King of Eschatology

Chapter 899: Wipe out the enemy

Lake Superior has beautiful scenery since ancient times, especially in the era of global evolution. The aura here has revived, and a layer of mist is always floating on the lake, which looks like a fairyland.

The reason why the evolver of Dowon Pure Land chose this place as a base is because of the beautiful local environment.

Among the mountains and forests in the north, Qian Guanxi was thinking about the bright future with the head of Sun, a horrible breath burst in vain, and immediately awakened everyone.

At the same time, innumerable breaking sounds sounded, one after another powerful breath appeared in the vision of the crowd, they seemed like a magical soldier descending from the sky, blocking all the evolvers of Tao Yuan Pure Land in this mountain forest.

"Enemy attack!"

Qian Guanxi was horrified. Due to the excessive fright, most of his wine strength disappeared instantly. At this time, he was full of cold sweat. He pulled out a large knife and pointed at the enemies coming from all directions.

Sun Zhangmen also pulled out his long sword at the first time and greeted his disciples to stand up against the enemy.

To be honest, they are not very worried, after all, the evolution level of the American Big 6 is very low, and the middle life is poor. Even if they are attacked by them, it does not matter.

However, when they sensed the horror of the people who came, the idea disappeared for a moment, and they had realized that it might be that six troops had arrived.

"Six military forces enforce the law, and do not surrender!"

Hoyadin took the lead, and the tenth-order horror momentum shrouded the wild. As the captain of the killing team, his murderous energy had long been condensed into substance, and his attacking force was extremely appalling.

Hoyadin was cut off with a sword, and his dazzling sword atmosphere was like a frightening neon, which instantly split the sky, falling like a sky knife from the sky, and severely fell into the camp of Daoyuan Pure Land Evolvers.

The murderous exploded instantly, the endless sword madness was insane, and dozens of Taoyuan Pure Land evolvers were less able to dodge and were killed by Hoyadin with a sword.

At the same time, Chu Xiong attacked from the side, Lan Ling followed 6 Fans and left the earth. The team of Tianmang was led by Chuxiong. In the eyes of everyone's horror, the team of Tianmang pierced into the pure land of Daoyuan like a sharp knife. The heart of evolution.

Chuxiong roared loudly, slamming the ground with both hands, and only heard a loud noise, the whole mountain shook with it.

The next moment, the breath of terror burst suddenly, countless sharp stabs swept out of the ground, like a spear, piercing the enemy from below.

Blood spewed and screamed again and again, and the whole mountain became Shura Hell.

Ye Dalong took the main troops of 6 army to kill from the front. The 5,000 army was violent and crushed all the way. Any obstacles were destroyed and almost wiped out the entire forest.

The killing took place at this moment. Qian Guanxi and the head of Sun led people to rush left and right, and wanted to break out, but the 6 army far exceeded them in terms of quantity and order. Their breakout had no effect at all.

The most important thing is that the six army soldiers live on the knife edge almost all the time and have extremely rich combat experience, which is not comparable to the evolution of Taoyuan Pure Land.

You must know that Taoyuan Pure Land has been isolated for more than two thousand years. It is impossible to have too many fights in it. The most serious thing is the grievances between the martial arts. There are very few dead people.

In contrast, the six military forces experienced baptism in the last days. Everyone climbed out of the dead. They didn't know how many zombies were killed or how many people were killed.

Judging from the momentum of the two sides, the decision is high.

Sword light, sword shadow, blood, and corpse, killing became the only theme at this time.

The evolvers of Daoyuan Pure Land knew that they had a life-and-death feud with the Tianyue Empire, so no one surrendered, and everyone was fighting against it.

However, the six military forces have already taken heart, and they will not let go of any one. They will kill when they see someone, and they will chop every person.

Half an hour later, the battle came to an end,

In the end, all six army soldiers wiped out this wave of enemies, and more than 2,000 evolvers from Daoyuan Pure Land were killed, and no one escaped.

More than 300 people in the 6 military were seriously injured, and more than 700 were slightly injured. However, after taking the potion of life, all of them were fine, and they soon recovered.

Next, under the leadership of Hoyadin, Chuxiong, Ye Dalong and others, the soldiers began to clean the battlefield, took off the enemy's space ring one after another, and confiscated all the materials they had searched for more than half a month.

These are the trophies of the 6 army, and the soldiers will bring them back to the Tianyue Empire.

Hoyadin stood in the mountain forest, looking at the ground that was stained with blood, and muttered to himself: "This mountain forest is irrigated with blood of medium life. It may not be long before plant evolvers appear."

Ye Dalong nodded gently, saying: "Yes, plant evolvers have harsher conditions to give birth to sages. With this blood, the chances of sages are much greater."

"Well, after this battle, we should go back. Presumably, Daoyuan Pure Land will soon counterattack ~ ~ Hoyadin said lightly, and had discussed with Yang Feiyun at the beginning. Dao Yuan's Pure Land will definitely respond when the army takes a shot, but it is unknown where the opponent started.

Ye Dalong nodded his head in response, responding: "They must not dare to go to the Tianyue Empire. They cannot afford any one of the towering tower powers. They should start with the other big 6s."

"For example, the Big 6 in Africa, the Big 6 in Australia, and the Big 6 in the Americas. The defense of these three Big 6s is relatively weak, and they will definitely give priority to these places."

Hoyadin and Ye Dalong and others said as they walked away, after annihilating the Dowon Pure Land Evolvers here, six army soldiers have begun to organize a retreat.

Next to the two, Chu Xiong laughed indifferently: "We don't need to worry about these strategic things. We are about Yu and Yang Feiyun, and we will execute the order."

Hoyadin, Ye Dalong and others looked at each other and thought that what the other party said made sense, so they stopped talking and started to hurry.

Six armies sent a total of 100,000 elite soldiers, and all are now stationed in northern America in order to resist the attack of Dowon Pure Land.

As long as Dowon ’s Pure Land is not in full swing, the six army soldiers are enough to resist their attack.

However, if Dowon ’s Pure Land attacked Australia or Africa, the six troops would be really helpless. After all, the six troops could not be too dispersed, otherwise they would be in danger of being broken by each of them.

However, based on the analysis of the Dowon Pure Land Evolvers by the staff, they will definitely attack the American Big Six. After all, they have suffered a loss in the American Big Six, and they will definitely revenge.

As the saying goes, it doesn't make sense to get up wherever you fall.

(End of this chapter)

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