King of Eschatology

Chapter 897: Attack secretly

No matter which dynasty or generation, special talents are the most precious, and Xu Tomb is an intelligence expert in the 6 army.

For a long time, Xu Tomb thinks that his ability to strengthen is very weak, especially in combat, he is just a weak chicken.

However, in terms of exploring intelligence, he has unique conditions. Charisma can easily control beasts with low intelligence. The lower the intelligence, the better the control effect and the greater the number of controls.

Most importantly, after Xu Tomb stepped into the middle life, his charm ability can be transmitted through wild beasts, just like infectious diseases, the more they spread.

During the time that Xu Tomb was arguing with Hoyadin, more and more small animals were controlled by Xu Tomb and began to spread throughout the Americas.

Soon, through the feedback of a group of sparrows, Xu Tomb learned of a suspicious place. In the south of the Great Lakes of North America, many suspicious people were stationed.

Of course, this is just suspicious information. Xu Tomb immediately controlled a large number of snake worms and ants towards the Great Lakes and launched a carpet-like search of that suspicious area.

Eventually, Xu Tomb targeted the northern part of Lake Superior, in a lush mountain forest, where Xu Tomb's biological detection network now showed a large number of high-level new humans.

The only thing that regretted Xu Tomb was that the level of the critters he controlled was too low to be able to detect the strength of those enemies.

Xu Mu's message is that the breath of those evolutionaries is terrifying, but there is no specific limit on how terrible they are.

Xu Mu guessed that those evolutionaries were at least middle-level and above five strong.

Soon, Xu Mu passed the latest information to Hoyadin, and the other party immediately convened an emergency meeting and invited senior North American personnel to participate.

"After our intelligence detection, the enemy is likely to be hidden in the mountains north of Lake Superior. A rough estimate is that there are more than 2,000 people."

Xu Mu explained his intelligence information. The six army soldiers did not have any special response, and the senior North American personnel were all shocked.

The other party obviously didn't go out, why can he know things thousands of kilometers away?

Vacina and others looked at Xu Tomb diligently, and never dared to look down on this shy boy again.

Hoyadin nodded his head in appreciation, saying solemnly: "Preliminarily determined that the enemy is an evolver above the fifth grade, so the soldiers participating in this operation must require the soldiers above the fifth grade, and the warriors with insufficient grades cannot participate in the battle. "

While speaking, Hoyadin turned his head to Vacina, and said, "Please prepare for the soldiers in North America, and fight with our 6 troops."

Hearing Hoyadin's words, Vatican immediately smiled bitterly, embarrassed: "Captain Huo, you may not believe it, we have no North American Big Six strong at present."


Hoyadin is talking, is North America so weak now?

Vincenna turned red, feeling very embarrassed.

During the period of civilization, the Big Six of the Americas was rampant and dominated the world, but after the end of the last century, it suddenly became the last.

Vacina knew to herself that it was all about the underlying issues.

After all, there were only hundreds of years of civilization history in the Big Six, before this was a barren land.

However, China is different. They have a history of 5,000 years of civilization. It was dazzling in ancient times. Even if it was suppressed by the aliens of the twelve major galaxies, the explosive force produced by the recovery is unimaginable.

Just as now, the end of the last days is more than a year, the survivors of Huaxia have completed a qualitative leap, starting from scratch, thick accumulation, and leap into a strong universe.

The 106,000 troops brought by Hoyadin this time are all medium-life, with more than 30,000 strong men in the middle-fifth and higher ranks. Such a strong lineup of American survivors would not dare to imagine.

You have to know that out of the 30,000 people in the 6 army, any one who can come out and be able to dominate the big 6 in the Americas, even if they are turned upside down.

Since the beginning of the new era, the gap between the two sides has gradually widened, and now it is getting bigger and bigger, and it has become a rift and a gulf.

"That being the case, then please invite our friends from the Americas to entertain our fighters. After the war begins, our whereabouts need not be kept secret."

Hearing Hoyadin's words, Vacina nodded awkwardly immediately, and with the current strength of the Americas, she could only do a few chores.

Next, the six troops started to operate. Although 30,000 people reached the fifth-level or above, the enemy only had more than two thousand people. The six army did not need to be deployed.

Therefore, under Hoyadin's coordination, only 5,000 people participated in the operation, and all of them were middle-level or higher-ranked strong men.

Hoyadin acted cautiously, five thousand to two thousand, and the order was a lot higher than the other side, which can definitely guarantee victory.

Hoyadin himself is a medium-tenth-ranked powerhouse. The six military fighters who have reached this level have passed a hundred, and their overall strength has increased by dozens of times over a month ago.

6 For more than forty days when they left, ~ ~, the army was not idle for a moment, and was training every moment. With the help of evolutionary agents and evolution methods, the soldiers had made great progress.

Especially after the last battle with the invaders of Taoyuan Pure Land, the soldiers had a strong sense of urgency, their practice became more desperate, and their strength changed almost every day.

Everyone is looking forward to a decisive battle with Daoyuan Pure Land and revenge for the dead soldiers.

Now, the opportunity has finally come.

Under Hoyadin's leadership, 5,000 soldiers and six troops drifted toward the mountain forest area in the northern part of Lake Superior like a ghost, and everything went on in the dark.

On the road from Xu Tomb Road, there is absolutely no wrong direction.

At the same time, among the mountains and forests in the northern part of Lake Superior, a large group of evolvers from Dowon Pure Land are enjoying the food comfortably. There are bonfires in the mountains and a variety of delicious food.

"Sun Sun, we have been in the Americas for some days, and we should go back in three days. It is really reluctant."

A middle-aged man wearing ancient Chinese costumes said, holding a roasted leg of lamb in his hand, chewing with a big mouth, full of oil.

This man was named Qian Guanxi, who was originally the head of a small martial art in Tao Yuan's Pure Land, but is now dispatched to perform the task.

When the head of Sun heard Qian Guanxi's words, he immediately showed a tinge of resentment, and said with emotion: "When the top five schools sent us out, many people were greedy for fear of death and did not dare to come out. I never thought it was a beautiful job. . "

"Huh!" Qian Guanxi snorted coldly and said sternly: "The bastards, who didn't dare to come out at the beginning, now know that they are fat, all eager to rush to come, so that our good days are over in advance. "

(End of this chapter)

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