revenge!

Although Daoyuan Pure Land has suffered a devastating blow, their high-level combat power is still there, especially the five heads, and their strengths have reached the mid-tier ten peak. Now their whereabouts are unknown and they may be trying to break through.

The five leaders were defeated by the puppets at first. They knew that they were not puppets' opponents, so they started retreating and trying to sprint the bottleneck of superior life.

Once someone breaks through to a superior life, they can beheaded and killed, not only can they be ashamed, but they can also control the entire world.

The threat to him was too great. The older the person lived, the more afraid he would die. The five leaders did not dare to come out before they could break through to the superior life.

"I think you should send a Army Army team to support the American continent, otherwise people in the world will be chilling!"

Wu Guang sighed and said to Yang Feiyun.

As the deputy captain of the Tiantong organization, Wu Guang has more comprehensive information than Yang Feiyun. Now the world is complaining more and more. Tianyue Empire is the only big country and it is time to show its image as a big country.

Hearing Wu Guang ’s words, Yang Feiyun really said something miserable ~ ~ At this time he said in a downcast: "I do n’t want to send troops to support, I am worried, in case the Army of the Army breaks out, this responsibility I can't afford it! "

Wu Guang nodded his head in response, responding: "As soldiers of the Lujia Army, fighting is our bounden duty. Even if we die outside, we still die well. I believe the soldiers will not complain."

Yang Feiyun frowned, shook his head, and said, "You're not ignorant of the situation, sending too few soldiers to no effect, sending too many soldiers to our own defense has become a problem. At this time, we are really helpless."

Wu Guang shrugged indifferently, and said, "It's okay, I just make a suggestion. If I don't listen to you, I just don't want to humiliate the boss."

"If the boss is here, how will he decide?" Yang Feiyun was a little confused and didn't know how to make a decision.

Wu Guang's eyes were so bright that he didn't answer the other's question directly, and asked, "When has the boss Lu Jiajun, when did you ask?"

Yang Feiyun was shocked inside, and then suddenly laughed and laughed at himself: "As the saying goes, soldiers and soldiers are all raging in a nest, and Lu Jiajun has followed me to become a puppet."

At this point, Yang Feiyun's eyes suddenly became sharp, saying: "Maybe my mind is too conservative. Lu Jiajun is a division of God of War and cannot be trapped for a long time."

Yang Feiyun said to Wu Guang: "Immediately notify the senior officials of the empire, and hold a meeting in Tianyue Emperor's Palace half an hour later to discuss the issue of the Americas."

A delight in Wu Guang's heart led him away immediately.

The world needs the army to stand up too. It may be sacrificed to do so, but the dignity of the Tianyue Empire is more important than everything. This is the boss's face.

Boss's face, brothers have to maintain their lives even if they fight hard!

(End of this chapter)

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